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Agent T3: d'Artagnan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)

Page 8

by Hahn, Joni

  He gave her a guarded stare. “No, Joce.”

  Jumping up from the bench, she walked away from the group to stand in total darkness. Why did she care? Why did she have such compassion for the lives of those suffering back home? Why couldn’t she be more like Mitchell and look the other way?

  “Once I do that,” Dar continued, “I’m supposed to bring back the time machine.”

  Jocelyn turned to stare at him.

  “Good move,” Tristan said. “That would prevent them from returning.”

  “For a while, anyway,” Rachel said. “Until they build another one.”

  That meant her father would be arrested. Angela, too. They certainly deserved it. However, that knowledge didn’t make it any easier to swallow.

  “Hopefully, by that point, the war will have ended.” Cassandra said.

  Dar took a deep breath and let it out. “I’ll go back one more time.”

  “Once more?” Rachel wrinkled her brow. “Why?”

  “To take back Jocelyn.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Dar saw Joce walk past him to the elevator, her head held high.

  It took everything he had not to jump up and go after her. His knee shook wildly as he tried like hell to block her out of his mind.

  Rachel sat up in her seat. “Mitchell can’t make you take her back.”

  “Dar, aren’t you going after her?” Cassandra looked back at the elevator.

  He would not watch those doors shut. “Rachel, yes he can. Cassandra, nope.” He ended the word with a pop.

  He shot out of his seat and started to pace.

  Aidan gave him a wild-eyed glare. “You need to tell Mitchell to go to hell.”

  “I would,” Tristan said, in his calm, rational voice.

  “I’ve known from the beginning that she had to go back. I should’ve never allowed this, this… thing between us to happen. I knew it was unfair to her when I started it but, the asshole that I am, I did it anyway.”

  He cursed under his breath. “Look at us. She’s risked her life, how many times, to try to save lives back home? And, she hasn’t asked for anything for herself. Nothing. Hell, she’s wearing my freaking clothes, for cripes sake.”

  He pointed at his chest. “Me? I have to arrange for her family’s arrest, then take her back to an empty home.” He sliced his hand through the air. “She doesn’t freaking deserve any of it.”

  When his time travel test runs had worked without a hitch, Mitchell told Dar he wanted to act. Each hour they waited, VonFussenhoffer moved. Dar wanted to stop him more than anyone but, once he did, Jocelyn would leave.

  “You’ve got to choose your battle, Dar.” Rachel’s voice held a note of wisdom.

  He couldn’t contain his sarcasm. “Oh yeah? I thought I’d done that.”

  “You still have a choice to make.”

  Dammit. Those choices he thought he wanted were a pain in the ass. He didn’t want to decide Jocelyn’s fate, or that of thousands of people.

  He was more adept at dealing with decisions other people made. How could he decide for anything but her?

  “You can battle Mitchell to keep her here,” Rachel said. “Or, you can battle time and history to stay with her in the past. Either way, Dar, your heart’s going with her.”


  Jocelyn sat in the deserted cafeteria and sipped on a cola. What did she do now? Dar left tomorrow. Not that it mattered really, since he’d already deserted her.

  Sitting up in her chair, she lifted her chin. If she left the compound, she’d most likely get lost in the desert. Considering her wardrobe consisted of two dresses and Dar’s shirt, and she had no money to her name, it would be difficult to make it… where? Where would she go? The truth was, she had nowhere to go. Not in the year twenty thirteen.

  Jocelyn wouldn’t stay with Dar now. Not anymore. Knowing he could return her so easily cut deep.

  Their relationship had to end. She’d already changed the past just by coming here. The sooner she got back to nineteen forty-four, the better for them all. Either way, she’d be alone.

  “Would you like some company?”

  A lovely, middle-aged woman stood at her table. She had delicate, fair features and gorgeous red hair. A friendly smile covered her face.

  Pointing at the seat across from her, Jocelyn smiled. “Sure. I’m Jocelyn.”

  “I’m Kate.”

