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Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2)

Page 10

by Shaun Messick

  “Sergeant Lopez, check in.”

  Sergeant Miguel Lopez reported from his hidden location behind the Vietnam Veteran’s memorial, his rifle lined up for the first shot on the Gnol guard at the front of the slaves. “Ready and waiting for your signal, Colonel.”

  “Copy that. Corporal Harris, report.”

  Corporal Zakary Harris checked in. Corporal Harris was hidden under a white tarp in order to avoid detection on top of the Lincoln Memorial. “Ready, sir,” he responded as he checked his rappelling gear. He then steadied his rifle upon the back of the head of the Gnol who was dressed like a former S.S. soldier.

  Chris moved his scope up to Corporal Harris’ location. He could make out the bulge of his body hidden neatly under the tarp on top of the alcove just above the two center pillars of the memorial, the white tip of his rifle pointing downward. He then returned his scope upon the obvious leader of the aliens, dressed in white. “Roger that,” he said. “Corporal Lynch, report.”

  Corporal Jeremiah Lynch lay underneath a thick brush of twigs and leaves within the Korean War Veteran’s Memorial. He was covered from head to toe in camouflage, only the whites of his eyes visible in contrast to his ebony skin. His rifle was lined up for shots upon the Gnol guards as well. “Ready when you are, sir.”

  “Copy that,” Colonel Peterson replied. “Sergeant Rice, check in.”

  Sergeant Drew Rice responded in a whisper. “Ready.”

  Colonel Peterson moved his scope down into the crowd of slaves. There, about a hundred feet from the Lincoln Memorial steps and in the center of the crowd, stood Sergeant Rice. Her athletically fit physique looked exceptionally large because of the baggy civilian clothes covering her camouflage uniform. Her weapons were hidden neatly underneath a brown blanket that she held wrapped around her body. She played the part well.

  Colonel Peterson moved his scope back up to his target. He watched as the man whom they had been ordered to rescue began to levitate away from the pole that he was tied to. “I will fire the first shot. When I say, ‘Go,’ move in.”

  He heard his team’s responses through his earpiece. Again, he drew in a deep breath. He relaxed his muscles and focused the crosshairs of his scope upon the head of his target. His finger began to squeeze the trigger as his target levitated the prisoner in the air above the steps of the memorial. He held his breath to steady the M82A1 sniper rifle and pulled the trigger. “Go! Go! Go!”

  * * * * *

  Koroan Chast’s Palace, Terrest . . .

  Carrying the golden tablet in his lap, Vlamer Kreuk exited the elevator into the top floor of Koroan Chast’s magnificent palace. He hovered toward the Omutx pad that would connect him to the goddess of light. He hovered over to the ten-foot gold statue that represented the goddess. Reaching around the back of the statue, he pressed the small indentation hidden at the bottom.

  The chandelier illuminating the room flickered off and the towering hologram of his goddess mother appeared. Her long blond hair flowed seamlessly and her blue eyes shimmered. She was one of the most beautiful beings Vlamer had ever laid eyes on.

  “Vlamer, my son, why have you summoned me?”

  Vlamer bowed his head in reverence. “Forgive me. But I have come with good news.”

  The goddess cocked her head to one side and her image shrunk to a few inches above Vlamer. She looked down and recognized what Vlamer held in his lap. “You have it.”

  “Yes, your Highness.”

  “Who else has laid eyes upon this relic?” the goddess asked with trepidation.

  “Colonel Sage Merrok and two of his subordinates.”

  “They must die.”

  Vlamer bowed his head. “I understand, your Highness.”

  Vlamer then raised his head. The goddess was eye level with him now. She seemed to look right through Vlamer. Her look was fiery. “Has the temple been destroyed?”

  “It will be soon. I will see to it personally.”

  “Good. Secure the tablet. No one but you and Koroan are to see it.”

  “Yes. I will not fail you, your Highness.”


  Washington D.C., The Lincoln Memorial . . .

