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Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs

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by Yukari Iwatani Kane

  Daisey, Mike, 124–25

  Davis, Barbara, 95, 96

  Dediu, Horace, 193

  Dell, Michael, 89

  Dell computers, 91, 200

  Deschanel, Zooey, 153, 154

  Devine, Paul Shin, 63–64

  Diamond Weekly, 263

  Disney Corporation, 159

  Dixons, 132

  Drexler, Mickey, 28, 82

  Drudge Report, 19

  Duhigg, Charles, 126–27

  Duke, Mike, 97

  Duke University, 61, 99, 106; Cook address at, 103

  Dunn, David, 229–30

  Dylan, Bob, 40, 89, 103

  e-book business, 162–65; antitrust case, 278, 302–5, 309, 312–18; Big Six, 162. See also iBookstore

  Economist magazine, 41

  Edison, Thomas, 211

  Ellison, Larry, 141, 337

  employees/workforce, 7–8; announcement of Jobs’s death to, 84–85; collaboration fostered among, 8; commuter buses for, 7; compensation tied to Apple stock, 286, 287; Cook as CEO and, 38, 61, 62, 105, 107; information about Jobs’ illness, 16; Jobs as inspirational to, 334–35; Jobs’ overhaul (1996) and, 13–14; Jobs’s open letters to, 27, 73; Jobs’ treatment of, 9, 13; morale problems, 286–87, 334–35; resignations, 335; Town Hall meetings, 107, 169; WWSJD (What Would Steve Jobs Do?) and, 90. See also management

  Ericsson, 274

  Eskenazi, Jordan, 320

  Eskew, Michael, 97

  Fadell, Tony, 135

  Fang Zhongyang, 251

  Fazio, Frank, 154

  Federal Trade Commission, inquiry into App Store, 46, 55

  Federighi, Craig, 157, 324, 337, 338

  Flextronics, 277

  Forstall, Scott, 67, 134–36, 145; Apple Maps failure and, 241; Apple v. Samsung and, 221–22; as CEO-in-waiting, 136, 243; firing of, 243, 288; iPhone 4S launch and, 145–46; ridicule of, 323–24; Siri and, 151, 155; skeuomorphism and, 244, 323; at WWDC (2012), 237

  Fortune magazine, 21–22; criticism of Cook, 310; Foxconn in, 255; Jobs’s photo in, 88

  FOSS Patents blog, 211, 230

  Fowler, Geoffrey, 144

  Foxconn (Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, Ltd.), xiii, xiv; Ai Qi’s story, 197, 199–209; Apple’s partnership with, 253–60; Apple’s slowing sales, impact of, 265; British exposé of, 115; conditions for workers, 111, 112–13, 114, 115, 116–17, 197–200, 331; Cook’s inquiry into, 116–17; Cook visits facilities, 128; customers of, 200; dormitories for workers, 201; employees/workforce of, 112, 196–97; factory explosion, 121–22, 124; Gou as CEO (see Gou, Terry); growth and revenues, 205–6, 255; iPhone 5 production woes, 251–52; iPhone Girl, 118–19; iPhone screen change and, 128; leadership challenges at, 258; Longhua campus and workers’ lives, 203–5; Longhua factories, xiv, 112, 196–97; market capitalization, 112; Ma Xiangqian and, 64, 111; newsletter, 204–5; NPR report on, 124; salaries at, 64, 112, 198, 254; share price, 265; size, 114; “Stars of Foxconn,” 112; suicides, 64–65, 107, 111, 121; Sun Danyong’s suicide, 108–11; vision of and new partners, 259, 265; workers’ revolt, 250–53; Zhengzhou campus, 253–54, 255, 265

  Frederick, Bill, 123

  Garmin, 148

  Gates, Bill, 54, 77, 89

  Genentech, 29

  Gizmodo tech blog, 48–49, 52, 87; Hogan talks with, 266–68; “This is Apple’s Next iPhone,” 48

  Glacéau Smartwater, 4

  Glass, Ira, 125

  Gloski, Gina, 92

  Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, 158

  Google: Android operating system, 160, 167–71, 172, 182, 190, 193, 235, 247, 278, 290, 308, 332; as Apple competitor, 235, 248; Apple employees defecting to, 335; Apple’s relationship with, 168; apps, 46, 156; “Don’t be evil” motto, 169; innovation and, 337–38; Jobs’s anger at, 169, 170, 181; Motorola acquisition, 167; navigation app for iPhone, 278; Nexus One, 169; Siri tests and, 153; user feedback and, 156; vision of, 309; Voice app, 46

