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Curves for the Principal (Interracial Erotic Romance)

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by Rogers, Rene

  Curves for the Principal

  By Rene Rogers

  Copyright 2012 Rene Rogers

  All rights reserved.

  This 12,000 word novella that will leave you happy, horny and hungry for more of Rene's tales to set fire to your Kindle.

  Brenda Davidson is a voluptuous career school nurse who is ready for a change in her life. When she leaves the Windy City's urban excitement for a funky former circus town in Florida, she's afraid she might not be able to find the excitement she's grown used to. But Brenda finds more than her share of excitement when she meets the huge, handsome principal with a voice like James Earl Jones. Brenda learns too soon that she can look, but she isn't supposed to touch.

  This erotic romance novella contains explicit one on one interracial sexual scenes between a man and a woman and is intended for adult reading only.


  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

  Visit Rene on her blog:

  Table of Contents

  Curves for the Principal

  About Rene Rogers

  More From Rene Rogers

  The Condom Conundrum


  I was so ready to move along. "Clean cups" my mother used to say. I was tired of Chicago, tired of the punishing winters and blistering city summers and tired of fighting the battles of everyday urban life. I also had Missy to think of. At seventeen going on thirty-five she was growing up way too fast in the Windy City. I couldn't stop the winds of passage, but maybe I could ratchet them down to a gentler breeze.

  When I applied for the job as school nurse for East Bay High School in Gibsonton, FL I seriously doubted I had a chance. There's a lot of unemployment in that little suburb of Tampa, but it was one of the few areas I could find that offered what I wanted. I was looking for a location that was a short drive from Tampa, but had a small town feel. It had to be close to the beach but have a cost of living that was within the means of a school nurse's pay. I made a decent living, but I was also looking at a pretty steep cut moving to another state at this stage in my career.

  Gibsonton also offered a little bit of a 'funk factor' as I learned it had been the winter home of circus freaks and 'carnies' since the 1920's. Although the show people are long gone, the town retains a certain kitschy quality that appealed to me.

  The school had the right demographic for me too. I couldn't bear the thought of being a school nurse to some snotty lily-white rich kids held no appeal. I actually made a difference to a lot of the kids in my Southside Chicago school and I wanted to continue with that kind of work. I was often the first line of defense for kids who rarely saw a doctor. Gibsonton was decidedly not wealthy and I felt I could continue to be useful there.

  Missy wasn't thrilled. Well, that's an understatement. She was pissed. But I managed to mollify her somewhat by finding a great three bedroom home that I could afford with a pool that was only about a mile from the beach. My daughter and I had both vowed to get some exercise and walking to the beach was a real plus. Since we arrived a month before school began, we had a head start.

  We went shopping for all those great tropical clothes that living in the Sunshine State demands. Missy got a real kick out of the fact that she could ditch the winter coat that made her look like the old version of the Michelin Man. We bought shorts and tank tops, sandals and little airy dresses that made us light and fresh. I bought tropical weight whites with short sleeves and shorter skirts than I normally would wear for work. As usual, I had a helluva time finding shirts that would button over my generous bosom without being wide enough through the shoulders for a football player.

  About two weeks after we arrived, I went to meet the principal of East Bay High. He hadn't really been part of the hiring process; nurses were hired through the Hillsborough County district offices. He called me up one morning, introduced himself and invited me for a casual cup of coffee in his office the next day so we could get to know one another.

  There was something in his voice that somehow made it matter very much what I wore to that meet and greet. There was a James Earl Jones quality about it that commanded respect and was sexy all at the same time. It was not the voice of a scrawny tyrant with a Napoleon complex like my last principal. Looking back I realize my intuition had kicked in. It was suddenly very important to me to make a good impression.

  I wasn't quite sure if I should put my nurses uniform on just to go have a cup of coffee with the principal. I finally decided it was not necessary if I wasn't actually going to be acting as a 'nurse' that morning. I chose instead a pretty cotton dress that hugged my curves in just the right way--not too tight, but not matronly either--and the hemline was fashionably above my knees. The wrap around style is one that I favor as it accommodates my chest nicely. It plunged just enough to show off my assets without being the least bit inappropriate for the occasion.

  I put on a pair of kitten-heeled sandals that matched the brilliant turquoise of the dress. I twirled in the mirror, enjoying the payoff from my daily walks. I was trimmer and more toned than I'd been in a long time. I had already noticed that even the lady bankers in Florida don't wear hose and I was grateful for bare legs in that August heat. I tucked my frosted blond hair into a loose chignon at the base of my neck. I had already learned that wearing it down was going to be something reserved for the winter months in Tampa.

  The school was pretty much empty with only a few cars in the parking lot. I had no trouble finding the principal's office near the front entrance of the school. I tapped on the frame around the open door to announce my arrival and 'Darth Vadar' invited me in.

  He was seated at a typical principal's desk in a typical principal's office, but the sight of him rising to greet me nearly knocked me off my feet. He was every bit of six foot four and had the shoulders of a linebacker. I'm not a good judge of age, but his distinguished gray temples and the reading glasses he hastily removed told me that he was somewhere around fifty. Fifty with a body that most twenty-five year olds would kill to have.

