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Luna Princess (Alyssa Grey Book 1)

Page 5

by Wylow Moon

"You're going to be hard to keep up with when we hunt." Jimmy chuckled. "This should be fun." I swatted at his leg playfully as he walked back to his spot next to Jeremy, who still hadn't said a word. I looked at him in question. Wondering what his thoughts were. A smile broke out on his face and he walked over to me kneeling down to my eye level.

  "Your brother is right Alyssa, you are beautiful." He reached out and put his hand on my head and a low rumbling sound vibrated my chest. What was I? A common house pet? I felt kind of ridiculous.

  "I didn't realize it would be so painful for you. I am sorry about that. It was like your body could not make up its mind on what form to take. I thought you were going to turn cat for a minute there. But this is your true form. I will have to explain that more in detail later but for now. " He stood up and looked out into the woods. "Are you ready to run?"

  I looked out into the woods and back to him. I couldn't wait to test out my wolf. I felt the woods calling me, beckoning for me to come play, to hunt, to roam free. I let out a howl that could be heard for miles and took off into woods.

  It was the most invigorating thing I had ever felt. I felt fallen branches crunching beneath my paws and could hear every little sound the forest made. I smelt the animals scurrying away from me to safety as I ran passed them, and I tasted the dense, earthy air with every inhale. It's incredible, I thought as I jumped over a fallen tree and landed on all fours. I could hear running water to my right so I changed direction and moved towards it. As I broke out of the trees and onto the bank, I tried to stop but hadn't grasped how exactly to do that. I stumbled over my front paws and tumbled into the stream. The water was ice cold and reached my stomach when I stood back up.

  As I climbed out of the stream sopping wet, I heard laughter in my head. Jeremy had shifted into his wolf form and caught up with me. I snorted in agitation and walked over to him before shaking my body from head to tail getting him just as wet.

  'Well that was rude.' he said shaking himself off.

  "I thought it was pretty funny." said Jimmy jumping down from a tree branch and landing beside me. I wasn't sure how they were talking to me, but I figured it was in our minds like some kind of link. 'Can you hear me?' I asked trying to push the thought at them.

  Both Jimmy and Jeremy cringed in pain.

  ' Not so hard Alyssa. All you have to do is think to us. Kind of like talking but in your head. You don't have to push it at us. Just speak in your mind to us."

  'Ok, I think I got it. Is that better?' I asked them.

  ' Well since we are already out here why don't we hunt? We never really got to eat and you really need food after Shifting for the first time.' said Jeremy. I inwardly cringed. I may have finally shifted and I may be a really big wolf but that didn't mean I wanted to eat like one. Just the thought of it made me want to gag.

  'Um, how about we stick to regular cooked food for now if you don't mind. I may be a hairy predator at the moment but just thinking about killing something and eating it makes me want to yak.' I heard Jimmy snort and I swatted at his head. The power of my paw knocking him onto his side. He jumped right back up and pounced off of my back making what sounded like a hairball trying to dislodge from his throat. Was that supposed to be a laugh?

  "Come on Sis lets head back. We can get you a meal that won't overthrow your delicate stomach." The mark you had before was just the mark you were born with proving you would become the next Luna. Anyone else could touch the door and nothing will happen but when you touched it, you awoke the magic."

  "We have some hidden clothes around the rim of the woods for anyone who needs them. You can change and get dressed before we head in.'' said Jeremy as he followed Jimmy back through the woods. We ran in a single file line all the way back home. I was worried the shift back would be just as painful but thankfully I didn’t feel a thing. It also seemed to go a lot faster then when I became a wolf. I don’t know if it was the magic or the fact my body was still numb but I was grateful.

  When we got back to The Den no one was around to great us and I relaxed a bit. I was kind of worried about being bombarded after so many people seeing my shift. We headed to the kitchen were apparently Paul the chef was waiting for us with three full carts loaded with food ready. Apparently he thought I would eat a friggin bear after my first shift. Jimmy, Jeremy and I all grabbed a cart and headed to a service elevator hidden just outside the kitchen and headed up to my room.

