Soren's Bondmate

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Soren's Bondmate Page 17

by Mardi Maxwell

  "Then make mine an extra-large," he said with a chuckle. "Believe me I'll never forget to wear it."

  The warriors gathered around him and asked questions before several more stepped forward and demanded to feel it for themselves.

  Soren beckoned Skye back to his side and held out his hand. She conjured white krystal shards and he threw them, one after the other. When she would have gone to the warriors to heal them he held her back.

  "Give them a micro-unit to describe the sensation to the other warriors."

  Skye waited while the warriors held out their arms and showed the wounds to their companions. One of the other warriors reached out and grabbed the end of a piece of krystal that poked out of a wound.

  "No," Skye yelled, but not in time to stop him. The moment his fingers touched the shard it hooked into his flesh, broke off and began digging in deeper. He pulled back and shook his hand in an effort to dislodge it. She ran forward, grabbed his hand and concentrated on the cut. The shard, smaller than a thorn, slowly began to back out until it dropped to the floor. The warrior shook his hand, flinging droplets of blood over the floor and the skirt of Skye's dress.

  She ignored the stains and began working on healing the other warriors. When she healed the last one Soren asked if anyone wanted to experience the dark krystal.

  "No," one warrior said. "We'll take Sven's word for it."

  Soren smiled and pulled Skye close. "At sun rising we'll begin shuttling warriors to Krystali."

  # # #

  Skye removed the golden gown and held it up to the light. Tiny droplets of dried blood marred the skirt. She ran a finger over one and tried to use her powers to lift it away but the stain remained.

  Soren reached over her shoulder and placed his hand over hers. "I'll have it cleaned for you." He tugged on it and she let it slide through her fingers.

  "It's so soft. What kind of material is it?"

  He pulled it over the satiny smoothness of her bare shoulder. "Lanterian silk."

  She held onto the hem for a nano-unit then released it. "I've never worn anything so soft before."

  "From now on all your gowns will be made from Lanterian silk." Soren tossed the gown on the bathroom counter, took her by the shoulders and turned her around. She looked up and their eyes met. His burned with desire.

  Skye slid into his arms as easily as the silk had slid through her fingers. He closed them around her and lifted her until her feet left the floor. His lips came down on hers as he carried her to the bed, lowered her onto it and came down over her.

  His hands stroked over her body from her shoulders to her feet and back up. He touched every luscious inch of her as if he couldn't get enough of the feel of her in his arms. His touch drew a sigh of pleasure from her that disappeared into his mouth as he kissed her.

  She touched him, her fingers trailing over the hardening muscles of his body. She linked her mind with his. "Oh, Soren, I love your taste. Your touch."

  He stroked her tongue, sucked it into his mouth and encouraged her to kiss him back. "I love being in your mind and feeling your response to my touch."

  Skye chased his tongue, captured it and held it hostage for a moment before she swiped her tongue along his bottom lip then sucked on it.

  He palmed her breast. Her nipple hardened. She moaned and he slid his lips to her breast, sucked the bud into his mouth and swirled his tongue over it.

  Skye threaded her fingers into the long hair at his nape and held him against her breast. He continued to suckle and lick until it was swollen and red before he moved to the other one and kissed it. She stilled, waiting for the stroke of his tongue then sighed when it came.

  "Oh, yes." She hooked one long, slender leg over his bare hip and drew him tighter against her.

  Soren grasped her knee and lifted her leg as he slid down her body, leaving behind a line of kisses from the center of her chest to her mound. "Breathe, little heart," he thought just before he kissed her clit.

  She jerked, shivered and pressed her hips toward him, wanting more. Hoping for more.

  He wrapped his hands around her upper thighs and held her legs apart then licked her from the bottom of her opening to her clit. She couldn’t speak. She couldn't think. She squirmed and drew in a deep breath but his name caught in her throat when he slid his tongue into her.

  "That's it. Just feel," he thought.

