Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

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Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1) Page 5

by Kimberly Blalock

  “What’s so funny?” Tony asked just as Papa opened his office door.

  “Isabella?” Papa asked looking at his watch.“What are you doing here?”

  I shrugged catching my breath.“Thought you might need some help today.” I lied. Truthfully I just didn’t want to go home.

  “I have meetings all day.” He turned towards Emily.“Any calls?” he asked.

  Papa owned Sagatori Trucking, the President of the trucking union, and the boss of bosses. Busy man without a doubt, but Papa could never sit still; he’d always drowned himself into his work. I grew up here in this office because this is where he was.

  Even though he tried to shelter me from the truth most of the time, I wasn't an idiot. I knew what went on here. What kind of dirty deals took place, but it’s all I knew. Papa was ruthless when he needed to be, but with me he was a teddy bear.

  “Yes sir,” Emily handed him a piece of paper.

  “Tony,” He nodded him into his office and closed the door behind them.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Emily.

  “I don’t know. He’s been acting really strange all day.” She shrugged answering the ringing phone.

  I walked to Papa’s door and leaned into it, seeing if I could hear anything, when Emily pointed to the camera monitor shaking her head. I nonchalantly turned like I hadn’t been snooping. He didn’t usually have them on during work hours; I wondered why he’d have them on now.

  I slowly glided to the couch on the other side of the room and opened up my text messages, scrolling through all of them that I’d gotten over the last few days. The elevator door opened and I gasped when I saw who'd stepped out.

  My phone dropped from my hands, landing on the floor. What the hell was he doing here?

  Chapter 6


  Jax slid between the elevator doors with precision. His tailored suit jacket hugged his arms and chest. I leaned forward from the sofa reaching for my phone, but not grabbing it because my eyes were glued to him. His hair set in a messy, sexy look. His jaw has a days’ worth of stubble shadowing his face, lips full and eyes bright. Two other men were on his heels on either side of him and I recognized one of them from last night.

  He didn’t notice me. His phone was palmed in his large hand, he was preoccupied with it. What is the reason he was here? I’d been on the backside of the room, but wished I were still at the desk. It wouldn’t have been so obvious for me to stand next to him if I were already standing there. Not like now, where I’d have to approach him.

  And then I remembered he was married. Damn it!I’d done a lot of things in my life I was certainly not proud of, but a married man wasn’t one of those things. I’d never change my stance on that. I don’t need to borrow another women’s husband. One day I’ll get one of my very own.

  So if I approached him it’d only be to thank him again. That wouldn’t seem desperate right? It’s the lady-like thing to do, I told myself.

  I grabbed my phone from the floor and walked towards the desk, where he’d just approached. Emily was still on the phone, so I had a second.

  “Hey,” I smiled.

  His body stilled for a brief moment then slowly turned into my direction.“Bella.” His face was flat and dangerous. I’d seen that look before. I’d been terrified of that look when I’d seen it on others, but not Jax. With Jax I surrendered to it in that moment.

  My eyes locked on his. He was so attractive. His jaw hard and strong. Muscles peeked from every point of entrance where his suite was concerned. His collar looked as if it was strangling his neck because it was so large. He worked out.

  Tingles erupted catching me off guard.

  My eyes shifted to Emily that’d just ended her call. Her face was full on shock. She mouthed“Oh my god”. I raised my hand to my mouth as I attempted to hide the smile that threatened.

  I cleared my throat.“What are you doing here?” I asked.

  Jax’s posture became uncomfortable as he stepped back against the granite desk top.

  I smiled. He seemed so real. Too bad he was taken. I dropped my head to concentrate on the floor.

  “You okay?” He asked

  I brought my head back into the conversation and locked my gaze with his.“Me? Yeah I’m great.” Such a lie. I was disappointed. Maybe it was true what they say. Maybe you do want what you can’t have. Food for thought I guess.“What’re you doing here?” I asked again.

  He hesitated.“I’m here to see your father.”

  “Oh? Why?” This didn’t sound right. Jax is a business man, not an errand boy as I called them. Papa’s hiding things from me lately and while I didn’t know the ins and outs of his work, I did know something was going on. I knew whatever was going on wasn't good.

