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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 4: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

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by Hunt, Evelyn

  Half Moon Tattoo & Piercing

  Displaying Fireworks

  Fucked by the Guesthouse Owner

  A Job Offer and Beyond

  The Secrets of Make-Up Sex

  Dreams of a Nympho

  Prisoner of My Heart

  A Special Workout

  Carey’s Secret Volition

  Stranded On The Shores Of Love

  Virginhood Revisited

  The Ultimate

  Erotic Short Story Collection 4

  11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

  *** As a Special Gift for buying this collection you are entitled to another EIGHT GREAT FREE EROTICA BOOKS not related to any story in this collection and not available for purchase anywhere! For information on where to download these books instantly please see the last page of this book, right after the LAST (11th) story ends ***

  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those over the age of 18 only.


  Half Moon Tattoo & Piercing


  Victoria Lawson

  She walked into “Half Moon Tattoo and Piercing.” She wasn’t surprised by the feel of the shop at all. Greeted by the sound of death metal playing over the loud speaker, pictures of tattoo artists and their award winning work on the wall, and tattooed customers talking amongst themselves; she instantly felt out of place.

  After plenty of research for the best artists in the state, she’d found a man named Will Bronson. His work was traditional style American tattoos. It reminded her of sailor tattoo’s which is why she’d picked him. She’d been thinking of a tattoo she wanted since she was twenty-one. She decided to wait a couple years to dedicate herself to the piece, and if she wanted it; then she would get it. Now at twenty-three, Veda decided to push forward. Smiling she greeted the young boy at the counter.

  “Yeah, I have an appointment at 2:00pm with Will?”

  He didn’t smile at her; barely even looked her way. He was tinkering with something when he sat down at the computer. “What’s your name?”

  “Veda. Veda Branson.”

  He smiled. “Cool name.” With a few clicks he must have found her in the system. He got up and handed her some paperwork. “Fill these out please. Just the usual. Stating you have come here of your own free will, that you aren’t under the influence of any drug or alcoholic beverages, and so on. Oh, and I just need to see your driver’s license.” The boy answered.

  Veda handed her driver’s license over and began filling out the paperwork at the counter.

  The boy asked before disappearing, “Did you have a deposit?”

  “Um, no I don’t think I did.” She replied.

  “Alright.” He answered. In her peripheral she saw him size her up and she swore she saw him laugh. She shook her head. Of course he was laughing at her.

  He was tall and lanky and seemed somewhat disconnected. Socially inept in her opinion. He was tattooed from his neck to his arms and even further she imagined. He wore a long black tank top showing his ribs, and too tight jeans. He had huge holes in his ears which Veda would find out were called gauges. She left the completed paperwork on the counter and nodded at the young boy.

  “He’ll be with you soon.” He answered.

  Veda sat on the couch next to a large man who she assumed was getting tattooed but wondered where because everything visible was already tattooed. A sudden vision of him entered her mind and she cringed. Her thoughts were interrupted by Will’s deep voice.

  “Veda? Come on back.” He smiled.

  His voice was like a poison. Paralyzing and incapacitating. Visually he was even more handsome than his picture. He was in his late 20’s, standing about 5’10, with a shaved head, a thick reddish brown beard, and beautiful blue eyes. He reminded her of a Viking. The instant attraction she felt to him made her blush. When she walked into his room, he closed the door behind her. He smelled like pure male essence. She felt a pull in her gut.

  Will went to his drawing desk and sat down. He picked up a sketch and handed it to Veda. He had no idea what she was going to look like, an artist never does when a new client is found through referrals or otherwise. He didn’t expect her to be so beautiful though. She was very different from any woman he’d seen. He thought she was biracial. Her exotic looks, black hair, and almost bronze skin tone was like something out of 13th century Egypt. She had no tattoos and only two piercings that he could see. One in her nose and the monroe in her upper lip. He attempted to label her or categorize her by the way she looked, dressed, even to the style of her purse. However none of it matched to form one specific stereotype.

  “So this is what we talked about? Combined with the email of the pictures you were looking and what we talked about I came up with this composite. Let me know if that's what you want.”

  Veda loved the tattoo. It was a cross with angel wings protruding behind it. The detail was so intricate and the depth to the tattoo seemed so lifelike, almost three dimensional. “I love it Will. I’m almost speechless.”

