Soren's Bondmate

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Soren's Bondmate Page 16

by Mardi Maxwell

  "Now that you've remembered your past you'll have much to tell me." She grasped his hand and gave it a little tug. "Do you want to take your friends to the shelter to celebrate their arrival?"

  Soren nodded and turned to Rolf. "I have much to tell you and its best said in private."

  "Lead the way," Rolf said.

  They adjourned to the warrior's shelter and once they were settled at the tables Soren began explaining the Krystali culture. He had to stop several times when he was met with disbelieving snorts. He just smiled and had Skye or one of the other enchantresses demonstrate their talents by producing krystal weapons, food and beverages. One even conjured a smaller shelter that the Zarronian warriors took turns entering and examining until they were satisfied that it was real.

  "You seem to have accepted all this without trouble," Rolf said.

  "I'd lost my memory so I couldn’t really question it once Skye showed me what she could do," Soren said then added, "My memory was slowly coming back but when I saw you I remembered everything."

  Rolf grinned. "Glad to be of service." He leaned forward. "Tell me about this war."

  Soren looked at Berit. "It's your war. You explain it."

  Berit set his tankard down and began to tell the Zarronians about the battles they'd been through and their plans to invade the peninsula and Crimeryn at the same time.

  "So the fortresses you left behind are like this one and they blend into the countryside?" Rolf asked.

  "Yes," Berit said.

  "That's why we couldn't see any villages from space although our sensors picked up people working in the fields." He laughed and looked at Rune. "It also explains how they'd suddenly disappear."

  Rune nodded. "I saw the same thing happening on the larger continent."

  Soren set his tankard down with a sharp click. "I believe we just found a way to spy on the peninsula and Crimeryn."

  Rune shook his head. "Not the peninsula. There's something there that blocks our scanners."

  "You have transporters," Rolf said. "Why haven't you used them to gather information?"

  "Same reason. Scanners don't work on the peninsula and every time we've tried to fly over it we've been shot down," Berit said.

  "We'll gather information about the Crimeryn continent for you. Then, we'll use the weapons on the starfighters to help you attack them," Rune said.

  "Your weapons won't work on Krystali," Berit said.

  Rune pulled his fire sword and activated it. Nothing happened. He checked it and tried again then laughed. "It's been a long time since I've fought hand-to-hand."

  Rolf stood and stretched. "I'm in the mood for a good battle. I'll join you."

  "You'll find that Krystali hides a lot of surprises for the uninformed visitor." Soren pulled Skye closer. "Can you make cloaks to protect them?"

  "Yes," she said. "Any conjurer or enchantress could although we're limited on how many we can sustain."

  Soren located Stefyn in the crowd. "Stefyn, you know the most about the geography of Crimeryn. Do you want to work with Rune on gathering information?"

  "From the starship?" Stefyn asked.

  "Yes, from the starship," Rune said.

  Stefyn glanced at his mate, Jayla. She nodded, giving her approval. "Yes."

  Berit stood. "I too would be interested in seeing this starship."

  Several other Krystali warriors stood as well. Soren laughed, drained his tankard and set it down. "We need to test our communications and weapons to see which, if any of them, will work on Krystali. Who will take on the task?"

  Korbyn stepped forward. "My mate and I will along with Magnys and Lalyn."

  "We need a Zarronian warrior to work with Korbyn and Magnys." Soren looked around for a volunteer.

  "I'll work with them here on the ground," Ronin said. "Teryq is going to demonstrate the throwing of krystal as a weapon. I wish to remain here and see it."

  "I'll have the communications officer on the starship coordinate with you," Rolf said.

  Soren stood. "Skye and I will spend the night on the Venturer and return at sun rising."

  # # #

  Skye bounced on the bed then with a smile stretched out and rolled across it. She came to a stop at the far edge where she rolled onto one hip and rested her cheek on her palm and laughed. "No wonder you're always so grouchy when you wake. Our mats aren't nearly as comfortable as your Zarronian beds." She patted the mattress. "Try it."

