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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

Page 14

by Danielle Rose-West

  “Jake, what are you doing?” she gasped, her head dropping back onto his chest.

  “I’m giving you a wonderful memory of riding on a horse,” he whispered into her ear, while his hand brushed over her breast, his finger slipping inside the lacy cup to gently flutter over her nipple. Laura did drop the reins then, as a shock of desire shot straight to her core, nearly sending her up in smoke.

  Jake leaned over her, grabbing them before Charger could get any ideas in his head. “Maybe we’d best stop there.”

  Laura groaned in frustration. Her body was so on fire, she could swear smoke was coming out of her ears.

  “You always do this to me Jake,” she hissed at him. He laughed at her disgruntled face, as he got down from Charger then helped her to the ground.

  “We need to brush him down after all this riding. Care to learn?”

  Laura still wasn’t sure of herself around horses, but she didn’t want to give up this time with such a relaxed and fun Jake. Nodding her head in agreement, she followed him back to Chargers stable. They took him to his stall, where Jake unsaddled him and removed the reins. He handed Laura a brush, showing her how to sweep it over Charger’s coat in the correct way. He made her start at the horses head, getting her to talk gently to Charger, so he’d know her and trust her to take care of him.

  Jake moved away to return the riding gear to the tack room, but Laura barely noticed. She was caught up in the enjoyment of the simple task, feeling a connection build between her and the magnificent horse as she talked silly nonsense to him. He seemed to enjoy it, reaching round to nuzzle at her shoulder. She jumped at first, but relaxed when she realised he wasn’t trying to bite her.

  “Having fun?” Jake asked from the stall doorway. She turned to see him watching her, the light of desire dancing in his eyes. She felt the impact of his gaze clear down to her toes, taking her breath away.

  “Oh yes,” she finally managed to answer. “I really feel like I’m starting to conquer my fears. Thank you Jake.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He moved towards her, taking the brush from her hand. Charger snorted in protest. “Take it easy boy. You’ve had her all to yourself for ages now. It’s my turn!”

  Laura felt her legs tremble as Jake led her from the stall. He shut the door, securing the stallion inside. Taking her hand, he led her into the tack room, closing the door behind him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him, her voice breathless as desire raged through her body.

  “I do believe you complained outside about me not taking care of your needs.” Laura flushed at his words.

  “I wasn’t,” she protested weakly.

  “Well, I’ve decided to accommodate your request,” he told her completely ignoring her protest. Laura lost her train of thought and her reply died on her lips as she looked deep into Jakes eyes, watching as they darkened with desire, his gaze landing on her lips. He lowered his head, kissing her deeply, his hands plunging into her hair and loosening it from the bun she’d tied it in to keep it out of her way. He angled her head to deepen the kiss, backing her up until she came up against the tack room wall.

  She gasped at the sudden impact. His tongue took advantage, sweeping into her mouth and tangling with her own. He grabbed her hips, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. She rocked her body against his hard arousal, the throbbing between her legs nearly undoing her. Her body burned in a blazing roar of desire as his hands gripped her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. He flung it behind him, his lips traveling down her neck, his fingers undoing the clasp on her bra.

  Laura cried out his name as his hands closed over her naked flesh. She could no longer think, only feel the river of heat flowing through her body and settling at her core. She desperately wanted to feel his skin next to hers. She gripped his shirt and pulled it open, scattering buttons around the floor. Her hands touched every spare inch of skin they could reach, revelling in his hard strength under her questing fingers.

  His mouth lowered to her breast, closing over the nipple, flicking it gently with his hot tongue. Laura was out of her mind with the fire raging through her blood. His hand dipped lower stroking her stomach with tantalizing slowness. His fingers trailed closer and closer to the part of her that yearned for his touch until finally they slipped into the elastic waistband of her leggings. Finding her sensitive heat, he stroked her. She cried out at the intense feelings shooting though her body.