  He straightened his tie. He was nervous. It was kinda cute. Sweeping his tongue across his sweet lips he answered.“Bella, it’s business. Not your concern.”

  I saw red.“I see.” Did he just hush me? I didn’t like being hushed.

  “What do you see Bella?” His eyes penetrated me.

  Holy shit.

  My body hummed.

  “Uhh-,” I was speechless, definitely a first. And had I mentioned extremely pissed off, because I was. I’m a woman and we were never told anything about the business on goings, but let me be very clear. I never liked that! I was a smart woman and never appreciated being treated like an idiot. The truth was, I could run this business better than any man.

  His lips rose at the corner of his mouth noticing and very aware of my intense reaction.

  Papa’s door opened with Tony strutting out. Papa stood directly behind him.

  “Moretti.” Papa said nodding him into his office.

  Jax offered an apprehensive smile and followed him. Papa didn’t even make eye contact with me as he closed the door.

  “What the hell is going on Tony?” I sighed into the palms of my hands.“That man is beautiful Emily.” I admitted.

  “Uh huh,” Emily agreed nodding her head.

  Tony cleared his throat.“Ladies, you haven’t a clue who that was do you?”

  “Who cares, he’s beautiful.” Emily threw me a wink. She’d been trying to make him jealous and I do believe it had been working.

  I hid my face with my hands.“Who is he?”

  “He’s the boss of the Chicago outfit.” Holy shit! I did not see that one coming.“That’s why Papa knew him last night.” I said mostly to myself.

  “Yeah, so tell me why he just happened to be there to save you?” He asked in a hushed voice so that the one man that’d come in with Jax didn’t here.

  “You’re worried?” I asked Tony

  “Fuck yeah I’m worried.” Tony was always a strong Italian man. But I could see a crack in his armor when it came to Jax.

  “Too bad he’s married.” I jutted my hands to the counter in surrender.

  “Oh that sucks.” Emily types something on her phone then looked up and threw Tony a grin.

  “Seriously Bella?” He growled. I had never been allowed near the“bosses” I’d always been protected from them. I guessed Papa worried they would use me against him.

  “Kidding.” I raised my hands in surrender.“I guess I’m ready to go. Papa is obviously busy today.”

  “No, your Father wants to speak with you.” Tony’s face fell. Something was wrong.

  “What?” My heart tumbled. I knew he was pissed at me and Tony’s expression solidified that.

  He shook his head.“I can’t get into this. Not my place.” He raised his hands.

  “What’s wrong?” Emily stood leaning on the marble.

  He shook his head again.“I can’t, I’m sorry.”

  Emily’s eyes moved to mine with question.

  I shrugged.“I have no idea.” I knew something was off.

  The phone rang and Emily bent down to answer it. Her eyes raised.“Yes sir.” She hung up.“He wants you in there.”

  I wrinkled my brows wondering what he would want to speak with me a
bout. I dreaded the lecture I was sure I’d be getting. I shuffled towards the door that no one had bothered to get up and open for me, which was completely unlike Papa. He’d always been a gentleman first, for me anyway.

  Jax had been in there for a good thirty minutes and now he’d requested I go in. Was Papa in trouble? My stomach was doing summer salts with fear that said something was really wrong.

  I gently opened the door, seeing Jax sitting in one of the two chairs directly in front of Papa’s desk. His back was to me not moving. Papa’s head faced towards the window and his hands were clasped together.

  “Sit,” Papa gestured without looking at me.

  I did as I was told. My posture was erect with my hands tightly twisted in my lap. My heart pounded in my chest. Something was very, very, wrong. I was scared, but I remained silent. My eyes slid between Papa and Jax. Neither one looked at me.

  “What’s wrong? Why is he here Papa?” I blurted. I couldn’t take the suspense another second.

  Jax’s head fell.

  “What’s going on?” Why was Papa holding a meeting for a boss in his office? He never did that. Not at this office anyways.