  Tears streamed down Kevin’s face. His white designer dress shirt was bloodstained and torn. He couldn’t bear to watch anymore. His brother was being tortured again. He heard the agonizing screams from his brother and glanced up. There Adrian hovered, frozen in the air. Koroan Chast was sending electrical charges invisibly throughout his body. The small summer breeze sent the smell of charred skin and singed hair in Kevin’s direction, causing his stomach to churn.

  He couldn’t look at Adrian anymore. There was nothing he could do for his little brother. The brother he had taken care of his entire life. The brother he had desperately missed for twenty-five years.

  After all that Adrian had told Kevin about his calling on Terrest to free the Terrestrians from the tyrannical rule of the Gnols, was this it? Was Adrian’s sacrifice in vain?

  He closed his eyes hard, with his head still bowed, and tried to block the shrill screams from his brother. He then heard the muffled cries of his two children. Kevin turned his head to his left and looked at his daughter. With her head down, Ashley’s chest heaved up and down as she sobbed uncontrollably. He then looked to his right at his son.

  He saw tears flowing out of Adam’s eyes like streams of water down a steep cliff. He could tell that his son was trying to be brave as he controlled his sobs with stifled sniffles. Adam looked straight ahead, staring at his uncle.

  Kevin returned to looking at his younger brother. Adrian’s screaming had stopped and he was unconscious now. But Koroan still held him in midair telekinetically, sending wave after wave of electrical energy throughout his body. Adrian convulsed and writhed with each invisible shock.

  Kevin moved his eyes away again up toward the sky. As he did so, he noticed the Washington Memorial and stopped. The majestic symbol for freedom in Washington, D.C. stood unscathed. He was about to avert his eyes to the sky when the noonday sun reflected off of something within the observation deck of the memorial. He quickly glanced down to see if Dorange or Koroan had noticed. Neither had. Koroan still concentrated on Adrian, and Dorange stood by his side, admiring his lord’s godlike power.

  Kevin looked back up toward the observation deck over a mile away when he heard a small popping sound from a distance. A few seconds later, Koroan let go of his invisible hold on Adrian. Adrian’s body fell to the concrete with a bone-breaking thud. Koroan reached out his right arm, with his fingers extended toward the Washington Monument. But as soon as he did, he reached up with his left hand and grabbed his right shoulder. Koroan fell to the wood-plank floor of the platform. Dorange lunged over his fallen leader, shielding him from any further damage.

  Gunfire began to echo around the Lincoln Memorial. Slaves screamed and scattered in every direction. The Gnol guards surrounding the slaves scattered as well, some falling to their deaths.

  Then, Kevin heard what sounded like a helicopter approaching from behind. He turned his head around as far as he could without hitting the pole to which he was fastened. Out of his peripheral vision, he saw a man clad in green fatigues rappel down the Lincoln Memorial. The soldier landed softly, cut his line loose with his knife, and sprinted toward the platform in one swift motion.

  Kevin looked back toward Dorange and Koroan. Amongst the chaos, Dorange was helping Koroan off the opposite side of the platform. He failed to see the soldier running up the side steps. The soldier ran toward Kevin. He skidded to a stop and cut Kevin loose from the pole in one instantaneous move.

  “Run to your brother!” the soldier yelled. “I’ll get your kids!”

  Kevin hesitated. He was frozen with fear. He looked at his lifeless brother, who was lying in a broken heap at the bottom of the Lincoln Memorial steps. A woman, also garbed in military battle gear, stood over Adrian, holding two plasma guns in each hand, spewing out deadly bolts of plasma in every direction.

o now!” the soldier ordered.

  Kevin ran and jumped off the front of the platform.

  * * * * *

  For the first time in years, Dorange began to experience joy. It wasn’t the kind of joy most people experience, however. No, it was joy in knowing that soon his oldest enemy, Adrian Palmer, would be dead. Adrian was about to suffer the most horrific and torturous death any human or Gnol could withstand. The invisible energy that Koroan Chast sent pulsating throughout Adrian’s body was cooking him from the inside out like a microwave oven.