  Google Maps, 235, 241

  GoPro camera, 259

  Gore, Al, 2–3, 18, 28, 82, 121, 277

  Gou, Terry, 65, 113, 198, 253–57, 265; Apple and, 255–60; book of aphorisms, 113–14; as CEO of Foxconn, 113–14, 255–60

  Greer, Linda, 123

  Gretzky, Wayne, 3

  Grove, Andy, 21, 185

  Gu Qinming, 109, 110

  Hachette book group, 162, 164–65, 304

  Haier company, 119

  Hall, Tonya, 310

  Hankyoreh newspaper, 183

  HarperCollins, 162, 163, 164–65

  headquarters, new campus, Cupertino, 79, 157; Jobs’s proposal to Cupertino officials, 71–72, 79–80

  headquarters, One Infinite Loop, Cupertino, xiii, 7–9; Jobs’s death and mourning at, 1–5, 328; “Steve’s building,” 8; Town Hall, 9, 143, 144

  Heinen, Nancy, 234

  Hewlett-Packard, 71, 108

  Ho, Peter, 280

  Hogan, Brian, 47–48

  Hogan, Velvin, 228, 229, 230, 266–69, 271–72

  Hon Hai. See Foxconn

  HTC, 168, 173, 332; Apple lawsuit, 170, 172, 181, 310; licensing agreement with Apple, 273; Nexus One, 169, 170; One Phone, 289

  HTML5, 45

  Huawei company, 282, 332

  Huberty, Katy, 206

  Iacocca, Lee, 97

  iAd, 46, 69, 74

  IBM, 56, 61, 99, 123, 256

  iBookstore, 47, 162–65, 278, 302–5, 312–18

  iCloud, 142, 156, 244

  Ideal Standard company, 138

  IDEO company, 137

  Ilagan, Manuel, 229, 230

  iLife apps, 335

  iMac, 14–15, 138, 189, 261, 330

  iMovie, 92

  Independent newspaper, 93, 95

  “I Need a Southern Siri” (Gulf Coast Newspapers), 149

  Innovator’s Dilemma, The (Christensen), 185

  Inside Apple (Lashinsky), 136

  Instapaper, 335

  Intel Corporation, 30, 67, 210

  Intelligent Electronics Inc., 56

  iOS, 134, 151; Federighi takes over, 244; iOS7, 322, 323, 325, 333; update for iPhone 5, 235–36

  iPad, 39–41, 47, 162, 178, 189, 193, 319; ad budget, 221; Air, 335; anti-Flash position, 44; discount retailers and, 335; Forstall and, 136; iPad 2, 68–69; Jobs as evangelist for, 41–44; Jobs’s final appearance at launch event, 77; loss of market share, 190; Mini, 285–86, 308, 335; patent law and, 171 (See also Apple v. Samsung); pricing, 39, 284; public unveiling, 40–41; revenue split model for, 41; reviews of, 44; sales figures, 43, 44, 54, 237, 330, 335; suppliers, 121–22, 124, 126, 260, 262; tagline for product, 239

  iPhone, 32, 319; ad budget, 221; anti-Flash position and, 44; app updates on, 321; Christensen’s prediction, 186; design and development, 220, 221; Forstall and, 135, 136; loss of market share, 186, 190, 239, 264, 278, 285, 290, 308, 311, 332; marketing slogan, 293; maturing of device, 193; patent law and, 171; pricing, 18; product launch, 16, 18, 24, 106; sales, 30, 38, 46, 54, 237, 330, 333, 335; Samsung and, 172–74, 178–84, 311 (see also Apple v. Samsung); Siri and, 82, 142–43, 145–55, 156, 158, 234, 333; suppliers of, 119–20, 128, 260, 262; tagline, 239; team offices, 8

  iPhone 3G, 30; 3GS model, 32, 54, 160;

  iPhone 4, 49–52, 135, 143, 288, 312; 4 prototype, Gizmodo and, 47–49, 53; 4 prototype, Sun Danyong and, 108–11; 4S model, 142, 143–46 152–54, 243, 262

  iPhone 5, 237–39, 251, 264, 284, 285; Google navigation app for, 278; Maps app in, 240–43; workers’ revolt and, 250–53; 5c model, 333–34; 5s model, 333

  iPod, 144, 189, 193, 221, 285, 319; launch, 15, 63; manufacturing, 115, 118–19; market saturation, 333; Rubinstein and, 139; sales, 46; Schiller and, 133; tagline, 239