  Skye wrapped her legs around the back of his legs and ran her hand over his head. She touched as much of him as she could reach. He was hard and hot against her body.

  He planted a kiss over the center of her pussy then licked up one side and down the other before stroking his tongue up the center to her clit. He stiffened his tongue and stroked her clit again and again.

  "Oh, yes. Soren."

  He tongued her for a few moments then moved back up her body and kissed her. She tasted herself on his tongue and felt him smile against her lips. "You taste sweet, little heart. I'm addicted to you."

  She wiggled until he rolled over and she was on top. "I’m addicted to the taste of you too." She smiled, leaned down, and kissed him. He tried to capture her tongue but she sat up, shook her head then leaned down and kissed him again. "You're such a miracle to me."

  Skye stayed in his mind while she kissed a trail over his face and neck, across his rolling abs, and down to his cock. She licked her way around the large head before taking it into her mouth and sucking it. Her lips down the shaft as far as she could then back up.

  It always amazed her that the shaft was so hard against her lips yet the head so soft and spongy as it pressed against the roof of her mouth. She took it a little deeper and swallowed, drawing a groan of pleasure from him. She bobbed her head, up and down, drawing more moans and groans from him before he pulled her away and flipped her onto her back and came over her.

  He spread her legs, lifted her hips from the mattress and plunged into her in one long, hard slide. The force of the thrust lit up every nerve ending in her pussy. She tightened around him and thrust back, hard, grinding her clit against him.

  "Yes, just like that," he thought as he pulled back and thrust again.

  The pleasure built between them until it was nearly impossible for Skye to move. All she wanted to do was let the pleasure take her.

  Soren adjusted his thrusts each time her orgasm began until they were out of breath and desperate to come. He planted his hands on either side of her head and pressed his hips against hers and thrust deep then rocked against her.

  She caught her breath, whispered his name and let the pleasure overwhelm her.

  Soren thrust one more time and came. He held her as the last wave of pleasure filled him.

  Skye wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down to rest against her. Letting him know the night she'd decided to conceive had made him so happy and now she could hardly wait to see and feel his joy when she told him they were expecting twins. She was tempted to tell him now even though it was a few cycles too early. Before she could make up her mind he relaxed against her and fell asleep.

  # # #

  The new cycle began with chaos as more Zarronian warriors decided to join the fight against the Crimeryns. Soren spent the cycle catching up on the starship's business and arranging for his warriors' transfer to the planet. Once there Berit arranged for their placement in the Edyn warriors' fighting units. Skye trailed Soren around the starship but never got a moment alone with him. Even when they were on a transport to Krystali they were surrounded by warriors.

  She stood slightly behind Soren watching the Zarronians watching her. Her brothers and his warriors were large but these warriors were huge and towered over her. But, not over Soren. He was the largest among them and she could see why he was their leader. He exuded power and assurance and they followed him without question.

  "Why are your warriors watching me," she asked through their mind link.

  "They find you beautiful and fascinating. They've never seen a female warrior before much less one as powerful
as you," he answered. "Would you like me to order them to look away?"

  "No, don't do that! I'm just not used to being seen by so many unknown warriors."

  "Conjure our cloaks." She did and he turned and pulled her hood up to cover her head then kept his arm around her. "Once we land I want you to go to our shelter and rest."

  "What about the warriors who have volunteered to fight with us? I'll have to conjure cloaks for them and heal them while you train them."

  "This cycle will be spent assigning them to fighting units and having them observe your method of fighting. The next cycle will be soon enough to begin training them."

  "Your warriors are experienced in primitive weapons. Have you considered having them help with the training of the villagers?"

  He squeezed her waist. "My warriors would be horrified if I ordered them to train villagers in the use of weapons." He chuckled. "That's why I'm waiting until we land and they're stuck on Krystali before I order them to do it."