  "I already know what it feels like." Soren shrugged into a leather vest he'd take from the closet. "Who showed you how to operate the shower?"

  "The young cadet you assigned to escort me around the ship." Skye sat up with her legs curled beneath her. Her freshly washed hair clung to the thin white blanket she'd wrapped around herself. She glanced at him through her lashes, her eyes shining with happiness. "It's wonderful. So hot and steamy. "There's something in the water that made my skin so smooth and soft." She stretched out on the bed and held out a leg. "Feel."

  Soren grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He ran his hands up her legs, grasped her waist and lifted her to the floor. "You need to get dressed or we'll be late for dinner." He moved to the desk and leaned against it with his arms crossed over his chest.

  "I know you're angry. I'm sorry. I should have told you. I sh—."

  "Later. We'll talk later."

  Skye watched him with wary eyes as she picked up the gown he'd brought for her. She slipped the silky golden material over her head and smoothed it into place. It draped her body from her neck to her feet but left her face and hands showing. She pinched the material between two fingers, held it out to the side and looked at it. "There isn't a hood." She touched the tattoo on her left cheek then dropped her hand to her side and looked away.

  "Come here, Skye."

  Her steps were slow and hesitant as she wondered if he intended to send her away.

  He gathered her hair and smoothed it over her shoulders. "You're beautiful. The most beautiful female I've ever seen." He stroked a finger over the black tattoo on her face then tipped her chin up. "Don't ever doubt my love for you, little heart."

  His kiss stilled the trembling of her lips. She wrapped her arms around him and held on while he stroked his tongue over her lips then explored her mouth. After several moments he released her then buzzed another little kiss over her lips while he patted her bottom. "Let's go and get this over with."

  "I thought you were looking forward to sharing a meal with your warriors."

  "I was until I kissed you."

  Skye took his hand and pulled him toward the door. "The sooner we go the sooner we can return."

  Once they left their chamber he turned her to the right and led her through several identical corridors. They stopped in the open doorway of a large chamber crowded with hundreds of warriors. As soon as they appeared a hush fell over the room and the warriors turned as one and acknowledged Soren's presence. He returned their greeting then pulled her in front of him and left his hands on her shoulders. "This is my mate, Skye of Krystali."

  The warriors greeted her with slight nods of their heads then turned away.

  Skye linked her mind with Soren's. "Is this their usual greeting for a female?"

  "Not for a female but for a mate, yes. Anything further would have offended me." Soren urged her across the room with a hand on her lower back. "On Zarronia the only warriors you would have close contact with would be relatives and trusted friends like Rolf, Rune and even Ronin."

  "You don't trust other warriors to respect your claiming? They would try to take me from you?"

  He chuckled. "No, we're just very possessive and protective. We have that in common with your males." He pulled a chair out at the head table and helped her into it. As soon as she was seated he sat down next to her. His warriors sat down at the long benches on either side of the tables that filled the room. Immediately, young cadets began serving the meal.

  While they ate Soren answered the warriors' questions, telling
them how he'd met Skye and how she'd saved his life.

  One of the warriors banged his tankard on the table. "Trust the Commander to survive an attack by four Prezon fighters, end up on a frozen planet and be rescued by a beautiful, compatible female." He held up his tankard. "Commander Valanson and Skye."

  The other warriors banged their tankards. "Commander Valanson and Skye."

  Soren laughed. "I'd like to think you came after me but I know Rolf and Rune well enough to know they sniffed out a near-by war and couldn't keep from investigating it."

  Rolf chuckled. "By now all should know about the war between the warriors of Edyn and their enemy the Crimeryns. I intend to join the fight. Any Zarronian warrior who wishes to join is welcome."

  Another warrior stood. He grinned. "Is it true we'll have to use primitive weapons and fight hand-to-hand?"

  Soren grasped Skye's hand and gave it a little squeeze when he sensed her fear that none of his warriors would join them. He sent her a reassuring, "Watch this."

