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Her Vigilant Seal

Page 11

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  He was at her door again to pick her up for dinner and the movies. This time he specifically said they were going to his favorite pizza joint so she wouldn’t dress up. When she answered the door in khaki shorts and a pink blouse and flip flops he once again lost his shit. She was gorgeous. He knew his mouth was hanging open. He saw women all over Southern California in shorts but she was flipping gorgeous.


  “Give me a moment.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she said, puzzled. “Do you need to come in? Do you want a glass of water? Something?”

  “Oh yeah.” He slid his hands into the abundance of honey hair, and tilted her head just right so he could go in for the perfect kiss. Her mouth was open, albeit to ask another question, but still it was open and a SEAL always took advantage of an opportunity.

  He went questing and soon she was fire in his arms. They stood for long minutes, as he reveled in the feel of her plush lips, and his tongue glided against her soft one. Realizing there wasn’t a chance in hell they’d make it to dinner if he continued an instant longer, he wrenched away. She looked as shell shocked as he felt.

  “Pizza. Movies,” he croaked. She nodded.

  “Sweater.” She turned and he watched her world class ass sway in the shorts. He told his dick to settle down. He was losing the battle. His hard-on finally went away by the time they made it to the pizzeria. Thank the Lord.

  They ordered and he found out she was a girl after his own heart—she liked the works on her pizza. They talked about all the different characters who were regulars in the diner—surfers, and a lot of guys from Camp Pendleton. He wondered if they were all blind.

  “Seriously, they haven’t been asking you out?” he asked incredulously.

  “Oh they’re just big flirts. They aren’t serious.”

  “Honey, they’re serious,” he assured her. Then he decided he better shut up. He didn’t want her to start thinking of playing the field.

  “If I’m going on dates with you I would never start going on dates with someone else.” God, she was a mind reader. “But you’re totally wrong. They haven’t been serious.”

  “Okay, honey.” And like mana from heaven their pizza arrived. They were halfway through the food when he asked her the question he’d been dying to ask.

  “What happened with the job offer?” If she was still intent on taking it, they were going to have skip the movie.

  “I turned it down. I thought about what you said and I talked to the DeLucas. They were just as adamant that it wasn’t a good idea. I think I knew deep down it was a stupid idea. To tell you the truth, I was scared after what happened in San Diego but I didn’t want fear to run my life, you know?”

  He took her hand. She looked so forlorn sitting there. He let go and got up so he could sit beside her. “Scooch over.” He put his arm around her and kissed her temple.

  “I know about trying to conquer your fears. A little over five months ago I lost men on a mission.”

  “Oh Mason, how awful.” She snaked her arm around his waist.

  “On the next mission I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I was second guessing every decision I made. I just couldn’t shake it.” He thought about Larry especially.

  “What happened?”

  “Drake happened. In his normal tactful manner he told me to pull my head out of my ass and start acting like a team leader.”

  “So you understand why I have to conquer my fears,” she said excitedly.

  “There’s a difference, honey. My career is to lead men into dangerous situations. It’s what I’m trained for. Either I do it, and do it right, or I pack it in. Do you really need to put yourself in situations where you are in parking lots in the middle of the night?”

  “No, I decided I didn’t. But now I’m scared for you.”

  “I have to tell you, I have one of the best teams there is,” Mason said with utter confidence.

  “Then why did people die five months ago?”

  “It was a bigger job than normal and they sent us in with some newer recruits. They made mistakes that cost lives.” It still happened on his watch and he would have to live with it for the rest of his life. But like Drake said, he also learned things, and it would make him a better commander.

  “I’ve also had to see a counselor about this. It really helped me get my head on straight,” he said. “Have you seen anyone?”

  “No,” she shook her head, the blonde silk brushing his cheek.

  “I think you should.”

  “Margie has been bugging me to go, too.” Sophia half-heartedly picked at the pizza crust on her plate.

  “Margie is a wise woman. Come on, we don’t want to miss the movie.” He took the crust out of her hand and popped it into his mouth.


  It was eleven o’clock by the time they got back to her apartment. She was grinning ear to ear.

  “So you like the works on your pizza and you like Marvel Comics movies. You’re perfect, Sophia Anderson.”

  “I love kick ass heroes and outrageous bad guys. I love all the effects. What’s not to love? Any movie where Stan Lee makes an appearance I’m there.” She was glowing. He loved those movies as well and the fact she tugged his sleeve and pointed at Stan Lee made him grin.

  “Do you want to come in? I can make you some coffee before you drive back to San Diego, or some cocoa if it’s too late for coffee.” And here he’d been wondering how he was going to finagle his way in for another kiss or two.

  “Probably cocoa, I have to be at the base early so I need a good night’s sleep.”

  “Me too, I have to be in the diner by four thirty to start the baking.” She unlocked the door and let him in. He was still amazed how she made such a small apartment look so homey and not cramped.

  Instead of using a packaged drink mix, she actually heated up milk and added chocolate. They sat at her small table and sipped the drink. “Mason, thank you so much for tonight, I had a great time.”

  “So did I.”