  Skye grinned. "I definitely don’t want to miss that."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Soren stood aside and let his warriors disembark before he took Skye's hand and escorted her across the training field toward their shelter. A light breeze blew dust into the air then suddenly everything stilled and it settled to the ground. The hairs on Soren's neck bristled in warning and he pulled Skye closer to him, shielding her from the unknown threat.

  "Do you sense an enemy nearby?" he asked.

  Instead of answering his question she wrapped her arms around him and held on tight. "I don't have much time before they arrive. I was going to tell you this moon rising…we're having twins. A son and a daughter."

  "Skye, that's wonde—"

  She interrupted him. "No matter what happens remember that I love you. I'll always love you."

  Soren felt her fear and held her tighter. "Skye, what's going on?"

  "It's too late," she said as a warrior in a white and gold cloak appeared and pointed a long, bony finger at her.

  "You have been charged with a class one crime and are being summoned by the Krystal Kouncil for judgement."

  "I'm so sorry, Soren," she said, her voice filled with grief and urgency. "Don't hate me. Please don't hate me."

  He tried to hold onto her but she vanished from his arms. The messenger held out a scroll then he too disappeared and the scroll fell to the ground.

  Berit ran over, picked it up, unrolled it and read it. His hand fell to his side and the scroll drifted to the ground. When he looked at Soren his eyes were bleak. "Skye has been charged with claiming you without your full informed consent."

  "I consented," Soren said.

  "The charges state that the Kouncil has reason to believe you weren't fully informed before you consented."

  "She's my mate. I accept her claiming."

  Berit shook his head. "That's not how it works on Krystali. Claiming a mate without his fully informed consent is the most heinous crime on the planet. The penalty is so severe that the law hasn't been broken in centuries."

  "She saved my life. I'll defend her actions."

  "It won't matter to them. They've lived for centruries in their fortress away from the rest of us. All they do is enforce the laws

  "She's pregnant. Surely they'll take that into account."

  Berit shook his head. "You don't understand, Soren. They're powerful and answer only to themselves. They have no emotions."

  "They must have a weakness."

  Berit paused for a moment. "If they do it's their ennui."

  Soren picked up the scroll and read it. "The judgement takes place this cycle. Where is their fortress?"

  "I'll get you there but they may not let you speak."

  "We'll take my shuttle and I will speak for her."

  Once aboard Berit directed him to fly north over the mountain range and into the desert.

  "You said the desert was uninhabited," Soren said.

  "It is except for the Kouncil." Berit pointed to a huge dark krystal fortress in the distance. "Land anywhere. We'll be met and escorted to the Kouncil chambers."

  Soren flew around the fortress amazed at its size before he landed. As they left the shuttle an opening appeared and a messenger motioned to them. They followed him, passing beautiful parks and buildings that were quiet and devoid of people. Finally he led them to a large building and through a set of double doors.

  The chamber they entered held a krystal bench with seven chairs behind it occupied by robed figures. The messenger led them to an area behind a half wall then stood behind them.

  Berit touched Soren's arm. "The female at the far left is Bellya's mother, Arlyn. The lead judge, Malyn, is in the middle chair. She's the oldest but the judges have equal power and each vote carries the same weight."

  "Bellya was standing next to Skye when I remembered my past. She heard Skye say she'd claimed me without my full consent."

  "She must have told her mother. Enchantress or not she'll be ostracized for doing this to Skye. None of the other females will trust her after this."

  Their escort placed his hands on their shoulders. His fingers dug into the nerves, nearly paralyzing them. "No speaking." He continued to squeeze until a door across the room opened and two guards escorted Skye into the room. When she saw Soren she smiled even though her eyes filled with tears. The guards left her in the center of the room, directly in front of the judges.

  Soren attempted to link their minds so he could reassure her but ran into an impenetrable block. He probed at it and realized the Kouncil was preventing them from connecting.

  Malyn repeated the charge and began the questioning. Skye answered every question, telling them in detail what had happened and how she'd claimed Soren. When she came to the part where she'd asked him to say he wanted her Malyn stopped her.