  The warriors stood, raised their tankards, and said, "May the enemy be worthy of the death we bring them." They drained the ale and slammed the tankards down onto the tables. Laughing, they sat down and called for more ale.

  Rolf leaned toward Soren. "I'll make sure we leave enough warriors on the starship to fight off an attack."

  Soren nodded. "I'll talk to the Edyn leaders and see how many warriors they're each willing to take. The number will depend on how many cloaks their enchantresses and conjurers can make for them."

  "Our warriors will need time to get used to the idea of what the females can do as well as time to learn to protect themselves from the krystal," Rolf said.

  "Skye, after we eat will you show my warriors how you conjure kyrstal?" Soren asked through their mind link.

  "I'll try but I my powers may not work here," she thought.

  "See if you can give me a small shard of white krystal." He held his hand open between them, palm up.

  She called on the elements and the shard appeared. "I wonder if it's because we're in orbit around Krystali. Do you think I could still do it if we were farther away or on Zarronia?"

  "Let's find out." He turned to Rolf. "Who's in charge of the bridge?"

  "Lief Ivanson."

  Soren activated the communication devise on his shoulder. "Leif, take us out of orbit and beyond the two moons and smaller planet."

  "Yes, Commander," Lief said. A few micro-units later he hailed Soren. "Commander, we're in position."

  Soren held out his hand again and Skye conjured another shard.

  "Lief, take us through the wormhole then wait just outside it."

  A few micro-units later Lief let them know they'd passed through it. Soren held out his hand and Skye called on the elements. Two shards appeared on his palm one white and one dark.

  "I guess this means my powers are a part of me no matter where I am." She waved her hand and they disappeared.

  Soren addressed the warriors, "In thirty micro-units my mate and I will be in the gymnasium demonstrating how krystal is conjured and used on Krystali. Any warrior who intends to join the fight should attend." He turned to Rolf. "Has anyone notified my family that I'm alive?"

  "No," Rolf said. "Once through the wormhole all communications are blocked. We're working on a way around it."

  Soren contacted Lief and told him to hold the position until further notice. He stood and pulled Skye up next to him. "Before we return to Krystali I need to contact my family." He led her to a small room and took a seat at the desk before pulling her onto his lap. A moment later he activated the communication devise. The monitor lit up and the older warrior from their dreams appeared.

  His face paled before his eyes glistened with tears. "Lia," he roared. "Get in here."

  A petite female with long red hair appeared by his side. "Whatever it is I didn’t do it," she said before she glanced at the monitor. The moment she saw Soren she collapsed on the male's lap and burst into tears.

  "Are they your parents?"

  "Yes. Valan and Lia."

  "They aren't happy to see you?" Skye asked, puzzled by their behavior.

  Before he could answer another male appeared. He was a replica of Soren but with the silvery gray eyes of the older warrior. "Thank Tor. I told everyone you were still alive. I felt it."

  Soren laughed. "Thorn, it's good to see you brother."

  "Not as good as it is to see you. Mother's grieving has nearly driven Father insane." He leaned closer to the monitor. "Rolf found you?"

  "Yes. Thanks for sending him."

  "I didn't send him. He insisted on searching for you. He thought knowing what had happened to you would comfort Mother. I would have come for you myself but Daria's pregnant again and traveling makes us sick."

  Soren laughed. "That will teach you."

  Thorn grimaced and rubbed his stomach. Soren laughed and asked, "How are the boys and Rose?"

  "Dane and Dev have grown so much you won't recognize them and Rose is walking. She gets into everything," Thorn glanced at Skye. "I can't help but notice you have a female sitting on your lap."

  Soren ran his hand down Skye's hair. "This is Skye. My mate."

  There was a loud screech and Thorn was shoved away from the monitor. Lia took his place. "Your mate? You found a mate?" She turned to Valan. "He found a mate." She collapsed against him and burst into tears again.

  Valan patted her shoulder and grinned at the monitor. "Soren. Thank Tor you're still alive and we've found you." He glanced at Skye. "I can't tell you how wonderful it is to meet you, Skye."