  Isaacson, Walter, 83–84, 87–88, 107, 170, 180–81, 217, 313–14

  iTunes, 15, 53, 156, 162, 189, 244; Cue as manager, 105–6; Radio, 321, 325; team offices, 7

  Ive, Jonathan, 8, 24, 136–40, 141, 219, 220, 223–24, 257, 322, 337, 338; Apple’s innovation and, 130,
140; attitude under Cook, 287, 289; background and career path, 136–38; Cook and, 130–32, 136, 140–41, 288; as design head, 244, 288–89; iPad launch and, 39; iPhone 4’s design and, 51; iPhone 5 unveiling, 238; Jobs and, 3, 32, 67, 76, 107, 138, 139–40, 243; knighthood, 129–30; WWDC 2010 and, 50

  iWork productivity suite, 335

  Jack in the Box, 154–55

  Jackson, Samuel L., 153

  Jacobsen, Karen, 147–48

  Japan. See also Sharp Electronics, Apple suppliers in, 262, 263, 264

  J. Crew, 28

  Jobs, Laurene, 2, 33, 76, 82, 84, 139, 276

  Jobs, Steve: Adobe and, 44–46; All Things Digital conferences, 306; Amelio and, 12; Android and, 168, 169–71, 181; antitrust case and, 313–14, 316; appearance, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 73, 78, 85; Apple founding by, 10–11; biography, 87–88, 107, 180–81, 217; on cannibalizing yourself, 190; car with no license plate, 7, 10; as CEO, 14, 105, 130–31, 246, 249; children of, 75–76, 82–83; Christensen’s theory and, 185; Cook and, 31, 55–56, 62, 90; Cook hired by, 56, 58; “coolest thing” done in his life, 76; credos of, 3; death, xiii, 1, 84; deification of, 2, 159; e-books and, 162, 163; executive office of, 8; exiled from Apple, 11; Gizmodo called by, 48–49; government interaction and, 295; Gretzky quoted by, 3; Hawaii vacation spot, 51; hubris issue and, 54; illness, 1, 10, 15–17, 24–25, 29, 32, 35, 70–84; illness, Apple’s market value and, 19, 20; illness, denials of, 16, 18–19, 20–24, 26, 27; illness, open letters to Apple employees, 25–26, 27, 73; iMovie test and, 92; importance to Apple, 4, 12–15, 38–39, 73, 74, 89–90, 158–59, 189–90, 335, 336, 337; inner circle of, 14, 67, 106, 132–40; instinct for customer’s needs, 192; iPad launch and, 39–44; iPhone 4’s critics and, 51–52, 243; Ive and, 139; last words, 84; liver transplant, 25, 32–34, 43; management style, 9, 31, 60, 99, 105, 130–31, 156, 246, 287; media and, dealings with, 21, 22–23; medical leaves, 27, 31, 73; memorial services, 88–89, 179, 328; Mossberg meeting with, 34–35; Mukunda’s analysis and, 246–48, 334; music preferences, 4–5; new corporate headquarters proposed by, 71–72, 79–80; NeXT and, 12, 21, 75, 156; obituaries, 87; Palo Alto residence, 34–35; personality and character, 2, 4, 9, 11, 31, 35, 38–39, 50, 52, 56, 58, 67, 68, 87, 88, 127, 133, 243, 277; philanthropy rejected by, 106; post-PC era and, 248; product development and, 16, 31–32; product failures, 155–56; product road map left by, 286; reality distortion, 18, 20–36, 156, 306; return to Apple (1996), 12–15, 189–90; rules about slides, 67–68; Sculley recruitment, 11; Stanford commencement speech, 2; steps down as CEO, 80–84; as superstar, 16, 89, 135; Top 100 meeting and, 66–71; trademark attire, 15, 135; tributes to, 85–86, 87; twentieth wedding anniversary, 74–77; viewed as indispensable, 37, 38–39; vision of computers, 11; vow to go “thermonuclear” against Android, 170, 182, 214, 234, 275; work style, 8; WWDC meetings, 9–10, 17–18, 49–50, 78–79

  Johnson, Ron, 132

  Jung, Andrea, 28

  Kappos, David, 181

  Keitz, John, 142–43, 333

  Kelly, Nicky, 146

  Kennedy, John F., 298

  Kennedy, Robert F., 103, 104

  Keynote software, 67

  Khan, Sabih, 59

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 103

  Kittlaus, Dag, 149

  Koenigsegg, Christian von, 287

  Koh, Lucy, 179–80, 182, 210, 213–16, 217, 218, 223, 224–27, 228, 270–71, 273, 274, 275, 278

