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The Valentines Day Proposal

Page 27

by Bella Winters

  “Brennon,” Katy whispered in his ear.

  “Does that feel good, Katy?” Brennon asked. “You like that?”

  Katy nodded then felt Brennon push inside as far as he could go once again. This time, though, he used a good amount of force so he could be sure Katy truly felt him. Katy moaned louder and louder as Brennon worked up to a steady rhythm. In no time, they were officially making love – both of their minds lost in the lust they felt for one another.

  Brennon banged Katy good in the missionary position. “Wow,” she said when he flipped her over, almost effortlessly, then pressed his hand into the back of her neck. With her behind in the air, Brennon entered her insides once again. Something about this position made him feel deeper, but she didn’t mind. With her back arched, she enjoyed the rhythm of Brennon’s steady stroke.

  “Damn,” Brennon said. He wasn’t usually the kind of man to curse, but seeing Katy in this way was certainly worthy of at least a few bad words in the name of passion. Her skin was so soft – so smooth. The shape of her ass looked even better than it had in the dress. And the way her insides felt around his shaft was indescribable. He had made love to his fair share of women throughout the years, but something was certainly different about Katy.

  “Oh, Brennon!” Katy yelled out.

  Brennon’s pelvis slammed against her backside. He was now sweating, at times wiping his forehead with his forearm. He wanted to make love to Katy all night long, but felt himself tensing up. He closed his eyes so hard that when he opened them little lights floated around in the air above Katy’s body. With so much pent up passion, Brennon gripped Katy’s waist as firmly as he could then pounded as if he were a 19-year-old again. And Katy clearly liked it. Her head bopped around, sending her hair flying everywhere. “Hell with it.” The words slipped out of Brennon’s mouth as he grabbed Katy’s hair and crooked her head up toward the ceiling. The way she screamed his name caused his balls to draw up even more.

  Pleasure groans slipped out of Brennon’s mouth as he felt himself close to the edge. “I’m about to come, Katy.” Curse words spilled over the tips of his lips like the edges of a waterfall. “Damn. I’m about to come.”

  Brennon sped up, now hammering Katy so loudly his neighbors could probably hear what sounded like a muffled clapping noise. “Katy...Oh Katy.” Katy moaned and squealed too, letting Brennon know that she was having an orgasm.

  Brennon’s body tensed up then he felt himself letting go; his butt cheeks clenching together tightly. His chest pumped up and down as he caught his breath. Then, the 37-year-old man, not being able to hold himself up any longer, leaned over and fell into Katy’s body. She too lowered herself into the bed, now lying with her stomach flat against the comforter.

  “Whew,” Katy said, her head pressed against a pillow while she faced the window on the other side of the bedroom. “Brennon.”

  Brennon scooted up to where he too could lay his head on a pillow. He then pressed his naked body against the back of Katy’s and wrapped his arm around her torso. He kissed her neck, making her giggle. She nearly screamed out from the tickling sensation of his tongue slithering against the rims of her ear.

  “That was fun,” Katy said.

  Brennon chuckled. “Yeah… I think so. It was a nice surprise.”

  Katy giggled then glanced over her shoulder and looked at Brennon. Brennon looked back at her. No longer did he see the teenage cousin that would hang out with his little sister Melanie any day of the week. Katy was a beautiful woman. And while Brennon was sure family members in either of their worlds would disapprove of what had just happened, he enjoyed making love to Katy and nobody could take that away from him.

  There, in the silence of Brennon’s dim bedroom, they both faced the window. It glowed slightly from the streetlight out in the parking lot. As they chatted softly in the dark, locked in a powerful embrace with one another, their blinks became longer apart – the pauses between their sentences became longer as well. They slipped into a deep slumber with Brennon’s eyes open last. He peered at the window then down at Katy’s slow, sleep breathing. He smiled and held her tighter.


  Around 3 o’clock, Brennon woke up feeling his full bladder pressing against the sides of his body. He groaned as he slid off of the bed then walked into the bathroom. When he finished and flushed, washing his hands then coming back out into the hallway light and up to the bedroom door, he noticed Katy was up and looking at him from the bed.

  “Oh, hey,” he said, smiling in the doorway with the hallway light behind him illuminating his body. “I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

  Katy shrugged. “I don’t know, but it’s okay. I’m glad you did.”

  “You’re glad I did?” Brennon asked, chuckling as he came back over to the bed. “Why would you say that?”

  Katy giggled. “Because...” She looked away bashfully. “I got to look at your butt while you walked away.”

  Brennon laughed, a bit embarrassed. “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting you to say that.”

  There was a long pause where they enjoyed the waking up after making love bliss. When Brennon finally processed what time it was, he looked over at Katy. “What time were you trying to go back home?”

  “Huh?” Katy asked, clearly a bit confused. She cupped her forehead. “Oh, yeah. Hmm. I hadn’t even thought about that.”

  Brennon chuckled. “Well, I just thought I would ask. I know you didn’t plan on spending the night on the first date.”

  Katy smiled and closed her eyes as she relived last night. “No, no I didn’t. But that’s okay.” She shrugged. “I don’t care.”

