Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1)

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Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1) Page 9

by Isla Monroe

  “I want you to stay here with me. I commend you for being strong enough to resist the natural lure of my feminine form. It takes somebody with character and a willingness to be taught the finer details about sex to make it something memorable. Pull out all the way until only the head remains inside.” He was under my spell and was nodding his head in compliance to everything I said.

  I didn’t want him to get carried away. I had heard horror stories and didn’t want to be another statistic of disappointing escapades. Leven was using his human form in exactly the way that it was intended. I felt him thrust and he buried the entire length of his weapon in one stroke.

  My moan was in the register of a baritone with the gravel sound I had heard from some of my favorite musicians. He did it again and made it happen several times in rapid succession. It was a carnal exercise in the sweetest debauchery. The hedonism of the act afforded me the freedom to express myself with flailing limbs of persuasion.

  His shaft was purposely sliding across the tip of my clit. My continuous moan of excitement was decadent. The entertainment value of our performance was priceless. Those who could witness such an act of indulgence would feel compelled to find a suitable partner to do the same thing.

  The gelatin of the water was moving with the motion of our bodies. The feeling was gratifying beyond any words to the contrary. He was a conscientious lover and knew when to slow down to prolong the heady mood.

  “I hope I’m doing this the right way. I see the rapture in your eyes. I’m breaking down the garden gate of your defenses. It boggles my mind how this could be a form of recreation for your species. How is it that any of you get any work done?” His words were a necessary diversion to keep him from concentrating on the sensuality of the moment.

  “I know you have nothing to compare it to. You have a leg over the competition by listening. I’m teaching you something every man should know from the moment they begin to notice girls. The pleasure given to a woman is what will make them do practically anything to please you in return. There are other ways to put a new spin on this. Are you willing to be my avid pupil?” I was turning myself inside out and I could feel the overwhelming need to explode.

  I screamed and let loose with a litany of obscenities. This was what I was missing and I was long overdue in finding. I came with a whitewash of electrical impulses exploding all over my body. I don’t know how he was able to keep himself from joining me, but I was glad for his stamina.

  I had my hands wrapped around his neck with my fingers interlocked together. I basked in the afterglow with nothing separating us. I brought my leg down and turned to give him a different angle of penetration from behind.

  I reached between my legs to find his slippery surface. I painted the head along the glistening set of lips. I felt empty after he had vacated. I made an involuntary shriek of defiance. In this position, his member found a way to get an inch deeper. I thought it was going to come out of my mouth.

  “I look at you like this and I don’t think I have seen a more appealing sight. I have to take a deep breath to steady myself. This body was born to do this on a daily basis. I’m here to please and I’m more than willing to get on my knees.” I was astonished by how he blocked the natural need to be consumed by me.

  I was in disbelief and felt the injection of his tongue. Oral sex was never a man’s strong suit. He was the exception to the rule. He contradicted everything I had learned in my experience. My needs came first and somehow he was able to curb his sexual appetite for more.

  I slapped my knees imprinting my skin with my fingers. I could barely stay in the position. It was a good thing the water wasn’t made up of hydrogen and oxygen. I was encased in the gelatin-like substance. This was a positive experience. I was cognitively aware of my surroundings.

  “I think my mind is playing tricks on me. No… I’m definitely….cumming again.” I created a learning experience worthy of any teenage boy’s fantasy come to life.

  The inventiveness of his take on an old favorite was appreciated. The serpent-like strikes of his tongue kept me on the edge of my sexual sanity.

  He had a firm hold on my hips and was driving the insistence of his manhood into the gape.

  “I instinctively knew the right thing to do. Standing my ground and not backing down is what you want. I hope that I’m doing this male body justice.” He was trying to knock me off of my feet by the way that he was heavily battering me from behind.

  “I think I like this side of you. Wild and untamed is exactly how I like it. I feel like I’m falling apart into little pieces. The end is going to come and there’s no stopping it. I want you to stop every time that you feel it coming. The longer you can hold it back the more explosive the feeling is going to be for the both of us.” I felt on the precipice of another momentous discharge between my legs.

  He stopped and I could feel him hotly breathing on the back of my neck. He wasn’t saying anything, but he didn’t need to. He began to move slowly stoking the fire with his poker. My brain was shutting down until I could feel his hand swatting my upturned ass cheeks.

  The ribbons of his excitement were getting ready to blow like streamers inside of me. I could hear him rounding the corner and feel him begin to swell like a balloon. He once again slowed down to an imperceptible crawl.

  This was the dirty version of the story of the tortoise and the hare. He was about to cross over to the other side. The fluctuation in his thrusts was hard to ascertain. The slow burn had me in the grip of another orgasm. The third one stood out from the rest. It was an implosion to remember.

