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Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

Page 9

by Kimberly Blalock

  His eyes grew wide and then picked up the wine glass and finished it off quickly.“You didn’t answer my question Bella.” He removed the napkin from his lap and waved the waiter over asking for the check.

  He handed over payment for lunch and stood hovering over me as I watched him. He was cocky, sure of himself to say the least. I honestly wondered if this pissed me off or turned me on. The fact that I had to ask myself that question in itself pissed me off.


  I stood from my seat once we'd finished our lunch. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and slid into my black wool coat as Jax held it close for me to enter. I’d never been good with giving up control. I’d begun slipping into the idea that I could give it someday, but I didn’t like being told what to do and every time he’d attempted at dominating me I wanted to slap him. I’d seen the way woman were treated by controlling husbands. I’d also witnessed how they were treated as equals and that’s what I wanted. I told myself if I had that, I could give up control, but the fact is I wouldn’t need to.

  “Bella? Please don’t force me to ask again.”

  The suns reflection caught on the ginormous ring that held on my finger. A smile broke on my lips and an unsatisfied twist of my stomach broke the smile as quickly as it came. The ring didn't mean anything. It was just a piece of jewelry and nothing more.

  Mickie opened the door to the limo and Dominic stood close by as he watched the area. I stepped inside the limo with Jax followed behind me. After Mickey closed the door behind him, he sat still against the door making no attempt to move closer to me. He adjusted his tie and ran his hands through his hair. My eyes were fixed on him. Thick dark hair, large oval eyes, and a strong jaw. What was he feeling? Was he stressed? Had I upset him again? Why did I always have to be so difficult?

  I remained still in my seat as I continued to watch him. We’d gone three blocks and his eyes never met mine. I wanted to talk to him and see what was wrong, but the silence felt more inviting.

  “I’ll be taking you home.” His voiced ushered me from my thoughts.

  “Where will you go?”

  “Business Bella.” He answered with an annoyed tone.

  “Of course. Well then, I’ll just sit in the castle and wait for my prince to rescue me.” I flipped my hair from my face.

  His body was against mine before my hand left contact with the dark strands.“Comments like that make me want to kill every man in this town.” His hand was at my throat. His eyes were dark and his growl was deep coming from a place he hid well.“Do you understand Bella?”

  I shook under his touch. My throat pained where his fingers pressed into the flesh. When I didn’t answer he pressed harder.“Yes!” I choked.

  He released his hand from my throat pulling my lips flush with his.“I asked you a question earlier and you continue to ignore it.”

  I knew the question and I knew what he wanted, but I wouldn’t give it to him. He could beat me to death if he wanted, but I wouldn’t be treated like that again. My pathetic tears pooled at the corners of my eyes. He could see them and as the first slipped I breathed the word I knew he didn’t want.“No.” He’d said he would respect me. He’d lied. So why should I respect him?

  Perhaps Sam wasn’t the one I should’ve been scared of. Perhaps it was him, Jax Moretti. Perhaps he was the man that orchestrated this entire thing. Truthfully, he was no better than Sam. Sam was bad. He’d wanted me that night. I couldn’t bring myself to admit what’d almost happened and I refused to let it inside my head again. I’d kill him and I’d kill Jax if he ever lay another hand on me.

  Jax’s eyes growled at me with hate. It was more than clear he hated me when the word left my lips. I wasn’t okay with that. Because I knew he wouldn’t let me go, I saw that more than anything. I could see deep down in the swirling colors of his eyes that this was a game he intended to win, but why? He could have what he wanted. I knew I was only a side item that lingered until it wasn’t needed anymore. Why did he want to treat me so badly?

  He snapped his hand away and leaned back onto the seat. He looked down as he slipped on his black leather gloves.“You think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” He stared out the window. I remained quiet, hugging myself in the seat.“I’m no better than him. Like you’d said before.”

  His admittance confused me. Everything about Jax Moretti confused me.“If you touch me like that again, you’d better kill me.” I said as I adjusted my hair. My throat hurt, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of watching me comfort myself. If he was vile enough to put his hands on me, he’d probably get off on it.“Or I’ll kill you.”