  We sat on the couch in front of the fireplace on my couch with me stretched out on the lounger, a plate full of food on my lap.

  "So where do you want to start?" Asked Jimmy with a mouth full of chicken. I wrinkled my nose in disgust but didn’t comment.

  "Well, that is a loaded question. I mean there are so many questions and none of them with easy answers, I am sure. Let's start with... How do you know what animal you will be when you shift?" I asked. I really wanted to know this one right now because I thought I would have been a panther just like my brother.

  "Oh, that is easy. You are the same animal as your mate." Jimmy said like he just told me it was sunny outside. I choked on the bread roll I had just taken a bite of and had to gulp down my juice to wash it down. When I was sure I was done choking and could breath again I looked between my Brother and Jeremy. Jimmy had a grin from ear to ear and Jeremy wouldn't look me in the eye.

  "What do you mean my MATE. No one said anything to me about a mate!" I think I was hyperventilating. When would the sucker punches end? Not for the first time I thought of how badly I just wanted to go home. My normal old life was never this complex or complicated.

  "Your mate is like a humans soul mate. Sure there are a lot of people who are all the same animal when they Shift but it narrows down the odds of who your mate is." Said Jeremy. "You don't have to go out right this second and find your mate. It is just how it works and actually finding your mate is not as easy as it sounds. They could be from a different clan and sometimes that clan is on the other side of the world."

  "Oh, ok." I breathed a sigh of relief, at least I didn't have to have that on my shoulders along with everything else. " I took another bite of my chicken and my eyes landing on my markings again. I held up my arm and examined it for the millionth time.

  "What about these? I mean, they appeared out of nowhere after I touched my bedroom door. I had always had the mark on my hand and always wondered why I had it but this? It is just..." I was at a loss for words.

  The stars running up my arm really were beautiful and the moon on my shoulder blade was, even more, amazing. It even had detail in it that made it look extremely realistic.

  "The Markings are the sign of the Luna. You got them after touching the door because of the magic in it. It has an enchantment made specifically for you. When you touched it, you accepted your role as Alpha.

  "So let me get this right. Some magic door gave me tattoos and made me this Clan's alpha all because I was born with some special mark. And what is so special about being the Luna exactly?" I asked still a bit confused.

  Both my brother and Jeremy seemed to hesitate as if they were deciding on who was going to answer my question. I was starting to get the impression this was not something I wanted to hear.

  "Technically you are not Alpha of just this clan." My brother said looking at me as if waiting for me to freak out. Maybe I was tired or just really dense because they already stated I was Alpha and now they were saying I wasn't.

  "So I am not Alpha of this clan? But I thought I was Alpha?" I asked in confusion.

  "Alyssa, I said you were not just this Clan's Alpha. The Luna is Alpha of all Alpha's."

  I just stared at my brother with what was probably the dumbest look on my face. Alpha of all Alpha's? How does that even work? Did this mean I was like president of Shifters? I couldn't lead a whole freaking race. Are you kidding me? I could barely lead a group project in school never mind hundreds, maybe thousands of people.

  "You have got to be shitting me?" I finally asked. Seriously? That's why everyone I ha
d met had the look of awe on their face? They so did not know how wrong I was for this job. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face hard.

  "Any chance we can find a replacement?" I asked hopefully. By the looks on their faces, I took that as a no. "Seriously people, If you think I can be any type of leader we are all so utterly screwed." I told them with the most conviction I had ever had.

  "You will be okay." Jeremy said. "You were born for this." In a reassuring manner.

  I tried to smile at him but I don't think it was very convincing. I guess they are just going to have to find out the hard way.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning I awoke and knew what I needed to do. I needed to get the whole clan together and meet them. I thought I had a good idea how but I needed to talk to a few people about it first.

  I got up and got ready for my day choosing a blue tank top and comfy black yoga pants. I put my hair up into a ponytail and slipped on some sandals before heading down to the kitchen. Before I even got there, I could smell the aroma of a hundred different foods. Oh, my god, I was so glad Shifters needed to eat more. Otherwise, I would be fatter than a hippo within the year. I wiped at my mouth making sure I didn't have any drool running down my chin or anything before entering the kitchen.