  Brennon climbed back up onto the bed and hugged up against Katy once again. They tried drifting back to sleep. After a few long nods, time had flown by and once again they both were up. However, unbeknownst to them, a few hours had passed between either of their long nods. The sun began rising into the sky, its rays sliding in through the blinds and streaking across the bed.

  When Katy woke up for what felt like the umpteenth time, she heard noise in the kitchen. The morning sun had risen well into the sky; the birds chirped from nearby trees. Instinctively, Katy spread her arm over the empty side of the bed. Finally, she connected the dots. She the slid out from under the comforter and grabbed a sheet to cover her body. She headed toward the kitchen.

  Brennon felt a little pep in his step for this early morning. Never in a million years would he be up at nearly 6 o’clock, let alone in the kitchen trying to whip a small breakfast together. Even when he was teaching middle school, getting up this early had proven to be a real drag. However, doing this for Katy was different. He enjoyed being creative – looking through his cabinets to see what he had to work with. “Okay, I can use those biscuits in the fridge then make some eggs and a few sausage links. That should be good enough.”

  Brennon pulled the necessary pans out of the cabinet and placed them on certain stove burners. Carefully, he cracked the eggs then put the biscuits in the freezer.

  “Well, isn’t this a nice surprise?” Katy’s voice startled him. He hadn’t heard her make a single noise from the bedroom.

  “Oh, I didn’t hear you get up,” Brennon said. He watched as Katy stepped into the doorway. The way the sheet hugged her curves made him lick his lips with temptation.

  “I know,” Katy said. “That was the point.” She giggled. “Good morning.”

  Brennon stepped over to the doorway and kissed Katy softly. “Well, good morning to you too.” When he went back over to the stove, he noticed Katy still standing in the doorway. “You can sit the sheet and all.”

  Katy laughed then did just that, pulling out a chair and carefully sitting down. Brennon noticed how she looked around the kitchen. “Yeah, I know my kitchen isn’t the tidiest of places.”

  Katy shook her head and pressed her lips together as if she were trying to suppress a laugh. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Yeah, y
ou didn’t say anything,” Brennon said. He flipped the sausage links over. “But your face was saying it all. So, let me ask you… Are you one of those clean freak people?”

  “No, I wouldn’t say that,” Katy said, noticing dishes piling up in Brennon’s sink. “But I am a little neater than this… I would say.”

  Brennon shrugged. “Yeah, well… I’m trying. Maybe you could show me how.”

  “Show you how?” Katy said, looking at Brennon as if he were telling jokes. “As if you don’t already know how?”

  “Maybe I don’t, Katy,” Brennon said. “Maybe I’ve been waiting all my life for a woman like you to come along and show me.”

  “Oh, whatever, Brennon,” Katy said, laughing. “You’re a man and I know guys don’t really take care of a household like a woman does.”

  “Oh God,” Brennon said, purposely being emphatic. “I see you’re one of those women.”

  “One of those women?” Katy asked. She crossed her legs under the sheet. “What kind of woman am I?”

  “One of those women that thinks a man can’t maintain a household without a woman,” Brennon said. He squinted at Katy. “How sexist. For centuries, men have been reduced and subjugated in ways that women haven’t. Forced to go fight in wars while the woman was allowed the privilege of staying home and caring for the children.”

  Katy’s head drooped forward and she sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, if you say so. Yeah, okay. Subjugated and marginalized, huh?”

  Brennon burst into laughter and stepped over to Katy in attempts to gently kiss the side of her head. Katy turned her head away abruptly, avoiding Brennon’s lips. She did so several times, failing at holding back her laughter. Once Brennon’s lips finally made contact, he stepped back over to the stove and finished making breakfast. When the timer for the biscuits sounded, he looked over at Katy. “Do you think you could show me how to clear off the table? I’ve never known how to do that.”

  Katy looked at Brennon’s small round kitchen table. “Yeah, I’ll show you.” She said and smiled. While Brennon made their plates, Katy cleared mail and a couple of empty grocery bags from the tables surface. They both then sat down and enjoyed their breakfasts. Katy nodded approvingly. “Okay, okay.”

  “Okay, what?” Brennon asked, looking up. “What are you talking about?”

  Katy gestured toward the food. “This isn’t bad, this isn’t bad. You did okay.”

  “Oh, just okay,” Brennon nodded. “You didn’t know I was a chef, huh?”

  Katy looked up. “Yeah, if you say so.”

  In a blissful morning glow, Brennon and Katy went on with eating their breakfast. When they finished, Brennon gathered up the dishes and set them down into the sink. They then got dressed and Brennon escorted Katy out to his car. The ride back to the strip mall was filled with conversation; they each were still finding they had so much in common with the other, as well as that they disagreed on some key issues. Brennon joked about how Katy was going home in the morning in her elegant dress because she hadn’t brought any clothes to wear home in the morning. Katy responded with, “Yeah, isn’t that something? I didn’t plan on going home in the morning like this.”

  Around 8 o’clock or so, Brennon pulled into the strip mall parking lot then up to Katy’s car. There was a long pause before either of them said anything. Brennon stepped around to Katy’s side and helped her out of the car and over to her own door. He looked down and into her eyes as she climbed into the car. “Well, I had a nice night.”

