Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1)

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Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1) Page 8

by Isla Monroe

  They were trying to use me to grab back some of the control they had lost.

  The other Vines thought twice about coming to the aid of their fallen brethren. They slithered back into the ground, hissing like cockroaches before disappearing from sight. They could easily come back stronger than ever, but the machines would be ready.

  “We acted with only her thoughts guiding us. This was never our conscious decision. We would have been happy to see you fall. It appears she has other ideas. Her feelings mean nothing, but they keep us on a short leash. She demanded without even saying anything for us to be your savior. It sickens us and we feel that we have been abused.” I had sent them on a perilous course of action without even meaning to.

  “We both know she didn’t do it on purpose. Gemini couldn’t hurt a fly unless she was provoked. You have to know her opinion of you is that you matter. She doesn’t want anything to hurt you. You must sense that her intentions are pure and driven by her need to peacefully coexist.” He was on his knees cradling his brother’s head and trying to bring him around.

  I dropped unceremoniously to my knees with my breath short and my body once again my own. They weren’t the puppets, but I could see things from their point of view. They must’ve known that I was in the same position. It felt like we had something in common and possibly a way to build on that.

  Every muscle in my body was fatigued. If I didn’t know any better, I could’ve sworn I had been in a marathon race to the finish line. My lungs were on fire and there were blisters on my fingers from where the Vines had penetrated. The marks on my skin were puncture wounds, but there was no visible sign of blood.

  “Take your time and get your energy back. You’re going to need every an ounce that you can muster. Their attempt to stop us has only begun. Their manipulation of the planet’s surface and its resources are their way of lashing out. I can’t condemn them for their actions. Anybody else would have done the exact same thing and we can’t fool ourselves into thinking that we wouldn’t.” His brother’s eyes were fluttering back into focus.

  I could tell from the sallow look of his skin that the poison had already entered his bloodstream. He tried to put on a brave face but was failing miserably. He was going to need medical help before the spread of the poison could get to his organs.

  “This wouldn’t have happened had they not sent him along with us. It’s their fault he’s going to die. He could shed this skin to become light again, but we have gone out of range for that to happen. I could take him back, but it’s not what he would want.” I had a bright idea with a light bulb moment going off over my head.

  “There’s no point in crying about this. Do you think the properties of the water might give him a fighting chance? We could easily backtrack and have him there within the hour.” Time was not on our side and he was slipping away quicker with each second.

  “It’s an interesting idea and we have nothing to lose. This will take us out of our way, but only temporarily. The Outlanders influence over the planet diminishes with distance. They will think that we are defeated and we can use that against them. Help me get him on his feet. Keeping him talking and walking on his own power will help to hinder the progress of the poison.” I could barely stand and had to stop with my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

  The mist coming out of my mouth swirled around my head like a halo. It was there one second and gone the next. I was getting this vivid image of Leven in a compromising position. The erotic nature of bathing in the water was making me realize he looked better when he had nothing on. I wanted him to take it all off and expose his vulnerabilities to my eager eyes.

  “I don’t know how much help I’m going to be. I feel like I’m standing still.” I was looking into his eyes and licking my lips with a fascination to render him naked and at my mercy.

  “I can’t even begin to imagine walking in your shoes. My scientific curiosity is screaming at me to find out. It doesn’t matter how dangerous it is. I would love to have a few moments to experience something new. I know you’re not up to it, but try and keep up.” It was slow going and I had to stop every so often to gather my broken composure.

  “What they did took a lot out of me physically and emotionally. I don’t think I would’ve changed anything. There was nothing I could do without their help. I think in some way I conveyed that to them. Have you been affected by the poison?” The qualities that made me a good leader pushed me to go beyond my boundaries.

  “They didn’t want to hurt me. I’ve proven my loyalty to them time and time again. They probably don’t know what to make of my alliance with my brother. I’m going to need time to make them see fighting is futile. The only way we’re going to make any headway is by agreeing to a temporary ceasefire. I need you to negotiate that at the very beginning of any talks.” He was strong but I could see how he was feeling underneath his bravado.

  “I think that I can make that happen with you by my side. Don’t underestimate your influence over them. They don’t want to hurt you. It’s not much, but it’s more than some negotiations have. I’m still worried how they’re going to treat me as an outsider.” He had told me in confidence the stream of gelatin like water moved seamlessly through both territories.

  The effects had been an instantaneous infection of their thoughts. Those who had experienced it in their flesh and blood form very rarely took on the evolutionary form of light. The number of Lightens had been affected by this discovery. The percentage was balancing on the Outlanders side. The Lightens were losing the war and the Outlanders had never fired a shot.

