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Princess Rescue Inc

Page 79

by Chris Hechtl

  Perry glanced at Ryans and then elbowed him again. “Stunning, literally,” he said jerking his thumb to Ryans. She gave a soft throaty laugh as Ryans recovered and closed his open mouth. She caught the coveted gleam in his eye as he came forward and swept her into his arms. Her smile of approval was dazzling.

  “You’re just full of surprises aren't you?” he asked smiling down at her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her lips. “You better believe it,” she murmured to him as they kissed.


  “So, I take it that's why the royal tailor was asking about denim?” he teased as they lay in bed later that night. She smiled in the dark, tracing circles on his chest with her fingertips and nails.

  “A girl does have to have some secrets,” she chuckled. “Besides, now that we've got the formula and the diagonal pattern worked out we can employ the textile mills and tailors in town. Soon everyone will want their own. It'll be fun seeing the old biddies pitching fits over new fashion. Wait until you see what I'm wearing tomorrow,” she said with a Cheshire grin in the darkness.

  He thought about it. Most of the factories would be shutting down and winterizing soon. They had about two and a half more months, about twenty more weeks of production time and not a whole lot to set things up in. Most likely only a handful of people would get the new outfits before winter. Not that they'd wear them in ten feet of snow! “And you just had to be first,” he chuckled softly then yelped as she pinched his nipple. “Hey!” he said trying to retaliate. She giggled and fought him off for a moment. When he caught her wrists she kissed his neck, and then nipped it.

  “You are a naughty little minx tonight!” he said as her eyes gleamed a wicked challenge at him in the dark. She grinned then snapped her teeth at him. “Little wild cat huh?” he teased as he pinned her arms to her sides then behind her. She froze for a moment as wild terror flashed through her. She could see her attacker and she thrashed for a moment, back in that awful time. Until that is he caught both of her wrists with one hand then used the other to tickle her. The flashback of fear evaporated as suddenly as it began.

  Sudden feelings of terror ebbed as the merciless fingers dug into her ribs. She squirmed and giggled, then laughed. She flopped around, ending up on his chest. When she pinned his hand under her he tried to pull it out then bent and licked her exposed breast. She squirmed and then purred as he nipped it and then suckled.

  “Now that's more like it,” he murmured.


  “What's wrong?” he asked softly, feeling the tears on his shoulder. It had been a wild but exciting love making session. One for the record books. She was awfully quiet now that it was over though and he felt something hovering over her like a cloud.

  “Nothing just hold me,” she sobbed softly. He sighed, holding her. Eventually her breathing eased into a regular rhythm of rest. He felt a pang of remorse as he realized he must have done something wrong. It took him a few moments to go over the nights events and figure it out. He tried to relax as well but a sudden burning guilt kept him awake for a long time.

  “Had a flashback?” he asked from the window. She looked at him, mind waking slowly. She nodded. “The rape?” he asked softly, shoulders hunched. She sat up, brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around the silk coverings. “Bad?” he asked. Her eyes sparkled before she looked down. She nodded. Tears dripped down onto the silk sheets.

  “I'm sorry love,” he murmured as she cried again. He sighed. “My hard as nails princess,” he said. He came over and gently rubbed her shoulders. She felt the bed move as he climbed in beside and behind her then felt his hands massaging her hunched shoulders.

  She turned with a wordless cry and hugged him fiercely. He stroked her face, moving her bangs gently aside as she looked up to him. He kissed her forehead. “I screwed up. I'm sorry. I pushed the envelope and blew it,” he said, with dark self loathing in his voice. She saw his own sorrow and burrowed deeper into his arms.

  “Next time it's your turn to save me. How about that?” he asked. She gave a watery chuckle at that. “Honest, you’re the one with sword fighting skills,” he teased. She chuckled a little at that.

  “I love you Deidra, and you know I'd never do anything to hurt you like that,” he said. Fresh sobs broke over her. She dug in with a will; crying then the sobs began to ebb.

  “I love you too,” she murmured into his shoulder. He chuckled.

  “What was that? I didn't hear it. Sounded kinda muffled,” he teased. She looked up.

