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Mr. Forrester: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

Page 30

by Lauren Landish

  "So Julian, where are you thinking of doing training?" Sandra asked as she cut her fish. "Gold's, Cross fit, what are you thinking?"

  "To be honest, while I might get more initial meetings with clients that way, I don't think I could convert them very well, although Gold's and Powerhouse might be an option," I replied. "They'll have the members who might be looking for my type of build while aren't really hardcore. I've got a couple of independent gyms in mind as well, no names you'd know, but they're good. The challenge with those types of places is the trainers who work there really know their stuff. I'm going to be the total new guy, in a gym of trainers who I would hire if I needed help."

  Dad nodded sagely. "It's an interesting conundrum. Have you thought about working in one place and doing your own workouts in another? No offense Julian, but that ink of yours would intimidate a lot of the housewives and office workers who have the disposable cash for your services."

  "I'd thought of it, I'm not sure what I'm going to do," I replied. "In any case, I think I can work hard at it. I spent enough years partying at least."

  Our conversation continued throughout dinner, and by the end, it felt like as regular a family meal as I'd had with my father in ages. Krystal and I kept our looks at each other to a minimum for Sandra's sake, and we finished dinner on a good note, some grilled figs with crumbly bits and something Krystal called a compote. I didn't know what it was, but I enjoyed it. In fact, I'd say it was the best meal of my life up until then.

  After dinner, we went upstairs, finding that Yuki had moved Sandra's bags into my room. It made sense, the space was slightly bigger, and I did have a king sized bed in there. Closing the door behind us, I looked at Krystal, who was more beautiful than ever for me in the lamp light. "Well, this has gone a lot better than I expected," I said, coming over and hugging her. "Thank goodness for that."

  "Hey Julian?" she said, returning the hug. "Would you dance with me?"

  "What?" I asked, incredulous.

  "Last time we were at the Manor together was our parents' wedding. I remember dancing with you then, and I could tell both of us wanted a little something more. So, would you dance with me here?"

  "Of course. I'd love to," I said, going over to my old stereo. The CD collection was almost ten years old, but I didn't mind. "One rule though. No Steinman."

  Krystal rolled her eyes and smiled. "Agreed. No Steinman."

  I looked through what I had, and quickly realized I didn't have anything appropriate for dancing. "Damn.... I'm not exactly set up in here for slow dancing. Fat Joe, Eminem, Ludacris, Linkin Park.... huh. Guess I listened to a lot of overly aggressive stuff when I was in high school."

  Krystal came over and looked through the old CD album with me before shaking her head. "Wow. You definitely had some anger issues based off of your choice in music. You don't even have a guilty copy of Nelly Furtado or something like that around."

  "I have an idea though," I said, going over to our bags. I pulled out my laptop computer and turned it on.

  I pulled up Youtube, and typed in the search bar "slow romantic dance songs," selecting a playlist that popped up. I didn't know the song, but the saxophone that came out was sweet and sensual.

  I've never been much of a slow dancer, tearing up the floor in the club is more my style. When I'd told Krystal that our first night knowing each other, I wasn't lying, even if I did have nefarious intentions at the time. However, the feeling of her lush curves resting against my hands, the look of her black eyes looking into mine, and the glow of her skin in the bedroom lamp light let me get past it, and our bodies moved together in their own rhythm. As the bass guitar and the horns led us, we came closer and closer, her breasts brushing against my chest and her arms coming to circle my neck. "Julian?" she asked, as the first song ended and we were so close I couldn't feel any space between us.


  She pulled my head down. Her lips slid over mine, and I could feel the soft warmth of her breath on my skin as she traced down my throat to the V of my shirt. She brought her hands to the buttons, sliding them free while she kissed and sucked at the skin that was exposed.

  I couldn't hold back any longer, and I scooped her up into my arms, Krystal giving me a little squeak of surprise as I carried her over to the bed, tumbling into it with her. "I love you, Krystal Aksoy," I said as I ended up on top, pinning her wrists above her head.