  "Did you inform him that your claiming would change his DNA and he would no longer be only Zarronian but also Krystali?"

  "No," Skye said. "He was dying and there wasn’t time."

  "By saving him you also saved yourself," Arlyn said, interrupting the questioning. "Is this not true?"

  "Yes, it's true," Skye said.

  "The first law has been broken," Arlyn said. "The punishment is clear. Death."

  Soren gripped the waist high wall in front of him as a wave of fear for her rushed through him. "No. I accept her claim."

  As one the judges looked his way, their eyes dull and disinterested. Malyn spoke in a monotone voice, "You do not have permission to speak."

  Another judge spoke up, her voice only slightly interested. "He's a foreigner. I wish to hear what he has to say."

  Three other judges nodded in agreement, making a consensus.

  Soren told them about his level six mating fever and how he'd accepted his inevitable death. "Skye, rescued me from my life pod at great risk to herself. She tried to heal me and nearly died in the process. When she claimed me she saved us and now she carries our children. I accept her claim."

  "At the time you consented you weren't able to make an informed decision," Arlyn said, "The law is clear."

  Another judge said, "We have the power to choose another punishment."

  "To do something different?" another judge asked. "Perhaps that would be interesting."

  Another judge leaned forward with interest. "Yes, let's do something different."

  "If not death then I insist she be stripped of her powers and banished to the peninsula," Arlyn said.

  "Agreed," four judges said.

  Malyn said, "The warrior will be compensated. He will be given the enchantress' conjuring powers but she will be left with the power to heal all types of wounds. Perhaps she will be of use to those on the peninsula until her death."

  "What of the babies she carries?" another judge asked.

  "She will be protected until they are born. Then they will be sent to the father," Malyn said.

  "Agreed," four judges said but one asked, "Who will remember to do it?"

  "I will," Ar
lyn said then asked, "How will he sustain his powers? He'll need a mate. My daughter needs a worthy mate."

  The room remained silent for several micro-units and Soren knew they spoke to each other through mind links. Finally Malyn said, "Warrior, you are granted the ability to sustain yourself."

  Arlyn began to protest but was shut down by the others. A burning began on Soren's left cheek. He rubbed it. Turning to Berit he asked, "What have they done?"

  Berit's eyes widened. "They've marked you with a tattoo. It looks like a shard of dark krystal."

  Soren narrowed his eyes and turned back to the judges. He pointed to his face. "Remove this. Now!"

  Malyn stood. "You will not speak again." She waved her hand and Soren felt something wrap around his throat and tighten. He grabbed it and felt the cool smoothness of krystal beneath his fingers. He choked, tried to draw in air and failed. When he stumbled and grabbed the half-wall to remain standing the krystal collar disappeared.

  Gasping and enraged, he produced a shard of dark kyrstal. Before he could throw it Berit grabbed his arm and held his hand down to his side.

  "Don't! They'll kill you and then Skye and your babies. I warned you they were ruthless."

  Soren closed his hand around the shard until it cut into his fingers and palm.

  "Get rid of it," Berit hissed, his voice low.

  Soren's answer was to hold up an empty, blood-covered hand.

  "We must deal with the Zarronian's mating fever," another judge said.

  "He's no longer only Zarronian. His Krystali DNA will protect him now," Malyn said.

  "He'll have to learn to control his powers," Arlyn said. "Bellya can teach him."

  Malyn consulted the other judges. "Are we in agreement?"

  "No," Arlyn said through their mind link. "He will search for her."

  "Let him search. He will not find her alive. Are we in agreement?" Malyn waited until the others nodded. "So be it."

  Soren jumped over the barrier and ran toward Skye. He reached out and his fingertips brushed her arm just as she disappeared.

  "Skye!" His scream of pain as their bond was broken echoed off the hard walls of the chamber. Enraged he turned to face the judges with shards of dark krystal in his hands but they were gone. A hand landed on his shoulder and he turned to attack the person touching him.


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