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Mr. Forrester: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 11

by Lauren Landish

"Russian mob money pays for a lot. It wasn't perfect, but I was able to get through well enough."

  "Speaking of mob money," Dwayne interrupted, "Just how much of your father's money do you still have?"

  Peter laughed. "Coming from anyone else Dwayne, I'd be worried you're trying to cadge off of me. But since I know who you are, I can be honest. There's still quite a bit. I lived cheaply all these years, it helped to stay below the radar. Now that my cover is blown though, I'm going to need to disappear again, or else my father will try to hunt me down again. With the price of a new identity and other issues, there won't be much left. I can live quietly though for quite a few years, and this time I'll make sure to get an identity with some sort of education."

  "I've been thinking about that," Erica said. "Peter, whatever the cause of the danger, you were a loyal protector of both Kelly and my daughter. I know this sounds weird, but how would you like to keep working for me in Miami?"

  "Uh, Erica, that sounds great, but look at me. I'm a bit torn up to do any modeling right now, and this was supposed to be my last show. I can't go out on the runway again. I can't even be in the photos, it's too dangerous."

  "What about behind the photos?" Erica asked. "I've been thinking of getting an in-house photographer for a while now, the business is getting that busy. Between what I'm doing and what Dwayne's doing, I can definitely use you."

  Peter looked at the four people sitting around him, and then at Liz. He knew his decision. "You're all nuts, but I like it. I’m in. Thank you."


  T he first ceremony was the more casual one, which Kelly was happy about. Erica was dressed in a simple white dress, elegantly cut with a strapless top, sleek white silk bodice, tight waist and full length gown and train. Dwayne wore a tuxedo, and Kelly thought he’d never looked more handsome.

  The one difference from a normal wedding ceremony in Kelly's mind was that she had chosen two maids of honor. Elizabeth stood in the best man's position next to her brother, while Tina stood next to Erica, both of them dressed elegantly. Peter stood next to Elizabeth as one of the groomsmen, while Kelly herself stood next to Tina.

  After the western ceremony, the entire group shifted to the historic Kinkakuji temple, a historical landmark that was actually coated in a fine layer of real gold. The early spring trees were ripe with plum blossoms, and Kelly thought Erica looked like a vision dressed in the classic Japanese kimono. She foregone the overly elaborate wig in favor of styling her own hair, and Dwayne had also changed into classic Japanese clothing. Peter had taken up a camera to take photos along with a professional photographer, for practice as he said, snapping away until he filled up almost all of the memory card.

  "You looked like the most beautiful bride in the world," Kelly told Erica after the ceremony, and everyone was heading back to the car for changing and the reception. Word of Erica's nuptials had spread amongst the models and designers in the fashion show, and a remarkable number had asked if they could throw the new couple a party. Even a few of the girls from the singing group had asked if they could come. Erica was so overwhelmed by the response that she agreed, and Tina had booked the banquet hall of their Kyoto hotel for the evening.

  "Thanks," Erica replied, holding Liz in her arms. The infant had served as the official ring bearer, and was dressed similar to her Mommy in a red and white kimono, her hair framing her face in soft curls. "But I think Liz was even cuter. I already know she's going to get more photo requests at the reception than I will."

  "I know. I learned my first real words of Japanese with her around. Cho kawaii!"

  Both women laughed softly as Liz turned towards the words, which roughly meant "super cute" in Japanese. "See? Takes after her mother already. She's going to be a stunner, Erica."

  "Thanks, Kelly. By the way, you seemed a little out of breath when you got to the ceremony. Everything okay?"

  Kelly blushed, and looked at her friend from the corners of her eyes. "Oh yeah. In fact, I don't think it's ever been more okay in my life."

  * * *

  T he doorbell rang, and Candace Forrester had to remind herself that she was in a rented apartment, not in her mansion. She loved her husband, but there was a certain weakness to him that she had to make up for. This was one of those times when the steel she had learned from her upbringing was essential. She got up and crossed the room, checking through the peephole to look into the hallway. She could see a tall man, with very gaunt features standing there alone. Candace opened the door.

