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10 Commandments

Page 111

by Dark Angel

  All you'll want is more.

  More cock. More Logan. More fucking. Till you collapse from the pleasure or black the fuck out.

  Those are the only two options.

  I know because that's exactly what's happening to Trisha right now. I'm fucking her so fucking good.

  "Ungh, baby, I'm going to--" she doesn't get a chance to reply before an orgasm rips through her and I cover her mouth, not letting her breathe.

  She's trying to breathe but she can't. Her brain is being slightly asphyxiated and the orgasm is ripping through her and she literally starts to shake from the pleasure.

  Orgasms are amplified many fucking times over when you're not breathing. Each sensation is magnified about ten to a hundred times because you're brain is all of a sudden hyper fucking aware that something is going on.

  "Unnngh," Trisha moans once I let my hand drop from her mouth. The orgasm has been amplified and is still rippling through her - rippingher body like wet tissue paper.

  She's thrashing and I feel her pussy clenching down on my cock and I'm about to fucking cum too.

  "Cut!" comes the cry of the director.

  I grunt and cry out in frustration.

  "Don't cum, Logan," I hear Aidan say as he walks into the room. "Remember our bet. You lost the basketball game fair and square."

  I sigh savagely and pull out of Trisha who collapses in a twitching heap of flesh.

  Aidan is right. This Sunday at the gym we were playing basketball and had a three-point shot making contest. The bet was that if I won, Aidan had to wear a dress to work. And if he won, the next time we were filming and turning some of the Naughty Angel Publishing books into films, if there was sex involved, I wouldn't be able to cum.

  "That's a good shot today," the director comes up and tells us. I put a towel to cover myself and my monstrous raging erection. It's still not satisfied, and it's throbbing inside the condom.

  "I think Ethan is going to be pleased with our progress," the director says to Aidan and me. He's talking about Ethan Kane - the world's largest pornography content creator. See, Ethan and Naughty Angel Publishing just recently got into a contract. We provide the stories and licensing, and Ethan provides the experience to make virtual reality porn using our stories. Another way for our readers to immerse themselves inside the worlds created by Abby Cleveland.

  I nod, going over to put my shirt on. Trisha is putting on a robe. She smiles at me shyly. I smile back, but try to keep it professional.

  I know she's probably coming over later on tonight. After the fucking I just gave her, it's a pretty sure fucking thing. She's going to want to have sex again. Then she's going to want to come over tomorrow. If I don't control it, she'll want to start calling myself my new girlfriend.

  I make a mental note to make a point to let her know that this relationship needs to have a definitive fucking end date.

  One thing that Logan Sanders does not do is relationships.

  I fuck. And forget.

  That's my motto. I'm honest and upfront about it. You wanna come on the rodeo and take a ride on me?

  I'll give you the time of your fucking life.

  But then the ride is over and it's time to let the other women standing in line have their turn.

  It's only fucking fair.

  That's what we're doing today, darlin'.

  It's time to go on the rodeo. It's time to get fucking nasty.

  So, you've heard all about me. All about what I'm working with. You know what you get when you pick up anything that says "Angel".

  It's your decision.

  Turn the page. And blow your mind.

  Or bow out now.

  No one is gonna fucking hate you if you don't like over the top shit. If you don't like hot men, cussing, dirty talk, sex, and cum. Lots and lots of fucking cum.

  If you are ready to make the leap, then go find yourself a quiet fucking corner. Take those panties off. Get the fingers or the vibe ready.

  And hold on.

  Because I'm about to come. And so are you.

  Don't say I didn't fucking warn you.

  Chapter 2


  Jack Kerouac once said, “One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” That’s a pretty sentence, isn’t it? I’d just make one tiny change, which would be replacing ‘simple’ with ‘profitable’.

  Hey, don’t look at me like that. Life in the big city isn’t cheap, you know? Especially for a 25-year-old girl just out of college. Not that I should be complaining; I have a roof over my head, and a job that isn’t so bad.