  “I was hoping it didn’t have to end.” She immediately put her cup up to her lips so it covered her expression, but nothing could hide the blush creeping up her face. He waited until she set down her mug, then took her hand in his.

  “I’ve replayed the other night at my house a thousand times, and having you come apart in my arms was one of the highlights of my life. But I’ve kicked myself ever since.”

  “Why?” she asked, sounding dismayed.

  “That came out wrong,” he rushed to assure her. “What I meant was, it was too soon after what happened. You didn’t need me touching you.”

  “It was exactly what I needed. Being in your arms helped me feel good and it chased away those fears. It’s why I could finally sleep. Tonight I want more.”

  “Are you done with your cocoa, honey?”

  “I can’t drink anymore. I’m too excited. I want you. I’ve wanted you ever since I saw you in those boxer briefs.” He grinned.

  Mason looked at the curve of her face. God, she was beautiful and then he saw her chin jut out slightly. He realized he was finally dealing with a woman who knew her own mind. It still killed him she had these crazy notions she wasn’t good enough, but he was so damn glad to see her reaching out for what she wanted. He was so impressed with the woman in front of him. Then he had a flashback to her lying in his arms, and despite her determination of the moment, he knew they were going to do this his way. He got up and walked around the table as she stood. “You have to promise me something.”

  “Anything.” Her voice was little more than a whisper.

  “If something scares you you’ll tell me.” She gave him a solemn nod.

  They drifted over to the futon and he took her into his arms. It had been hours since he kissed her. God, she tasted wonderful. He was never going to get enough of this woman. He was in deep. Over and over he took and plundered. She rubbed her hands against the scruff on his cheeks. He could tell
she liked the feel. For once she was the one to break the kiss and then looked up into his eyes.

  “Hurry, I need you so much.” Sophia tugged at his T-Shirt, and he allowed her to pull it over his head. She pressed an open mouthed kiss to his right nipple and he hissed with pleasure. She tongued him and then bit him, while he palmed the back of her head his hand massaging her scalp. She whimpered.

  “Good or bad honey?” he asked as he loosened his hold in her golden hair. She slid upwards until her lips met his.

  “So good.” It was all he needed to hear. He pushed down gently on her shoulders ever aware of her injuries, until she was seated on the futon and then knelt between her legs. He had the first three buttons of her blouse undone when she grabbed his hands.

  “The blouse stays on.”


  “I don’t want you to take off my shirt.” He was back on the street in San Diego with her head in his lap. Even then he’d seen bruises beginning to form where those bastards had touched her.

  “Are you scared Sophia?” He didn’t want to do anything to frighten her.

  “No, I’m not scared. Well, except you won’t like what you see. I hate the marks they put on my body.”

  She was looking straight at him, and her eyes were dry. “I was there honey. I saw everything. I don’t want anything between us when we make love.”

  “I can’t stand to look. I don’t look. The bruises are so ugly I keep a towel over myself when I get dressed so I don’t have to see.”

  His heart was breaking.

  “You’re beautiful, Sophia. I’m going to prove it to you. Let’s see together.” She released his hands as he was talking.

  “I was there remember?”

  She nodded as he continued to unbutton her blouse. He slowly reached behind her and undid her bra holding her gaze the entire time.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” He pulled the straps down her arms and the cups of her bra fell into her lap. Her eyes welled with tears and dripped down her face. He kissed them away.

  “Can we look now?”

  She nodded. The bruising was deep and it must still hurt but her breasts took his breath away. They were round and pink tipped and he longed to touch them, to kiss them, to taste them. He said all of those things out loud.

  “Really?” she asked in quiet amazement.

  “Honey, I just don’t ever want to hurt you. But please, I’m dying here. Can I kiss you?”

  “Oh yes,” she breathed. He inhaled her. Apricots and Sophia. Then he gently kissed and licked every single bruise. She began to pant. His girl liked having her breasts touched. Her right nipple wasn’t bruised so he laved and sucked. This time she grasped his head and pulled him forward. Not one to leave a job undone he sucked harder, gazing upwards to gauge her level of passion, and then used the edge of his teeth. She shrieked his name.

  “Mason, again.” He licked and then gave her the gentlest kiss he knew how. He brought her down slowly. He didn’t want to lose his head with breast play.

  “I wanted more.” She pouted.

  “I have other places I want to explore.” Mason kissed further down and cursed the fuckers as he reached the bruising on her ribs. He unfastened her khaki shorts and pulled them off along with her panties. Too fast. Too eager. He took a deep breath. He parted her legs slowly devouring the sight of her glistening seam that was slowly opening to his gaze. He spread her further and she flowered open, a pink delight that was his to taste. He couldn’t wait. The scent of her was driving him wild.

  “Mason?” She sounded shy and hesitant. How could a woman, who was offering him such treasure, sound insecure?

  “Mine.” He brushed his tongue through her juices, the taste exploding in him. More, he needed more. He was greedy. He could keep this up for days. He brought his fingers into play needing to feel her pussy pulse around him as he suckled her clit. His girl might be shy, but her clit was proud and stiff and wanted attention. He circled it with his tongue, teasing and scraping with his teeth. She shoved herself into his face and he thought he’d won a prize.

