Red Notice
Page 41
fatalism, 298
food, 67, 87
Foreign Ministry, 172–73
Gazprom theft and investigation, 154–62, 192–93
gulags, 96–97, 274
human rights atrocities, 279–80, 301, 328, 373, 376
IMF bailout, 133–34
independent thinkers penalized in, 6, 96–97, 163–65
Interior Ministry, see Interior Ministry
literature, 96, 298
Mafia, 150, 241, 289
May holidays, 151
National Police Day, 327–28
1993 attempted coup, 197
1996 presidential elections, 87–93, 94–103
1998 financial crisis and aftermath, 131–46
oil and gas, 60, 69, 98–101, 104–30, 143–44, 167–69
oligarchs, see oligarchs, Russian
orphans, 357–62
Parliament, 161, 340–44, 356, 357 and n, 358–60
persecuted journalists in, 303
police raids on Hermitage offices, 196–200, 203, 208–10, 216, 218, 230
Politburo, 156
press, 91, 182, 214, 236, 252, 264, 288, 301, 359, 365
privatizations in, 54–63, 64–76, 87, 91–93, 98–101
raider attacks, 213–27
Red Notice for Browder, 367–70, 374
response to Magnitsky Act, 356–62
roads, 243
Salomon operations in, 54–63, 64–76
shipping, 55–59
stocks, 3, 54–63, 64–76, 98–130, 133–38, 144–45, 183–85, 198
tax law, 201–4
tax-rebate fraud, 231–37, 252–53, 257, 264, 271–72, 288, 301, 316–26, 328
theft of government money, 231–37, 236–53, 257, 264, 271–72, 288, 296, 301, 311, 316–26, 328
transition to capitalism, 59–60, 87
Ukraine invaded by, 373
visa sanctions and asset freezes on corrupt officials, 291, 293–94, 297, 298, 299–309, 327–29, 368, 373, 377
voucher privatization, 59–60, 67–70, 105
wealth gap, 156–57
women, 147, 254
as WTO member, 333–34
Yeltsin’s economic reforms, 87, 91
Russian Central Bank, 233, 234
Russian General Prosecutor’s Office, 262, 285, 287, 314
Russian raider attack, 213–27
Russian State Investigative Committee, 220–26, 232–33, 252, 313
Russian Untouchables videos, 310–15, 321–26, 343
Safra, Edmond, 72–76, 131, 138–39, 365
death of, 142
Hermitage Fund and, 72–76, 77–88, 93, 94, 98, 100–102, 112, 119–32, 138–39, 142
Sagiryan, Igor, 219–23, 317
Saint Petersburg, 56, 186, 212, 213, 217, 223, 229
Salomon Brothers, 52–76, 79, 106, 225
Browder at, 52–76, 77
“five times” formula, 53, 54
London trading floor, 64–70
Treasury bond scandal, 52, 65
Samolov, Boris, 254
San Francisco, 70, 272
Sanok, 30–39
Saudi Arabia, 220
Sberbank, 165
Scandinavian Airlines, 367
Schmidt, Wolfgang, 27–31, 35, 38, 40
Scott, Kyle, 290–95, 329, 333
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 52, 176
Senate, US, 302, 305, 307, 330–39, 346, 354–55
Finance Committee, 336, 340, 344
Foreign Relations Committee, 290, 330–39
Magnitsky Act and, 327–39, 340
Seoul, 210–13, 250, 251
Severov, Dmitry, 106–7
Shanghai, 2
Shao, Jude, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9
Sheremetyevo Airport, 2–10, 95, 169, 243–44
Shuvalov, Igor, 174, 176, 178
Siberia, 69, 104
oil, 69, 104, 110, 159
Sibneftegaz, 159
Sidanco, 104–30, 134–35, 219, 363
dilutive share issue, 115–30
FSEC investigation of, 127–29
Siemens, 92
Sikorsi, Leschek, 32–38
Silchenko, Oleg, 258–60, 265, 267, 275–76, 277, 283, 327–28
Siluyanov, Anton, 358
Smith, Simon, 170–72, 181, 182, 186–87, 256
Snob, 359
Sochi, 242
Sokolova, Ksenia, 359
Solent, David, 51
Soros, George, 70 and n, 92, 122
South Africa, 71, 114–15, 117
apartheid, 114
South Korea, 131, 210–13
Soviet Union, 12, 24, 157, 253
fall of, 2–3, 59, 112, 158, 280, 334
Jews, 334
Katyn massacre, 279–80
World War II, 13, 228, 279–80
See also Russia (post-Soviet)
Spain, 312
Stalin, Joseph, 6, 364
Stanford University, 2, 20–21, 106, 272, 376
Stashina, Yelena, 267, 275–76
State Department, US, 289
Magnitsky case and, 289–97, 302, 304, 329, 341
Proclamation 7750, 291, 293–94, 297, 298, 299–309, 327–39
stealing analysis, 155–60
steel, 60
Steinmetz, Beny, 71–76, 83–84, 138
Stepanov, Vladlen, 316, 319, 321–26
Swiss bank accounts, 316–26, 343
YouTube video on, 321–23, 325–36, 343
Stepanova, Olga, 316, 319, 321–26
Swiss bank accounts, 316–26, 343
as Tax Princess, 326