  Jocelyn’s heart jolted to a stop, while she continued to smile. This had to be the woman that Brewster person talked about at the hospital. Robert Naylor’s girlfriend. Aidan looked a lot like her.

  Did she know Jocelyn’s identity? Had she come around fishing for information?

  Sitting down in the chair, she held a cup of coffee and blew on it. “I haven’t seen you here before. Are you a new agent?”

  Jocelyn gave a feigned laugh. Kate knew who she was all right.

  “No. I’m just… visiting.”

  “Visiting? Kate cocked her head. “Yet, you’re sitting in here alone?”

  Very astute of Kate to notice. “Yes, the discussion became too… intense, I’m afraid.” She stared at the label on her plastic bottle. “What do you do here?”

  “I’ve been working in the medical wing. A thankless job, changing sheets and bedpans.” She grinned over her coffee cup.

  Jocelyn smiled at her. If Kate could shovel it out like this, she could clean it up.

  “Yes, I’m sure it is thankless when you’re dealing with type-A personalities.”

  Kate’s eyes crinkled. “Exactly.” Laying her hand flat on the table, she said, “So, a pretty girl like you has to be visiting one of the hot agents. Who is he?”

  She knew about Dar and Jocelyn’s relationship with him. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have bothered to approach her.

  “Hot? I’m sorry, I don’t know what that means.”

  Staring at her with round eyes, Kate said, “You’re not from here, are you?”

  Joce glanced down at the bottle again. These days, she felt like she was from another planet.

  “No, I’m afraid not.”

  Kate leaned across the table and spoke in confidence. “Hot means handsome, or sexy. We have plenty of those around here.”

  An image of Dar making love to her on the sofa popped into her head. The man was strikingly hot. As a matter of fact, just thinking about him made her body heat.

  She needed to put an end to this conversation and get away from this woman. Why did they allow her to roam free?

  Kate watched as she rose from her chair. “Well Kate, it was nice mee-“

  The room went dark.


  “Shit, Monroe. I can’t find her anywhere.”

  Dar spoke into his armband as he scoured the halls of D.I.R.E. looking for Jocelyn. When he returned to his room and found her bag, but no Jocelyn, alarm surged through his chest and clogged his throat.

  Making his way to the crossroads of the complex, Dar stared at the traffic signs. He’d searched every wing but Security.

  Dread crept along his spine. His father’s chambers were in Security.

  He never should’ve let her walk away tonight. He’d only thought of himself, about how hard it would be to take her back to the past. Distancing himself now would make the goodbye easier.

  For him.

  Could he be any more selfish? She wandered twenty thirteen alone, with no one to depend on but him, and he’d deserted her.

  Cowardice taunted him like a bully.

  Love whispered at his ear.

  Was Rachel right? Did his heart belong to Jocelyn? Right now, he had major freakage going on because he couldn’t find her. He never freaked about anything.

  The idea of sending her back to nineteen forty-four made him want to tear down the walls of D.I.R.E. with his bare hands. He just didn’t know if he could do it. Yet, to go against Mitchell risked the loss of his new position and the possibility of changing the past and future.

  This mess wasn’t just about him. Or Jocelyn.
She and her father played a pivotal part in World War II. D.I.R.E.’s actions, or inactions, could change everything.

  Dammit, why did he fall for the one woman he couldn’t have? It was one thing to be enemies like Cass and Aidan, or have completely different views on life like Tristan and Rachel. But, to live in two different points in time?

  Shit. He’d fallen in love with her.

  If he could kick his own ass, he would do it.

  “Monroe, the guards would alert Mitchell if she tried to leave the compound, right?”

  Aidan huffed a laugh. “Hell, you can’t take a piss in this place without Mitchell finding out.”

  That meant only one thing. He headed down the Security wing.

  “Dammit, she’s got to be in Security.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “No.” Dar held up his armbands to the agents on duty. “If my father did something to her, it’ll be over quick. Trust me.”

  Storming down the hall, he stopped at his father’s door and banged on it with his fist before running his thumbprint over the scanner. As a top D.I.R.E. agent, he had access to every room in the compound except Mitchell’s office.

