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Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2)

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by Shaun Messick

  Worlds Without End


  Book 2

  Shaun F. Messick

  Copyright © 2012 Shaun F. Messick

  Cover Design by Shaun F. Messick

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, businesses, organizations, and political figures are intended to give the story a sense of reality and authenticity. Any resemblance to actual private persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:

  ISBN-13: 9780988561007 (Kindle Edition)

  Printed in the United States of America

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Table of Contents


  Note to Reader




























  Worlds Without End: The Prophecy (Book 3)

  About the Author

  Books by Shaun F. Messick


  To my beautiful wife Tanya and my four wonderful children: Kylee, Bryant, Alexis, and Parker. You have all shown that I can go beyond myself and find strength in areas that I didn’t know I had.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Worlds Without End: Aftermath, Book 2 of the Worlds Without End series. Many readers have emailed me and have written wonderful reviews on and praising the first book in the series, The Mission. Yet, as with any book, it has also received its fair share of criticism. And it is this criticism that I wish to address.

  Most of the criticism that The Mission has received has been due to the fact that the reader did not know the plot was embedded with religious doctrine used as a foundation for the storyline. I am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and with conviction do not deny that fact. The basis for the Worlds Without End series is derived from the following doctrinal beliefs of the LDS Church:

  - God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings that makeup the Godhead. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 130:22-23)

  - The Father and Jesus Christ are resurrected beings with bodies of flesh and bone. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 130:22-23)

  - The Holy Ghost is a spirit, so that he may dwell in the hearts of men. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 130:22-23) (The Holy Ghost will have the privilege of receiving a body one day, but that is yet to be revealed.)

  - Lucifer and one-third of the host of Heaven were cast out for rebellion against the Father and His Son. They were banished to Earth until the end of days, at which time, their final judgment will occur. In addition, Lucifer and his followers were prohibited from having bodies as a consequence for their rebellion. (Revelation 12:1-9; Doctrine and Covenants, Section 29:36-39)

  - Jehovah, under the direction of God the Father, has created worlds without number for God’s children to reside upon. (Moses 1:33)

  - John, an original apostle of Jesus Christ, was permitted to live until the Second Coming of Christ. (John 21:23)

  - God resides on a planet near a star named Kolob. (Abraham, Chapter 3). It has not been revealed where Kolob is, but many scholars have speculated the possibility of it being in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy because this, according to scientists, is where new stars are born.

  - Earth will become a Celestial planet at the end of its mortal sojourn where God and his Son reside along with the righteous and just that have followed God’s commandments. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 130)

  In no way does this story reflect the views of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is simply a fictitious tale derived from scripture. In other words, it is an alternate reality, if you will, of the possibilities out there in the vastness of the universe. The story is meant for entertainment and recreational purposes only.

  If you are looking for a science fiction novel without references to God, then this story may not be for you. However, if you are intrigued with science fiction with strong religious undertones – such as I am – then you will be fascinated with the Worlds Without End premise. This novel, along with the rest of the books in the series, combines science fiction, religion, and the supernatural. Many people believe that these three categories contrast too much to be incorporated into a story. I disagree, however. I believe that all three go hand in hand. All the questions that mankind has been faced with regarding our existence and where we are going can be traced back to these three classifications.

  In summary, I hope you enjoy reading the Worlds Without End series. Just keep an open mind and be amazed at the wondrous creations of our Father in Heaven.


  Shaun F. Messick


  I wish to express a heartfelt thanks to all of the fans of Worlds Without End: The Mission, the first book in the Worlds Without End series. It is because of you that it is (as of the publication of this book) ranked #2 on Amazon’s religious, science fiction free book list.

  I want to also thank my wonderful wife who tolerates me staring at the computer screen for hours on end as I write and create the covers for the books that I am so passionate about.

  Next, I want to show appreciation to Beth from Hercules Editing and Consulting. She has done a magnificent job editing the manuscript for this book. Without her and her guidance, this work would not be here for your enjoyment.


  Earth Time: 7,000 years ago— Pre-mortal world near Kolob, center of the Milky Way Galaxy . . .

  Macaria wandered cautiously through the dark, damp tunnel of the cave. A dim light pierced the darkness at the end of the corridor where her master waited patiently for her return from her mission. Before she reached the light, she turned around one more time to make sure that she wasn’t followed. A sense of relief poured over her.

  As she turned back around, she caught a glimpse of her reflection on the stream of water that flowed down the cavern wall. The relief that she felt before was suddenly replaced with regret and sadness. Even though she was still one of the most beautiful daughters of her Father, she could see the change that was beginning to take place upon her spiritual body as a result of her decisions. Her shimmering blonde hair was beginning to transform into thin gray strands. She could also see shades of red in her bright, blue eyes, a sign that the goodness of her soul was slowly evaporating. What’s more, the glow from her countenance had disappeared as well, replaced by a repulsive shade of gray.