YouTube video on, 321–23, 325–26, 343
Stern, Carl, 24
Chinese wall and, 64
front-running, 183–84
Gazprom theft and investigation, 154–62
liquidity, 132
MNPZ, 98–100
1998 financial crisis and aftermath, 131–46
preferred shares, 98–101
Russian, 3, 54–63, 64–76, 98–130, 133–38, 144–45, 183–85, 198
share dilution, 115–30, 144–45
Sidanco, 104–30
tourist, 99
Stoppard, Tom, 350
Summer Olympics (1980), 3
Summers, Larry, 133, 134
Sunday Express, 314
Sunday Observer, 187
Sunday Telegraph, 2
Surgutneftegaz, 69
surveillance, 221–23, 241–42, 317–18
Switzerland, 88, 89
bank accounts and Magnitsky case, 316–26, 343
Syria, 357
Tarkosaleneftegaz, 156
Tatar Republic, 111
Tatarstan, 214, 229, 238
Tatneft, 111
Tatum, Paul, 126–27
tax-rebate fraud, 231–37, 252–53, 257, 264, 271–72, 288, 301, 316–26, 328
Swiss bank accounts and, 316–26, 343
telephone, 69, 191
television, 91, 365
Templeton, Sir John, 70 and n
Templeton Asset Management, 70n
“ten bagger,” 39
tennis, 163
Thailand, 131, 191, 210
Tiger Management Corp., 70n
Time magazine, 12, 131
Tokyo, 28, 55, 211
Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, 302
Toronto, 70
Trammell Crow, 21
transfer pricing, 144
Truman, Harry, 13
Tuesdays with Morrie, 149–50
Turkey, 162, 191, 312
Turner, Fred, 338
Tverskoi District Court, 365
UK Law Society, 262
Ukraine, 30, 242
Russian invasion of, 373
Unified Energy System (UES), 69, 165
United Arab Emirates, 191
United States, 256, 312
beef, 334, 336
communism in, 12–14, 26, 27
/> Depression, 12
IMF bailout of Russian bond market and, 133–34
Magnitsky case and, 262–63, 269, 289–97, 298–309, 327–39, 340–55, 356
Russian adoption ban and, 357–62
Treasury bond market, 52, 65
Wall Street, 119, 144, 376
World War II, 13
United Steelworkers, 23
Universal Savings Bank, 233–34
University of Chicago, 14, 15, 19
University of Colorado, Boulder, 18
Ural Mountains, 274
Vasiliev, Dmitry, 127–29
Vedomosti, 182, 214, 236
Velvet Revolution, 27
Vienna, 14
Vietnam War, 2, 306
visa sanctions and asset freezes, 291, 293–94, 297, 298, 299–309, 327–39, 368, 373, 377
Vladivostok, 287
Volgograd, 225–26
von Pierer, Heinrich, 92
Voronezh, 246
Voronin, Victor, 257
voucher auctions, 68–69
voucher privatization, 59–60, 67–70, 105
Vyakhirev, Andrey, 159
Vyakhirev, Gennady, 159
Vyakhirev, Rem, 159, 162
Vyugin, Oleg, 176, 178
Wall Street (film), 119
Wall Street Journal, 2, 48, 49, 126, 148, 160, 182
Warsaw, 31, 35
Washington, D.C., 263, 269, 289–97, 298–309, 327–39, 340–50
Washington Post, 160, 180, 263–64, 330
Welch, Jack, 92
Weyerhaeuser pension fund, 122
Whiteman School, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 15–17
Wicker, Roger, 327, 335 and n, 341
Winer, Jonathan, 289–91, 293, 295, 297
Wolosky, Lee, 147
World Bank, 27–31, 38, 134
World Economic Forum, Davos
in 1996, 88–93
in 2007, 191–95
in 2013, 363
World Trade Organization (WTO), 333
World War II, 13, 228, 279–80, 369
Yale University, 14, 20
Year of Living Dangerously, The (film), 24
Yeltsin, Boris, 87
economic reforms, 87, 91
1996 presidential elections, 87–94, 97–98, 101–3
YouTube, 264, 310–15, 321–26, 327
Hermitage video, 264–65, 271–72, 310
Karpov video, 313, 314–15, 322–23, 343
Kuznetsov video, 313–15, 322–23, 343
Russian Untouchables videos, 310–15, 321–26, 343
Stepanova video, 321–23, 325–26, 343
Yucaipa, 81 and n
Yuganskneftegaz, 111
Yukos, 144, 145, 167, 183, 257
oligarch corruption, 167–69
Zurich, 70, 89
Zyuganov, Gennady, 87, 89, 91–93, 100, 102–3
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Browder, Bill, 1964-
Red notice : a true story of high finance, murder, and one man’s fight for justice / Bill Browder.
pages cm
Includes index.
1. Browder, Bill, 1964- 2. Capitalists and financiers—United States—Biography. 3. Investments, Foreign—Russia (Federation) 4. Finance—Russia (Federation) 5. Political corruption—Russia (Federation) I. Title.
HG172.B77A3 2015
ISBN 978-1-4767-5571-7
ISBN 978-1-4767-5575-5 (ebook)