  Paul was busy at work flipping pancakes at the stove on one burner and cooking steaks on the grill next to it. His other kitchen help was bustling around making fruit salads and eggs among many other different breakfast items.

  Wow, it was like feeding an army I thought as I stole a muffin from one of the platters I walked past. I practically ate it in two bites and then scolded myself for not savoring it more. I walked over to Paul as he was taking steaks off of the grill to add to a growing pile on a tray on the counter top.

  “ Hey, Paul can I steal you away for a minute, please? I need to talk to you.” I asked when he saw me standing there.

  “ Of course, my Luna.” He said with a worried line forming on his face. Maybe he thought I was going to scold him about something. “Lemme just get someone to look after my station for a second.”

  He called one of the helpers over and reiterated several times when and how to flip the steaks properly before wiping his hands on a towel and leading me to what I assumed was his office. It wasn't very big but it fit a desk and chair and had room for another chair in front of it. I noticed a laptop sitting on top and what looked like an inventory file open next to it. He hurried to clean up his desk but I put my hand on his arm to stop him.

  "This is your space. I don't care what it looks like as long as you can still do your job." I said and sat down in the chair in front of the desk while he sat behind it.

  "So I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had. I want to get to know this Clan better and in a way that is less awkward. So I was thinking about throwing a party. One with a buffet like table and music. Do you think you would be willing to cook for it?"

  The way Paul gaped at me, maybe I shouldn't have asked. I noticed his eyes get misty and he cleared his throat a few times. Okay, we got a crier. I really don't know what to do with criers.

  "I am not saying you have to do it, I can get someone else to. But I thought it could be fun for everyone and you would still attend. I wouldn't make you and your staff work the whole party. Just get the food ready beforehand. So, what do you think?" I asked nervously. If he said no, I don’t really know who I would ask to cater it. I know it couldn't be an average human that was for sure.

  "Of course I will do it my Luna, I would be honored." He said ecstatically. Oh my Lord this calling me Luna shit had to stop. That was one thing I would be addressing at the party. I had a name and they were to use it.

  "Paul I have to insist you call me Alyssa. Not Alpha and sure as hell, not Luna. Just Alyssa." "Of course, Alyssa." He said with a big smile on his face. "Do you know what you would like served at the party?"

  "I am letting you decide that. I don't know everyone enough to make any decisions. You are the head chef and know what everyone likes best. If you need to get anything at all, don't worry about price. If you have any questions about anything, just let me know. I will get back to you on what day as soon as I talk to a few others. I will be in my office for most of today, don't hesitate to come talk to me.." I said smiling as I stood up from the chair and headed out the door.

  I glanced back and saw Paul hurriedly clearing of his desk and opening his laptop, probably already looking into what he would do for the party. I smiled to myself and headed towards my office, there were still more things I needed to get done.

  I was wondering how I was going to find everyone I wanted to talk to when I opened my office door. Lost in thought, I hadn't noticed Jeremy in there, working on paperwork, until I sat down on mine and the sound of pen on paper snapped me out of my thoughts. It looked like he had a second desk moved in for himself, though not as magnificent.

  "Oh! Great you're already here. I was wondering how you find your, um, higher up members of the Clan. You know when you need to talk to them? Do they have walkie talkies or something?" I asked. Jeremy grinned at my question and didn't answer.

  'You're the Alpha, you don't need a walkie talkie when you can mind speak."

  "Holy shiitake mushrooms! I thought we could only do that in our animal form." I said trying to pick my jaw up off of the floor. Jeremy let out a bark of laughter that was deep and sexy. I felt myself warm just hearing it and shook my head to clear it. I am not even thinking about that reaction right now.

  "So is it the same concept? Can I just think to the person and they will hear me or will the whole clan hear me?" I asked.

  "Just whoever you are trying to talk to. No one else."