  "Come in," Candace said, fearfully glancing out into the corridor. "Are you alone?"

  "If I wasn't, do you think you could have stopped me?" the man asked, stepping inside.

  Candace closed the door, throwing the chain lock and crossing over to the dingy kitchenette. "Would you care for some water?"

  "From those pipes? I think I'd rather drink piss," the man replied. "Missus Forrester, we can dispose of the pleasantries. While you are a handsome woman, we are not here for social engagement."

  "Hardly," Candace replied, coming back to the living room and sitting down. "We are here because we have a mutual problem, Ivan."

  "Yes. Your son's money paid for the men who took my son away from me."

  "As I said in our initial communications, you know that my son is not connected business-wise with myself or my husband. He has his own company."

  "Which is connected now to my son," Ivan Zubukov replied. "Your son's wife is now my son's employer. A situation I find unacceptable."

  "And my son's marriage I find unacceptable. So, do we have a deal?"

  "I believe so, Candace. Your money, my men and connections. We eliminate the situation."

  "Only on the agreement that neither my son nor my daughter is to be harmed."

  Ivan nodded, and stood up. "So be it. I will inform my men. Be prepared for our needs. I will contact you."

  Ivan left the cheap apartment, and Candace Forrester sat back on the couch, an evil smile spreading across her face. Soon all would be well, and Erica Williams would be dead.



  "Here, Liz! Come to Daddy!"

  Erica Forrester looked up from the patio table where she'd been sketching her latest ideas for men's designs. In the small back yard of their Fisher Island home, she saw her three year old daughter Elizabeth "Liz" Forrester push herself up off the grass on her coltish toddler legs, a look of determination on her face. Daddy had been teaching her how to keep her balance on a little walking bike, and she often still lost her balance in the grass. Still, the little girl was just like her mother, fiercely determined, and fought her way back to her feet. Erica could see the dark grass stain on her knees and chuckled. Despite her mother being a fashion designer, Liz still ended up looking like a toddler tomboy most of the time. She was definitely a Daddy's girl.

  Liz got to her feet and on her bike, leaning over a bit as she got her balance before looking across the yard at the man who had called her. Dwayne Forrester might have owned hotels throughout the Caribbean, he might be neighbors with movie actors and international celebrities, but right now, the most important thing in his world was the little girl making her way across the grass to him. He was squatting, wearing an old pair of basketball shorts and a tank top, the swells of his muscles outlined in the sun, and Erica felt a familiar warmth spread through her chest. Even after knowing him for almost four years, and being married for nearly three, Dwayne Forrester was a sexy man, and she constantly felt herself aroused by the sight of him.

  Thankfully, she thought, Dwayne felt the same about her. He often spent long hours, after Liz had gone to sleep, running his strong hands over her skin, the contrast of textures driving both of them wild with desire. They still made love several times a week, and for Erica, the bloom was not off the proverbial rose.

  Watching her daughter make her to her father, Erica reflected at how much of a fairy tale her life had become. She had come a long way in her life thus far. She was a simpl
e girl from a pretty hardscrabble home in Miami. There had been a time in her childhood when she wasn't sure where her next meal was, and a few times her school lunch consisted of mustard sandwiches. Now, with hard work and a lot of luck, she’d achieved what most could not even dream of. She had a thriving design business, was married to one of the richest men in the entire Southeast United States, a wonderfully sexy man who made her feel warm and protected. In his arms, she felt special, and she felt like together they could move heaven and earth if they needed to.

  But best of all was her daughter Liz. A total blend of her mother's looks with her father's height and frame, she was the most gorgeous little girl Erica had ever seen, even discounting motherly bias. With large ringlets of bouncy brown hair, sun-kissed caramel skin, and bright hazel eyes similar to her father's, she was an attention grabber. Erica had in fact even been approached by other designers, who'd seen Liz with her mommy while at fashion shows and other events to be a model for their baby designs.

  Even more amazing was when an executive for IMG, the same modeling agency that handled Gisele, Miranda Kerr, and Candice Swanepoel handed Erica a card.