  Her head fell back against the wall as his clever fingers worked their magic. Her breathing came hard and fast, the sensations of his mouth on her breast and his fingers on her woman’s bud nearly driving her insane. She’d never experienced anything like it before. Sparkles danced behind her eyes as the sensations he created in her body spiralled and soared out of control. She could hear herself moaning and panting, hardly believing it was her. Helpless in her desire, her hips worked against his hand, driving her closer and closer to fulfilment.

  Suddenly wave, upon wave of intense sensations flowed over her, like a white hot flame. She screamed Jake’s name, sobbing into his shoulder as she shuddered out her release. He held her close, as she floated back to earth, her breathing slowly returning to normal.

  “Jake,” she whispered. “I’ve never…….I mean I never knew it could be like this. It never was before.” She looked up at him, tears flowing freely from her eyes in her wonderment.

  Jake kissed her again gently. His Laura took his breath away. She looked so beautiful with her hair mussed, half undressed, her lips swollen from his kisses. She’d never looked more beautiful. His heart, his body raging for his own release. Laura looked down at his painfully obvious erection.

  “What about you?” she said. “Don’t you want to…….you know. Finish this properly?” Her hands drifted to his waistband. “I won’t get pregnant,” she told him shyly.

  Jake grabbed her hand. “No, sweetheart. Not yet. Today was just for you. I’m not ready yet.” He didn’t know how to explain that he just knew he couldn’t give his body to her without losing his whole heart too. He wasn’t sure he was quite ready to commit himself that far. He’d wanted to give her a gift, to watch her come apart in his arms. It had been special and magical; something he’d never forget. He already knew he was in deep with her, but hesitated to go the whole way yet. He wished he could just give in and let go, but emotionally he just wasn’t ready.

  Hurt passed over her features and his heart shuddered in response. “Please Laura. Just give me a little more time,” he pleaded with her gently. “I want to explore us; to see where we are going. Just give me time.”

  Laura nodded, lifting her lips to kiss him softly. “I will give you all the time you need Jake. But I want you to know that for me, I already love you.” Her voice trembled with her admission, knowing he wouldn’t say the same back to her, not yet anyway. But hope bloomed in her heart that he would be able to one day.

  Jake felt his heart slam in his chest at her words. Elation unlike anything he’d ever felt before flowed through him. He closed his eyes a moment to savour the feeling. This amazing special woman had told him she loved him. He wasn’t sure he deserved her. He wanted to give the words back to her but they simply stuck in his throat. He’d said them before and lived to regret it. Now he wanted to wait until he was sure. He hoped she’d understand.

  Jake slowly set her back on her feet, kissing her gently one final time. He helped her to right her clothing and locate her t-shirt. His shirt was beyond help, so he left it dangling undone at his sides. He took her hand in his as they walked out of the stable. Laura sincerely hoped they didn’t look like what had just happened between them, but suspected they did. She couldn’t bring herself to really care about it. A silly smile spread across her face. She was simply too happy.

  Laura’s legs felt like jelly after her experience, her body tingled and her heart felt light. Jake was willing to explore a relationship for them. She couldn’t have asked for more.


patted Charger on the head while he grazed happily in the pasture. “He is such a good horse,” she said to Lotta. “I didn’t even have to encourage him very hard to try for a bite at Walter. He did it with such enthusiasm too! What a pity he missed.”

  “Flo!” Lotta admonished. “Please remember that you are a fairy godmother. We don’t think such thoughts.”

  Flo shrugged, unrepentant.

  “Things have gone very well today,” Lotta continued. “I’m not sure our services will be required for much longer.”

  “But Dan and Kerry are not any closer to becoming a couple!” Flo protested. “We must set some kind of plan in motion to put the two of them together.”

  “I am confident that Laura will take care of that. Truly, it looks like things are beginning to work out here. We’ll stay another day, maybe two. Then I think it might be time to move on.”

  Flo sniffed. “That’s the part I don’t like. I miss them when we go.”

  “Me too,” Lotta admitted, dabbing at her own eyes. “But at least we’ll know they have their happy ever after.”