  "I love you too, Julian Castelbon."

  We kissed again, hot and fierce, our tongues almost fighting with each other. Spending the whole day without being able to even hug or kiss had left both of us desperate, hungry for the other. I heard a seam tear as we tore at each other's clothes, and I wondered which of us had ripped the other's clothes off. Krystal had worn a soft summer dress after the pool, and her breasts were free underneath the flowing white cotton. I'd changed into my standard house wear of athletic pants and a t-shirt, so neither of us was wearing anything difficult to remove. I stroked my hands over her breasts while we kissed, amazed again at how beautiful she was. The soft swells fit my palm perfectly, with her hard brown nipple poking in between my fingers, stiff and responsive to my light pinches and massages. Krystal was gasping into my mouth, and I knew that she was wet and ready for me.

  "How do you want it?" I asked her, looking into her eyes. It was one of the things that I'd found was so great about sex and making love with Krystal. When we were in the mood, we could make slow gentle love, face to face and exchanging soft kisses while our bodies moved together. It was some of the best feelings I'd ever felt.

  That night though, we were both hungry for more. Krystal turned over and got on her knees, looking back over her shoulder at me. "You know what I need."

  The sight of Krystal's firm, apple shaped ass pointed towards me, the soft lips of her pussy already gaping and glistening in the light was naughty, it was raunchy, and it was so erotic that I almost lost it for the first time in my life. My hands trembled a little when I took hold of her waist, and looked her in the eye. "So perfect."

  Krystal kept her eyes on me as I sank my cock deep inside her, until my hips were settled against her glorious ass. The nights of almost constant sex had let her accommodate my size without any pain on her part, while at the same time she was still as tight and clingy as ever to me. Her mouth opened in a sexy looking O shape as I finished burying myself inside her, before breaking into a smile that set me on fire. She turned her head and lowered her chest to the mattress, reaching forward to hold onto the far end of the bed. I pulled back, letting her wonder for just a second before thrusting hard and fast, the sensation driving the breath out of both of us.

  I'd love to tell you that I was able to give Krystal endless orgasms that lasted until the moon set and we were both trembling on the edge of exhaustion, but we'd been keyed up for too long. Instead, I hammered her hard and fast, my hips slapping sharply into her ass while she howled her pleasure into the sheets. I was glad the master bedroom was on the other side of the house as I couldn't hold back either, grunting and panting as her pussy massaged my cock. My eyes rolled back in my head as I felt my climax rushing up, and I sped up faster. "I'm close," I warned her, holding her trim waist tight as I felt my cock tremble inside her.

  "Me too," she moaned in between little cries from the collision of our bodies, punctuated by the wet slapping sound. I counted backwards in my head to give myself that extra ten seconds of endurance, which was all I could muster, a rarity for me.

  Thankfully, it was enough. "Fuuuuuccckkkkkkk," Krystal screeched into the blanket, followed maybe two seconds later by my incomprehensible grunt as I also orgasmed, my balls drawing up tight before almost painfully exploding, filling her with my come. I knew she wasn't on any protection, we'd talked about it, but neither of us cared. We'd let fate or karma decide that issue for us.

  My hips finally relaxed after what seemed like an eternity, and I rolled to my side, pulling Krystal with me to spoon while my cock deflated and slipped out of her. Kissing the damp skin
of her neck, I held her tight and let my exhaustion overtake me. "I love you."

  * * *


  Both of us were more tired than we thought, and after a quick clean up, we slept soundly through the night. I woke up the next morning to the sound of soft knocking on the door. Looking down, I found myself naked still, and Julian was sleeping deeply. I rolled out of bed and hurriedly pulled on a bathrobe that I saw hanging from the back of Julian's door before opening it.

  "Good morning," Yuki greeted me softly. She looked over my shoulder and saw Julian sprawled out on the bed, the sheets pulled up to his mid-stomach. "Congratulations."

  "Thank you, but I am a bit surprised you are congratulating us. What's up, Yuki?"