  I guess I’m just ambitious.

  Oh, I’m rambling already, ain’t I? Sorry about that! Let me introduce myself.

  My name is Lana Hartley, and I’ve always dreamed of becoming a writer. There’s something magical about putting words on a page, carefully placing them one after the other and building something that just pulls people in.

  That’s why when I finished my degree I started hunting for a job in a publishing house. I mean, although it might be cool to be a starving author, I have a shoes habit that needs to be nursed.

  Fate would have it that I finished college at the same time the novel 12 Inches hit the shelves. You know that book, don’t you? Yeah, right, that’s a silly question—I mean, who doesn’t know 12 Inches, right? I still remember all the craze surrounding that book, the way crowds gathered in lines that stretched for blocks, waiting for the bookstores to open so that they could lay their hands on a copy.

  I usually don’t tell this to anyone, but I was one of these people waiting in line. And the moment I finished the book (which was just a few hours after buying it, I devoured the thing), I knew whom I wanted to be like. And that person was Abby Cleveland.

  Lucky for me, she rolled the profits from Twelve Inches into a publishing house, Naughty Angel Publishing. And do you know what a publishing house that has just started operations needs? It needs employees.

  I didn’t even bother with sending my resumé. No, the moment I knew Naughty Angel was hiring, I drove through the city and knocked at Abby Cleveland’s door myself. Nothing beats showing you’re proactive.

  It worked.

  I became one of Abby’s personal assistants and a staff writer and, more than just meeting my idol, I took one more step in my path toward becoming an author. The way I see it, working at Naughty Angel might be exactly what I need in order to publish my first novel. And that’s why it’s after hours and I’m still at the office, clutching a manuscript to my chest and standing like a statue in front of Abby’s office.

  “Okay, here goes nothing,” I whisper to myself, and then rap my knuckles against the door.

  “Yeah?” I hear Abby’s voice from the inside and, feeling my heart punching against my chest, I open the door and step inside. “I thought you had already gone home, Lana,” Abby tells me, a look of surprise on her face as she raises her eyes from the documents on her desk.

  Beautiful and talented, she’s everything I aspire to be.

  Besides, she also knows how to write some wicked steamy sex—that helps. I can’t even tell you how many times I enjoyed myself reading her sex scenes, one hand on my iPad, the other on my … okay, that’s too much. After all, we’re just getting to know each other.

  “No … I stayed behind,” I start to say, feeling beads of sweat starting to take shape on my forehead. I don’t get nervous around her these days, but today’s a special day; after all, I’m going to try and pitch her my manuscript. And she’s Abby fucking Cleveland; I want to impress her! “I wanted to, uhm, show you something.”

  “What is it?” She sits up straight behind her desk, leans back, and offers me her smile. For someone as famous as she has become, she’s one of the most kind and down-to-earth people I know.

  “It’s a manuscript I’ve been working on,” I tell her, the words feeling heavy on my tongue. Sitting down on the chair facing her desk, I place the manuscript I was clutching to my chest down onto her desk.
br />   “A manuscript? That’s interesting!” She sounds excited, and that’s a good sign. But maybe she’s just being nice to me. She reaches for the pages and starts reading, her eyes moving slowly over my words. I sit in there, awkwardly waiting as she reads, and I can’t stop myself from saying something.

  “I’ve named it Buyer’s Market. It’s a bit different from what Naughty Angel publishes: it’s a dark romance, but --”

  “Oh?” Abby raises her gaze, her eyes meeting mine. “A dark romance?” Oh-oh - I no longer hear excitement in her voice. Crap! “Honey, just like you said … we don’t publish dark romance. Right now the market isn’t buying books with darker storylines. If you had something in the style of Alexis Angel or Mona Cox, I’d be happy to take a look… But dark romance just isn’t marketable right now.”

  “Oh,” I say, doing my best not to sound defeated and failing miserably.