  “You heard me,” she said as his chest rumbled again. He smiled down to her, stroking her cheek again.

  “Yeah, I did,” he murmured softly. She heard a rumble of a different sort and then giggled. “Seems like someone else is putting in a demand for attention.” He chuckled.

  “Breakfast?” she asked smiling and dashing tears.

  “I thought you'd never ask. I've got to keep up my strength while I'm around you. Heaven knows I'll need it,” he chuckled. She smiled a wan smile then patted his leg. “Come on dear, we've got some feeding to do,” he cajoled and smiled. “Something told me tonight is going to come faster than ever.” She threw her head back and laughed at that.


  Later that morning he caught sight of her as the maid helped her with her hair. She was wearing a classic sun dress... classic for western wear on good old Earth. It looked like she'd been in a lot of the archives. The ladies had been playing with gaijin fashion in the summer but had kept it prudish. This was a lot more daring, something he hadn't expected. It was a bit cool to be wearing it though; he could see certain parts of her sticking up a little under the tight bodice.

  “I see what you mean about new outfits,” he murmured behind her as the maid left. He kissed the nape of her neck, hands on her shoulders. She preened, smiling at his touch.

  “I thought you'd like it,” she smiled up at him then held up a graceful hand. He took it and helped her to her feet. She turned, twirling the hem of the dress. “See? It even has matching shoes.” She pointed a shoe covered toe. It was white, a form of pump he supposed, and most men weren't experts on women's footwear after all.

  “Nice. I noticed the buckles and stuff.” His hands wandered to one. She dimpled, batting the naughty hand away with a gurgle.

  “Down boy. Save it for later. You'll need it,” she growled. She leered over her shoulder as she walked off. She saw his appreciative look and strutted, wiggling an eyebrow. “Coming?” she asked huskily. He nodded dumbly. “Well? Come on!” she waved impatiently. He chuckled and followed, enjoying the view.


  “That's an... interesting outfit you’re wearing this morning daughter,” the Queen said eying the dress. “Quite... fetching my dear.” she said almost choking it out. Zara hid a giggle with her napkin. She was already planning to steal it the moment it was off.

  “Well I think it's just lovely! I can't wait to steal... I mean borrow it,” Zara said with a smirk. Deidra gave her a mock glower. Zara stuck her tongue out at her.

  “Girls, girls! Honestly. How many times have I told you to act as ladies of good breeding and stature!” Nana said from behind them both.

  “Sorry Nana,” the girls replied, shoulders hunched but obviously not repentant at all. They grinned conspiratorially to each other as the weak eyed old woman came around to see them.

  “Why good heavens! What is this? Child what on this... what is that?” Nana pointed to the sun dress. Deidra smiled.

  “Why this? It's a gaijin sun dress Nana, I had it copied from the files. It's something worn on Earth in the summer,” she replied getting a bite of her eggs and chewing. She tried to hide her smile. They'd made them earlier in the summer but this was the first time the old woman had seen her wearing the dress.

  “She's right,” Ryans said as Nana's glower turned on him full force. He shrugged. “It's actually quite beautiful even though it
's not summer anymore,” he said. “She's even got matching...” Deidra turned a glower on him. He gave a discrete cough. “Never mind,” he said weakly.

  “Yeah. I'd shut up too before that foot went all the way down your throat,” Sue said sweetly from the other side of the table. He gave her a glower then rolled his eyes as the diminutive nanny turned her glare back on Deidra.

  “It's quite comfortable Nana; it's made with our silk. I've got two more being made in different colors and necklines, and several other outfits,” Deidra said. She smiled to her mother the Queen then to the nanny. “After all, we of the royal house do need to set an example. Set new trends and not just follow them. Isn't that what you've always said to us?”

  The Queen gave her daughter a long look then smiled a small smile. She gave Nana a look then a minute shrug. “She does have a point.”

  “Hoisted on your own petard,” Sue said smiling as she took a bite. Ryans chuckled, then instantly sobered as the nanny glower turned to him once more.

