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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

Page 25

by Danielle Rose-West

  When Laura had turned up looking like a ghost after Victoria filled her head with doubts, it was just the icing on the cake. Walter backing a horse into him so he fell into a pile of manure was the cherry! He now stunk to high heaven and was in severe need of a long shower. Muttering to himself all the way up to the bathroom, Jake slammed the door shut. He stripped off his fouled up clothes and stuck them in the laundry basket. He put the shower on and stepped in without waiting for it to heat properly. Cold needles of water cut into him, before turning warm and finally hot.

  Soaping himself vigorously, he let the hot spray of water flow over his head and down his body, trying to soothe away the stress of the day. As bad as everything else had been by far the worst was that he’d not seen Laura since she’d left the barn earlier and he had no idea how she was thinking or feeling at present. He was very much afraid that he’d made one too many mistakes for her to forgive.

  He desperately wanted to see her and to know that everything was going to be okay between them. He hoped the time she was taking to think helped her to see that he was serious about them. He’d wanted to strangle Victoria, but was happy at least that his manager had informed him she’d issued the request for Victoria to leave, which she would be doing the next day. At least something had gone right.

  He washed his hair thoroughly before turning off the shower. His mind full and his heart heavy, he threw his towel around his lower body and made his way into his bedroom, rubbing a second towel over his damp hair as he went. He stopped, surprised to see the room darkened from the closed curtains. Two candles glowed on his chest of draws, casting shadows over the room. He could make out the shape of a feminine form tucked up in the bed. His heart tripped over. His gaze caught sight of Laura’s clothes sprawled over the floor. Smiling, he realised she must have come back to the house while he’d been in the shower and decided to wait for him. He couldn’t think of a nicer way for them to make up.

  Whipping the towel from his lower body, he kicked the bedroom door shut and made his way to the bed. “Sweetheart, I’m so happy to see you. I’ve been so worried. I take it this means you forgive me?”

  Her arms snaked out to wind themselves around his neck, her lips offered up to his. He could barely make her out in the shadows the pillows created across her face. His lips descended on hers as her legs kicked the covers from her body and wound themselves around his waist, hooking him to her forcefully. He fell across her, feeling her skin against his, her breasts pinned to his chest.

  Passion filled him as he felt her hands slide over his back. They kissed deeply, passionately. He felt so relieved to have her here with him again that he didn’t even hear the sound of the door opening behind him.


  Walter was really happy with himself. So far everything was running to plan. He’d managed to tie Bill up with a huge workload that would keep the man busy for the rest of the evening. Kerry had solved the problem of getting rid of her for him, by heading out to meet Dan. He knew from overhearing her phone conversation that she was unlikely to be back at the ranch before morning. That cleared the house perfectly for their little plan!

  Dumping Jake in the horse manure had been sheer genius. He had no choice but to head straight for the shower. There was no threat of him finding Victoria before she was ready and he would be suitably naked for the little scene they were cooking up. All he had to do was time Laura’s arrival just perfectly. He hoped she wouldn’t be much longer. The timing of this had to be exact. They wouldn’t get a second chance.

  Hot anticipation slid over him, making his breathing quicken in his excitement. It wouldn’t be long before a distraught Laura would seek comfort from a very willing Walter. He licked his lips, imagining the taste of her kisses, soon to be all his. He craved a taste of the passion he’d seen her giving to Jake. His skin fair itched to feel her beneath him. He watched as he saw Laura heading towards where he was hiding by the kitchen door. Luck, it would seem, was on their side. Not long now, almost there! He smiled, not his usual charming smile, but one of a feral hunter


  Laura headed back towards the house, feeling exhausted. She’d had a long time to think things through and had come to the grand conclusion that she wanted to move on and forget what had happened in the past. Thinking on what Jake had said, she could understand the difficulty he had in telling her what had happened. She had felt just as humiliated by Brad. Would she have wanted to tell anyone if she’d begged him to take her back? She sincerely doubted she would. Shame was a hard thing to overcome. Especially if you wanted the one you loved to respect you.

