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The Valentines Day Proposal

Page 123

by Bella Winters

  “I can’t wait to see her in your arms, Elena. I can’t wait to see her.” He pulled out of the lot and made the short drive to the hospital as I breathed in and out. I was scared, calm and excited as I reached out to touch Liam, clinging tightly to him. I couldn’t believe that I let him go to begin with.

  Epilogue Two


  I watched as the light turned red, easing down on the brake before looking over at Elena. She looked sleepy, and her smile was bright as she breathed in and out. Her hand was clutching my arm, and I reached over to squeeze her thigh as our eyes locked. “Ready for this, Mama?”

  “Absolutely.” She’d sent a text to Marie and Ginger, who were both waiting as anxiously as we were and leaned back as she winced. “Lord, this hurts. I know I said I want to do it naturally, but I might give in to the temptation of an epidural. I can’t imagine how this must feel closer to delivery.” I saw the light turn green and hit the gas pedal as she held tighter to my arm.

  “You do anything that you need to do,” I assured her as I saw the hospital a few blocks ahead. I never wanted her to go through pain voluntarily, to begin with, and I would never understand women that did that. The idea of seeing her screaming in pain made my stomach knot up, and I made it through another green light as I nibbled my lip. I was feeling so many things right now that it was hard to sort through the different emotions. I let out a sigh when I pulled into the lot and parked as close as I could before helping her into the hospital. A lot of people looked up, and once they saw her stomach, a nurse came forward with a wheelchair and the roller coaster ride had begun.

  Elena was only dilated to two, so they set us up in a private room. It seemed like someone was checking on this or that every five minutes and I stared at Elena as they got an IV going and told her to rest up before the baby’s entrance into the world. I dropped into the seat beside her, kissing her hand as she looked over at me. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you,” she replied as she frowned. “Whoever would have guessed that we’d end up here?” I saw a look in her eyes that took me back to the time when she wasn’t sure if I would be happy or not.

  “I wouldn’t change anything apart from being away from you for a few months. I can’t wait to see her,” I told her softly as I held tightly onto her. Her phone chimed from the table, and I grabbed it with my free hand and laughed. “Aunties are getting dressed and on their way.” I looked at her. “Want me to call your mom or anything?”

  “Text her. I think they’re gone, but you never know,” Elena replied as she smiled weakly. They’d been getting so much closer over the last few weeks, and I pulled up her number to let her know that the baby was on the way before setting the phone down. We took in the moment and the surroundings for a moment, cherishing this time to ourselves. We both knew that life was going to change from here on and I looked into her beautiful face for a long moment. “I can’t believe that there’s going to be three of us soon.”

  “I know. I am going to be there for you every step of the way, helping any way that I can.” She smiled at me, showing me that she knew that.

  Nurses came in to check Elena’s progress, and even Elena’s doctor stopped by to chat before the delivery. She made me proud with how positive she was and more than that, brave. Elena was everything to me, and I couldn’t help but stare at her as she spoke and laughed with everyone.

  We heard squeals, and I braced myself for the arrival of Ginger and Marie. They burst into the room and hugged Elena in turn before jumping into my arms. It turned out that the three girls got along great and were close friends in the short time they’d known each other. I hugged each of them, kissing Marie on the cheek as she smiled brilliantly at me.

  Everyone settled into seats and Elena smiled at us as her phone chimed. She reached for it, and her eyes lit up as she read the screen. “Mom and Dad are in the car headed here now. They might make it.”

  “That’s good, baby,” I told her as I reached for her hand. I couldn’t stop touching her, and she gravitated towards me just as much. We were crazy about each other, and I think that showed when we were out together, though that got rare towards the end. I appreciated that we had friends that would help us as needed and give us time to be a couple since so much time had already been wasted while we were apart.

  I think time started racing by once she started to dilate. Elena was just done getting her epidural at six centimeters, claiming that the pain was driving her crazy when he parents walked into the room. Elena looked at her mom as she walked forward to hug her tightly, whispering something into her daughter’s ear. Her dad stood back, holding pink balloons and roses as he watched the women in his life together with a loving smile. Something about this baby brought them all together, and after we’d all met for dinner and they saw how happy Elena was, it seemed like they wanted to be around more. The travel slowed down, and the phone calls increased, and the love that they had for Elena filled the room right now.

  Ginger walked over to me, and I glanced at her. “She was so lonely when she started college. They were never home,” she spoke low and looked back at Elena and her mom. “Look at them now. You brought them together.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I said as she laughed.

  “You knocked her up, Daddy. It brings out the best in people.” Ginger winked at me as I smirked at her. Elena’s father stepped forward to hug her, making himself scarce once another nurse came in to check on Elena. He looked a bit pale, and I chuckled as he excused himself. The nurse told us that she was getting closer and the baby should be coming within a couple of hours, and people excused themselves to get coffee and stretched their legs, allowing me to kiss Elena. We snuggled together, whispering, and talking as we forgot about everyone in the room for a few minutes.