  “I’m sorry, honey.”

  “No, it’s perfectly okay!” I say, trying to sound cheery even though I feel like as if the moon fell on top of my head. I’ve poured my heart and soul into Buyer’s Market and, apparently, I was investing in a genre that doesn’t sell.

  Great move, Lana, great move.

  To make matters worse, I really need the money. Living in New York is expensive as hell and, even though my salary isn’t that shabby, I’m struggling to get by. I’m living in a small studio, but I really can’t afford it; soon enough I’ll have to move somewhere else and find roommates. And that’s something I really don’t want to do. I mean, who wants to live with a bunch of strangers? Oh, if only Naughty Angel bought my manuscript, I’d be able to keep afloat for a few more months.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” Abby suddenly says, pushing the manuscript toward me and offering me a comforting smile. “Why don’t you finish your novel, and then we’ll wait four months… Maybe the market shifts!”

  I look at her, a bit stunned, and then find myself smiling.

  “Yes! Thank you!” I say, picking up my manuscript and standing up. Four months is a long time, and I’m not so sure if the market will change … but at lest there’s hope! “Thank you, Abby!”

  “Don’t thank me. At least not yet,” she smiles, but I’m too excited to register her words. Returning her smile, I turn on my heels and leave her office, a skip to my step. My initial pitch might've failed, but you heard what Abby said: in a few months she’ll reconsider.

  I guess I can still become a real writer, after all.

  Naughty Angel Newsletter

  When I Buy A House, This Is The Kinda Men I Want In It!

  Is it just me, or does it seem like Naughty Angel Publishing has A LOT of books in the Top 100 lists? Like … way more than Bad Boy Publishing. I wonder what Grady over at Bad Boy thinks about the fact that Aidan Stone and Abby Cleveland are spanking his ass? And not in a good sexual way either, but like in a humiliating defeat kinda way lol.

  So here’s the rundown if you didn’t know about Grady and Bad Boy Publishing. He’s the CEO of that company and he’s watched the company slide way down from where it used to be. I mean, I don’t wanna say it’s because I left, but I’m sure that Abby Angel starting Naughty Angel Publishing has had something to do with the changing fortunes of the steamy contemporary romance market.

  But you know, it’s not just Aidan and I. We have the most wonderful staff and authors that work with us. And we’re so proud of them. They’re all releasing books this year too! So we’re really SOOPER DUPER excited!

  Speaking of, they’ll all be at the MaxSex Reader Convention at the end of the month in Tampa. So you should totally come over and support your favorite Naughty Angels! The chief angel, Abby Angel, yours truly will be there as well as her handsome hunky 8-packed piece of man meat, Aidan Stone. We’ll be signing autographs and giving away copies of 12 Inches – the book that basically started this media empire.

  Bad Boy Publishing will be there too, so if you’re a fan of their work, go check them out as well. I’m not gonna hate on another set of authors – I think personally that the company is run pretty shady, but I don’t want any drama, ya know? I just wanna go about selling smut and making you ladies cum.

  If you haven’t yet, be sure to join Dirty Lil’ Angels on Facebook. We’re giving out a vibrator a week for people who answer the questions of the day that we pose. And these questions – whoa. It’s a good thing this is a closed group that your family and friends don’t see because if you’re not getting wet within minutes of joining the group, then you need to check your pulse because you’re prolly all passed out from all the arousal that went through your head LOL.

  That’s all for me for now, Angels. I’ll be sending NLs pretty frequently and this is my happiest time every day, when I can send out a NL and connect with fans. Have a look at our catalogs below if you want to pick up something to read, otherwise always remember, that I am totally here for you. My job is to bring happiness to my readers. That’s why I do everything that I do. Including writing books that feature me. ;)

  Want to read more? Check out 24 Inches on Amazon!

  36 Inches

  A MFMM Romantic Comedy

  By Alexis Angel

  Copyright 2017 by Naughty Angel Publishing

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.