  “Yeah? You sure? Because this is going to be permanent. I know you wanted it a little more simpler than that, but I prefer to do work that has depth to it. You’ll be a walking business card.” Will told her. Her smile was stunning too. Her eyes lit up with joy. He made it a point not to mess around with any of his clients. It was the equivalent to taking money out of his pocket.

  “Oh for sure. No-I, this is amazing. I love it. I mean you’re the artist. I figured you would probably know best.” Veda exclaimed.

  Will gave her a toothy grin. “Perfect. Now where do you want it?”

  Veda looked at him oddly, “What?”

  “Where do you want it?” He grinned.


  Will flicked the sketch of paper in her hand. “The tattoo?”

  Instantly feeling stupid, she broke her awe struck expression with a weak smile. “Of course. Yeah-uh how about the back of my neck? Will it hurt?”

  “It’s a tattoo darling, it’s liable to give you a bit of pain anywhere it goes. Pick a place where you know you want it.” Will said. “And we’ll go from there.”

  She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and showed him where on her neck she wanted the tattoo. She wasn’t ready for his hand on her back. Flinching slightly she eased into the comfort of his grip. His grip was strong. He pulled her shirt down slightly and goosebumps raised all over her body. When his finger tips slide over the back of her neck her mouth dropped. This wasn’t what she was expecting for her first tattoo but she’d go with it. She hadn’t had a man touch her like that before. “There. That’s where...I want it. The tattoo.”

  “Good area.” Will used a solution on the back of her neck, shaved the area where the tattoo would go, and used alcohol to sanitize the area. This process though dull and repetitive seemed refreshing at the moment. He placed another solution on the back of her neck, and then strategically placed the drawing on her neck. “Check it out dear and tell me what you think.”

  He handed her a mirror and pointed her towards the back of the door. When he saw her eyeing it, and the smile that followed, that was his que to start. “You’ll just need to take off your shirt though.” Will said looking away. Prepping his tattoo gun and needles Will talked himself into focusing. When he looked up she was standing facing him with her T-shirt wrapped sideways around her body
and tied in a knot in front. “That’s clever. I’ve never seen a woman do that before. How resourceful.”

  “I think most women are happy to strip for a tattoo artist.”

  “They are...usually.”

  “Usually...” Veda smiled permanently fixing her hair in a ponytail off her neck.

  Will patted the seat. “Straddle the seat here and lay your head straight. I’ll do the rest. We’ve booked a two hour session but I don’t think it’ll take that long. Because of the location I’ll take breaks in case it hurts. Since this is your first time, I’ll be gentle.”

  Will’s smile was comforting and he made her feel entirely too safe. Veda giggled. “You are a funny guy.”

  About an hour and a half later he was done. When Will handed her the mirror again to take a look, Veda began to tear up; the tattoo was beautiful. The pain was bearable but she definitely felt the entire process. It was like a pleasant burning to her.

  “Will, I-I absolutely love it. Oh my God, you’re amazing!” She yelped quickly turning around and wrapping her arms around Will’s neck. She hugged him tightly in appreciation. When his arms wrapped around her she pushed her breasts into his chest pressing against him hugging him tighter. His grip was one of a kind. Veda pushed back slightly and just looked at him. They stared at each other for a moment.

  “I’m just going to put a bandage on it, since it covers a good portion of the back of your neck, I’d leave this on until tomorrow morning. I’ll give you some aftercare instructions. Get some Aquaphor and non-scented soap. Follow the instructions and if you take care of it, it’ll last for a long time before we ever need to think of touch-ups.” She paid him for his work, and he in exchange gave her the aftercare instructions.

  “If you have any problems just give me a call, but I think it looks great.

  “Thanks again Will.”

  “See you soon Veda.”

  “Sure.” She smiled and walked out of the door. He was almost positive he wouldn’t see her again. She didn’t seem like the tattooed type.

  Four years later Will got a call. “Hey! You moved on me man!”

  “Um. What?” Will answered confused.

  “Sorry, this is Veda. You tattooed me a long time ago. My life’s been a little crazy and I’ve been wanting a new tattoo but when I called, they said you were at another location. So they gave me the number and referred me because I only want to be tattooed by you.”

  In a flash the memory of her face came back to him. “Oh! Yeah for sure. I moved about three to four months ago to be closer to my home. What can I do for you Veda?”

  “I have been thinking about a sleeve I want on my left arm. A sleeve of black roses. Nothing but black roses.” She said.

  “Sounds cool. Do you know where the new shop is?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got the address so it’s no problem.”