  Looking down in disgust, she continued toward her destination. The light within the cavern ahead sent shivers reverberating throughout her entire being
. And even though she couldn’t feel pain in a physical sense, the light ahead caused a tremendous amount of anguish. No longer did she crave the light. She craved darkness instead. The torment from the light caused her to stop just before she stepped into the small room of the cave. With a deep breath, she stepped forward.

  As soon as she did, her master, who had been standing with his back to her, whirled around. His countenance was terrifying, and his fiery, red eyes – a sign that his transformation to evil was complete – bored into her, causing her to tremble in untold fear. “Macaria,” he seethed. “Were you followed?”

  Macaria dropped to one knee and bowed her head in reverence. Even though Lucifer terrified her beyond reason, he was her master now. “N-no, my Lord,” she stammered.

  “Rise,” Lucifer said, walking slowly toward her.

  Macaria stood, her legs trembling. Looking at her master, she could see the transformation. Before his rebellion, he had been one of the most handsome and magnificent sons of their Father. The Son of the Morning had been looked to by countless souls for his greatness. But now, he was pure evil, and his spirit reflected that. He could still transform himself into the beautiful being he once was, but that took a tremendous amount of spiritual energy. He still had a thick head of black hair. But his eyes were completely red now, and his bright countenance had turned into the sickening shade of gray that Macaria exhibited as well.

  “Tell me what you have learned,” Lucifer demanded.

  “The Father has commanded Michael the Archangel to cast out the rebellious spirits. Our brothers and sisters that have chosen to follow you have already been cast out. We are all that remain.”

  Her report didn’t seem to faze Lucifer. A look graced along his face, telling her that he knew this day would come. “Where? On what desolate planet are we to live out our eternal banishment?”

  “E-earth, my Lord.”

  Instead of rage, Lucifer curled his lips into a victorious smile. “Earth, you say?”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  With the same expression, the Son of the Morning placed his hands behind his back, turned around, and walked further into the cavern toward an altar, holding a large bowl. Turning slowly, he motioned for Macaria to stand next to him. She made her way toward the bowl and looked into it. The light from its contents caused her to turn. Pushing back the torment the light caused, she turned back and stared at the contents in awe. The bowl contained a gold, glowing liquid. It was the source of light for the cavern. She turned back to her master, with a perplexed look on her face.

  Lucifer’s contemptuous smile remained. “This, my dear, this substance is how we will regain our birthright. This is how we will obtain bodies and dethrone the Father and his precious Son.”

  “But how, my Lord? We can never be born to mortal parents. The Father placed enmity between the spirits that have followed you and the seed of the woman. We can never inhabit the bodies of the children born to the mortals. It is not possible. That is our punishment.”

  “You are right, Macaria. But there is a way in which we can inhabit a body without losing our memories.”

  Macaria stepped forward, looking into the bowl with the same perplexed expression on her face. “I don’t understand, my Lord. What is this substance? And how can it help us?”

  “This, my dear,” Lucifer replied as he dipped his finger into the glowing liquid and stirred it around, “is the life source that flows through our resurrected Father’s veins. It is what gives him immortality.”

  Macaria watched as her master continued to stir the liquid. The gold light, emitting from the substance, danced off the cavern walls. “B-but how, my Lord? What power can prevail over our Father’s authority?”

  Lucifer pulled his finger out of the glowing liquid and turned to face her, his magnificence stunning her as he changed his image back into the beautiful spirit he once was. “Our Father has secrets. And I have discovered that there will be three—”

  A brilliant light suddenly exploded into the cavern. Macaria cowered in anguish from its brightness and turned around. There, hovering in the air was her brother, Michael the Archangel. Despite the beautiful radiance the being before her exhibited, absolute hate and revenge poured through her soul. Michael was adorned in a brilliant white robe held together at his waist with a white sash. The robe flowed about as if there was a breeze present; creating the illusion that he had wings. His snow-white hair radiated the same brilliance that the rest of his spirit emitted. And his blue eyes bored into her and her master.

  Hovering to the left and right of Michael were two souls that Macaria knew all too well. All three of them at one time had been close, almost inseparable. But now, they were on different sides. They had chosen their master, and she had chosen hers. The man on Michael’s left, Jeriel, looked at her with the same chagrin. His sandy brown hair radiated the same brightness that she abhorred. On Michael’s right hovered one of the most beautiful daughters of her Father. Keileni, as she was known, looked at her with sadness from her deep crystal blue eyes. And even though her hair was black as midnight, it too radiated the same light as the other two beings.