  Hot and bothered.

  That describes the state I’m in right now. With my Cradle in one hand, I purse my lips as my eyes dance over the words on the screen. Shutting my legs, I start breathing harder as I feel a warmness spread from between my legs to the rest of my body.

  “We’re here, Miss.”

  I know I shouldn’t spend my time reading books like this, especially when there’s so much going on at work, but I simply can’t help it. A word of warning—if you ever find yourself about to buy one of Abby’s books, run in the opposite direction. Throw your laptop away. Break your credit card in half. I don’t care what you do, just don’t buy it.

  If, despite what I’ve just told you, you insist on it… Well, get ready to see your laundry bill grow. You’ll start spending a lot more on underwear. And don’t be surprised if you start thinking of hot men burning with lust for you 24/7.

  “Miss? Are you listening to me?”

  I wish I could spend all day reading Abby’s books, but unfortunately, being wet doesn’t pay the bills. Okay, just one more chapter of 24 Inches and I’ll shut my Cradle off. I promise. Just one more and —


  Sitting up straight, I finally peel my eyes off the Cradle and stare at the taxi driver. He’s turned on his seat, one arm draped around the headrest, and he looks like he's pissed.

  “Oh,” I whisper, realizing the taxi has already stopped in front of my office building. How long have we been here for? “I’m sorry!” I tell the driver in a single breath, stuffing my Cradle inside my purse and feeling my cheeks warming with embarrassment. I can’t believe I was reading 24 Inches and probably smiling like a horny idiot while the driver was waiting for me to get out of his car.

  Pushing two folded ten dollar bills into his hands, I get out of the car and breathe in the cool New York morning air. Autumn’s just around the corner, and you can already feel its breeze sweeping through the crowded streets of the city. Soon enough Central Park is going to be covered in a scarlet blanket of broken leaves, and I can barely wait to go through my wardrobe and prepare for it.

  “Oh, crap,” I mutter as I take one quick look at the watch on my wrist. I pop a gum into my mouth, close my eyes for a second, and ready myself for Sienna’s sermon; it’s already 9:10 am, which means I’m late. Sienna never really cared much about tardiness, but lately I get the feeling that she’s just looking for an opportunity to fire my ass. I know I should feel bad about it, b
ut just between you and I, I don’t even care if she fires me.

  I always dreamt of becoming an author, and when I landed a job working for Sienna Sinner, an up-and-coming romance writer, I was more than thrilled. She put me in charge of her Advance Review Copy (or ARC for short) team, and my job is to make sure that I get early copies into the hands of her adoring fans ... of which there are none. Sure, there are always a lot of people who want to get their hands on a free book, but true fans? Yeah, Sienna doesn’t have many of them.

  Her writing is dry and stilted, and her books have been dropping off the charts fast. She probably blames it on me, but what can I do? I’ve been working for her ever since I left college, and I always worked as hard as possible to make sure her books succeeded, but I’m not the one writing them, you know? She doesn’t have that Abby flair, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  Back when she started writing, she had a few bestsellers ... but nowadays her books have been tanking hard. She bitches about it every single day, telling me I’m not doing my job properly, and I even had to take a paycut (and let me tell you, my salary wasn’t that hot to begin with).

  “You should quit and punch that bitch in the face,” my roommate always tells me. Jenna is just like that; she doesn’t beat around the bush, and she’s as protective of me as anyone I’ve ever met. Too bad that I need the money to pay the rent. Jenna told me she would float me for as long as I needed to, but I don’t really want to burden her. I want to pull my own weight, you know?

  Rushing my way toward the office building, I let my high heels tap against the pavement harshly as I sling my purse over my shoulder. Inside the old building, I hurry up the worn stairs, the wood creaking underneath my feet. Despite having her offices in midtown Manhattan, the building they’re in is a throwback to an older era, one where men wore hats to work and kept a bottle of whisky inside their desk drawers.


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