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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

Page 7

by Danielle Rose-West

  “Don’t get any ideas Laura. You said you were happy to be here as Kerry’s friend and that you wouldn’t be pursuing me in any romantic way. I am sorry if I have given you a false impression by kissing you, but let me make things absolutely clear. I have no intention of starting a relationship with you or anyone else. I am not what you are looking for. Is that clear?”

  Laura nodded mutely. She really didn’t know what to make of Jake. One moment he was kissing the breath out of her, the next he was pushing her away. She felt confused and empty. How could he not feel how special and amazing their kiss had been? She certainly had never experienced anything like it and was sure she never would again. How could he not want to explore that?

  “Good. Let’s just forget the incident ever happened.” Jake rose to his feet and walked to the two horses standing together a short distance away. He gently rubbed his hands over the tired out animals, checking for injury.

  Laura watched him, feeling the sudden need to weep. She didn’t want to forget that kiss. In fact, she realised she very much wanted it to happen again. Once had certainly not been enough. Something about this man touched her deeply. The yearning she felt for him was far more than simple lust; it was soul deep. He drew her to him on every level. She realised that The Fairy Tale Match had indeed found her the perfect man. The only problem was she wasn’t at all sure he felt the same way. Even if he did, he appeared to be reluctant to allow his heart to get involved with someone.

  She knew something bad had happened in his past. It seemed obvious it involved a past relationship. Somehow, she needed to find out what had happened. Careful questioning of Bill and Kerry could help her piece things together. If she could only know what stood in the way, she might be able to find a way to break down Jake’s walls. The kiss they’d shared gave her hope. He’d seemed to be as affected as she was. She couldn’t have imagined his response. Her experience was limited to be truthful, but even she couldn’t have got that wrong!

  Her mind made up, Laura got to her feet and dusted off her trousers. Somehow she was going to win Jake’s heart. She felt better with the decision made, knowing she had just under three weeks to achieve it. She didn’t want her fees back, she wanted the love part of the deal and she aimed to get it.

  She walked slowly over to Jake, keeping a good distance from the horses. “Are they okay?” she asked.

  “They’re fine,” he replied, picking up their reins and walking the horses towards her. Laura stepped back as he approached, nervously clasping her hands together in front of her body like a shield. Jake noticed. He lifted one dark brow. “You do know we are going to have to ride back to the ranch, don’t you?”

  “No way!” Laura stated firmly, backing even further away from the two innocent looking monsters. “I have no intention of ever getting back on a horse again. Once was quite enough, I assure you.”

  “It will be perfectly safe, I promise you.” Jake held his hand out, trying to coerce her into coming closer. She wouldn’t have it, shaking her head stubbornly. “Laura, it’s too far back to the ranch from here without using the horses. It would take us hours on foot.”

  “Don’t you have a phone with you? We could call for someone to come and pick me up.” She looked at him hopefully.

  “My phone is back at the ranch. I wasn’t really expecting to need it this afternoon. Unless you had the foresight to bring one with you, we’re stuck with two options; riding or walking. I opt for riding.”

  Laura scrunched up her nose in irritation. She hadn’t thought to bring her phone. The stupid thing was sitting on her dressing table where she’d left it; totally useless to her. Why, oh why hadn’t she thought to pick it up? She eyed Daisy, who now appeared completely docile. But then, she’d looked harmless enough before.

  “I don’t know, Jake.” She bit her lip in indecision. “I’m not really happy to ride. Not straight after what happened.”

  “I’ll be leading Daisy,” he promised. “I’ll have hold of her reins the entire time. She won’t be able to bolt again. Trust me?”

  “Can’t I ride with you?” she asked hopefully. “I’ve read books and seen films where they ride double. I’d feel safer.”

  “It’s a lot more weight for one horse to carry. They are both tired out from the run. I would much prefer not to overload one of them when there are two them here we can use.” He also wouldn’t admit that having her share a saddle with him was too much for him to take. Especially after a kiss that he was sure left scorch marks on the ground where they’d been sitting. No, this way was safer for him! “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said persuasively, holding his hand out to her again.

