Physical Chess
Page 10
library and archives canada cataloguing in publication
Robinson, Billy, 1938-
Physical chess : my life in catch-as-catch-can wrestling / Billy
Robinson and Jake Shannon.
isbn 978-1-77090-214-5
also issued as: (pdf); 978-1-77041-062-6 (print)
1. Robinson, Billy, 1938- 2. Wrestlers—Great Britain—Biography.
3. Coaches (Athletics)—Biography. 4. Mixed martial arts—Biography.
i. Shannon, Jake ii. Title.
gv1196.r635a3 2012 796.812092 c2011-906982-2
Editor for the press: Michael Holmes
Cover design: Cyanotype
Cover images: Fumi
Interior images (Page numbers refer to print edition): photographs on pages 8, 27, 43, 85, 107, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, and 138 courtesy of Fumi; all other images courtesy of Billy Robinson.
Text design and typesetting: Troy Cunningham