From the Earth: A Future Chronology Anthology
Page 26
Moon/US: 156
Moon/China: 31
Moon/India: 42
Mars/Moon: 101
Tech: Earth puts up first space elevator.
Space: Mars votes not to begin deliberate atmosphere building (terraforming). Trip to Mars drops to $5000
Health: Life expectancy from 94(2075) to 99 advanced nations, from 86(2050) to 94 in poorest nations.
2103 (133 SE)
Space: First mission to asteroid belt for materials assessment
Space: Asteroid detected on collision course with Earth UN starts immediate study of impending disaster Mars colonists offer intercept
Space: UN proposes evacuation of all key UN officials to Mars moon base. Mars moon base takes action against asteroid and alters its course
2110 (140 SE)
Space: UN accuses Mars colonists of deliberately altering asteroid course to hit Earth, declares war against Mars. Small asteroid impact in Pacific causes no damage
GeoPol: Em's become available and begin affecting economies, replacing ANI.
Tech: Each new generation of Em’s will be faster and better in an exponential runaway reaction of development.
Story: Vigilance Mars based story, investigates the question of whether mankind can learn from its mistakes. John Abel Jackson (20), Abel Jackson (51)
Space: Budget Dadelus starship, required GDP 5400 trillion dollars, medium to high GDP growth.
Tech: Em's provide increase in technical developments, resuming pace of developments not seen since 2030's.
Cultural: First generation of Em's matures into second generation. Most humans on Earth no longer have to work for a living, Em's provide for economy.
Family: John Donner Jackson born to John Abel Jackson and Mary on Mars.
Tech: Em's become capable of indefinite human life extension via injection of nanobots into the human body. These nanobots are capable of repairing any damage. Death via aging is effectively ended for those with access to Em tech.
Cultural: Nations continue but their influence becomes gradually irrelevant given the minimal need for humans to work. Alternate social structures and micrsocieties become more and more common.
Tech: Em's announce the capability to upload minds. Any human, via his brainlink, can upload a version of himself into a virtual world accessible through the EmNet. The physical version may continue to live or be “deactivated” depending on the person's choice. Uploads can also be used as backups in case the physical body is destroyed. The uploaded mind can download itself into a humanoid robot body if it wishes. Uploads are limited to those that Em's believe most useful.
Em's also provide the option of belonging to a “group mind”, especially popular among the young. Group mind increases power of individual minds and creates almost telepathic connection. Becomes alternate lifestyle for many.
Tech: Em systems launch their own businesses through the network, leveraging crypto-currencies. Information businesses especially are owned by Em's.
Earth: 12 billion
Mars: 205000
Moon/US: 186
Moon/China: 36
Moon/India: 52
Mars/Moon: 141
Health: Life expectancy from 99(2100) to 104 advanced nations, from 94(2100) to 100 in poorest nations.
Tech: Em's increasingly control human society for their own purposes.
Space: First asteroid cycler, Mars orbit to asteroid belt
2150 (180 SE)
Story: To Tend and Watch Over
Earth: 11.9 billion
Mars: 375000
Moon/US: 201
Moon/China: 34
Moon/India: 61
Mars/Moon: 164
Health: Life expectancy from 104(2125) to 108 advanced nations, from 100(2125) to 105 in poorest nations.
Mars: (Atmospheric pressure reaches 50mbar, larger size domes are now possible. Self replicating machines using sunlight as energy begin releasing oxygen from metallic ores they find – old forecast).
Family: Donner Martin Jackson born to John Donner Jackson and Sirinia
Energy: OLD FORECAST: U Fuel w/reprocessing depleted
2160 (190 SE)
Space: Mars begins fusion reactor export to Earth on asteroid conveyor
3rd Century SE
2170 (200 SE)
Mars: (Atmospheric pressure on Mars reaches 75mbar (5mbar of O – old forecast))
Space: Dadelus Class starship, 27000 trillion dolars, medium to high GDP growth model.
Earth: 11.5 billion
Mars: 501000
Moon/US: 211
Moon/China: 37
Moon/India: 69
Mars/Moon: 184
Health: Life expectancy from 108(2150) 112 advanced nations, from 105(2150) to 110 in poorest nations.
Family: Martin Starlfter Jackson born to Donner Martin Jackson (21) and Suzu.
Space: Asteroid prospecting begins in asteroid belt.