  "Ok well since I have that covered, and before I call on anyone to come see me. I am planning to have a party. To get to know the clan better. I have already talked to Paul about making the food for it. I just want to get to know everyone and see what this is all really about. I have only met a few people and I think I need to try and do better at this Alpha thing. I can't do that being hidden away from everyone. I still believe I am going to crash and burn, don't get me wrong. But I am not going to give up without a fight either." I watched Jeremy's face as I finished speaking waiting for some kind of hint of how he was feeling. The man could hold a good poker face let me tell you.

  "That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually. We could do it the day before the full moon. Have the party the night before and that will give you enough time to get to know everyone before our run on the full moon."

  "Sounds like a plan Stan." I said pulling open drawers to find some pen and paper so I could take notes. I don't think I was ready to think about the full moon and shifting again. That was a really painful experience, even if the running afterwards was prodigious.

  "Who the hell is Stan?" Jeremy asked in confusion. This time it was my turn to laugh. "You need to lighten up Jeremy." I said before closing my eyes and concentrating on calling a few of the Shifters I did know to the office.

  Chapter 10

  The day of the party was hectic, to say the least. When I thought of this party, I don't think I actually realized how much would go into it. I had to hire a band, luckily Matty had some Shifter friends who played, and I had to gather quite a few Clan members to help decorate. We ended up even deciding on setting up booths where the kids could play games and have fun without feeling left out. That was actually Trish's idea. David thought having a wine tent would be good too but I vetoed that. I could see that ending badly. A bunch of drunk shifters this close to the full moon was just asking for trouble. I knew because with the full moon only a day away I was already feeling the pull.

  I still needed to ask Jeremy about that too. Would I still be myself on full moons? Or would my wolf take over and I be all animal? Ugg, all of this made my head hurt. I thought I was doing well, though, all things considered.

  I mean, I find out I have a family, then said family is a group of shifters. An enchanted door gave me tattoos, I actually
shifted for the first time, and let's not forget the most important thing. I am a supposed Princess Luna, who is Alpha of all Alphas. Jeremy told me that there is only one Luna every century and she usually appears when she would be needed most. Yay me. I was so royally going to screw this shit up. I definitely was NOT over my head. Nope, not one bit.

  I looked into the mirror and gave my hair a once over. In my attempt to look regal I had tried to put my hair up in a tight bun on my head. It only managed to make me seem like a tight ass librarian with purple hair. Oh screw it I thought as I took my hair down and shook it out. It felt good to let it down and cascade down my back. The tightness of the bun was starting to give me a headache. I just decided to forgo the hair styling and leave it down. I was never good at all that girly stuff anyway. Instead, I just put on some light makeup and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I had finally unpacked my suitcase and had a long talk with Maggie last night.

  I missed her insanely but we both thought I needed to stay here and sort things out. Of course, she didn’t know about all this shifter business. Only that I had land and a some people who lived on it. We talked about my brother whom, she also agreed, I needed to get to know and that if it got to be too much, I was always welcome home. My bedroom was still there waiting for me. She really was an amazing woman. And I if I turned out to even be half the woman she was I would be ok with that.

  After I had gotten dressed in a comfortable outfit, a gray tee shirt, and white shorts, I headed down to the main floor. I had just reached the bottom step when the whispers and talking hit my ears. It seemed everyone was excited about the party.

  Walking into the cafeteria and lost in thought of what I was going to say to everyone I wasn’t paying attention. Next thing I knew I was lying flat on my back staring at the ceiling. What the hell just happened?

  “ I am so sorry Luna. Please forgive me.” I heard a boy’s voice whimper.

  I sat up and looked at the little boy who spoke. The poor baby was in tears. He was standing in a group of about five kids and they all looked to be between seven and ten years old. Each one had their eyes downcast and seemed to be waiting for me to start yelling at them. I didn't know what to do or how to handle this. It all just appeared to be a bit ridiculous how everyone seemed to be afraid of angering me. I couldn't help it. I burst into a fit of laughter at the absurdity. When I finally got myself to calm down a bit I realized the group of kids all had wide eyes and the 'O' look on their face, it was comical in of itself.


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