  Dorange allowed his lips to curve upward into a sinister smile. The power his master exhibited was something that he craved more than anything. For the last few years, Dorange had been trying to summon the power to master the control of invisible electrical energy. But the best that he could muster was the ability to fry an apple from the inside out. He had tried to use this ability when he tortured Adrian for the first time, but only managed to cause a small burn on the skin of his chest.

  Nonetheless, the power and control Koroan exhibited was impressive and exhilarating. No matter how much he wanted to ascend to Koroan’s throne, he knew that there was much more that he needed to learn from his master.

  As Dorange continued to watch in awe while Adrian fell into unconsciousness, a glimmer of light caught his right eye. Dorange jerked his head toward the Washington Monument and heard what sounded like a gunshot in the distance. As soon as the shot echoed down through the National Mall, Koroan dropped Adrian and lifted his right arm to stop the projectile telekinetically. Dorange watched as the bullet cut through the air.

  Koroan grabbed his right shoulder with his left arm and fell to the platform floor. Dorange leapt for his fallen master just as a bullet whizzed past his head. He lunged forward, throwing his body over Koroan’s.

  Gun and plasma fire resonated all around the Lincoln Memorial. Koroan was hurt, but conscious. Dorange jumped up, grabbed under Koroan’s arms, and began helping him off the platform for protection.

  Once they were under the platform, Koroan jumped to his feet and glared at Dorange. “I thought you had the city secured!”

  Dorange looked like a caged animal; scared and inept. “I-it was, my Lord. I do—”

  “Do not give me excuses, Dorange!” Koroan yelled. He then reached up with his left hand and placed it just above his right shoulder where the bullet penetrated his skin. Dorange was shocked with what he saw. The wound in his master’s shoulder was not oozing blood. Instead, a gold substance, radiating light of its own, dripped from the bullet hole. With his telekinetic ability, Koroan pulled the bullet out of his arm. He clenched his teeth in pain as the bullet, covered in the glowing liquid, fell to the concrete. The wound then immediately healed itself as the skin closed around the hole.

  Dorange’s face told it all. He was in absolute shock at his master’s newfound abilities. Koroan smiled. “Yes, Dorange. I am becoming more powerful. You would be wise not to betray my trust.”

  Dorange immediately dropped to one knee and bowed his head in reverence. “Yes, my Lord.”

  The gunfire and mass panic outside of the platform brought Dorange and Koroan back to their senses. They rushed out from under the platform to see where Adrian Palmer had fallen. Koroan turned to his right and saw Adrian and his family surrounded by three human soldiers, two males and a female. They were providing cover fire for Adrian and his family.

  They both heard a helicopter from above. Looking up, they saw a large, black helicopter swoop in. The helicopter swiftly landed near the human soldiers covering Adrian and his family. Two human soldiers sat on each side of the helicopter, spouting machine-gun fire into the remaining Gnols.

  Koroan seethed in anger and rushed toward Adrian.

  * * * * *

  Christopher Peterson had managed successfully to rappel down the side of the Washington Monument. He didn’t know if he had successfully hit his target. He was in too big of a hurry to get down the side of the monument and reach his objective. He jumped upon his black bullet bike, which he had found in preparation for the mission, and punched the ignition button. The 2042 version of the Hero Honda Karizma roared to life.

  He revved the engine and sped down the National Mall toward the Lincoln Memorial, weaving his way in and out of fleeing slaves. With his right arm controlling the bike and his left hand holding his army issue Plasma Colt, he spewed plasma bolts onto enemy Gnols, hitting a few.

  As he approached the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial, a Gnol soldier ran out in front of him and began firing plasma blasts in his direction. Chris didn’t have time to react. He ducked below the first wave of shots, but the second blast hit the front tire of his bike. The tire buckled, causing the front of his bike to hit the ground, propelling him through the air and into the reflecting pool with a large splash.

  After splashing into the pool, he quickly planted his feet on the bottom of the pool and jumped up. He turned around and saw the Gnol who had fired upon him rushing toward him. He pulled his plasma gun up at full tilt and aimed it at the oncoming Gnol. The gun sparked and clicked just as the Gnol fired his own plasma blast. He dropped his gun and lunged back into the water toward the side of the pool. The plasma blast barely missed his head.