  “I will need to prove to them that you are unbiased.” I saw the water and I walked toward it in a trancelike state.

  Leven tried to restrain me, but I was already three steps ahead and soon running at full speed. I didn’t know where the energy came from, but I found something deep down in reserve.

  Chapter twelve


  My brother was neck deep in the stuff with a look of serenity on his face. I couldn’t be entirely sure, but I suspected this was his first chance to experience the water in his natural form of flesh and blood. He had told me otherwise, but I wasn’t sure if I could believe him by how he had surrendered willingly to its effects.

  I found out the wings on his back couldn’t attempt flight. Not many were able to concentrate long enough to make that leap of faith. There were nights when I was a child when I looked out and found several of them frolicking in the sky. I wanted to join them, but my training had not expanded beyond flapping them with a thought.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about this. The way that it enhanced my feelings was addictive. Touching you and feeling you respond was a tease. I want to have it my way. We’re not hurting anybody by exploring our feelings for one another. It’s a natural development we should embrace.” She didn’t have to convince me and I was already stripping to the amusement of her fluttering eyelids.

  “You had me from the moment you mentioned exploring our feelings for one another. I’ve been doing everything I can to fight them, but I’m tired. It feels much better when I give in and let them wash over me.” This time there was no hesitation.

  I walked with a sigh of contentment into the water letting the effects imbue me with the emotional entanglement of love. The darkness of my lonely existence was no longer keeping me hostage. Boredom and the mundane actions of day to day life was an inside joke. I was properly medicated by the way that she looked at me.

  “You might already know this, but I have been reluctant to say it. Love has always been a four-letter word spoken in a whispered hush. My gender wears their emotions on their sleeve. I can’t turn a blind eye to something very few get a chance to experience.” She was giving me a reason to jump head first into the unknown.

  The sky was a yellow canvas sprinkled with a light dusting of black ash.

  It grabbed onto the follicles of our hair and wouldn’t let go. It did very little to dampen our mood. It was a freak storm. They happe
ned all the time. It was quite intense and made it hard for me to see her wading deep in the water.

  I could see her hands emerging from the black shroud of the storm. Her fingers motioned for me to come closer. I followed like she was the pied piper from a children’s fable. The storm was over. The black flakes floated aimlessly into the water before disappearing altogether.

  “We call that the black cloud. Actually, the translation is probably not healthy for the human ear. It’s a loose translation. It’s deceptively nothing to worry about. It looks worse than it is. The flakes are actually a byproduct of what is considered our ozone layer replenishing itself. It’s actually surprisingly good for the skin of those in flesh and blood form. The Lightens need to take cover until it passes.” There was the melted evidence of the storm streaking her skin in the tattoo of black ink running in rivers down her nubile flesh.

  They turned into something of a tribal artist rendition marking her delicate exterior. There was something sensual in the way the black flakes made these intricate designs. I looked down and found myself mesmerized by the design of a spider web marking my chest.

  She traced the lines with the light touch of her fingernail. I couldn’t recall ever feeling like my body was musical notes being played with her acting as a conductor. This phenomenon had never happened before and was primarily localized in human physiology.

  I placed my palm against the mound of her sex under the water. My finger sneakily slid into the comfort of her constricting insides. She moaned with her head thrown back. Her reaction was from the obvious pleasure I was inflicting her with. I stared at the tribal artwork while fingering her.

  “I want you to know how I feel about you. You look sexy like this. You might want to consider going under the needle when you get back to earth. Treat your body like a blank canvas. I’m going to do the same thing with the paintbrush of my tongue.” She squealed from how I knocked her off of her feet with her body floating in front of me.

  “I might want to reconsider my position. I’ve seen many of my friends get something that they regret later on in life. It’s usually a boyfriend’s name. I don’t think I’ve had an orgasm sneak up on me like this one is.” I had hooked my finger in a come hither motion.

  “It bodes well that you are open to new experiences. This world is a smorgasbord of delights and dangers around every corner. The risk is worth it to be at one with the nature of this planet.” I added a second finger and moved into a kneeling position with my mouth about to sample what she had to offer.

  “It surprises me that you didn’t take advantage of an unsuspecting female on earth. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to refrain in your shoes. New experiences are what life is all about.” I was stirring up her orgasm and I could feel the fluttering sign of when she was about to come apart at the seams.

  “I never allowed myself to get close enough to be that intimate. It was never up for debate. I could contain those impulses, but I couldn’t with you. Every time I had a spare moment, I was thinking about ways to get close to you.” The concept of oral sex was foreign to me, but I had the foresight to do some in-depth investigation on what they called the Internet.