  “Do it already… I want to feel it and I know you want to do it.” The rumble between his legs let loose with a volley hard to contain.

  He was lying on top of me ending this was one final lunge. The canon of his excitement was showing diminished capacity. We floated in the serenity of the moment. No word was spoken during this self-imposed exile from our senses. Everything had changed and I wasn’t sure how to confess how I wanted this to be a daily occurrence.

  “Finding anything permanent hasn’t been easy for me. I want you to know that I don’t expect anything more than right now. I’m sure you want to play the field and sample all the flavors. I can’t blame you for wanting to grab a spoon and dig in.” I was putting words into his mouth and it wasn’t fair to project my insecurities on him.

  “Why would I want to go anywhere else? I have everything I want right in front of me. It seems foolish to think that I could find anything better. I can’t fathom any reason why you would want to get rid of me.” He was telling me everything I wanted to hear.

  He could have been in any package and I would have recognized him immediately. This connection as something that was unexplained. It demanded us to take full advantage of the time we were given.

  “I guess I thought… I don’t really know what I was thinking. I feel the same way. We don’t need this water to confirm how we feel about one another. It was an added bonus and nothing more.” The exhibition we had put on had not been for anybody with a heart condition.

  I was still trying to breathe without hyperventilating. He had to support me by letting me lean on him on the way back to the shore. His brother was still out of it in a dreamland of endorphins. The machines were dormant practically inert inside me. It was refreshing to feel in control of my faculties without them inserting their authority.

  “I don’t need the water to do that again. Opening my eyes to the possibility has created a monster. You can see just thinking about you in a heated embrace is making me rise from the ashes like a Phoenix.” He was a testament to his gender and his youthful exuberance was making me smile with visions of positions we had not tried yet.

  “We will know when the time is right. Leven, it looks like your brother is feeling better. I hope the effects are not temporary.” His brother looked like he was under the influence of a powerful narcotic like a morphine drip.

  “I don’t want you to get dressed, but I know you have to.
It’s fortunate I can close my eyes and see you naked anytime. It’s not the same as ripping open the packaging and seeing what is hidden underneath. I feel like a kid at Christmas. The enormity of this revelation is not lost on me.” His inexperience was going to allow me to awaken what was underneath the surface.

  “All I want to do is jump into your arms. I have no problem losing control. It’s never a mistake to grab onto a little bit of happiness when it is presented. We’ll give your brother a few more moments.” I wallowed in the feeling that was casting a shadow over everything else.

  “It’s taking everything in me not to repeat what we just did. I did have a moment of clarity during our time together. I might have figured out a solution to your problem. We will get to that after we meet up with the Outlanders.” I had questions that needed to be answered.

  “Is what you are thinking a viable option to keep them alive? I won’t entertain any ideas where their species is harmed in any way. I would rather expire with them than to live with their death on my conscience.” I had to be very clear and let there be no mistake the way I felt about them.

  They had become very important to me. They were built by human hand. Nobody had claimed to be responsible. The machines were made to believe they weren’t wanted. They were dangerous in the wrong hands. Their survival depended on us working together.

  “I don’t want to say anything until I know something with scientific certainty. I’ll have to conduct a few experiments, but the risk will be minimal. I will need to consult with a like mind within the Outlanders.” It sounded like he had come up with a plan, but I had yet to hear anything that was going to convince me.

  I was going to have to trust that he knew what he was doing. I knew he was never going to hurt me. It was hard not to see the infatuation in his eyes. Meeting with the Outlanders was going to be met with opposition.

  Chapter fourteen


  We were escorted by armed personnel to meet with the council. No one man was given the power. It was divvied up between five members. Their rule of law was a democracy built on checks and balances.

  We were brought to a room where there was no light and no windows. Dreck was taken for Medical Care and I had to trust they weren’t going to treat him unkindly. Gemini was practically buzzing with activity waiting with bated breath to see who was going to come through those doors.

  The delegation came in and took their rightful positions. They discussed the matter in private before addressing us. Gemini knew what it was like to deal with difficult people. Negotiation was in her wheelhouse.

  “It’s good to see you again, Leven. I can’t stay the same thing for your brother. I suppose it depends on what happens here what is going to happen to him. By all means, you have the floor and we would greatly like to know what brings you back.” Barak was someone I respected and I felt that he would give us a fair shake.

  “He won’t be doing the talking. I have been given the duty of making peace. We start that with a ceasefire. I’m not blind. I see how you have been training to bring the fight to your enemy. I can’t promise everlasting peace, but I’m willing to try.” She had stood and was making herself the focus in the room.