  “This is your fault; you’re the one who's leading this sweet child astray! Well, I won't have it!” she snarled. Her voice rose in volume.

  “That is quite enough of that,” the Queen said quietly but firmly. The nanny turned to her, closed her mouth then bowed.

  “My apologies mum. I seem to be overwrought with emotion this morning.”

  “Indeed. Why don't you take the morning off Nana? That's a good woman.” The Queen gave a gracious nod as the nanny bowed and withdrew.

  “She does have a point though ladies. Don't make too much haste bringing about change or it'll be your own undoing,” the Queen cautioned. She grimaced as she took a sip of juice. “Change is good; it brings new life, and increases our chances of survival on this world.” She turned an eye to the gaijin and then back to the girls. “But there are those who would cling to the past, who will fight tooth and nail to keep it. Tread carefully where they're concerned.”

  “Walk in the center of the path, not to the sides,” Zara said nodding.

  Her mother nodded. “Exactly. We must be ever vigilant to both sides for those waiting for an opening... we must appear open and honest, but have the means to fight off attackers... or retreat when necessary.”

  “Yeah... good luck with that,” Ryans rose, gulping his drink. “Sorry ladies, I've got to go, Perry just called.” He walked off as the others stared.

  Sue shrugged as she put her fork down. “I should be going as well. I've got a to work on the clinic we're opening tomorrow. Will you be there for the opening your majesty?” she asked, turning to the Queen.

  The Queen shook her head. “Duties require me elsewhere unfortunately,” she sighed. She nodded to Zara. “I believe Zara is to attend though.”

  Zara smiled politely and nodded, taking a bite of a fruit. Juices dribbled and she caught them with a napkin. “I'll be there. If Nana doesn't take her ire for sis here out on me,” she said giving Deidra a look.

  “Somehow you'll survive. You always do,” Deidra said with a smile. She nodded as Sue rose. “I'll try to put in an appearance too if that's okay. If I've got the time,” she said wryly.

  “Gee thanks,” Zara said with a snort.

  “Just doing our duty to the people,” Deidra smiled mock sweetly at her sister.

  Sue hastily retreated before hearing the next barb fly.


  Serena sighed in pure jealousy over Deidra's latest salvo. On the one hand she was intently jealous over the outfits. They were beautiful and quite daring. On the other hand though, she smiled slightly. The princess was giving her plenty of things to scandalize the older lords and ladies with. She listened to them gossip and shook her head. Truth be told she and quite of a few of the younger ladies would love to be wearing something like that. Most of the anger over the princess' antics weren't out of being scandalized, so much as jealousy over not thinking of it first. At least with the fashion obsessed crowd.

  Most of the lords had taken a recess in the constitutional discussion to check that their homes were preparing for the winter properly. Many were now returning to get some time to talk and form alliances before the convention reconvened. She, like her husband, was using this time to their best advantage, building up a network of alliances and strengthening them while subtly undermining the Queen.

  She chuckled softly as lady Pettigrew drew herself up in riotous wrath. Yes, Serena thought as the fat fool started to harangue the princess' dress, this was going well. Well indeed.


  Deidra smiled at herself in the looking glass. Max had mentioned they could make full length ones someday. She hoped it was soon. She touched up her hair, looking this way and that then got up.

  She brushed errant threads from her lap and then stretched. She was wearing another new outfit, one that was as much a Terran invention as it was one from the Kingdom. Or at least something the stuck in the muds could better accept. She tweaked her breast line a little and then ran her hands along her slim waist.

  “Hey that's my job,” Ryans' voice murmured in her ear. She smiled as she felt his hands on her sides then on her hips. “I see you're keeping the royal tailors busy again. Nice. A bit of Faith Hill, and a bit of Kingdom all rolled into one.”

  She turned, smiling. “Is that where Ginger got the idea from?” she asked, hands going around his waist.

  “Maybe. Looks good on you though,” he smiled. Her long sleeve black blouse was made of Kingdom silk. The sleeves had deep scoops trimmed in ruffled white silk. Of course she was wearing her bell bottom denim jeans.