Fusion powered spacecraft
2200 (230 SE)
Mars: (Atm. pressure reaches 110mbar (11mbar of O))
Economy: Medium GDP growth 1300 trillion, high GDP growth 80000 trillion.
Earth Population: 11.4 billion
Health: Life expectancy from 112(2175) to 115 advanced nations, from 110(2175) to 113 in poorest nations.
Story: Union story takes place, Earth's efforts to get a piece of the asteroid mining by threat and/or diplomacy and law. Martin Starlifter Jackson (25)
Martin Abram Jackson born to Martin Starlifter Jackson on Mars
Energy: OLD FORECAST: Th Fuel w/reprocessing depleted
Earth: 11.1 billion
Mars: 2.45 million
Moon/US: 265
Moon/China: 42
Moon/India: 78
Mars/Moon: 221
Asteroid Belt: 52
Space: Mars space program takes steps toward placing a lander on Titan to setup the He3 trade.
2014 (44SE):
John Jackson born
2032 (62 SE):
John Jackson (18) marries has son
2033 (63 SE):
John Jackson (19). Wife and son (1) die in worldwide plague
2037 (67 SE):
Story: Whatsoever You Do
2038 (68 SE):
John Jackson (24) marries second wife
Sender Jackson (brother of John Jackson) (33) has son Ephraim Jackson
2039 (69 SE):
John Jackson (25) has son Donner Jackson
2054 (84 SE):
John Jackson (40), son Donner (15) when war starts
Story: War Through the Pines
2060 (90 SE)
Donner Jackson (21) pilots first Starlifter cargo
John Jackson (46)
2064 (94 SE)
Abel Jackson born to Donner Jackson on Mars
Donner Jackson (25)
John Jackson (50)
Epharim Jackson (30) has son Akim Jackson
2080 (110 SE)
John Jackson dies (66)
Donner Jackson (41)
Abel Jackson (16)
Akim Jackson (23) has son Abram Jackson
2095 (125 SE)
John Abel Jackson born to Abel and Marta Jackson on Mars.
Donner Jackson (56)
Abel Jackson (31)
Marta Jackson (29)
Abram Jackson (4)
2112 (142 SE)
y: Vigilance
John Abel Jackson (17)
Abel Jackson (48)
Marta Jackson (46)
Donner Jackson (73)
Ephraim Jackson (74)
Abram Jackson (17)
2120 (150 SE)
John Donner Jackson born to John Abel Jackson and Mary on Mars
John Abel Jackson (25)
Abram Jackson (25)
Abel Jackson (56)
Marta Jackson (54)
Donner Jackson (81)
2121 (151 SE)
Donner Jackson dies (82)
John Donner Jackson (1)
John Abel Jackson (26)
Abram Jackson (26)
Abel Jackson (57)
Marta Jackson (55)
2128 ()
Ephraim Jackson dies (90)
Story: To Tend and Watch Over
2155 (185 SE)
Donner Martin Jackson born to John Donner Jackson and Sirinia on Mars.
John Donner Jackson (35)
John Abel Jackson (60)
Abram Jackson (60)
Abel Jackson (91)
Marta Jackson (89)
2156 (186 SE)
Abel Jackson dies (92)
Marta Jackson (90)
Donner Martin Jackson (1)
John Donner Jackson (35)
John Abel Jackson (61)
Abram Jackson (61)
2167 ()
Marta Jackson dies (101)
2176 (206 SE)
Martin Starlifter Jackson born to Donner Martin Jackson on Mars
Donner Martin Jackson (21)
John Donner Jackson (55)
John Abel Jackson (81)
Abram Jackson (81)
2194 (224 SE)
John Abel Jackson dies (97)
Martin Starlifter Jackson (18)
Donner Martin Jackson (39)
John Donner Jackson (73)
Abram Jackson (99)
2201 (231 SE)
Story: UNION
Martin Starlifter Jackson (25)
Donner Martin Jackson (46)
John Donner Jackson (80)
Abram Jackson dies (106)
2206 (236 SE)
Martin Abram Jackson born to Martin Starlifter Jackson on Mars.
Martin Starlifter Jackson (30)
Donner Martin Jackson (51)
John Donner Jackson (85)
D.W. Patterson is interested in science fiction – old school. He blogs about his stories and other science/science fiction matters at