  "Give me a call when that little girl turns twelve," the recruiter had said. "I know your work, and looking at you and your husband, she's got the genetics, that's for sure."

  Erica had tucked the card away, if for no other reason than as a memento. While Erica herself had walked the runway for a time in her life before becoming a designer, she also didn't want to force her daughter into anything. She'd known far too many girls who were miserable after being forced into doing it because their mothers wanted to relive some sort of glory days. If Liz wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps, she would of her own choice.

  In the meantime, Liz had reached her Daddy's open arms, giggling in joy as Dwayne swept her up off the bike, swinging her around in big circles until both were dizzy. "You better stop before she spits her breakfast all over you," Erica laughed, setting aside her sketch book. "We already have enough dirty laundry to take care of." They could've easily let the maids take care of the laundry, but Erica refused. She wanted to do it herself, it allowed her to feel that she hadn't totally forgotten where she had come from.

  Erica got out of her chair and walked over to the still giggling little girl, Dwayne beaming happily at her while holding her effortlessly under her bottom. "That's okay, isn't it Liz? If you spit up breakfast, Daddy's just going to have to take off his shirt and go jump in the pool!"

  "No Daddy! You can't jump in the pool yet!" Liz replied, grabbing Dwayne's hair in a tiny little fist and tugging. Dwayne laughed, his laughs turning to grunts of pain as his daughter continued to pull. She took after her father in that regard, and was very strong.

  "Here, let me help before you give Daddy a bald spot," Erica laughed, untangling the fingers. Liz giggled, releasing Dwayne to latch onto Erica, kissing her on the cheek. Erica hugged her daughter tightly, a smile spreading across her face to the point she thought her face would strain itself and be stuck that way like the old wives tale. "I love you, Lizzie."

  She set her daughter down, who happily ran off to try and catch a songbird that had landed in the grass. Erica watched her go, laughing as the bird decided that it didn't want to hang around and see what the human child would want to do, leaving Liz straining, her beautiful little face turned up to the sky, watching the bird fly off.

  "And I love you too," Dwayne said softly behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She felt him nuzzle against her neck, her desire swelling as his lips traced along the sensuous curve. "In fact...."

  "Not right here," Erica chuckled, her laugh turning into a soft moan as Dwayne's hips pressed against her backside, and she could feel the thickening swell of an erection in his shorts. She knew her nipples must have been standing out against the thin cotton of her t-shirt, despite the heat. She was just considering the idea of calling Yevgeny down the street to see if he'd watch Liz for an hour or so when the phone on the patio table rang, the preprogrammed ring that meant her assistant Tina was calling. Work. Damn.

  "Later," Dwayne promised, kissing her on the neck right below her ear one last time before releasing her, turning so his daughter didn't see the erection in his shorts.

  Erica picked up the phone on the fourth ring, settling it against her ear while she tried to calm her breathing. "What's up, Tina?"

  "Dwayne trying to seduce you again, I see," Tina replied, in her normal familiar, friendly manner. "Four rings, and you're still out of breath? He must be extra hot today."

  Erica laughed, knowing that despite the sometimes crude words, Tina was as loyal and as hard working a friend and assistant she could have ever hoped for. "Whatever, Tina. Seriously though, what's up?"

  "We just got a call from the FIA. They've decided to award you one of the Cocos for the year."

  Erica felt her mouth drop open. The Fashion Institute of America's annual award ceremony, unofficially called the Cocos by the amount of Chanel in the swag bags, was one of the top awards in the fashion industry. Exclusively given out to what the FIA considered the top five fashion designers, and the top five new rising stars, a Coco would secure Erica's place among the upper echelon of design houses not just in America, but the world. She knew designers who had worked for decades, and had racked up tens of millions of dollars in sales, that didn't have a Coco. Nervously, she found the voice to speak again. "Which award is it, the silver Coco or the gold Coco?"

  "Sweetie, you're getting a gold Coco," Tina said, her voice rising with excitement. The Gold Coco went to the top five fashion houses in America. By Erica's memory, no other woman had been awarded a Gold Coco so young. In fact, few women got Gold Cocos at all. "So, can I give us wage monkeys the day off?"