  Skye smiled. "I too am pleased to meet the parents of my mate."

  Valan smiled. "When will you return to Zarronia?"

  Lia sat up and dried her tears on the pink cloth Valan handed her before she asked, "Yes, when will you return?"

  Soren explained the situation on Krystali to them. "As soon as things are settled here. It may be six to eight moon phases."

  Thorn appeared again. "You'll miss my daughter's birth."

  "Another daughter?" Soren laughed. "Sounds like Daria is evening the odds."

  Thorn laughed. "I never thought of it that way but you may be right."

  Soren smiled. "I'll contact you again when I can."

  "Stay safe, son," Valan said.

  Lia touched the monitor. "Thank you, Skye, for saving our son's life."

  "He saved my life as well, Lia." Skye smiled. "I can't wait to meet you and walk in your beautiful garden with you."

  "Soren told you about my garden?" Valan asked.

  Skye smiled. "No, we dreamt about it."

  "You dreamt about it? Together?" another voice asked before the monitor was turned and an older male with graying hair appeared.

  Soren chuckled. "Hello, grandfather. Skye, this is my grandfather, Eirik."

  "Knew you were alive, boy. Had a bet with Borg and now I've won."

  Another older male appeared. "First time I've ever been glad to lose a bet."

  "It's good to see you again, Borg," Soren said. "I hope you didn't lose too much to my grandfather."

  Borg laughed. "Just a Zylian pod."

  Soren laughed. "How many times has that pod been passed between the two of you?"

  Borg laughed. "Too many times to keep count." He looked to the side. "Your parents want to speak to you. I'll see you when you return to Zarronia."

  Lia appeared and smiled. "Take care of yourselves and come home soon."

  Soren bid them goodbye and the monitor went dark. He kissed Skye then let Leif know to return them to Krystali.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Skye produced another dark shard and Soren cast it at the target at the far end of the gym. It struck and shattered into hundreds of razor sharp pieces that exploded into the air around the target. Piece after piece flew from his hands so rapidly that before the previous one hit its target another was on its way behind it.

  The Zarronian warriors watched in silence, their strong arms crossed over their
massive chests. Finally a warrior named Sven stepped forward. "You said many of the females on Krystali are healers. Is your mate a healer?"

  "Yes," Soren said. "She can heal wounds from both white and dark krystal."

  "I wish to feel these wounds," Sven said.

  "White krystal can wound or kill depending on where it strikes but dark krystal will kill every time no matter where it hits. Only an enchantress, like Skye, can heal it and even then only if she reaches you in within four or five micro-units."

  "I want to experience them both," Sven said and moved to the far end of the room. Skye produced a shard of white kyrstal and Soren threw it, hitting him on the upper arm.

  Sven stiffened then grabbed his arm. "It continues moving once it enters you."

  Skye hurried to him and brushed his hand away then placed her hand above the wound. Slowly the shard appeared then fell to the floor. Blood flowed from the wound until she stopped it and a micro-unit later the wound healed, leaving behind a small scar.

  "I can remove the scar if you like," she said.

  Sven shook his head. "No, this scar I'll keep."

  "Dark kyrstal is much worse and very painful," she warned him.

  He nodded and held his arms out to his sides, indicating he was still willing to be a target. Skye nodded and returned to Soren's side. She conjured the dark krystal, he bounced it on the palm of his hand twice then threw it.

  The shard hit Sven on his other arm just above the elbow. This time he gritted his teeth together but still let out a muffled howl of pain while he grabbed his arm. "It burns and cuts threw flesh worse than a fire sword." He staggered and fell against the wall then slowly slid down to the floor.

  Skye ran to him and hovered her hands over the wound while she called on the elements. Slowly, little by little the end of the shard appeared. She grasped it and pulled it out then cast it aside. As soon as she'd healed the wound several warriors moved forward and helped Sven to his feet.

  "That shit is really bad." Sven shook his arm before looking at Skye. "Does the cloak protect a warrior from it?"

  "It does from the white krystal but not the dark."


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