  A few beats tumbled through my chest in slow motion. Before he responded, he raised his head to the window again.“Isabella, I’ve decided I’m not going to go through with your promising to Salvatore.” His hands clasped together on top of his desk.

  My eye widened with relief. I never actually thought he would, but there was always that possibility in the back of my mind.

  Jax cleared his throat and with a nod from Papa, he began.“Bella, your father.” He pauses blowing out a quiet breath.“Has promised you to me.” His eyes turned to mine with ownership.

  I was leaning into hear everything Jax was saying. I couldn’t have heard him correctly.

  “What?” I hissed.

  “Your father has just recently found out that he’s sick.” His eyes narrowed in Papa’s direction.

  “Papa? What?” No, that can’t be true. My head slowly turned to him.“You’re sick?” My mouth gaped with question.“You can’t be sick. There’s no way.”

  Jax stood and crossed the office to Papa’s bar. He used to say“A brandy a day keeps the doctors away.” Jax poured three glasses of brandy. He returned handing one to Papa, me, and then said.“Do you mind?”

  Papa shook his head and threw back his own brandy. His Adams apple bounced as he swallowed swiftly. My fingers curled around the crystal in my hands. Why did this feel like the end? Like the last meal right before the execution. My hands subconsciously brought the glass to my lips as I took a long hard sip of hot liquid. I’d drank everything in the glass before I’d even realized it. Quickly my tongue and throat began to burn.

  Jax sat in the chair next to me once again as he looked to Papa. A small bow from my father’s salt and pepper head, he signaled Jax to speak once more.

  “Your father had been diagnosed with… Cancer.” He shifted in his chair. He reached for my trembling hands. He leaned towards me. I guessed he was trying to bring me comfort but it wasn’t working. My body was ice cold and filled with nothing but fear. My tears were falling uncontrollably. I hated that I couldn’t control myself.

  “What can we do?” I asked.

  His eyes reached my father’s then his face fell. When he began shaking his head I knew what they’re trying to tell me.

  “No!” I screamed. My chest began to heave in and out with harsh shallow breaths.

  “Bella,” Jax grabbed me tight to his chest.“Bella, it’s okay. Stop!” He rocked me. His hands rubbed my head and back as he attempted to bring me peace, but there was no peace. Not after this.

  I pulled away from Jax, I wiped my face as I put myself back together. His eyes watched me carefully.“Why are youtelling me this?” I turned in my chair.“Papa? What’s going on?”

  He nodded to Jax again as he lifted his glass.“Isabella, there wasn’t an easy way of telling you that I’m dying.” My hands moved to my mouth, holding the screams inside.“But this has to be done.” Jax returned with an extra-large poor of brandy this time. Papa offered a nod.“There are things that need to be sorted out. I saw that you felt comfortable with Jax last night and I saw that as my opportunity. There are many things that have to be settled before I’m no longer able to do them.”

  Jax reached for my hand and squeezed really hard. The grip caused a separation of feeling, like I was in limbo. Numbness took over.

  “As you know I have many dealings and when I go, there will be many that will come to take over.”

  “Papa, I don’t care about that!” I screeched through the dryness that had formed at my throat.

  “Isabella! Listen to me! For god’s sake listen.” He slammed his hands on his desk. Fear rippled through me as he yelled. He never yelled at me. I shuddered.“They are going to come Isabella. They willtake over everything that I’ve worked so hard to build. Taking it all from you.” He gulped half of the glass.“I’ve made a decision for your best interest.”

  I turned to Jax seeing his face had hardened.“What?” I turned back towards Papa again.

  “Isabella, you’ll marry before I die. You’ll marry because it’s the only thing that will protect you.” His stern voice echoed through my ears. The air in the room was thick making the breath in my lungs absent. I couldn’t get a breath.

  “And you want me to marry Jax?” I gasped through The falling tears.

  “Jax Moretti is a powerful man Isabella and he will take over when I die.” His head fell. I knew it was weakness I saw on his face. I’d never seen that from him. Ever.

  “Over my dead body, Papa.” Bad choice of words.