  "It's eight in the morning. Your mother wanted to know if you were going to have breakfast with the family. Also, your Aunt Gina called, said she is coming to visit today. I was wondering if I should put her in the room you used to use, or another one?"

  I thought about my Aunt Gina. The bad girl of the Aksoy family. She'd earned the reputation, deservedly I might add. That is, if the stories my father had told me were in any way true. The walking definition of a pansexual, Gina was never known to turn down a hot body, male or female, although she never could hang onto a relationship for longer than a few dates. I wasn't sure if Gina actually had any real taboos, except for legal ones, and even then I wasn't too sure. Still, she was family, and had been the maid of honor at my mother's wedding, even if it was a bit of a joke to make her a maid of anything. "I'd prefer if you could do it down the hallway maybe, Yuki? Uh, Julian and I....."

  "Are young people in love," Yuki replied tactfully. "If I may offer advice, there are many places on the manor grounds where amorous activities would be very private and unlikely to be observed or overheard."

  I chuckled and looked at her. "Are you speaking from personal experience, Yuki?"

  She smiled shook her head no. "Breakfast?"

  I looked back at Julian, who was still sleeping soundly. "Give me five minutes to put some actual clothes on, and tell mother I'll meet her downstairs in a few."

  Yuki nodded and turned to go. I closed the door and turned to watch Julian. He'd been through so much, and the stress was catching up to him. He could use the sleep. I went over to the bed and kissed his temple, where his hair was still kind of short and prickly before changing into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before going downstairs. I found Mom in the small dining alcove that I remembered she liked to have breakfast in. "Good morning Mom."

  "Hey sweetie. Sorry I had to send Yuki, but John already had to go into the office today, and if I waited any longer I was going to have a serious case of the munchies. How'd you sleep?"

  I was a little peeved at my mother, honestly. I understood that she wasn't exactly comfortable with my relationship with Julian, but she didn't have to send Yuki. She could have knocked on my door herself. And seriously, who asks a young woman like me in a new relationship with a sexy guy like Julian how she slept? I didn't exactly ask Mom how she slept on her wedding night to John. Still, I swallowed it and put on a smile. "It was fine, Mom. Thanks. How about you?"

  "It wasn't the most sound sleep I've ever had, but overall it was okay. John and I talked long after you two went to bed last night. Krystal, it's not the fact that John and I are married that has me worried about you and Julian. It's not like you guys even knew each other before the wedding. What has me concerned is Julian's history. Let's face it, he hasn't been the most stand-up of people for most of his life."

  "And you know why, Mom," I replied. "Hell, he believed a huge lie for most of his life, and he was angry about it. How would you have felt in his situation?"

  "I know honey, it's just.... he's been that way for a very long time. Are you sure he's really changed, or at least ready to change?"

  One of the servants brought breakfast, and I ate in silence for a long time, barely tasting what had been prepared. Part of me was pissed off at Mom, while the other part of me was trying to formulate an answer to what she had asked me. Thankfully, in the end, the part of me trying to answer won out.

  "Mom, I watched Julian for weeks. He wasn't perfect. Hell, he got me in trouble at work his second night in Chicago. But, and I still don't know why or for what reason, he's acted with a pure heart towards me the whole time. He's worked hard to become a man since coming to Chicago, Mom. You know, one time he even had a chance to seduce me, and he walked away? I was there, and yes I was willing, but he didn't think it was right, so he walked away. Now, does that sound like the Julian Castelbon that he was?"

  Mom thought about it until she finished her second cup of green tea, then set it down. "You know I'm still going to worry. I haven't had the chance to observe Julian the way you have. I only know him from second hand interactions and the pain he caused John. But I also know you're a smart young woman, and if you trust him, then I'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt."

  "Thank you Mom," I said, not adding like it's your decision anyway. I'll be honest, I was mad at my mother. She'd never acted this way towards any of the other men I'd ever introduced her to, although that wasn't often, and not for a long time now. It offended me that after getting through college, working my way into the line at Alinea, and doing it all on my own, she still doubted me. I wasn't happy, but I knew blowing up at her wasn't going to make it any better. She's as stubborn as I am, and it takes a lot to change her mind once she says something.