  Jake should have told her with the arrival of Victoria, but she wouldn’t hold it against him for not doing so. She also refused to hold what had happened two years ago over him either. She couldn’t be angry with him for feeling he’d loved someone enough to want to hold on to them no matter what. Could she really blame him for thinking he’d loved Victoria in the past? As he said, it was the past. They were the future. She had to trust in what he chose right now, not then.

  Feeling much happier, she thought about asking Bill and Kerry for the house to themselves for the evening. She wanted to cook a special meal, like the one they hadn’t got to have before. This time it would be perfect. She wasn’t sure she’d have time to make it a surprise, but that wouldn’t matter. It would be just the two of them. She grinned in anticipation of the romantic night ahead that she was rapidly planning for them.

  She was almost to the house when Walter stepped out of the shadows, making her jump at his unexpected arrival. His face looked grim as he spotted her.

  “Walter, what on earth are you doing lurking in the shadows like that? You scared me.” Laura clasped a hand to her chest in an effort to still her rapidly beating heart.

  He looked instantly contrite. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was simply waiting for you to come back. I wanted to catch you before you went inside.”

  “Why, is something wrong?” Laura asked puzzled. Walter was acting very strangely. He seemed almost like he was on something with his eyes shining brightly and his agitated movements.

  “I’m so sorry Laura. I did try to warn you,” he said suddenly. “You should have listened to me.” He shook his head sadly at her, as if greatly disappointed. “I am here for you, just know that.”

  “What are you talking about? Did you hear me and Jake arguing again? It wasn’t really anything big. You don’t have to worry about me.” Laura tried to shove off the foreboding feeling she was getting looking at his face. His expression was so serious, he was beginning to scare her.

  “I really think you should come with me. You don’t want to go in there tonight.” He looked up at the second floor. Laura followed his gaze, her eyes falling onto Jake’s bedroom window. The curtains were drawn and it looked as if someone had lit candles in the room from the way a flickering glow framed the gaps in the material.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice hollow with dread. A cold chill began to descend on her and she could barely breathe. The sense of pending doom settled over her like a black cloak.

  “He sent Kerry and Bill out a little while ago. Then she arrived. I tried to tell you, but you simply wouldn’t listen to me. I am so sorry.” Laura didn’t want to hear any more. She couldn’t believe he was saying this to her.

  “Surely you’re not trying to tell me Victoria is in there?” she laughed, but the sound was bordering on hysterical. “Jake wouldn’t do that to me. He told me it’s me he wants. Why would he say that if he didn’t mean it?”

  “Who knows what was in his mind. All I know is I saw her going in there. You really don’t want to see it. Come away with me, Laura.” He held his hand out to her, but she pushed past him.

  “I don’t believe you.” In her mind she could still hear Jake warning her that Walter was not her friend. Was he just saying this to make her think the worst of Jake again? He sure wanted her to walk away without checking what he was saying was true.

; He sighed long and loud. “See for yourself then, if you really must. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  She walked into the house, her heart heavy with dread. Slowly she climbed the stairs, a strange detached feeling falling over her. She almost felt like she was looking at everything from a distance. Her mouth bone dry, she reached Jake’s room. She could see the flicker of candles more easily now, through the cracks in the door.

  Slowly, her hand shaking, she quietly opened the door. Shock held her in place as she took in the scene before her. The couple on the bed didn’t even look up from their passionate embrace, too caught up in the moment to even know they’d been interrupted. The room was dark, except from the flickering candles but she could still make out their forms well enough to know exactly what she was witnessing. Jake, completely naked, lay sprawled over an equally naked Victoria. They were locked in a passionate embrace, her legs wound tightly around him, their lips locked together. She could hear their soft moans of delight drifting over to assault her ears.