  "Day off? Hell, I'm giving everyone a bonus!" Erica replied happily. "Starting with a party! Call around, and book us a place for next Friday night. Just make it big enough for everyone and their families."

  "Even us single girls?" Tina asked, causing Erica to laugh. Tina was a shameless man chaser, and while Erica knew she was trying to find the right guy and actually settle down, it didn't stop the petite little firecracker from enjoying the hell out of the search in the meantime. She sometimes felt bad for Tina, she just never seemed to meet the right guy, but Erica knew Tina would make some man very happy some day.

  "Yes, you can bring your boy toy of the week if you want. Thanks, Tina." Erica hung up the phone, her eyes shining with excitement.

  She set the phone down and turned, seeing Dwayne smiling behind her. He had overheard enough of the conversation he knew what had happened. "You deserve it, my love," he said, wrapping her in his arms.

  She nestled against him, feeling warm and safe, making her decision. "Hey, can you call Elizabeth?" she asked, returning his hug. "Before the group party, I'd like to celebrate just you and me. I was thinking that Liz might enjoy an evening with her Aunt Elizabeth?"

  * * *

  T hat evening, after a slow, sensuous lovemaking session that lasted for hours, a rare luxury since becoming parents that normally required lots of prior planning, Erica lay nestled against her husband's chest, thinking. Tracing a lazy finger over the pleasing rise and fall of his chest muscles, Erica wasn't sure how her life could be any better. "You okay?" Dwayne asked, kissing her on the forehead. "You got awfully quiet there."

  "Just thinking I'm living in a fairy tale, and wondering when the clock strikes midnight," Erica said. "I mean, it hasn't always been easy, but I don't know how it can get better. Even your hotels are blowing up."

  "I should hope they're not blowing up, my insurance company would throw a fit," Dwayne replied, causing Erica to laugh. "Actually, I had an idea. How about we celebrate your award and get some attention for the hotels at the same time?"

  "What do you mean?" Erica asked, turning over to face him. In the soft light of the moon, she could see him smile.

  "Well, my new place in the Keys opens up next month, and we're already taking reservations, but th
ere's still plenty of rooms open. What about hosting a big kickoff gala, kind of a grand opening and recognition of your work and your team's. The week before we officially open, we fly everyone down there, and have a show that we can invite the press to and get some good PR, and afterwards give everyone a free stay at the place? I mean, it won't cost all that much extra, I'm paying all the salaried staff, and it can serve as a training week for the new hourly staff. Kind of a win-win for everyone. Also, there are a few people I'd like to bring in from some of the other resorts to help guide the new staff, and they could use a reward too."

  "Oh, like who?" Erica asked, thinking of some of the other new resorts Dwayne had opened. Even though his father had passed on two years ago, giving him majority control in all of the Forrester Hotels, he'd been determined to create his own brand and image.

  "I was thinking Krystal Aksoy. She's been doing a great job up there in Kennebunkport, being both the head chef and a mom as well. Did you know she's up for a James Beard Award?"

  "I'm impressed. Didn't she change her name to Castelbon when she married your friend Julian though?"

  "You mean my old hell raising buddy Julian," Dwayne said with a chuckle. "Like you, she kept her maiden name for professional work, although her paycheck is cut to Krystal Castelbon. Julian's been doing great too, really turned his life around from when I found him on the beach when you and Liz were in France for Spring Fashions. He's carrying a 3.6 GPA going into his senior year, and even old Williamson is happy with him. He sent me an e-mail just last week, saying he's ready to retire and turn the whole thing over to Julian if he wants it. Maybe we bring them down, break the news to them, and let them get some kudos too?"

  Erica nodded, leaning up to peck him on the lips. "Sounds great. I'll call Tina in the morning, let her know before I head into the office."

  "Why not now?" Dwayne asked. Erica smiled, and swung her leg up and over his hips, rolling him onto his back, pressing her warm skin up against his with a silent smile. Dwayne's eyes glittered with mirth and understanding. "Okay, in the morning then."


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