  He shoved open the door. Robert sat up in bed, the room bathed in total darkness. Kate lay beside him squinting against the hall light, covers up to her chin.

  “You two disgust me.”

  “What the hell do you want?” Robert made a wide yawn.

  Dar flicked on the overhead light. “Where is she?”

  “Who?” Robert stared at him with rapid blinks.

  “You know who.” He looked at Kate who remained suspiciously quiet. “So help me, if you’ve done anything to her, I will kill you here and now.” He clenched his fists in front of him.

  Robert stared at his armbands. “What? Mitchell didn’t give you a GPS tracker with those things? Maybe you need to buy an upgrade…”

  Dar stood over the bed and glared down at Kate. “I’ll start with her...”

  Robert shot out of bed. Shit, did his father really stand a foot from him, naked?

  Bile rose in his throat.

  “You and what man’s army? Mitchell’s army of freaks?”

  Dar shoved his father. Robert stumbled back before catching himself.

  He turned back to Kate who stared at him from behind the covers. “Where, Kate?”

  “Get away from her.” Robert pushed at him.

  He didn’t budge. Robert gave him a wide-eyed appraisal.

  How do you like me now, old man?

  “I’m giving you to the count of three, Kate. One…”

  “You think you’re tough shit now that you’re with D.I.R.E., don’t you?” Robert said.


  “You don’t scare me. You’re the same, incompetent imbecile you were a few weeks ago when you worked for me.”

  Worked for him, huh? He’d always been an employee, never a son.

  “It’s sure going to be embarrassing when I parade Kate down the hall, totally nude...” Dar dove toward her.

  Covering her head, she cried, “She’s down the hall.”

  With an arrogant grin for his father, Dar stormed to the door before turning around. “The only good thing about being raised by you, Robert, is that I learned, first hand, what it takes to be a cruel, vile sonovabitch. Don’t screw with me, or I’ll rain down hell on your ass.”

  Slamming the door behind him, Dar ran down the hall, pounding on doors. “Joce.”

  Jocelyn’s frantic voice sounded on the other side of a door, three rooms down. “Yes, I’m here. Please get me out.”

  Thank God. Scanning his thumb over the security panel, Dar shoved open the door. Jocelyn stood by the bed in the well lit room, lines of worry on her brow.

  “Joce…” He reached for her.

  She backed away.

  Anger infused him. “You scared the shit out of me. Are you okay? What happened?”

  She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “I’m fine. I was talking to Kate in the cafeteria when someone knocked me out from behind.”

  Kate had become a master con – hell, she’d fooled her children all of these years. However, Jocelyn didn’t know any better. As long as Robert and Kate were there, she’d remain vulnerable.

  “Joce, Kate befriended you to get to us. There’s a reason why I want to keep to you close.”

  “Yes, d’Artagnan. I realize it’s all for safety’s sake, nothing more.”

  Dar nearly doubled over. Damn, she’d landed a sucker punch if he’d ever felt one. He could understand how she’d think he didn’t care. However, after what they shared at the ranch, she knew better.

  Jocelyn walked past him into the hallway. “I need to get out of here, but I won’t stay with you.”

  Like hell... “Do you think I want to take you home, Joce?”

  She stared down the hall. “I don’t know what to think about anything, anymore. I thought I could believe in you but I was wrong about that, too.”

  Dar winced, pain twisting his gut.

  He caught her arm. “You can believe in me, Joce.”

  Shaking her head, she tried to pull away her arm. “No. I’m alone in all of this. I know that now. There is no hope for the people back home, or for me. Now, let me go.”

  Clasping her upper arms, Dar gave her a gentle shake. “Let’s get one thing straight, Jocelyn. I will never let you go. Do you understand me?”

  “You’ve already decided otherwise.” Wrenching free, she walked toward the elevator. “Don’t worry, Dar. You’re doing the right thing.”

  Chapter 10

  Dar didn’t wake Jocelyn when he left the next morning. He’d won the battle of her living arrangements and gave her his bed while he slept on the sofa. Considering she would be alone until he returned, she had her own place for the duration of her stay.