  "Ms. Davidson, so pleased to meet you," he held out a massive hand and shook mine firmly. Maybe it was my imagination working, but I thought the handshake lingered just a tad longer than it needed to but not nearly as long as I wanted it to.

  "Happy to be here Dr. Higgins." I took the seat opposite the desk and crossed my legs demurely at the ankles like my Aunt Tilly used to say a lady ought to.

  "What will you have in your coffee?" The voice was like thick, dark honey. It just flowed slow, deep and sweet across the room and my ears lapped it up.

  "Just black for me, thanks." And some more black on the side, if you please. God this was a gorgeous hunk of man flesh. I struggled to compose myself inwardly while he poured a couple of cups for us.

  He gave me mine and propped himself against the edge of the desk facing me. This put his hips exactly level with my eyes and it was a struggle not to stare at the crotch that seemed to be begging for my eyes' attention. I looked up at him and smiled.

  "I understand you've been in Gibsonton for a couple of weeks?" I nodded. "How are you finding our strange little borough?"

  "I've really been enjoying it. It's so different from Chicago and I can't get enough of the beach. I mean we have beaches in Chicago on the lake but the water's so cold even in August that it's no fun to swim in. I can never get i
n past my thighs." I watched as his eyes involuntarily sought the tops of my legs.

  He cleared his throat and disappointed me by returning to his chair behind the desk.

  "You know this was once the home to circus freaks and carnies?"

  "I had read that, yes."

  "Drive the back streets some time and you can spot old rides, billboards and other remnants of that era. Gibsonton once had a dwarf for a mayor. And the famous 'Lobster Boy' was murdered not far from here."

  We chatted about the town's colorful past and touched briefly on my resume and what I hoped to accomplish at the school. When I told him I had purposely chosen a school with needier kids than most Tampa area schools, he smiled broadly.

  "You are absolutely right in saying that you might be able to make a difference. I was offered positions in far more prosperous schools in the district, but I like to think I have a higher purpose here."

  I glanced over his shoulder where his three diplomas were lined up proudly with what looked to be a dozen different awards. BA in Physical Education, MA in Education and a PhD. in behavioral science from a prestigious university. Quite an impressive lineup.

  He saw me looking at his wall of credentials. "I worked my way up from a lowly gym teacher," he laughed. "Went to night school for my Masters and then took a leave of absence for my Doctorate. I nearly educated myself out of the market."

  "Gym teacher? That explains why you look so athletic." Even as those words came out of my mouth I reddened. His physique was not something I should have been noticing much less commenting on.

  "I like to keep in shape. Plus, the gym gives me something to do after work."

  "My daughter pretty much uses up all my after work spare time"

  "The ex and I didn't have any children. I'm on my own and frankly, TV bores me. All those years as a coach and gym teacher accustomed me to being active."

  The ex. Two extremely happy words.

  After about an hour he politely brought our meeting to a close and escorted me to his office door. He must not have gotten the memo about touching female staff as he placed his hand on my shoulder as he guided me out. Innocent enough except for the electric shocks it sent coursing through my body.


  The first day of school is always exciting, even for the school nurse. I love seeing all the young faces laughing and carrying on as they greet chums they haven't seen all summer. Missy forbade me from walking to school with her, so I left a few minutes before she did and strolled through the fresh morning air to our new academic home.

  The school was so much newer than most of the Chicago schools I'd worked in. It sprawled out over a flat grassy lot with lots of trees scattered around the grounds. I liked the place immediately. I smiled at the kids as I passed them on the way in. There was no mistaking my position there as my crisp new uniform made that perfectly clear.

  I had to chuckle when I heard a couple of wolf whistles and cat calls behind me as I made my way up the front steps. I suppose those young studs thought about getting a physical exam from the head nurse, and maybe some head, too. Those randy bucks couldn't handle me. They'd cream their jeans before they could get them off.

  I didn't expect to find Dr. Higgins waiting for me in my office, although I was more than pleasantly surprised to find him there. He was sitting in one of the 'patients' chairs with a wad of paper towels wrapped around his right hand. He gave me a sheepish grin.

  "I was trying to force open a stuck file cabinet drawer with a letter opener," he explained. "I stabbed myself in the palm. I need for you to fix me up."

  I walked over to him and took his hand in mine, turned the palm up and removed the bloody towels. "You stabbed yourself nicely. It's going to hurt for a while; puncture wounds always do. When was your last tetanus shot?" I dabbed at the hole in his hand and marveled at the contrast of his skin tone. The back of his hand was so dark--almost pitch--and yet the palm was sort of a tawny tan.

  "I can't remember. Ouch, that stings!" He jerked his hand when I sterilized the wound.

  "Dr. Higgins," I chided him with a smile, "I think you're a big baby for all your size and muscle." I went over to the medicine cabinet and retrieved a pre-loaded tetanus syringe. "Bend over the table here and drop your pants."