  His brows set firmly and his eyes stared out the window.“Threats will get you nowhere with me Isabella.” He growled from under his brows. Chills ran down my spine. I knew why this was all wrong. He was just like Sam. That look, those eyes. Made men were made to kill and he was the boss. Why for one second did I think he was different? He played me in the beginning.

  And now I knew the truth.

  Chapter 10


  My days and nights were filled with emptiness. I hadn’t seen Jax in five days. He dropped me off after he’d grabbed my throat and never came back. I’d been asking my round the clock protection Dominic and Tommy, but they'd refused to answer me when I’d asked.

  I wanted so badly to fire them, but of course I wasn’t their boss. They made it very clear they weren’t going anywhere. I tried to keep myself busy, cooking in the kitchen with Alessandra most afternoons. She was such a sweet woman. She’s spent most of the days teaching me to cook. I was never taught and my momma had died before she could teach me. It was nice to have someone close to me that didn’t want to kill me or guard me to death.

  Alessandra and I had made risotto for lunch, I packed some away in the refrigerator for later. She went about her usual routine after we’d hung out and I drifted through the Chicago Post. I flipped through the articles mindlessly while Sarah Fimm played through my ear phones.

  Every once in a while my eyes would wonder to the cold cloudy day from the red chair I sat wrapped in. Dominic approached me and removed the earphone from my ears. I wanted to object, but couldn’t before he spoke.

  “There’s an FBI Agent here to see you. I’m going to have her sent up but Mrs. Moretti you do not have to answer her questions without an attorney present. I will call Mr. Moretti and inform him.” I gave a dark stare. Jax wasn’t answering my calls, but he’d answer Dominic’s calls? Nice. Dominic came back into the room with his suit jacket over his shoulder and a phone to his ear.“I’ll let her know boss.” He slid his phone in his pocket.

  “And?” I asked annoyed.

  “He said sit tight, he’ll be here shortly. Oh and he also said not to say a word to them.”

  “Seriously? What the hell am I going to say?” I knew why they were here, I wasn’t stupid. I’d been approached by several FBI in the past wanting information on my father. I laughed in their faces then and I’d do it this time too. I knew that coming after me meant they didn’t have anything on anyone else. Bastards. Once again I’d be used to get to someone else.

  I stood when the doorbell chimed. Alessandra stayed close to me. Her support was all I had.

  The female agent walked into the apartment with a whistle.“Wow, nice apartment Mrs. Moretti. Hi there, I’m Agent Devano.” She smiled as she offered her hand. Play nice Bella.

  “Hello,” I took her hand.“Please have a seat.” I could see Alessandra shifting in her chair. She was uncomfortable with this as much as I was, but I’d fake it 'till I made it.“What brings you by?”

  The lonely looking woman pulled a grin onto her dull face.“My partner is on his way up as well.” She said to Dominic.“Mrs. Moretti, where is your husband?” How the hell did she know I was married to him? It had only been a week. They were watching him closely; this she’d given me without knowing she had.

  “Oh you know how business is, it keeps my man busy.” I smiled and tilted my head. />
  Alessandra continued to stir in her seat.“Alessandra would you please bring us some drinks?” I winked at her. She offered a nervous smile before she stood and then walked quickly to the kitchen.

  “Yes, how is your father these days?” She shouldn't have led with that. I instantly wanted to go for the throat. Dominic stood behind the sofa shaking his head. How had he known what I'd been thinking? The doorbell rang and he hesitantly stepped away to answer it.

  He entered the room with a male Agent this time.“Mrs. Moretti?” He asked. The female Agent stood as well.“Mrs. Moretti we have a warrant for your arrest.”

  I laughed. I was in shock.“For what?” I demanded.

  “You’re wanted as a person of interest in an ongoing criminal investigation.”

  “Wait." I raised my hand. "Are you able to arrest me? Shouldn’t a warrant come from the local police?” I could be wrong.