  “Okay, when do you want to come in?”

  “Are you free next Friday around 6? I get off around 5:00. I know it’s a weekend night but-”

  “No it’s perfect. I’ll put you in the computer and I’ll see you next Friday. I’ll schedule a two hour session to get started.” Will said with a smile on his face.

  “Thanks Will. See you soon.” Her voice was just the same as he remembered but only a little deeper. More sultry and raspy this time. He wondered what four years had done to her image. No matter, he’d see her soon enough to know.

  Friday approached fast and Will had finished up a couple hours early. He left early to grab something to eat and freshen up at home. He’d dressed his 505 Levi’s, a black T-shirt, and his lucky Frye camel colored boots. Will sprayed on some cologne and headed back to the shop. When he checked in, his other colleagues were finishing up last minute touches on clients and were on their way to clocking out. Veda would be here soon. He had already drawn out some sketches of roses in three different sizes hoping they would be what she was looking for.

  As everyone was walking out the door he waved everyone off. He walked to the back room and prepped his tools like he’d done time and time before, sanitizing and sterilizing laying out black, purple, green, and yellow ink. He had a plan for Veda’s tattoo and was sure she’d be happy with the outcome. The door chimed.

  “Hello!” Veda yelled out. The place was damn near deserted. She took a self-appointed tour of the new shop. While viewing the plaques on the wall of awards for each artist she heard his voice.

  “Hey girl.” Will said.

  “Well, hello gorgeous!” Veda replied. She smiled and went in to hug Will. “Long time I know, I’m sorry.”

  “Ah, no worries.” Will replied.

  “Life has been a little nuts lately, and not in a good way.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t think I’d see you after your first tattoo.” He said.

  “Why?” Veda was curious to hear his reply.

  “You don’t-”

  “Look like the type of girl to be all inked up?” Sarcasm dripped from her tone. “I guess I don’t.”

  Will laughed and nodded at her to follow him. “Anything can happen right?”

  “That it can.” Veda followed Will to the back. He showed her the sketches of the black roses and she was excited. Veda checked out his new workspace and saw pictures of Will’s family, entertainers he’d met, wall to wall books, and statues that resembled the God’s of old such as Odin, Thor, and so on. She realized she didn’t know much about Will. “I like the new spot.”

  “Thanks. You look well. How are things? Tell me how life is treating you?” Will asked. She talked and he listened. She talked about her life consisting of school and work and how she was working towards her Bachelors in Business Management. She told him of her dreams and desires of becoming an acclaimed author. Life consisting of only her and her mother to which Will could relate.

  Veda mentioned having gone on dates, and even dated someone for a small amount of time, but nothing ever serious. While she talked, Veda pulled the left strap of her tank top down and Will got up and handed her the new sketches. She seemed somewhat aged but in a good way, confident, and very much coming into her own.

  “Oh my gosh! Is that it? Oh Will...” Veda’s voice trailed off. The roses were beautiful. She picked the medium sized rose as she didn’t want anything too big or too small. Will must have been anticipating her choice so he pulled out a larger sketch composed of four black roses and a stem connecting them all that would cover her left arm. “Will! That is beautiful! They are perfect. They resemble the ones on your arm which is what I was hoping for.”

  “Thank you. Years of work darling.”

  “For sure. Well, it’s a go for me. Work your magic.” She said smiling. She caught his eye and the look on his face was not one of business. It was more of an unadulterated attraction. Her heartbeat felt like it was slowing. Time and space felt like it was moving even slower.

  “How old are you now Veda?” Will asked sitting down. Have to pull my shit together, he thought to himself.

  “I’m twenty-seven now. You?”

  “I’m an old man I feel like. Coming up on thirty-five soon.” Will began his process. Cleaning and shaving her skin, applying the sketch and preparing the tattoo gun.

  “So tell me about you Will. What’s new? What old? What’s going on?” Veda asked. Throughout the next hour Will talked to her about his life, his family, his morale and his religion. She listened intently as he spoke of his religion being Asatru, which was a polytheistic faith.

  He spoke of his Scandinavian heritage, his love for all things gardening and landscaping. Will even talked about how much he enjoyed building things. He built himself a cabin on about fifteen acres of land he owned, and even talked to her about co-owning a new shop. He’d seemed so excited about that he even showed her the plans he’d drawn up. What impressed her most was that he would be building the shop himself from the ground up.


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