  She looked into his eyes. In truth, she did trust him. Taking a deep breath, she nodded her consent. He smiled at her and suddenly the risk was worth it. When he looked at her like that, she was sure she couldn’t refuse him anything.

  She moved hesitantly nearer the horse. Jake gave her leg up onto Daisy’s back. Laura immediately gripped the saddle, her whole body feeling frozen in fear. She held her breath, but Daisy didn’t even twitch. Keeping hold of the reins, Jake climbed onto the back of his horse. He started them towards the ranch at a nice easy pace, glancing at Laura to make sure she was okay.

  “How you doing?” he asked her.

  She smiled with trembling lips and gave him a thumbs up. “All things considered, not bad.”

  “Try to relax in the saddle,” Jake said a few moments later, after studying her frozen form and death grip on the saddle.

  She looked at him incredulous. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

  “If you stay in that stiff position, you won’t be able to move when we get back. Let yourself find your balance and flow with the movement of the horse.” He indicated his own relaxed stance and fluid motion as he moved with his horse’s body. They were like one being in perfect harmony with each other.

  Laura glared at Jake. “You’ve been riding for years. I have had one horrible moment on a horse that I will never forget. There is no way I am letting go of this saddle! I’ll fall.”

  “No you won’t. Come on Laura, where is the courage of the woman that joined a dating agency and flew half way across the world by herself to meet someone she didn’t know?” He gave her a small grin, making her stomach do flip flops. “Surely that woman can let herself relax and go with the flow of a horse?”

  He was challenging her. Her pride simply wouldn’t let her give in to her fear in front of him. Slowly she began to relax her body. The bouncing became smoother. Jake talked her gently through adjusting her body’s position until she found herself moving with Daisy’s rhythm. He continued his patient instruction and slowly Laura began to lose some of her fear.

  “Do you think you could forgive Daisy and maybe keep learning to ride? It would be a shame for this to stop you. You seemed so enthusiastic about the idea last night. I can assure you, she isn’t usually like this. I can’t imagine what got into her. I don’t think I’ve even seen her trot, let alone run before.” He shook his head in amazement. “I still can’t believe she jumped fences.”

  “Don’t remind me!” Laura shuddered. She looked at Jake, her mind quickly jumping on the possibilities. “Would you teach me? I’d feel so much safer with you.” She smiled her best, most persuasive smile.

  “I don’t know. I have a lot on at the moment. I’m not sure I’ll get the time.” Jake wasn’t sure he wanted to spend that much time with Laura. After today, he was even more determined to keep his distance.

  “Please Jake. If you taught me, I think I’d be able to do it. You’ve already helped me in just this short space of time. I already feel more confident. I can’t imagine being able to learn with anyone else now.”

  Jake tried to harden his heart against her, but found it impossible to deny her request. “Fine, but I won’t be able to teach you every day.”

  She gave a happy squeal of excitement, then clung to Daisy’s saddle again in fright when the horse snorted in response. Jake laug
hed. He couldn’t stop himself. The expression on her face was too funny for words. For the first time in years, he let out a full rich laugh from deep in his belly. Laura glared at him in indignation, but it only made Jake laugh harder. She looked too adorable for words. It took him some time before he got himself under control. He finally sobered up, wiping tears from his cheeks. He breathed in deep. It felt good to laugh again. He hadn’t realised how much he’d needed it. Maybe spending time with Laura wasn’t such a terrible idea after all.

  Watching him, Laura felt another little piece of her heart turn over to Jake. Heaven help her but she knew she was falling in love with him. She only hoped he would feel the same way about her given a little time.

  They rode in silence the rest of the way back to the ranch, each buried in their own thoughts. At last they sighted the school and made their way to the stables. Kerry, Bill and Walter all rushed to meet them, talking all at once.

  “We’re fine,” Jake called out, holding his hand up for silence. “The horses aren’t injured, but they will need a good drink, brushing down and some food.”