  Kona Village Resort, Hawaii, 51

  Korea: Samsung Group headquarters, 232; Typhoon Bolaven, 232. See also Samsung

  Krieger, Mike, 276

  La La Media, 168

  Lam, Brian, 48, 87

  Lan Guanming, 263

  Lashinsky, Adam, 136, 310

  Lasseter, John, 89

  “Last 6 Times Tim Cook Has Talked, Apple’s Stock Has Dropped” (Huffington Post), 284–85

  Led Zeppelin, 321–22

  Lee, William, 218–19, 221, 228, 233, 272

  Lee Byung-chul, 176

  Lee Jae Young, 160, 179

  Lee Kun-hee, 175–77, 219, 232–33, 325; Apple v. Samsung verdict and, 232; sayings by, 175–76; “voluntary incineration,” 176–77, 232

  Lee Min-hyuk “Midas,” 212–13

  Lee Young-hee, 178

  Lei Jun, 332

  Lenovo, 119, 282, 332

  Levin, Carl, 297, 298, 301–2

  Levinson, Art, 29, 54, 82

  Levy, Steven, 310

  LG, 262, 289

  Li Mingqi, 126

  Lincoln, Abraham, 91

  Los Altos, California, 11

  Lurie, Glenn, 67

  MacBook, 143; Air, 24, 144, 159, 321; Pros, 24, 285

  Macintosh, 44, 134, 159, 188, 277

  MacMillan publishers, 162, 165

  Mac Pro (cylindrial, 2013), 322, 325

  MacRumors (web site), 118

  Macworld trade show, 24; Jobs and keynote address, 25

  Maghsoodloo, Saeed, 98

  Ma Jun, 119–21, 122–23, 126

  Malkovich, John, 153

  management (upper management), 37, 57–63, 67, 99–100, 133–34; Amelio as CEO, 12; board of directors, 28–29, 277; “Bottom 100,” 66–67; compensation, 63, 64; Cook as CEO, 91, 93, 104–7, 126–28, 130–32, 140–41, 156–59, 185, 194, 195, 219, 241–49, 278–91, 294–303, 306–10, 319–27, 336–38; Cook as COO, 62; Cook gives stock bonuses, 141; Cook’s consolidation of power, 61–62; Cook’s firings, 244–45, 248; Cook’s performance, 36–38, 51, 55–56, 58–62; IBM alum, 56, 61, 123; Jobs as CEO, 12–15, 39, 80–84, 99, 105, 130–31, 246, 249, 287; Jobs’s illness and, 16, 24, 28–29; Jobs’s lieutenants, 14, 67, 106, 132–40, 320; Jobs’s medical leaves and, 27, 31, 36–38; kickback scandal, 63–64; loss of intensity, 287–88; meritocracy and, 13; Oppenheimer as CFO, 20, 158, 300; personalities of major figures, 132–41; restructuring (1998), 57; rivalries, 288; Sculley as CEO, 11, 188–89, 194; succession plan, 28, 82, 83; Top 100 meeting and, 66–71. See also Browett, John; Cook, Tim; Forstall, Scott; Ive, Jonathan; Schiller, Phil

  Mavericks operating system, 324

  Ma Xiangqian, 64, 111

  Mays, Ray, 56

  McCain, John, 297, 299–300, 301

  McCartney, Paul, 53, 130, 131

  McCluney, Jim, 57

  McElhinny, Harold, 216–17, 218, 227, 271

  McKenna, Regis, 243

  Methodist University Hospital, 33–34

  Microsoft, 11, 85, 171, 295; as Apple competitor, 11, 188, 249; Nokia and, 177–78

  Miller, Andy, 69

  Milunovich, Steve, 234

  MobileMe, 156

  mobile phones, 247–48; China market for, 332; Chinese companies and, 282, 332; disruption theory and, 185; market share, 186, 210, 239, 264, 278, 285; Samsung patents, 274. See also Apple v. Samsung; Google; HTC; iPhone; Nokia; Samsung

  Morita, Akio, 192, 194

  Morrison Foerster law firm, 216, 233

  Mossberg, Walt, 34–35; All Things Digital conference (2013), 306, 307, 308; antitrust case against Apple and, 313; piece on Jobs prior to his death, 83; review of iPad, 44