  Once he got back, it would only be a matter of time before they were separated permanently, anyway. The thought made him want to shoot through time and find VonFussenhoffer himself.

  He should be excited about embarking on his first ever, time travel op. In minutes, he’d be standing in nineteen forty-four Washington, D.C. That should freaking blow his mind.

  All he could think about was losing Joce.

  Curse words spat from his mouth when he walked into the lab. Mitchell and Robinson whipped around to stare at him.

  “Not a morning person, Naylor?” Mitchell gazed at him with narrowed eyes.

  “I’ll be whatever person you want me to be.” He gave a feigned grin.

  Robinson entered something on his computer. “Did you get a good night’s sleep? Eat a good breakfast?”

  He’d avoided food after seeing what Monroe went through last time. Sleep had been sporadic, when he didn’t purposely listen to Joce snore across the room.

  “I take it your silence means no on both counts?” Robinson turned in his chair to stare at him.

  “I’ll be fine.” Dar went to his suit sitting on a platform across the room. “Let’s do this.”

  With twin sighs, Mitchell and Robinson went to the platform and helped him into the titanium and aluminum suit. Dar connected the sleeves to his armbands.

  “Comfortable?” Mitchell walked around him.

  Stretching out his arms and flexing his legs, Dar smiled. It fit like a glove.

  “Feels good.”

  Clint gave a brief nod. “After what happened to Aidan last time, I added Kevlar to the construction. I don’t mind a scratch or two, but bring her back intact, okay? She’s an expensive piece.”

  Dar cocked his brow. “Getting kinky on me, Robinson?”

  Mitchell grinned as he pointed at the suit. “We’ve also put some nausea medication inside the storage pouch. Take it only if you need it because the side effects could be detrimental to your op.”

  Aidan and Tristan came through the lab door. They eyed him up and down.

  “Aw look, Jacobs,” Aidan said, “Our little boy is all grown up and going to his first prom.”

bsp; “I hope you talked to him about birth control.” Tristan went to stare at Robinson’s computer screen.

  Aidan made a wide circle around Dar.

  “After that remark, I wouldn’t come too close, Monroe. I promised Robinson I wouldn’t scratch the suit.”

  With a grin, Aidan studied Dar’s suit, hands on hips. “So, how will he time travel without my electrical powers?”

  “Essentially,” Robinson said, “he has Tristan’s system with a high frequency amplifier like you. However, his is much more powerful. He won’t need the radio tower to travel alone.”

  Tristan’s gaze shot to Robinson. “Alone. Are you saying he has the ability to take things back and forth?”

  “Yes.” Robinson went to the platform. “But, he would need the radio tower for anything more than his body weight plus fifty pounds. The item would have to be protected in something like the suit to survive the speed and velocity. This pouch…” He held up a small, metallic-looking cloth bag. “…will be secured to Dar’s suit. It has a lead and gold lining, much like the blankets used in the space program. The outside is made of the same materials as the suit.” He secured it to Dar’s back. “He’s taking an all-in-one tablet with him today. It should survive just fine.”

  Dar gave a cocky grin. “Yeah, I just downloaded the latest Marvel movie. I thought I’d watch it in my spare time.”

  “How will you get from D.C. to Princeton, Naylor?” Aidan said.

  “I’ll time travel ahead to Jersey when I’m done in Washington.”

  “You’ll probably meet your mother when you travel to Princeton, Dar.” Mitchell clapped him on the shoulder. “You may hate her, but it’ll be the only chance you’ll ever have to talk to her. Take advantage of it.”

  Mitchell didn’t know it, but Dar had downloaded photos of Cass and Tristan on his armband in the off chance she actually cared to see them.

  The woman is a Nazi sympathizer, Naylor. Do you really think she’d want to see them?

  Damn, he was soft.

  Cassandra and Rachel walked in the door.

  “Jocelyn?” he said.

  Cass shook her head, her mouth turned down at the corners.

  Dammit. Did you really think she’d come?

  “Good luck, bro.” Cass kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t even think about scaring us like Aidan did.”


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