  “I’ll only go if I see that things are working out for Dan and Kerry,” Flo warned. “Not a moment before.”

  The two fairy godmothers sat together watching Charger, content in knowing they had almost completed their assignment.

  Chapter Nine

  Laura was walking on cloud nine. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the silly grin to leave her face. Alfie clasped his hands over his ears with good natured groaning as she broke into an off key song during their prep for lunch service. Laughing, she threw her cloth at him, catching him square in the face. She’d been gradually trying to teach him how to cook, but his knife skills still scared her witless. He’d nearly chopped the top off his finger the day before. She wasn’t sure how he’d survived this long in the diner by himself. Still she had to admit he was a very willing student. She couldn’t help but feel proud of him for the effort he was putting in.

  Laura glanced at her watch for what felt like the hundredth time. Her stomach fluttered with nerves. She glanced into the diner, but there was still no sign of Kerry. Somehow, during her very long sleepless night, she’d hatched a plan to sort Kerry and Dan out. It could all blow up in her face but she couldn’t see any other way.

  She’d left the money to pay Martha for the barn raising food on the table in the kitchen, which she was due to give her that day. She’d transferred her contribution into Jake’s account by internet banking and he’d sweetly got the money out for her. She’d had to shush Bill after breakfast, when he’d tried to hand it to her to take to the diner. He’d raised his eyebrows at her, but hadn’t asked what she was up to, bless him.

  When she’d got to work she’d texted Kerry, telling her that she’d forgotten to pick the money up and asking her to drop it in for her. Then she’d got Dan’s number from Martha and called him, asking him to come to the diner at lunchtime. He’d been surprised but she’d told him she had a plan to help him with Kerry, she’d just neglected to mention what that plan was exactly, in case he chickened out. Now she just needed Kerry to arrive before Dan got there.

  Laura tried hard not to pace, but it was difficult. She had no idea how things were going to go, but she hoped with the right push Kerry and Dan would work things out. Laura had decided to be the one to give them the push. If they just sat down and talked, she was sure they would realise they both felt the same way about each other. She wanted them to be happy. She knew the Jake problem still existed, but hoped she’d think of something when they had to jump that hurdle.

  The diner door opened and Kerry finally walked in. Laura breathed a sigh of relief. She stuck her head out of the kitchen. “I’ll be right there.” Turning to Alfie she asked, “You’ll be okay a few minutes won’t you? I won’t be long.”

  “Sure I will. I’ll go slowly with the chopping, just like you told me. Don’t worry.” Alfie grinned at her as he chopped the remaining vegetables in a way that made Laura wince.

  She smiled at him, not the slightest bit reassured that she wouldn’t come back in the kitchen to find it covered with blood. “I know, but you know where I am if you need me.”

  “I won’t,” he said confidently. “It’s not like you’ll be gone for more than ten minutes you know!”

  A lot could happen in ten minutes, especially with Alfie. Still she had no choice if she wanted to do this. Trusting he’d survive being alone for a short while, Laura headed over to Kerry, who was standing near a table by the window, looking out onto the street. Laura hoped she wouldn’t see Dan before he got in the door. She didn’t want her making a run for it.

  “Here you go,” Kerry smiled as she handed Laura an envelope with the money safely tucked inside.

  “Thanks so much. I am such a scatter brain today!” Laura took the money and put it in her apron pocket to give to Martha. “How can I thank you for running it down for me?”

  “It’s no trouble. I wanted to come into town today anyway, so you didn’t put me out.” Kerry’s face took on a teasing glint. “Is there any particular reason why you might be so absent minded today? Anything to do with Jake maybe?”

  Laura’s face went up in flames. Kerry laughed in delight.

  “I have been dying to ask you what happened yesterday. I saw you both coming in from the stables. All I can say is I haven’t seen Jake look that happy in a long time. Is there some good news to tell me?”