  “We have three police officers outside of the apartment if you’d like to ask them.” He said sardonically.

  My eyes weaved across the room to Dominic who remained silent. The male agent approached me and placed handcuffs tightly around my wrists. I’d been questioned before, but never arrested.


  The Agents walked me to the lobby where everyone could see me being put inside of a police vehicle. I was mortified to say the least. Woman whispered while they held their lapdogs in a corner near the attendant’s desk. Great! I didn’t want this to be how I met my neighbors.

  The passerby’s on the street formed a circle while cameras flashed and news reporters filmed. Was I really important enough that the news crews were lined around the building? Dominic quickly pulled around to the front of the building honking at the reporters to move. I could see him behind the police car driving the black Cadillac SUV he’d been given to drive me around in.

  The cuffs were pinching my skin but I knew better than to ask for someone to loosen them. They’d only give me a hard time. I decided on keeping my mouth closed.

  The police officer spoke into the radio about the vehicle behind us and I rolled my eyes. Did they really have to cause such a scene?

  I didn’t know how long the drive had been to the police station, but it wasn’t long enough. Honestly, did they plan on putting me into a cell? I wouldn’t do well in one of those.

  The officers pulled the car into a garage and escorted me out of the car. I was grateful when we walked up the stairs into a heavily populated area. There wasn’t a cell in sight. I breathed in a deep breath. The female police officer gripped my arm tightly as we walked through the crowded lobby.

  We entered a room with windows all around, where everyone could see me. I felt like I was on display for everyone to see.

  “Mrs. Moretti. So glad you could join us today.” The stupid female agent laughed.

  “Why am I here?”

  The detective approached me, stood me up and undid my cuffs. I was so relieved, but then he placed my hands in front and reattached the cuffs.

  “You're here because of your husband.”

  “And?” I glared at the Fed's.

  “We see that your engagement was very short. A quickie wedding. Tell us what that was about.”

  “I would like to speak with my attorney.”

  “Lawyering up huh.” She ticked her head back and forth.“I see where you’re coming from. You have something to hide. I suppose I might lawyer up too. What about you Brosco, would you lawyer up?”

  Brosco laughed.“Yeah, I’d lawyer up if I had something to hide. Sure.” He laughed.

  “Tell us what your husband does for a living Mrs. Moretti.” I had no freaking idea what Jax did. I knew he ran the Chicago outfit, but we’d literally not been in the same room in five days. How was I supposed to know anything? He kept me in the dark at every turn.

  “A little of this and a little of that. I’m not going to tell you again, bitch, get my fuckingattorney.”

  Both Agents looked out the window to my husband Jax Moretti. The real reason I was here. He watched me with anger pouring from his expression. I wondered who he was mad at, the Feds or me.

  Our eyes locked and I instantly saw sorrow in his eyes. He was sorry this was happening to me. I felt relieved that he cared. Maybe he didn’t care, but for that few moment our eyes locked he did in my heart and that’s all that mattered and I had no idea why.

  Chapter 11


  As I peeked around the corner I could see her sitting in the cold white room. I saw her for the innocent girl she was… or still is. The Bella that hadn’t grown up around vicious killers. The men that begged for her attention even when she was just a girl in high school. She was innocent. That shit didn’t set-well with me. Also didn’t make what I’d done… What I’d said, any fucking easier.

  Her big grey eyes swung around the room. She was scared. She fucking should be scared. Those fucking Apes will make her feel like trash for being associated with the famiglia. Fucking bullshit. They had no fucking right to take her in for questioning. I'd take care of them later.

  “You think she’ll talk?” Mickie asked from behind me.

  I shook my head while I still watched her.

  “Think she’s got somthin’ to say?”

  “I think she has a lot to say.”

  “But not to them?”

  “I fucking hope not.” I hoped she wouldn’t give me up. She didn’t know anything about my business, but there was always a future filled with questioning opportunity.

  “You want me to see what’s taking the dick fucking lawyer so long?”