  I decided instead to change the subject. "So what are you doing after breakfast today?"

  Mom shrugged. "Well, I was originally going to go into the office with John to help him out on his work today, I've really come to enjoy it, but with your Aunt Gina coming, in I knew I couldn't. God knows what she's got on her mind, but she insisted on coming up. Have you spoken to her recently?"

  "No, not since the wedding. You know how Gina is, Mom. She's always had a side to her that's very strategic. She likes her surprises."

  "I'll say. Although I will admit at times to thinking other words to describe her than strategic."

  I nodded and pursed my lips. "I know, I know. Mom, I've said the same things about Gina you have. But she is Dad's youngest sister, and she's never directly tried to pull anything on us. So, despite her Machiavellian demeanor and, let's face it, her morals of Mae West, she's not all that bad. You did have her as the maid of honor after all."

  We were going to continue the conversation when Julian came in, still rubbing his hand through his hair. He was so cute when he just woke up, I wanted to cuddle with him right then and there. While he normally shaved daily, that morning he looked scruffy and scrumptious. "Good morning ladies. Sorry I slept so long."

  "That's okay, it gave us a chance to talk like two girls," Mom replied. She gave me a look that I returned, then finished her last bite of breakfast, and stood up. "Julian, I hate to say it, but I think the rest of breakfast is cold by now. Do you want the staff to heat something up for you?"

  "That's okay Sandra, I'll probably just go raid the fridge. Let me go see what Chef has in the leftover pile and nuke that for two minutes. I don't want to put him out any more than he is, thanks though. So what's on the agenda for today?"

  "Not much. You two go enjoy yourselves, and when John comes home we can all get together and figure out what to do later. In the mean time, I'm off. I'll see you soon." Mom got up and left, and Julian watched her go before turning to me.

  "She's still not cool with us, is she?"

  "I don't think so," I replied. "But she's trying, Julian. Give her time."

  "I understand. If I were her, I'd be a little worried with my daughter dating a guy like me too." He walked towards the kitchen, and stopped about halfway there, turning towards me. "Whoa."


  "I just said dating in connection with us. It's true, isn't it? We're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

  I sat there, surprised as well. "I'd never thought of it that way. I was just kind of going with the flow, you kn

  Julian thought about it and nodded. "Me too. Hold on though, I do need some food before I can actually think more."

  Julian ended up with leftover hamburger patties with a bit of barbecue sauce, which he heated up and then ate in efficient, large bites, wiping his mouth with a napkin in between. "If we have time later, I'd like to head down to the community center. I want to see if my record is still on the wall," he said as he washed the plate and put it away. I noticed that the washing caused the kitchen staff to whisper in surprise to each other, and they watched Julian like he was a total stranger. In a lot of ways though, he was. "I mean, that and get a workout in."

  "I'm sure. But we should probably be back by early afternoon. My Aunt Gina is coming in."

  For the first time, I saw something pass over Julian's face that I didn't understand. "Gina?"

  "Yeah, you remember her. She was the maid of honor at Mom's wedding, and you had a dance with her at the reception."

  Julian nodded like he was in shock. "Um yeah...yeah. I remember Gina."





  Of all the people in the world, why did Krystal's aunt, who I had just happened to have had sex with, come to visit at the exact same time that Krystal and I came out to our parents about our relationship? Talk about karma coming to bite me in the ass.

  "Julian? What's wrong?"

  I blinked and saw Krystal looking at me, concern mixed with something else on her face. She was confused, and I could see why. But what was I supposed to say? "Uh, nothing. Just something crossed my mind. Okay, so we'll be back by early afternoon. Before that though, I'd like to find Yuki and ask her some stuff. Would you mind letting me cut loose and talk to her? Some of it goes back to before you and I met, and I don't want to drag up too many old problems."


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