  "What?" He saw the syringe in my hand. "Can't you give it to me in the arm?"

  "I could, if you'd like a terrifically sore arm for about a week. In your tush and it'll only hurt for a minute." He hesitated. "Oh, come on. I'm a nurse for goodness sakes. Drop 'em."

  I watched as he turned toward the table and slowly began to undo his belt and fly. I could feel the heat spread between my thighs as I saw the first few inches of his back exposed. Then the top half of his fine, taut ass appeared and it was all I could do not to just grab it in my hands then and there. His glutes were perfectly formed, just as athletic as I imagined them to be. I had a sudden vision of how they'd flex when he pounded his hips into mine. I shook my head to clear it.

  I put one hand against the top of his right cheek, found the right spot and poked him with the needle. Tetanus shots hurt like a son-of-a-bitch and he gave a little grunt of pain as the solution found home. I took as much time as I dared with the shot, the alcohol swab and the band-aid before I pulled his shorts up over the violated buttock and told him we were done.

  "Just let me wrap a little gauze around your hand. A band-aid will never stay in place there." I took him back to the chair and pulled one in front of him. As I tended to the hand, I couldn't help but feel the warmth between our almost touching knees. It seemed to travel from him up my legs and into my core. I could smell the fresh washed scent of his skin and the faintest hint of my new favorite aftershave on his face as he leaned in to watch me. We brought our heads up at the same moment and our eyes locked. I saw it. He saw it. We both drew in a breath simultaneously and swallowed nervously.

  "Well…yes, then. You're all set." I stammered.

  "Um, thanks. Thanks a lot. Well, I'll be getting back to work now." And with that he made a rather awkward exit from my office.

  I locked the door behind him and pulled the curtain over the small window onto the hall outside. First day of school or no first day of school I was taking five or ten to get some relief. I guess I hadn't admitted to myself how anxious I had been to start school and find the chance to be near Lawrence Higgins.

  I kicked my shoes off, removed my thong and climbed up on the examining table. I lay back against the paper sheeting and brought my knees up in the air, my skirt rutched up onto my hips. As I closed my eyes I brought back the vision of the smooth, tight contours of that big man's gorgeous ass and imagined how I would love to play with that ass while my mouth teased his cock into a full erection. I imagined his face watching as my pink lips drew around his black cock and growing wide as he felt my finger pressure his asshole.

  I rubbed my clit in a steady thumping motion while I went from one vivid fantasy image to another. When I masturbate, it isn't necessarily linear. I had Lawrence fingering my pussy, then I would be licking his balls and trailing my tongue over his sphincter while he groaned in surprised pleasure. Then as my arousal quickened, I moved his face between my legs and had his wide rosy tongue and generous lips suck and lick and worship my dripping lips and pulsing clit. As I pushed my body harder toward orgasm, Lawrence mounted me from behind like a stallion and I bucked against my hand as if I was pounding myself against his groin.

  Nearer and nearer I came to orgasm as the visions played over the panoramic screen of my psyche. His onyx cock slipped further up on my body and I could feel the swollen head of it beg at my back door. I imagined how it would feel when his thick girth pushed past that tight rippled guardian into my most intimate orifice.

  I couldn't cry out as my climax built to conclusion but a few grunts of exertion escaped as the ripples began to splash over my body and my clit began to spasm. My mind's eye watched Lawrence pack himself into my asshole and rear back with a shattering orgasm. He bellowed out his pas
sion and spurt into me again and again as my dripping wet fingers brought me to sweet conclusion.

  I gave myself a moment to catch my breath before I rose and retrieved my thong and shoes. I put myself back together, washed my hands and gave my hair and make-up a once over. I looked perfectly presentable and not at all like a woman who had just jacked herself off to a pornographic mind movie starring her school principal.

  I opened the curtain and the door, ready to face the first day of school.


  The days don't exactly speed by in the workday world of a school nurse. Our school is pretty large--about two thousand students--but it isn't unusual for hours to go by without one of them visiting my office. I had the usual ton of paperwork to wade through that plagues every public school employee, but that still left me with plenty of time on my hands to fantasize. By the time the first two weeks of school had come and gone I had imagined just about every down and dirty act with Lawrence that a man and woman can commit.

  We passed in the hall most mornings and he would pop his head in my office every so often to see how I was getting along. But his job doesn't give him a moment's free time. I insisted that he let me check his hand a few days after he hurt it, but that took all of three minutes and he was out the door in a flash.

  I was beginning to think that any connection I thought we had was a product of my busy fantasy life. I was frustrated with the lack of opportunity to at least see if there was any interest on his part; I just couldn't engineer any time alone with him.

  I decided to have a pool party at my house as a way to introduce myself to the entire staff of the school. Well that was one reason. The other was a ruse to get a little personal time with Dr. Higgins without being too obvious about it. I just wanted to give him the chance to make a move if he had one in him to make. I was aware that the district had a policy that teachers from the same school weren't supposed to get romantically involved but we had the same rule in Chicago and it was universally ignored so I didn't think much about that.


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