  “You got it boss.” Mickie’s loud ass shoes clanked against the cheap tile floor as he stepped away to make his call.

  “Excuse me?” A high pitched voice squeaked at me pulling on my Kiton 50-K suite jacket.

  My eyes fell to the little dark haired locks.“Can I help you?” I roamed my eyes of the large police station looking for a mother that might be frantic over losing her child in the last place any mother would want to. I didn’t see anyone matching that description.

  “Sir, are you sad?” Sad? What the fuck?

  “Do I look sad?” I attempted at shrugging the little girl from my suit.

  “Yes, you look like you’re sad.” Her hair hung into her eyes.

  My posture became erect and I adjusted my silk tie.“I’m never sad.” I cleared my throat.“Where’s your Momma?” Someone needed to claim this kid.

  The little girl turned pointing towards a lady I figured was about fifty pounds, sores all over her face, and the bitch couldn't stop fidgeting all over the place.“That’s your momma?” Oh fuck, poor kid.

  “Uh huh,” Her head snapped back at me.“She’s in trouble.” She shrugged as she pulled a stuffed green rabbit to her chest.

  “Is someone gonna take care of you?” What the fuck was this kid doing roaming free with no adult to look after her and they had Bella sitting locked up in that fucking room?”

  “My Nonni was coming to get me. She always gets me picked up when Momma’s in trouble.”

  I reached into my pocket pulling out a large amount of cash, hoping I could find something to put into the ratty ass snack machine for this kid. She’d probably starve to death if I didn’t.“Here kid, go get yourself something from that machine over there.” I nodded looking around for Mickie and Randolph.

  “Can you help me?” she tugged my hand pulling me along. My body stiffened uncomfortably.

  I unwillingly let her lead me to the machine that only had one bag of chips, one Baby-Ruth, and one honeybun.“Not looking so good, huh kid?”

  “I love honeybuns.” She pulled on my fucking fifty thousand dollar suit again.

  After I slipped the five dollar bill in the machine, I select the honey bun and reached down to retrieve the nasty shit.

  “Are you thinking of adding child endangerment to your list of felonies?”

  I turn to the tall bitch of a Fed as I stood tall glaring down at her.
br />   “Kid if you knew what was good for ya you’d get away from this man he’s bad news. Takes everyone down with him.”

  The little girl surprised me when she clamped on to my hand and squeezed.“Excuse me?” She said to the bitch Fed.

  The bitch Fed leaned down to the girl.“Yes?”

  “Why do you have such an ugly grin on your face?”

  I nearly choked on my own tongue. This kid surprised the shit outta me.

  “Excuse me?” The bitch Fed was mortified.

  “You just seem mean.” She shrugged against me. I’d never been around kids, but I liked this one.“And ugly.” She tucked her face close to our joined hands.

  “Turnin’ ‘em young huh Moretti?” She stood crossing her arms over her chest.“That’s okay,” she leaned in close enough for me to smell her coffee breath.“We got what you want don’t we?” She laughed a smoker’s laugh.“We have her right where we want her. You scared Moretti?”

  Fire burned in my chest. Heat rose from my lungs. I’m definitely gonna pop this bitch personally.“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just a business man trying to be a good citizen.” I rub my chin.“Youscared of somethin’?”

  “Is that a threat?” She smirked. She’s trying to bait me and its working cause there’s nothing more I want to do than blow her fucking brains out. She snickered at me for a second and then walked away shakin’ her boney ass.

  “She’s mean,” The kid cringed.

  Yeah she is.“What’s your name?”


  “Is that short for Francesca?”

  “Uh huh,” She rubbed her little grey eyes.“Nonni,” she points in the direction of a short Italian woman with a tired look in her eyes.“Thank you for the honeybun.” She wrapped her arms around my thigh.“I hope you get un-sad soon.” I’m not fucking sad. I’m never sad.

  “No problem kid.” I said as she untucked her tiny hand from mine and ran in the direction of her Nonni.

  Back to business.

  I slipped my hand into my jacket and retrieve my phone.“Mickie, where the hell?”


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