Agent T3: d'Artagnan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)
Page 13
Last week, scientists at an Arctic Circle outpost uncovered what appears to be pieces of some type of nuclear-powered device. Discovered below water level, the pieces were found fused inside a huge ice cap near, what was thought to be, a natural deformation in the ice. However, evidence at the scene proves that what many thought to be global warming, is in fact, the result of a previously unknown nuclear meltdown that occurred several decades ago.
Mitchell’s wide-eyed gaze went from Tristan, to Aidan and finally Dar, who shrugged. “Oops.”
About the Author
By day, award-winning author, Joni Hahn keeps her secret decoder ring hidden while she works as a mild-mannered HR manager and accounting generalist. She believes the world can never have too many superheroes, and anxiously waits for the call when one will need help saving the world… or getting into his costume. Joni was born with a hopelessly tender heart and believes there is nothing on earth more exhilarating than falling in love (other than the rear shot of Chris Evans in The Avengers - that was pretty darn exhilarating). A native Texan, she thinks cowboys are the epitome of masculinity, and that country music is the other soul music.
You can find Joni online at:
Currently available in The D.I.R.E. Agency Series:
Book 1: Agent I1: Tristan
Book 2: Agent E2: Aidan
The Agency is always recruiting.
Look for more hot, D.I.R.E. agents coming soon!
The D.I.R.E. Agency
Superheroes born with attitude, created with science.