  I looked up to see her mom smiling at us as she set up the flowers at the small table across the room. Elena looked a lot like her and I looked back at her as I stared into her eyes. We didn’t have long before she’d be delivering Alanna and our lives would be so different.

  I thought back to the first time that I saw her and how much I was already drawn to her. I thought about the time we spent at the coffee shop, how beautiful and sweet she was as we got to know each other.

  I thought about the first kiss and how she felt the first time I was inside of her. No woman had ever felt so sweet and perfect to me before Elena. The fear that we had of being caught by anyone the first time around was a bad memory as well as the way that we split up before I knew about Alanna.

  It all came together in a rush of thoughts as someone announced that she was dilated and ready to deliver as my heart raced. This was it.

  Her mom was on one side with me on the other as she pushed. Elena was strong and focused as she listened to the doctor, and I looked down to see my daughter’s head. I held onto Elena’s hand as I bent forward, marveling at the miracle that was happening before me. Alanna had a head full of dark curls, and as Elena pushed her out, she started to cry right along with our daughter. When the doctor placed Alanna on her chest, I watched as Elena saw her baby for the first time.

  I knew that we were going to get married soon and that our life would begin, but for now, I wanted to memorize this moment. We were a family now, and I had never felt so full and happy.

  *** Turn ahead to read “Twin Brothers” ***

  Twin Brothers


  Two gorgeous twin brothers, one unsuspecting good girl!

  Seems like everything will go south!

  But, that’s the BEST thing that ever happened to me.

  Jane applies for a secretarial position in a shipping company, managed by two hot as hell bad boys!

  Enter Brent and Brandon.

  They are two HOT. SEXY. KINKY. ALPHAS.

  And they love to share!

  Well….this seems to be quite an arrangement!

  Pity that Jane will eventually have to choose….


  I was just ripping off the underwear of the slim blonde in the darkened hotel room, ready to be inside of her in this penthouse suite that was mine for the week here in Chicago. She was easy, giving in to my bright blue eyes and heavy, dark hair after only one drink. It was convenient that I met her in the hotel bar where I was partying with my twin brother, Brent. I was certain that he was in his own room with the sexy redhead he’d been kissing at the bar. I could hear the wind outside of the many windows as I slid a finger inside of her body and found her neck with my lips. I was horny as hell and ready for this woman, at least until it was time to kick her out.

  I was just moving over her when my phone rang from the living room of the huge suite. I assumed it was some girl that wanted to hook up, but I was busy. I had a girl and I was ready to rock her world as I moved over her. I heard the phone ring once more after it went through the three rings before going to voice mail. Who the hell was so hell bent on getting through to me at one in the morning? I sat for a moment and listened to it go through the cycle, breathing in the fruity scent of her body as it went silent.

  I was just sliding into her when I heard the phone yet fucking again. She was tight and wet and I didn’t want to pull out of her, but I sensed this was important. I kissed her neck and whispered that I needed to take this call, pushing my body back as I left the bed. I didn’t bother to dress since we were alone and I was going to be back in that bed as soon as I could, coming back to reality as the shrill ring taunted me from the living room where my half-filled glass of whiskey was on the bar. I glanced around the room to see the screen blinking on the couch, walking over to it with a resigned sigh. I grabbed the phone and noticed Brent’s name on the screen, wondering why he wasn’t with the redhead. “Brent? What the hell?” I asked as I placed it to my ear, annoyed at my brother for one of the few times in my life. We were twins, born five minutes apart and as close as we could be. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, Bran. It isn’t. Dad was in a car accident on the way home from the airport. We need to catch a flight back to New York as soon as possible. Mom and Ashley need us.” His voice was low and I could hear the emotion in it that he was withholding.

  “Shit. Okay. I’ll pack a bag and meet you at your room.” I hung up and stood in the empty, gorgeous room for a moment. I was here because of my father and all his hard work building the most successful shipping company in the world. He’d started it himself just after college, beginning from the garage of their house and now it was in the ranks with Amazon, though he focused on computer parts and office supplies. Amazon sold everything. I went back to the bedroom, seeing the blonde on the bed waiting for me, looking dazed and horny. “Sorry, doll. Change of plans. I have to go back to New York for a moment.”

  “Is everything okay?” She asked as concern flashed over her face. I would never talk to her about my personal life. She was one of many that was here because of my name and money, my father’s success. I knew that she didn’t care about who I was inside, even though it looked cute on her.

  “Yeah,” I told her vaguely as I reached for my pants and slipped them over my body. I glanced around for my shirt and slipped the black t-shirt over my broad shoulders and ran a hand through my shoulder length hair as I tried to think about what was happening. I needed to pack the week or so worth of clothes that I had here and get to Brent’s room. I needed to go home. I walk over to pull the shirts from the closet, the pants, and tees from the drawer. I toss them into my Hartmann luggage that was sitting on top of the big cherry wood dresser. I get my jeans and toss them on top before I go to the bathroom and wrapping everything in one of the thick towels from the shelf to keep everything else dry.