  With both hands, he grabbed the side of the pool and launched himself out onto the ground, onto one knee. He reached for his other sidearm, which was on his right thigh. It wasn’t there. He cursed under his breath.

  He heard another blast. The bolt hit the ground just below his feet, throwing him forward onto his stomach. He then flipped himself over onto his back and saw his attacker within ten feet, aiming for the kill shot.

  Chris fleetingly thrust his hand into his jacket and pulled out his knife. The Gnol was now within five feet. He flung the knife through the air. The knife struck its target in the left eye just as the Gnol fired. The impact caused the shot to go flying into another Gnol who was firing into the crowd of slaves. The dead Gnol fell face first to the ground.

  Chris jumped to his feet and sprinted toward the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, which had just landed next to his Ranger team.

  * * * * *

  Kevin skidded to a halt at the feet of his fallen brother. The female soldier continued to provide cover fire. Kevin looked around. It seemed that the few Gnol soldiers that remained paid little attention to the soldier and Adrian. They seemed to be more concerned about the retreating slaves.

  Kevin turned back to look for his children. They ran toward him, followed by the soldier that had cut them loose from their poles. Adam reached Kevin first, immediately followed by his sister. They hugged each other in a tight squeeze. “Are you both okay?” Kevin asked.

  Both children nodded. Tears still streamed down Ashley’s face, but Adam’s gaze was stoic.

  The soldier that rescued his family quickly grabbed Adam and Ashley by each shoulder and forced them to the ground. “Stay low!” he ordered.

  Kevin knelt to the ground as well and looked at the soldier. The soldier’s face was fearless; his dark features, hair, and brown eyes added to his grit. The soldier returned his gaze.

  “I’m Corporal Zakary Harris. We’re here to rescue you.”

  Kevin was about to question the corporal, but the corporal quickly turned his attention to the female guard, who was still standing and providing cover fire.

  “Have you heard from Colonel Peterson yet?”

  The female guard answered without so much as a hitch in her duty to protect Kevin’s family. “No.”

  Kevin again turned his attention to his brother. He crawled next to Adrian and looked over his body. Adrian’s skin was red and swollen, mostly with first-degree burns. Parts of his arms and a large spot on his neck were blackened with third degree burns. Blood trickled from his nose. He reached out and checked Adrian’s pulse. It was faint. He quickly turned and looked at Corporal Harris. “He needs medical attention!”

  The corporal pushed Kevin aside, knelt down next to Adrian, and checked his pulse as
well. He then pressed the communication device within his ear. “We need the medivac, now!” he shouted.

  As soon as the words left his lips, two other soldiers skidded to stops next to the group – a man of Hispanic descent with bulging muscles that nearly tore through his green t-shirt and a tall but physically toned black man covered from head to toe in camouflage. Neither one of them acknowledged Kevin. Instead, each soldier knelt down with their backs to one another and proceeded to pick off the remaining Gnol soldiers with their rifles.

  Kevin then heard the sound of chopper blades cutting through the air. Looking up above the Lincoln Memorial, he saw the large UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter rapidly approaching—the helicopter with which he was familiar. He had assisted the military in creating an optional pilotless helicopter with his knowledge of artificial intelligence, and the UH-60 was just the craft. But this helicopter contained a pilot and a copilot in the cockpit.

  The air whipped around the group as the Black Hawk landed. The female soldier and Corporal Harris quickly picked up Adrian and rushed him into the cargo hold of the helicopter. The female guard stayed on the chopper with Adrian, and Corporal Harris returned for Kevin and his children. The two other soldiers remained kneeling down, firing.

  Corporal Harris grabbed Kevin’s arm and pushed him toward the helicopter. “Get your kids and get on the chopper, now!”

  Before Kevin turned to run, he saw Koroan running toward them from under the platform. Kevin stopped as Adam and Ashley jumped into the Black Hawk. He turned around and yelled, pointing at Koroan. “Look out!”

  Corporal Harris turned and looked to where Kevin was pointing. He raised his rifle and fired a shot in Koroan’s direction.


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