  I followed the experts’ advice and the response was out of this world. Her body was undulating, jerking in response to the insertion of my long agile digit. I didn’t need anything other than the woman in front of me performing a sensual dance of seduction. Her eyes had closed when she was immersed in the results of what the water and my tongue could accomplish together.

  I felt it was unfair to take advantage of her, but she wasn’t backing down. Her body slapped heavily against the surface of the water with her ass cheeks making a crack of thunder on each contact. It really didn’t get any better, but I was about to find out how wrong I was. It was interesting to feed my voyeuristic tendencies, but the way she looked at me when I pulled my tongue out was a mask of sexual need.

  She struggled to her feet and pressed her hand to my chest to make me back up until my lower half was exposed. She had a firm hold and was making the skin slide along the shaft. I gasped each time that she made it go over the head.

  “Leven, I didn’t scream out loud, but in my head was a different story. I wonder if I could duplicate the same thing with you. I’m going to make your cock sing a different tune. I won’t need much time to find those little things to drive you crazy.” She ran her hands down over my newly created black ash tattoos while moving into the same kneeling position I was in earlier.

  “Your touch is like velvet fire on my skin.” She was satisfying the pathways in my brain concentrating on the pleasure center.

  Her nails scratched my shaft and the knob began to spew forth a small portion of what was building in my balls. I had been involved in many physical evaluations, but this was better than turning my head and coughing.

  “The feeling I get from touching you is intense. I wonder what will happen when I put it into my mouth. I am about to find out. I do hope that you are ready. Seeing this is your first time, I won’t expect you to last very long.” Her tongue went around the circumference of the head and flickered on the spot underneath.

  “I didn’t know it could be like this. Nobody told me. It was probably a good thing they didn’t. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to keep my professionalism. You make it look so easy. I can’t even begin to put into words the way that I’m feeling. I think that any man in this position would feel like he is the luckiest person in the world.” She had devoured half of my appendage and was igniting an inferno of ecstasy along my lower extremities.

  Her enthusiasm was infectious. I had my hand gripping the back of her hair and was holding her firmly. She wasn’t struggling or showing any panic. The burning desire was nothing compared to how I felt when I was standing in her fire.

  “That is what I’m talking about.” I was rocking my hips and watching each inch disappear between the firm seal of her lips.

  She wasn’t wrong when she predicted I was a hair trigger from going off. I almost passed out, but I managed to remain in the moment. The intensity was nothing I had ever felt before. The buildup of pressure had to go somewhere. She opened up the dam and I burst forth. I grunted and then screamed loud enough for the planet’s wildlife to mimic my response.

  It didn’t look like she was finished with me. Gemini kept moving making sure that I didn’t run dry. I metaphorically spread wings and took flight. She popped me clean after making sure to capture every single drop on the surface of her sizzling tongue.

  “I want you.” She didn’t have to tell me twice and that part of my anatomy was still raging strong and proud between my legs.

  “I don’t think that I could say no even if I wanted to. I know where the parts go, but I’m going to need a helping hand. I’m not the one with the experience. Don’t forget I’m pretty much an amateur following your lead.” My elongated state was projected from my midsection like a divining rod looking for the moisture seeping from between her legs.

  “My mouth was nothing compared to what you’re going to feel. Let me show you what I’m talking about. You felt it with your finger, but I suspect it will be better when you make that first initial penetration. This is a marathon and not a sprint. The first one was free, but you’re going to have to work for the second one.” I was delivered a profound kiss on the tip from the heated lips of her sex.

  She curled her leg around me and had me at a loss for words. The sweet pink began to draw me in with nothing more than the suction from within. I looked at her and we continued to make eye contact. Each inch began to sink into the inferno of her love tunnel. The day’s events vanished to be replaced by the warm caress of her inner muscles working me into a frenzy.

  “We are connected even deeper than we were before. How do you suppose I’m going to let you go after this? The feeling is indescribable. The tight glove fit is making it hard for me to move. You have me at your mercy.” She smiled and licked her lips while forcing the rest of my stick of dynamit
e down to the base. It was an obscene magic trick not suitable for PG-rated parties.

  “You have gone where no man has gone before. You’re bigger than those who have gone before you. I shiver to think what’s going to happen when you get into a rhythm. I can feel the head expanding. I don’t want you to get ahead of yourself. Breathe deeply and control those urges.” I couldn’t imagine how I had denied myself the possibility of being with her out of a misplaced loyalty to my species.

  Chapter thirteen


  I’d never found any satisfaction when it came to the physical pursuit of pleasure. Losing my innocence when I was younger happened too quickly. It was over with before I knew it and left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I was vastly disappointed, but I couldn’t say the same thing this time.


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