  I glance at the bed once the chore is done, seeing the woman dressing in her short black skirt and red silk blouse. I knew that I’d torn her underwear and that she was bare underneath but she was gorgeous. She’d be with another man in no time, whatsoever. I didn’t care that she would, either. I zipped my black suitcase closed as she stood and slipped her feet into the heels that matched her clothes well, though I didn’t pay a lot of attention to women and their shoe obsession. I appreciated a pretty face and the lingerie that covered their bodies before I ruined it, but the clothes and shoes weren’t something I mind to.

  I felt the woman looking at me as she stood across the room. “Do you need a cab?” I asked her as I shot her a glance.

  “I have a room here as well. I just knew that yours was better,” she assured me, sealing the knowledge that I already knew. She wanted a night with the trust fund kid. I watched her walk out and heard the door close before I made sure that I had all my things. I grabbed the suitcase and left the room, taking a right to my brother’s room before I tapped at the door.

  It opened and my likeness stood before me, looking concerned and stressed. I walked inside the room that was just like mine and over to the bar where I poured myself another whiskey. “How is he?”

  “Critical,” Brent replied as I looked at him. He was closer to our dad, though we were similar in our lifestyles. We both traveled a lot, partying all over the globe even though he wanted his only sons to go to college for a Business degree. He wanted us taking over from him, but we were only twenty-one and he was just forty-six, healthy as a horse right along with my mother. Wasn’t he? “Mom said the plane will be at the airport in the next half an hour to get us.”

  We had a private plane. We had boats in every ocean that existed and homes in all my parent’s favorite vacation spots. We had everything that money could buy and enough in the bank to keep that going, thanks to the man that was in the hospital right now. He worked hard for us. Who would take care of things now?



  I got off the plane and walked to the car parked near the runway that Mom sent. She sounded so distraught over the phone as they waited breathlessly for news and I just wanted to be there. Brent followed me, quietly and I knew that he was dealing with this in his own way. I was almost surprised that he didn’t stay back since he seemed so into the blonde and was bigger on avoidance than I was. Just because we were twins it didn’t mean that we were wired the same. We were close though. I loved the partying and the women as well, but I was actually considering going to school like Dad had been asking both of us to do for the last couple of years.


  What would happen if he…I shoved the thought away. Dad was healthier than most men I knew and he’d fight. He wouldn’t leave us, not when I didn’t know what to do if he did. I slipped into the back of the car while Brandon sat across from me, looking quietly out of the window. The car pulled out of the airport and headed to Presbyterian where our family was waiting for us.

  It was about a thirty-minute drive and I was shaking by the time Walter pulled into the ER parking lot. I jumped out of the car and Brandon followed me as Walter parked the car to join us in a few minutes. I knew that they were in a private room and strode towards them with my brother following me, seeing my blonde mother and sister sitting together as they listened to something that a man was telling them. He was dressed in the white coat of a doctor, though I noticed that the material was wrinkled as we approached. I saw my mother look past the man to the two of us; the tears sliding down her cheeks as I paused. Brandon crashed into me, asking what was wrong as my mom stood and walked out towards us, followed by a crying Ashley.

  I knew that Dad was gone.

  We stayed at the hospital for a while longer before I drove all of us to the brownstone in the city, my family’s main home. Ashley was still in high school and lived here to go to the private school that Dad insisted on. She was his princess and mom his queen and he spoiled them to no end, though my brother and I had it good as well. Dad treated all of us well and I didn’t know what was going to happen now.

  I got my mom to sleep after a few strong cocktails that she deserved after tonight. She wasn’t normally a drinker, but her nerves were shot and she fell asleep on the couch in front of the telev
ision set before I covered her with a blanket.

  Ashley was passed out in her room after crying herself to sleep, and I looked in on her for a long moment. She was just sixteen and her life was turned upside down now.

  I made my way to the third floor where Brandon and I had large rooms and a loft, seeing his door open. I noticed when he disappeared after we got back here and I was trying not to resent that fact. I walked into the master sized bedroom and saw him looking out over the city from the fortieth story of the building. “Are they asleep?” Brandon asked in a soft voice and I walked over to join him.

  “Yes. I think we have tomorrow free to let this settle in. I’d like you to handle as much as possible with me after that, Bran. I need you.” I looked at him as he nodded, knowing how hard this was going to be.

  My parents were married for twenty-six years, still in love. A lot of my friends had money as well but their parents weren’t like mine. I grew up with real love and my brother was my everything. We’d slept holding hands in our crib, according to my mom and then shared a room until we needed our space. We were still close and I knew that he might be tempted to handle this a bit differently than I was going to, but we needed to remain a team.

  “Of course, I’m just so stunned by this. He was supposed to live longer than anyone, Brent. Both were.” I could hear the pain in my brother’s voice as I looked at the bright lights through the thick window pane.


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