  Macaria continued to cower in fear, but her master stood up strong and confident, holding his original brilliance. “You!” he simmered. He then lifted his arms and tried to expel the three angels with his powers, but to no avail.

  Michael nodded to Jeriel and Keileni. Both spirits stepped toward Macaria and her master. As they did so, shackles adorned in white flames appeared in their hands. Macaria tried to disappear from their presence, but the powerful archangel ahead of her held her and her master in place. Keileni moved behind Macaria and placed the shackles upon her wrists. She shrieked in anguish and despair.

  Keileni then leaned in and whispered into her ear with deep sincerity, “I am sorry, Macaria. But you have chosen the wrong path.”

  Macaria whipped herself around, gnashing her teeth. “No, Keileni! It is you who has chosen wrong! You have chosen weakness rather than strength! You will see. The Son of the Morning will rise once again! And I will have revenge upon you and your precious Jeriel!”

  After she said the words, Macaria thought she saw a hint of fear in Keileni’s eyes. Keileni turned from her disdainful gaze and looked at Jeriel, who had just placed the flaming shackles upon Lucifer. Lucifer stood tall in a quiet defiance with the same haughty expression.

  Then a bellowing voice reverberated throughout the cavern as Jeriel and Keileni returned to their positions beside Michael. Pointing at the two rebellious spirits, Michael said, “For your rebellion, Lucifer and Macaria, the Father has commanded that you will be banished to Earth until the end of days. You will never obtain the second estate of receiving a body.”

  The arrogant expression on Lucifer’s face disappeared as his true evil form returned. His eyes glowed red in rage. “How dare you cast me out? I am the Son of the Morning! I will have my revenge and will one day rule the worlds without end, which our Father has created!”

  Michael lowered himself and walked toward Lucifer and Macaria. “No, Lucifer, you will not. By the authority of the Father and his Son, Jehovah, I cast thee out,” he said with sadness and disappointment in his voice.

  A blast of wind exploded into the cavern from behind Macaria and Lucifer. Macaria turned and watched in terror as a gaping wormhole opened up before them. Bright blue light exploded out from its center, and a watery horizon rippled out toward its edges. Macaria turned back and looked at Jeriel and Keileni, pleading with her eyes. For the first time, since her decision to follow the dark master, she had regret. Then, with a flick of his wrist, Michael sent the two rebellious spirits to Earth.


  Earth Time: June 26, 2042 − 20 Miles South of Washington D.C. . . .

  20 miles south of Washington D.C., on a peninsula formed by Belmont bay on the south, the Potomac River on the east, and Pohick Bay on the north lies a Virginia state park called Mason Neck. And it was within this park where Lieutenant Colonel Christop
her Peterson peered with his hazel eyes through his night vision goggles. Lying in a murky, bug-infested creek, he scanned the temporary camp set up for high-profile human prisoners.

  It had already been two weeks since aliens who looked like humans, but definitely were superior in strength and cognitive functioning had attacked the entire planet. Despite the aliens’ small numbers, they had managed to decimate the world’s most formidable fighting forces to nothing more than small bands, wiping out their organization and leadership. Now, these Gnols, as they called themselves, were gathering the humans of Earth as slave labor. In addition, they executed most of the world’s leaders, and kept others in special camps away from the slave general population.

  Chris turned and looked at Sergeant Miguel Lopez, one of his most trusted friends who had served with him for the last four years in the elite Army Rangers. Miguel looked back at him through his own night vision goggles. “What do you want to do, sir?”

  Chris inhaled the suffocating, night air as he turned back to look at the small camp. Luckily for him and his team, the sky was overcast, providing no light whatsoever and making it easier for them to get closer to the camp’s perimeter. On the other hand, the same cloud cover trapped in the day’s heat, making the night unbearable. The only relief he had from the heat was the coolness of the water in which he and Sergeant Lopez now lay. Their battle helmets were covered in moss and barely poked out of the water. “We wait for our contact to arrive.”

  “Are you sure you can trust this guy? I mean, he comes to us out of nowhere, heals us with some sort of mystical power, and then gives us intel that even our best intelligence officers would have a difficult time obtaining. He could be one of those aliens. We’ve seen what they can do, moving things with their minds and stuff. What if it’s a trap?”

  Lopez had a point. After all, they didn’t even know the name of the man who had rescued them from sure death. During the Gnols’ attack, Lt. Col. Peterson’s team had been returning from a mission in Columbia. They were to report directly to the Pentagon when the plane they were on was shot down. The pilots told them to bail out, but they jumped out at such a low altitude that all of them suffered major injuries. Chris suffered two broken legs, Sergeant Lopez a broken back, and the three other members of his team: Sergeant Drew Rice, Corporal Zakary Harris, and Corporal Jeremiah Lynch suffered severe injuries as well.


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