  Katy giggled. “Yeah… I did too. Thank you for dinner.”

  “Oh, no problem.” Brennon paused, watching his words carefully. “Thank you for...well, thank you for accepting.” Brennon wondered what else he could say. Will she want to have another date? Will she go home and regret it and maybe decide this isn’t the way to go? Even I haven’t slept with a woman on the very first date.

  Brennon leaned in and kissed Katy on the cheek as she pulled her dress into the car. As he sat in his car, watching Katy pull off, he had a good feeling about their romance. His heart swelled in a way it hadn’t in years; however, there was this tingling feeling in his gut. He feared that should their romance blossom and become more obvious to both of their families, the reaction could be something they certainly wouldn’t welcome. He started his engine then pulled off. He thought about Katy all the way home.

  Chapter 7

  “Miss Miller, did my daddy call yet?” little Audrey asked. “He said he was going to call when it was time to pick me up.”

  Katy hid her frustration, knowing doing such was pivotal to her being a teacher. “No, Audrey. He didn’t call just yet. Just go ahead and get in line so you can get to lunch. I’ll let you know when I come get you all if he’s called yet.”

  Katy watched the little girl smile as she got in line. After tending to some of the other children – the kids who were a little more resistant to following directions – she guided her class down to the cafeteria and left them in the care of the lunch room attendants. Down in her classroom, she pulled her yogurt and ham sandwich out of her bag, having decided to bring her lunch today instead of going to grab something.

  As Katy sat at her desk, enjoying her lunch and looking out at the freshly manicured grounds between the school building and the street, she couldn’t help but to think about Saturday night. I lost my virginity, she thought.

  Her world seemed to have changed so much even though everything was the same.

  She thought about the dinner – the elegant Greek restaurant she had passed up the opportunity to dine at in the past. The way Brennon was the perfect gentlemen – held her hand every step of the way from the car to the restaurant entrance and back. She could carry a conversation with him for hours, if not days. How much they had in common was simply amazing.

  “I can’t believe he did that,” Katy commented, chuckling under her breath as she recounted Brennon driving down the street, blocks and blocks into the dangerous-looking neighborhood. She shrugged the experience off, telling her that it might not have been that bad of an area. And she felt so safe with Brennon being with her. He was bold and courageous and adventurous in her way.

  No matter what parts of the date Katy reminisced – parts that would forever be cemented into her mind as beautiful memories – her mind would inevitably come back around to making love to Brennon. She smiled at the thought while savoring the cherry flavor in her yogurt. There had definitely been slight pain from losing her virginity, but it was certainly worth it. As she vividly reflected on sharing a glass of wine with Brennon then suddenly finding herself locked in passionate embrace, it all seemed to go by so fast.

  When she thought about the morning, being dropped off at her car then having to go home, she couldn’t help but to feel a little excited. The secretiveness of having a love affair with Brennon – her father’s cousin’s older half-brother – was thrilling. Katy chuckled yet again and shook her head. “Oh my God, if Mom knew…. Dad.”

  Katy finished her lunch, content with Eve’s suggestion about keeping her new-found romance a secret. For much of Sunday, she had been texting Brennon back and forth. They texted about any and everything. Katy made sure to fill him in on whether or not her parents had noticed that she came back home in an elegant dress early Sunday morning. Thankfully, her mother had father were still been in bed when she walked through the front door. As to be expected, like a teenager who sneaked out in the middle of the nights, she raced up the steps and into her bedroom. For the rest of the day, she made sure to move in such a way to where she avoided interacting with her parents as much as possible. She could only imagine how awkward such a conversation would be.

  The rest of the afternoon went as planned. Katy taught her lessons, went over the homework and passed back graded papers, then gave a short quiz. Shortly after walking the children out to the school buses, Katy had been headed back into the building when her phone rang. It was Eve calling. She sighed, totally shocked that E
ve hadn’t called her yesterday. “You already know what she’s calling about, Katy,” she mumbled to herself.

  “Hello?” Katy answered.

  “Well, hello,” Eve said.

  “Uh oh.” Katy rolled her eyes. The tone in Eve’s voice said she was every bit of a little too excited. “What is it, Eve?”

  “I see you’re in one of your moods,” Eve said. “Are you going to be up at the school for a little while? I’m off work early and thought about coming up there and sitting with you for a bit so we”

  Katy did nothing to hide her groan. “Okay, okay, Eve. Whatever. How soon you think you’re going to be here? I’ll hang out a bit. I mean, I do have homework and other papers to grade.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Eve said. “Geez, I can tell you have something good to tell.”

  Katy ended the call with Eve, saying goodbye then pressing END CALL and setting the phone down on the table. As she went on with gather papers from the students’ cubbies, her night with Brennon weighed heavy on her mind. It was like magic – as if time had completely stopped then when it resumed, she was back in her classroom with the children. Brennon was so gentle, yet knew how to take charge. His scent – his natural musk blended with expensive cologne – was almost intoxicating. When Katy got home that morning and took her dress off, she picked up on Brennon’s scent having rubbed off on her. And that was perfectly alright.


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