  Motorola, 60, 91, 119, 149, 167, 168, 176, 190, 200; Apple lawsuit, 172, 181, 310–12; Apple v. Samsung and, 210; Razr phone, 173

  Mueller, Florian, 211–12, 230–31

  Mukunda, Gautam, 246; business physics, 248, 287; leadership analysis, 246–48, 334

  Munster, Gene, 28, 38, 153

  Murdoch, Rupert, 42, 89, 163

  Murphy, Charles, 97

  Musika, Terry L., 182

  Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 123

  NewCastle Polytechnic, 137

  Newton PDA, 188–89

  New York Times: article on Jobs’s health, 20; exposé on Apple’s tax avoidance, 294; iEconomy series on Apple, 125–26, 197, 293; Jobs pitches iPad to, 41–42; Nocera column, 20, 23; report on iPad manufacturing labor conditions and practices, 126; review of iPad, 44

  NeXT, 12, 21, 75, 134, 156

  Nike, 91

  Nocera, Joe, 20–22, 23

  Nokia, 119, 148, 165–66, 200, 274; Apple lawsuit against, 172, 177; Windows Mobile, 177–78

  Nudd, Tim, 327

  Obama, Barack, 276–77, 312

  Obama, Michelle, 276, 277

  O’Brien, Conan, 223–24

  Odle, Sheila, 61

  O’Melveny & Myers law firm, 295–96

  Onion, 333

  Oppenheimer, Peter, 20, 36, 158, 300, 301

  Ornish, Dean, 84

  O’Sullivan, Joe, 57–58, 102

  Otellini, Paul, 67

  “Other Side of Apple, The” (Ma Jun), 120–21, 122

  Packer, George, 302–3

  Page, Larry, 77, 89, 168, 249

  Palo Alto, California, 34–35, 84, 145; Jobs’s favorite eateries, 145, 170

  Panasonic, 119

  Pandora (Internet radio), 30, 325

  Patel, Nilay, 310

  Paul, Rand, 298

  Pegatron, 124, 260, 262

  Penguin Group, 162, 164, 165

  Pensacola, Florida, 93, 94

  People’s Daily (China), 280, 283

  Petrie, George, 98

  Petsch, Greg, 256–57

  Philips, 119, 137

  Piper Jaffray, 28, 38, 153, 158, 312

  Pitt, Harvey, 34

  Pixar, 72, 89

  Podolny, Joel, 245

  Pogue, David, 44

  Polaroid, 158

  Politico, 296

  Portman, Rob, 300

  Posner, Richard, 310–11

  Powell, Gray, 47, 48

  PowerBook G3, 59

  Proctor, Gavin, 137

  Pun Ngai, 208

  Push IO, 320

  Qualcomm, 210, 218, 274

  Quantra, 261

  Quattro Wireless, 69

  Quinn, John, 225, 271–72

  Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan law firm, 216, 218

  RadioShack, 259

  Rams, Dieter, 136

  Random House, 162, 164

  ReadWrite tech site, 324

  Reites, Ben, 36

  Reynolds Aluminum, 99

  Riley, George, 295

  RIM Blackberry, 30, 249

  Robertsdale, Alabama, xiv, 92–97

  Rubinstein, Jon, 92, 101, 134, 139, 288

  Saddler, Harry, 149

  Samsung, xiii, xiv, 125, 190, 219; ads negative to Apple, 212; Android operating system and, 168; Apple as customer, 173, 174; Apple’s patents avoided by, 275; Apple v. Samsung, xiv, 174, 178–84, 210–31, 268–71, 273–74; Apple v. Samsung verdict, 232, 234; Chinese competitors, 332; founding of, 176; Galaxy 4 sales, 293; Galaxy Note, 190, 230, 234, 238; Galaxy S, 160, 173, 178, 221; Galaxy SII, 212; Galaxy SIII, 212, 239; Galaxy S4 launch, 289, 292–93; Galaxy Tab, 161, 179, 285; Galaxy Tab 10.1, 161; headquarters, 232; innovation and, 286; ITC patent case and, 273; Lee Jae Young as president, 160, 179; Lee Kun-hee as chairman, 175–76, 219, 232–33, 325; patents held by, 173, 274, 312, 330; revenue, 173; secrecy at, xiii, 175; Sharp Electronics as partner, 265; smartphone market share, 239, 264, 290, 332; war with Apple, 160–61, 172–84, 310, 311–12, 325, 331


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