  “Mason! Do something, now!” The lady made a request. Who was he to deny her? So carefully, very carefully, he took her between his teeth and sucked. She screamed, and her pussy clamped around his fingers so hard he thought he might lose circulation. That’s okay, he was a SEAL he could handle it. He pushed up, rotating, stroking, and she screamed again. Her cream gushed and he licked. It took forever for his heart to stop racing. When he looked up she was lying there and staring at the ceiling with a bewildered expression on her face.

  He got off his knees, picked her up, and settled her in the center of the small futon. The he lied down next to her and pulled up the comforter.

  “Honey, can you tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Mason, somehow you’re helping to put the pieces back together.”


  Sophia always woke three to five minutes before her alarm. She didn’t know how but she’d always been able to do it. Her mom said she was blessed with an internal alarm clock. Her eyes popped open. She yawned, but didn’t stretch. She gloried in the heat and feel of having Mason next to her. He must have stripped down to his briefs in the middle of the night because she had the gift of flesh meeting flesh. It would have been better if he’d been naked. She so needed to seduce him out of his clothes!

  She hadn’t had any bad dreams. This was only the second time since the night in the alley. This was also the second time she’d slept in Mason’s arms. She was pretty sure there was a correlation.

  “Do you want me to turn off the alarm before it rings?” She almost jumped out of her skin at the low rumble of his voice.

  “How come you’re awake?”

  “You woke up so it woke me up.”

  “But I didn’t stretch or anything. How did I wake you up?” That was so weird.

  “Honey, your breathing changed,” he explained. Yep weird, he must get that from all of his training. She reached over and turned off the alarm.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have time for…you know.” Damn, how did you tell a guy who was all warm and snuggly and hard that you had to get to work?

  “I understand. What’s more I still think it might be too soon for you.”

  “You don’t get to decide.” She pushed away from him, wishing she could see him in the dark. “You make me feel safe. I want you. A lot. I just have to go and bake and get ready to open the diner.”

  “I have to get ready to drive down to the base in San Diego.”

  “Do you have time to stay so I could at least feed you before you go?”

  He groaned.


  “I’m remembering the taste of you.” Oh my Lord, could your entire body blush? He pinched her ass.

  “Come on, I want a cinnamon roll.” He threw back the covers and bounded out of bed like a true morning person. She pulled up the sheet.

  “Ah honey, it’s still mostly dark and even if it wasn’t seeing you naked is one of life’s pleasures.” She thought back to the night before and got out of bed. Even in the half-light she saw his warm smile. He gave her a kiss and stroked her breasts with the back of his knuckles. She trembled.

  “Okay, you get first shower. I’ll meet you down in the diner? I don’t suppose you have an extra toothbrush?”

  “I’m afraid we’ll have to share. Can you handle my cooties?” He laughed.

  “I love your cooties, Ms. Anderson.”

  Sophia hustled into the bathroom and closed the door. She’d looked at herself in the mirror the first morning after coming home from the hospital but not since. She traced the bruises. They weren’t nearly as painful or ugly and they were just bruises. She thought back to Mason kissing her breasts and the things he’d said. She looked up and saw the dreamy look on her face.

  “Work girl. You have to get to work.” Despite her pep talk she still took longer in the shower than norma
l, her body felt languid, and she enjoyed the feel of the water pouring over her. She was horny. Mason was wrong. She needed sex, and he damn well better deliver soon.

  She was always fast when she got ready in the mornings and today was no different, except for the long ass shower. She brushed her teeth, put her hair in a ponytail, put on her mascara and lip gloss, and wrapped the towel around her so she could grab some clothes from her dresser.

  “Damn, you go in without clothes and come out in a towel. No fair.” Mason eased closer for a kiss and pulled off her towel. He bent and she lifted, trying to get as close as possible. Through the haze she was aware he was holding her gently, cognizant of her injuries, and she never felt safer or more loved. At that last thought she pulled away.

  “Work, I have to get to work.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “The baking won’t get done by itself. I’m going to leave my key on the table and you can come down. We can have breakfast together.”

  Taking the key off her ring, Sophia scurried out the door. She couldn’t get to the diner fast enough. What the hell was she doing thinking about something as silly as love for God’s sake?

  She pulled the cinnamon rolls out of the fridge and poured the warm water into the pans and set the cinnamon roll trays in the pans of warm water in the oven, knowing the dough should rise in about thirty minutes. Then she started on the banana bread and the blueberry muffins.

  She was surprised Mason took so long to come down. The rolls and muffins were just coming out of the ovens. He looked preoccupied and then he smiled at her.

  “What are those smells? My God, I think I just went to heaven.”

  “Oh you don’t have to compliment the cook you’re going to get plenty. Now that you’re here, I’m going to start the omelets.” Turning to the stove, she poured the mixture into the pans. She was hungry and worried.

  She pulled out the food and put it on the counter. Looking at the time, she knew they had twenty minutes before the diner was set to open. “What’s wrong?”

  “We just got new orders. We’re leaving this afternoon.” Sophia’s heart skipped a beat and then she felt it just stop.


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