  “Isabella! You’ll do what I say. I will draw up the necessary documents and we’ll have a ceremony. You will love him one day.” His hands ran through his hair as he standing to walk to the window.“You’ll do as you’re told. If you don’t, I can’t protect you.” His eyes were hard.“It’s decided.”

  “Papa.” I stand“There has to be another way. I could take over Sagatori trucking.”

  “A woman? Isabella, a woman can’t lead this business. There is too much that comes with this responsibility, you know that. It can’t be done.” His tone was firm.

  “I’m sorry Papa, but I’m not marrying a man that I don’t love. I want to be in love.” I pleaded, as I held onto his arm. He didn’t react. He didn’t hold me and he was not telling me that I didn’t have to.

  The love and respect I held for my father was infinite. I’d always been a daddy’s girl. I was Anthony Sagatori’s princess. I was and always would be his pride and joy, but I would not do what he’d asked me to do. I wouldn’t!

  “Why Jax?” I asked. I didn’t hate Jax, but I didn’t know him either.

  He turned to me.“Because he has power Isabella. He could protect you.”

  My face hardened.“Please don’t make me do this.” I barely kept the tears at bay. I hadn’t even had time to grieve the fact he’d just told me he was dying and now I had to mourn my own life.

  His hands met the top of my head as I wrapped my arms around his.“What else could be done? I’m at a loss.” He said.

  “Do you know what you’re suggesting?” I asked.

  “I could give you everything.” Jax twisted his fingers together in his lap.

  I wanted to stand up for myself, but I could barely believe what’d just happened. A man who barely knew me has just offered to marry me.

  “Isabella, you’ll marry Jax.”

  My eyes fell to the floor. I’d never marry because I was ordered too. That’s wasn’t the question. I didn’t want to marry just anyone, though. I wanted to be in love. I want to be swept off of my feet. I wanted to be adored and treasured. I wanted to wake up to see the man that stole my heart and padded it with his love. I wanted to have what my parents had. I wanted to marry my soul-mate.

  “Bella,” Jax approached me carefully. He was tall, muscles peeked through his suit. His jaw tightened and brows wrinkled. H
e reached up to his neck as he loosened his tie and removed the button. His jacket slid off of his strong arms and then dropped to the chair I’d been sitting in.

  “I know this is probably the most difficult thing you’ve ever been hit with, with the exception of your mother’s passing.” His voice lowered. He moved forward and took my hands into his.“Let me take care of you. Protect you.”

  “Jax, how could you marry me if you’re already married?”

  His eyes fell to his left hand.“Bella, I’m not married.”

  “Isabella,” Papa growled.

  “No, it’s okay I’ll tell her. My wife passed away nine months ago. She was in an accident.” Pain, regret, and hate all swirled within the greys of his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” I gasped.

  His head shook.“No, you didn’t and that’s okay.”

  “Listen, I really appreciate everyone’s concerns, but I’m not getting married. I can handle anything that those assholes throw at me.”

  “Isabella, what would your mother say if she heard you speaking that way?”

  “Sorry." I tucked a loose How much time do you have?” I wasn’t sorry.

  “They gave me a year, maybe more. I don’t know.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.

  My body shoved into Papa’s. I gasped for air as the tears filled my breaking heart.

  “It’s okay princess. It’s all going to be okay.” He hugged me back. We stood like that for several minutes.

  I stepped back as I held his face.“I love you, Papa. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” I wiped the tears away from my cheeks with the sleeve of my sweater.“Is there nothing that can be done?”

  “No.” He stepped away.“I’ve lived a good life. Don’t cry for me. I’ll be with your Momma soon. We’ll watch over you together.”

  I bowed into my sob.

  He rounded his desk.“You’ll go with Jax and discuss this. Will that do?”

  My eyes turned to Jax seeing him nod. Why would he do this? Why would a man put himself into danger? I knew the danger was real. I knew why Papa was pushing me to this. I would take over what my father had worked so hard to accomplish. I would be in charge of the trucking company. I knew they’d come for me. That was a given, but I wouldn’t let them see me scared. After today I wouldn't cry in front of anyone ever again.


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