  “The garment district is doing brisk business now that we have a couple of power loom factories up and a couple of sewing machines up,” she said smiling.

  “Ah?” he asked, smiling.

  “Denim of course,” she explained. He nodded. “The silk has proven extremely delicate and hard to handle.”

  “Heard about that. Max said the loom was over powered and made quite a snarl,” Ryans replied with a nod.

  Deidra frowned. Yes, she'd hoped the silk would be adaptable to the looms and stitching machines but not everything worked out so well in the first try. “Yes. The silk is strong but it stretches before it breaks.” She shook her head. “Mother had me try to make a silk scarf once. I bollocked it.”

  “bollocked huh?” he asked, seeing her blush. He chuckled softly as she poked him. Her eyes glittered and her hands began a savage attack on his ribs.

  “Hey that's not fair!” he said, squirming and trying to get away. He chuckled, then laughed as she pushed, then whooped when he fell on his ass.

  She laughed, slapping her knee. He shook his head, giving her an aggrieved look as he rubbed his wounded pride. “Geesh! You play rough!”

  She giggled as she straddled his lap then rested her arms on his shoulders. “Poor poor baby,” she mockingly teased, kissing his nose. “Want me to kiss it and make it better?” she said, eyes alight as she still teased him.

  “Oh you little...” His hands retaliated, digging into her armpits. She laughed, throwing her head back and trying to break out of his arms. He pulled her back to him and then locked lips.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked as they came up for air.

  “Nowhere it seems,” she said, feeling his hands lock behind her.

  “Damn right,” he smiled, kissing her again.


  The farming minister paced back and forth. He was dressed in a rich red robe. A golden sash served as a belt to rein in his enormous girth. He shook his meaty fist at Ryans as he came in the door. “You! You sir have ruined us! Ruined!” he howled.

  Ryans stopped, taken aback. “It's a little early in the morning for recriminations sir. Perhaps you could explain?” he asked. The Queen gave him a look as she sat down. Duke Pyror looked amused.

  “The fields, the surpluses!” the fat man said raising his hands. “I can't store what we have. What's left will rot! I knew this was bad. The first ha
rvest was too much, but squeezing five??” he shouted. The Queen was seated nearby. Her lips pursed in a thin frown of annoyance.

  “Calm yourself Siegfried,” the Duke said shaking his head. “I'm sure it's not as bad as you're making it out to be.”

  “It's worse. Worse I tell you. I...” The man sat heavily after a moment then ran his hands through his hair. “With the surplus there's a glut of food on the market driving the price down. Far down. It's barely worth the travel costs now to get it to market!”

  “So they'll have to go to different markets since local ones are saturated. Again, what's the problem?” Ryans asked.

  “Other markets?” the minister asked blinking.

  “Of course. You have a surplus of seed for next year of course, and plenty of food for everyone and emergency supplies... Not to mention making up for Duke Emroy's poor harvest due to the occupation. But, the border lords didn't get the full benefit of our technology, so they had a normal harvest. So some of the food can be transported there. But the bulk can affect your balance of trade... like for instance with Duluth.” Ryans smiled as the Duke suddenly sat up straight.

  “Indeed, the crown has sent them convoys of food to aide in their hunger, why shouldn't we sell our produce as well?” the Queen murmured, eyes gleaming. “They still had an awful harvest and it'll take time to get the new tools to them and of course for the training to sink in. I'd say there are coppers there, ready and waiting to be spent,” she nodded, suddenly relaxing.

  “I'd never thought of that,” the minister said looking stunned. “I shall talk with the minister of trade soon. Today if possible,” he nodded firmly.

  “Right, you've got to get the goods out before the weather changes and the food spoils. I'd suggest trying to convert the raw goods to something that can be preserved quickly. That way it can go further,” Ryans suggested. “I know Max was working on canning. You can ask him about that. Or Mary, the biologist.”

  “Can your vehicles aide in this?” the minister asked.

  Ryans shook his head. “No, unfortunately we've got them tied to the mines. But I believe the regular convoy people that were doing that duty could be employed,” Ryans replied with a small smile.


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