  “I’ll take care of that,” Bill said, taking their reins. “I am so sorry Laura,” he told her, looking up at her with worried eyes. “I never expected Daisy to do something like that. She never has before. It’s a good thing Jake acted so fast.”

  “Please don’t worry, Bill,” Laura rushed to assure him. “It was just an unfortunate incident. It was nobody’s fault.”

  Walter sidled up to her, reaching up to help her from Daisy’s back. “We were all so worried about you,” he remarked as he lifted her down, bringing her far closer to his own body than was necessary, his hands lingering at her waist. “I tried to follow you, but my horse was playing up today too. Must be something in the water.” He leaned closer, his warm breath tickling her cheek as he spoke into her ear. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you unharmed.”

  “Thank you Walter,” she said softly, untangling herself from his grasp. Luckily Kerry stepped in and practically elbowed Walter out the way. She wrapped an arm around Laura. “We must get you inside. You poor thing. What you need right now is a long hot bath. I’ll run you one in the main bathroom.” She dragged Laura away, still talking at top speed.

  Walter went to follow them, but Jake stepped in the way. His eyes bored into Walter, not giving him an inch.

  “Leave Laura alone,” he told him angrily. “She is not like your other women. She deserves better than a low life like you trying to get into her bed. You will not use her like you do every other woman you take a fancy to.”

  “If I want Laura, I’ll get her. Make no mistake about that!” Walter sneered at him.

  “Not if I have anything to do with it,” Jake assured him, gritting his teeth against the urge to punch Walter’s lights out.

  Walter simply smirked at him, looking him up and down with a derisive glance. “Do you think that given the choice, Laura would go for you rather than me?” He gave a snort of laughter. “I’m happy to take the challenge. I’m going to love beating you to her bed.”

  Jake grabbed hold of Walter by his shirt front. “I’m not competing with you for Laura!” he hissed. “I’m warning you to stay away from her.”

  “Sorry, old chap!” Walter replied, calmly disengaging himself from Jake’s tight grip. “I never turn down a challenge. The game is on my friend. If you don’t participate, it’ll just mean I get there that much quicker.”

  He turned and walked away, leaving Jake to glare after him in fury. What had he been thinking to warn Walter off Laura? He should have known the man would take it as a challenge. He hadn’t been thinking straight when he saw Walter helping her off her horse. He’d stood so close to her, Jake doubted a pin would have fitted between them. He’d seen red and reacted from that crazy possessive streak he was fast developing for a woman he’d made a point of pushing away. Now he was stuck in the position of looking out for her. He couldn’t just let Walter get his hands on her. What a crazy mixed up situation!

  Jake ran his hands through his hair. Yep, his life had gotten more and more complicated since one stunning woman had flown into it.


  Lotta slumped against the stable wall in exhaustion and tried to ignore Flo as she spun around in rapturous circles, her wand leaving showers of stars in her wake.

  “I told you it would work!” she cried in jubilation. Lotta wanted to strangle her. It was very unfairy godmother like feelings, but really a person could only take so much.

  “You could have killed or injured her Flo. What were you thinking?” Lotta gritted out.

  Flo just waved her hand airily. “Don’t be silly, Lotta. She was perfectly safe. You kept her on the horse wonderfully well.”

  Lotta nearly screamed. This was without doubt, one of the worst days of her life. She’d nearly conjured a cow in fright when the horse carrying Laura had suddenly taken off without warning. She’d torn after it, trying to slow it down. Nothing she’d said worked. Lotta had had her work cut out for her, keeping Laura in the saddle. Thankfully, Laura had been too terrified to notice that at one point her fingers had been holding on to thin air and her body in no way touched the saddle. Lotta had managed to hold her in the air by sheer force of will.

  Flo had been no help. She’d been too busy getting Walter’s mount to spin in circles to worry about a small thing like Daisy jumping fences. Lotta could still not work out how Flo had done it. That horse was well known by all the other horses for being slow and placid. Lotta could not imagine how Flo had got the animal to run, let alone jump. It proved that Lotta would have to keep an even closer eye on Flo from now on.

  “Oh, what a brilliant day this had been!” Flo sang happily, fluttering off the ground, her small feet doing a jig in mid-air.