  Pain slammed through her chest like a knife. She didn’t think she could breathe. He’d lied to her. All this time he’d wanted Victoria, not her. Why couldn’t he have just let her go, instead of stringing her along? Sleeping with her when he’d had no intention of a future with her! Had he used her to make Victoria jealous? Had that been his plan? Tears fell from her eyes as she closed the door on the couple, not wanting to confront them. She simply couldn’t face his deception or Victoria’s gloating when she felt so vulnerable.

  She slumped against the wall, for a moment unsure what to do. Feeling sick, she knew she couldn’t stay where she was. She had to get away and fast. Stumbling down the hall on shaking legs, she entered her room. Swiftly she dragged out her bag and packed a few items, including her passport. She couldn’t spend a moment longer in that house. She hurried silently down the stairs and out to the driveway, almost running to her car. Walter came charging towards her, calling her name. She refused to stop. Before he could reach her, she’d slammed her car into reverse and took off.

  She drove into Willow Creek and parked in her usual spot, unsure what to do or where to go. Breaking down, she cried helplessly. She knew she couldn’t stay in town any more than she could remain at the ranch. She couldn’t face Jake every day and the way he’d treated her. She couldn’t see Victoria together with the man she loved. Suddenly she understood her mother’s need to go home to England after she’d lost Laura’s father. Distance is what she needed. She felt bad, knowing she’d be leaving Martha in the lurch, but hoped in time she could forgive her. She took the money from her bag that Martha had given her, writing a quick letter, she stuffed it in with the money and sealed the envelope. Getting out of the car, she quickly went to drop it into the diner’s letterbox. The least she could do was give the money back to help Martha pay any remaining debts.

  Feeling bad, she made her way back to her car. More than anything, she wished she could have had the courage to stick things out and make a life for herself here in Willow Creek, but she knew she couldn’t do it. The pain of running into Jake would kill her. It would seem she was as weak as her mother when it came right down to it. Wiping her eyes on a tissue, she pulled her phone from her bag. She scrolled to Kerry’s number and rang it. It took several rings before Kerry picked up.

  “Hey. What’s up?” Her voice sounded so blissfully cheerful. It was painful to hear.

  “I need you to do something for me,” Laura could hardly speak past the lump in her throat. She swallowed several times to try to clear the tightness and to stop her tears from flowing all over again. She needed to get this done.

  “Laura! What on earth is wrong? You sound terrible!” Kerry sounded really alarmed.

  “Just please, don’t ask me. I need you to pack up my clothes and send me whatever is in my room that I don’t have. Please ship it back to me in England. I will, of course, send you the money to do so. I will text you an address to send them to, but don’t give it to anyone, especially Jake. Will you do that for me?”

  “You’re going home? Why? What’s happened?” Kerry sounded frantic. Laura could hear Dan’s voice in the background, rapidly asking questions. She could picture Kerry waving him off impatiently. Her heart broke all over again. She would miss them both terribly.

  “It’s Jake. I saw him. With Victoria.” She finally got out, sobbing broken heartedly into the phone, completely unable to control herself.

  “What! You have to be wrong. Jake wouldn’t do that. He hates her,” Kerry told her emphatically.

  “I wish that were so, but he forgave her Kerry. She told me today that he forgave her two years ago and would have still married her. She walked away from him.” Laura didn’t see any point of hiding that from Kerry any more. She had to make her understand that Jake had indeed made his choice and it wasn’t Laura.

  “That’s a lie!” Kerry said hotly. “No way would Jake have married her after what she did.”

  “But he would have. I asked him and he told me himself. He did ask her to stay and work things out with him. He begged her. And now he has her back.” Laura tried to get herself under control, but it was almost impossible. She had never felt pain like she was experiencing now. Truly she wished she could die on the spot, just to make it stop hurting so bad.

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Jake told me he loves you. He said he didn’t have any feelings left for her. You have to be wrong. What exactly did you see? Maybe there is another way of looking at it.”