  “We will agree to the ceasefire. Peace begins with cooperation. It’s fortuitous they sent you to speak on their behalf. Let’s begin by tearing this up.” The contract which had been in place for years became confetti in front of my eyes.

  For 3 hours we made minimal progress with the main sticking point their need to interact with those they had left behind. We agreed there had to be some kind of neutral territory beyond the borders.

  We went back and forth on different issues and Gemini was instrumental in getting them back to the table when tempers flared. Barak found her influence to be a soothing touch. He raised his hands several times in defeat, but it was minor compared to what would’ve happened.

  “I’m a little surprised by how many concessions you have made in the name of peace. The only thing left to do is to ratify this agreement. Does either one of you have the authority to speak for the emissaries? This isn’t going to work without them having their say.” Gemini had been given strict guidelines and strayed away from them on a couple of issues.

  “They have been informed by this device.” There was a hush over the table and they pushed back a little insulted that we had introduced technology.

  “What is the meaning of this? It’s blasphemy to bring technology here. Explain yourself.” They were understandably upset and it was going to be up to Gemini to smooth their hurt feelings.

  “There’s nothing here to hurt you. It’s a communication relay system. They have been listening in this entire time and giving me their feedback. It was my idea to make sure one hand knew what the other one was doing.” It was ingenious but a risk to the social hierarchy of the Outlanders.

  “We will begrudgingly accept this latest development. It appears we have a new understanding. A special territory between both borders will be set up for communal visits. I understand you want to talk to me off the record.” He spoke to the others and they filed out not exactly happy about being left out. The device was turned off to give us some privacy

  “I would like to ask you personally for a favor. I need access to the pit.” He crossed his arms over his chest staring at me without blinking.

  “I owe you more than I can ever repay in my lifetime. Do I want to know what this is about?” He was giving me the choice and I was inclined to give him plausible deniability.

  “It’s probably best you don’t know. You don’t need the headache. I’m leaving you out of this for your own good. Barak, we’ve been friends for years and you know that I would do nothing to disrupt what you have here.” He was wearing ceremonial robes in a multitude of colors to blind an unsuspecting foe.

  “I can’t personally give you what you want, but I can open a few doors by letting you slip in under the cover of darkness. I hope you know what you’re doing. I don’t want this to come back and bite me. I trust you more than anyone including the delegation.” Gemini was confused and I had to keep it that way for the time being.

  “I would suggest having a huge celebration to mark this new milestone. Everybody should be invited including the guards. One should be left at the gate as a deterrent. We won’t need much time.” I had to keep things quiet to prevent the machines from understanding the true purpose of going to the pit.

  “You always come up with good ideas. I have missed you. The others still suspect you have some kind of ulterior motive. I’m not of the same belief. This first step proves you want what is best for both of our people. I can see from the look on both of your faces you have enjoyed the pleasure of the water together.” I didn’t think we were that transparent, but it wasn’t like we could wipe the smile off our faces.

  He went out and gathered the other delegates before announcing a huge feast to the rest of the people. There was a chorus of applause. It appeared nobody really believed peace was an option. It wasn’t long before the festivities were in full swing. Homemade moonshine was being passed around and I purposely refrained but pretended to indulge.

  While their attention was drawn to the spectacle of a traditional dance, I quietly took Gemini aside. She was full of questions and I couldn’t answer one of them without showing my hand.

  We followed a path made of gold stones to signify the journey was sacred. Each step sent a vibration through our feet. I had a pack over my shoulder with necessary supplies.

  “I would like to know what this is about. I’m sure you have your reasons for remaining quiet. I don’t think you have been influenced by others. You are your own man. At some point, you are going to have to tell me, but I will give you some space.” It had to be hard for her and made me sick inside to keep anything from her.

  The stones began to turn darker and the vibration was getting stronger. I held her hand in a reassuring gesture. We had avoided detection. I was making a calculated guess. Nothing was for certain.
It bothered me that I couldn’t account for all the variables. I considered myself a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  There was no way to see what we were doing in the dark. My eyes grew accustomed to my surroundings, but I almost missed that first step. I put my hand out across her chest to defend her from plummeting into nothingness.

  “There is a path, but it’s not easy to find. Stay close.” She had her hand on my shoulder and was letting me guide her every step of the way.

  I could see a light source a few 100 feet into the ground. I could feel the Vines moving around us curious but not taking any action. This was their home and the byproduct of the Light Force kept them fed. I was anxious and the thread of my nerves was frayed. This was putting all of my eggs in one basket.

  “I have to insist you tell me what’s going on. Whatever you are attempting is having a profound effect on the machines. They are a little hyper.” I was expecting them to react, but I was hoping it was going to take a little while longer.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think about this before. It was right in front of me and I didn’t see it.” I had found a way to give her hope, but it came with its own risks.


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