  “It was a terrible day!” Lotta snapped at her. “We put one of our charges in danger.”

  “Jake kissed her!” Flo announced stubbornly. “I told you he would. My plan worked perfectly. It was romantic and dramatic and not at all boring! You’re just upset because I thought of it first and because you couldn’t change my wonderful idea for once.” She pouted in upset indignation, which lasted about ten seconds before she was back to spinning and dancing in the air.

  Lotta heaved a sigh of despair. If only Jake had kept his lips to himself. Unfortunately, the escapade had indeed brought Jake and Laura closer. Which only meant Lotta would have a harder time keeping Flo in check.

  “Just how did you manage to get that horse to run so fast? Nothing I did would get it to stop.” Lotta couldn’t help asking.

  Flo smiled in delight. “It was easy,” she said grinning. “I spoke to all the horses, not knowing which one Laura would be given. I told them all my incredible plan that whichever one was used for Laura’s lesson, they were to run and not stop for anyone other than Jake; and they were all too happy to help. Daisy is beyond thrilled tonight that she got to be the one to carry it out! She’s quite a romantic, you know. She’ll be boasting about this for days!”

  Lotta dropped her head in her hands, the urge to cry was nearly overwhelming. But fairy godmothers did not give in to such behaviour. She put her fingers in her ears to drown out the cheerful song Flo had decided to start singing at the top of her voice. Coloured sparks danced around in the air to mark Flo’s celebration, while Lotta wished she was somewhere else!

  Chapter Five

  “How are you feeling today?” Kerry asked Laura as she came into the kitchen the next day.

  Laura groaned as she walked stiffly across to where Kerry stood holding out a plate of toast and coffee for her. She took them gratefully and stood at the table to eat, her backside refusing to sit on the hard chair.

  “My butt hasn’t forgiven me for yesterday and I’ve discovered muscles I didn’t know I had. All night long, I kept dreaming of being on the back of a runaway horse. I never want to go through something like that ever again.” Laura bit into her toast, feeling her face heat up at her small emission of detail. Th
ere was really no need to tell Kerry that her dreams had also included the re-enactment of one fiery hot kiss, the memory of which still left her breathless and had her toes curling. The less said the better.

  Kerry took a long, hard look at Laura’s flushed face. “Did anything happen yesterday that I should know about?” she asked slyly.

  Laura choked on the mouthful of coffee she was just in the process of swallowing. She coughed. “I don’t know what you mean!” she managed to get out of her tight throat.

  “I don’t know. Something seemed different with you both yesterday when you got back. Maybe it’s just my imagination.” Kerry shrugged casting a sidelong glance at her flustered friend. “Course, I couldn’t be happier than if things between you became……..romantic.”

  “Back up, Kerry.” Laura held her hands up in protest. “If Jake hears you saying anything like that, he’ll run for the hills!”

  “Ah-ha!” Kerry yelled, pointing her finger at Laura.

  “Ah-ha what?” Laura asked taking another bite of toast.

  “I’m not exactly sure, but that statement definitely says something. Come on Laura. You can talk to me. I won’t tell Jake anything, you can be sure.” She turned huge pleading eyes in Laura’s direction. “It would be so great to know my meddling may have come to something. I won’t have to feel so guilty.”

  Laura sighed, putting down her half eaten breakfast. She wasn’t sure she could stomach anymore anyway. “I guess it would be good to talk, but you better not let it get any further.”

  “Cross my heart,” Kerry promised, tracing the sign with her finger across her chest.

  “Well, we did sort of..…..kiss.” Kerry’s screaming nearly burst Laura’s eardrums. She put her fingers in her ears as Kerry clutched her arms while jumping up and down.

  “OMG! This is so fantastic,” Kerry cried. “This is just what I hoped would happen.”

  “Don’t get too excited,” Laura warned. “He made it pretty clear that he considered it a mistake afterwards. We didn’t even talk about it much. I got the impression he’d rather forget the whole thing.” She tried to hide how much that upset her, but something must have showed on her face.


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