  “It’s pretty hard to misinterpret two people locked together, naked on a bed.” Laura shouted, every bit of pain filling her voice. She appreciated how hard this was for Kerry to accept, but she really wished she’d stop raking it over. What was done, was done!

  “No!” Kerry cried. “I can’t believe it!”

  “Well I saw it. It is something I’ll never forget. So please, I have to go home. I am asking you to send me my things when you can. Will you?”

  “Can’t you come to me and Dan tonight? You don’t sound like you’re in any fit state to drive. I’m worried about you. Please?” Kerry pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll be fine. I don’t want to be here in the morning. If you won’t send me my clothes, I’ll just have to accept it.” Laura’s tone gave no doubt that she wouldn’t be budged on this.

  There was a stunned silence for several moments before Kerry replied. “Of course I’ll send you your stuff. I just wish you would please stay with me tonight. I’ll drive you to the airport myself tomorrow if you really want to go,” Kerry tried once more to plead with her.

  “No, but thanks. I’m sorry. I have to go.” Laura hung up. She didn’t want to talk any further about what had happened that night. She turned on the engine of her car, resolved to a long drive and to returning home. She drove out of Willow Creek and hit the road, heading back to the airport, a hollow coldness filling her body. She was grateful. She didn’t want to feel anything.


  Jake caressed Laura with every ounce of love within him. He ran his hand up her leg, continuing on past her hip, over her belly and up over her breast, flicking his finger over her nipple. She moaned deep in her throat, bucking her hips under him to get closer. As his hand explored her breast, he slowly became aware of the fact that something didn’t feel right. The mouth under him felt wrong, the body writhing under his didn’t fit him the way that it should. The breast in his hand was far too big.

  The haze of passion fled as a nauseating realisation swept over him. The body under his wasn’t Laura’s. Horrified, his erection died instantly. He fought to pull away from the grasping clinging woman wrapped around him like a second skin. He pulled at her arms and legs, somehow managing to untangle himself. He almost fell to the floor in his desperate need to get away from her. Grabbing his towel from the floor, he wrapped it around his hips and switched on the light.

  Laying on the bed, her golden eyes filled with desire and satisfaction was Victoria. “What the hell are you
doing here?” Jake snarled, his stomach wanting to heave. He had the sudden need to shower all over again. He wiped at his mouth furiously.

  “I wanted to show you that the passion between us still existed. Remind you of what you once had and would be losing if you continue to push me away. I was pretty mad at you for a bit, when you sent that manager of yours to kick me out.” She sat up, completely unconcerned at her nakedness. “But I decided to forgive you and give you a second chance.”

  “So you thought you’d come and plant yourself in my bed?” Jake couldn’t believe his eyes. His gaze flicked to Laura’s clothes thrown about the floor. “You deliberately made me think you were Laura in my bed, why?”

  “You wouldn’t have even given us a chance if you’d known it was me straight away.” She pouted, her eyes glittering in the candlelight. “Haven’t I just proved to you that you still desire me?”

  “Are you nuts? I thought you were Laura,” he snarled. “Get your butt out of my bed now!”

  “You don’t mean that Jake,” Victoria purred. She stretched her body out, opening her legs invitingly, her finger coaxing him to join her. She ran her other hand over herself, trying to entice him back into her embrace.

  Jake felt ill. He could hardly believe he’d ever found her beautiful. Looking at her in her blatant sexual manipulation, he couldn’t feel less aroused if he tried. He finally could see her for everything that she was and he wanted no part of it.

  “Is that supposed to tempt me?” he laughed at her, knowing how angry it would make her. “Look how little you do for me?” He removed his towel to show her his complete lack of interest in her.

  Victoria’s eyes narrowed to slits. “We’ll see about that!” she hissed. She got up from the bed and moved towards him. Snaking her arms around his neck, she kissed him fully on the mouth, pushing her tongue inside to pull on his as she ran her hands over his chest, scratching him lightly over his nipples with her nails.


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