  Laura laughed through her embarrassment, happy tears sprung to her eyes. “Things do seem to be heading in the right direction.” She admitted. “At least he’s told me he wants to explore the possibility of a relationship for us.”

  “Oh that is so wonderful!” Kerry breathed. “I am so happy for you both.” Laura caught the sad glint behind Kerry’s eyes.

  “Well I want the same for you. So I hope you’ll forgive me for meddling,” Laura said as she spotted Dan heading for the diner.

  “What do you mean?” Kerry asked alarmed. She saw Dan and her eyes widened. “Oh, no. Please say you didn’t tell him how I feel!”

  “Of course not,” Laura replied as she waved Dan over. He stopped short at seeing Kerry, then turned questioning eyes on Laura. “But I do feel it’s time you talked to him about it yourself.” She pushed Kerry into the seat of the table she was standing beside, ignoring the protests that fell from Kerry’s lips. Striding over to Dan, she took hold of his arm and led the stunned man to the table, pressing him into the chair opposite Kerry.

  “Now, lunch is on me.” She halted their protests with a firm swipe of her hand. “No, don’t argue. There is only one condition. I want you both to talk to each other honestly. You might be surprised if you do. I’ll send out some food soon.”

  She headed back to the kitchen, leaving them to it.

  “Well, this is awkward,” Dan said fidgeting in his chair.

  “Yep.” Kerry didn’t know where to look. She couldn’t believe Laura had done this to her. She was going to kill her when she got her hands on her.

  Martha came over to place drinks on their table. “Well, this is so nice,” she commented, smiling at them both. “It’s about time we saw the two of you together. Far too long in coming, I’d say.” She winked at them before wondering off to take their order to the kitchen.

  “Not very subtle is she?” Dan said with a small self-conscious laugh.


  “Are you only going to give me one word answers all lunch? If you don’t want to be here, I’ll understand.” He fiddled with his napkin, frightened by what her answer might be.

  “I’m sorry. No I don’t want to leave. Do you?” Kerry glanced at his face, trying to gage his reaction.

  “No. It’s taken far too long to get here as it is,” Dan confessed.

  “What do you mean?” Kerry asked, her heart banging in her chest. Was it possible he meant what she hoped he did? Or was she reading too much into it?

  “Isn’t it about time we had a good long honest talk?” Dan m
ade the decision to lay his heart on the line. He was scared to death, but Laura was right. They had to talk. If Kerry didn’t feel the same way, at least he’d know.

  “I guess so.” Kerry suddenly felt like throwing up. Here she was on the brink of everything she’d ever wanted or total heartbreak. She wasn’t at all sure she was ready. At that moment, Martha brought their food to the table. Kerry didn’t know if she could choke it down.

  Dan took a mouthful of food, trying to gather his thoughts. “What happened two years ago was a huge mistake. I wish more than anything that I could go back and change it. But I can’t. I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I lost my best friend; my brother that day.” He paused, taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes before adding, “And something even more precious that I had no idea I was losing.”

  Kerry’s mouth went dry. “What Dan?” She was terrified that he wouldn’t say what her heart dreamt he would say. But she had to know.

  Dan opened his eyes and looked directly into her face. He leaned over and took her hand in his. “You, Kerry. I lost you.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes to fall gently down her face as she took in his words. “Oh, Dan. Do you really mean that?”

  Her heart soared in hope, but she still felt cautious that she was wrong somehow. That this was all some crazy dream and she’d wake up the same as before. Empty and longing for something she’d never have.

  “With all my heart.”

  She sobbed uncontrollably, slumping over slightly in her chair. “Do you know how long I’ve wished and dreamed that you would say something like that to me? How hurt I was when you wanted Victoria?” she gasped between sobs. “I thought you only saw me as Jake’s little sister.”

  “For a long time I did,” he admitted. “It wasn’t till I lost everything thanks to what happened that I realised my feelings for you were more than I’d thought. Watching you from afar these last two years has been torture. I worried you’d fall for some other guy. That I’d have to watch you marry another man.”


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