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Omerta Book Two

Page 38

by Sienna Mynx

  She set the bottle down on the chair. She stared at him. She took long hard look at the man before her. He’d grown a mustache and his hair had grown in just past his nape. He had long sideburns, that was new. The dark sunglasses were a nice touch. It reminded her of his toughness, despite his impeccable attire.

  “Are you happy to see me?”

  “Ten months. It’s been ten months. The world thinks you’re dead.”

  “Fuck the world. Fuck it all. What do you think?”

  Shae smirked.

  “Ask me in Italian if you really want to know.”

  “Sono ancora il tuo Re?”

  Shae’s smile could not be contained. “What did you say?”

  “Am I still your King?”

  She gave him a cute curtsey then nearly bowled him over with her response. He tossed the flowers aside and the roses splayed out across the floor just as she leapt on him wrapping her legs around his waist. She was kissing him before she realized how good he tasted and how much she needed to taste him again. It was the excitement and not just the desire that had a grip on her. The world thought he was dead but she didn’t believe it for a minute. She knew this day would come.

  Carlo was never a man to turn down her kiss. He spun her. He put her against the wall and owned her with his returned passion. She clung to him for life. Before any explanation could be shared her panties were ripped down her thighs and she felt him easing inside of her and she surrendered.

  SHAE LAY ON CARLO WITH her head resting on his chest. They were both on the hardwood floor bottomless, holding each other. Neither of them needed to speak. And they didn’t for a very long time. Until darkness fell over them and she knew in her heart he wouldn’t leave.

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “You know the answer to that.”

  “You arranged it. You’ve been arranging it all along?” she asked.

  He rubbed her backside but didn’t answer.

  “What if I had remarried? What then?”

  He laughed. “That wasn’t going to happen.”

  “I could have. Men approach me all the time.”

  “I’m a changed man, but I’m not that changed. Be careful with my jealousy cara.”

  Shae shook her head smiling and rested against his chest again. “Why this way? Why make us wait so long. Your babies haven’t seen you. Jewel is almost walking, and Carmine is standing up. They are so close you would think they were twins. They sleep together sometimes holding hands. One of them cries the other cries. It was like that from the start.”

  “I can’t wait to meet them again.” He turned her to her back and pinned her to the floor. It would have been uncomfortable to lie there if it weren’t for the happiness bursting inside of her. “I needed to see you first,” he said and moved her hair from her face. “I have so much to tell you.”

  “Are you here to stay? Why do they say you are dead?”

  “I wouldn’t come here if I wasn’t here to stay. I wasn’t coming to you until I was sure that I could be the man you and our children need. I’m here, because I belong with you. Carlo is dead. The Camorra killed him on a beach. Left him there. He’s dead.”

  “That sounds really dangerous, and risky Carlo. This is America. You can’t just hide here, can you?”

  “America isn’t that different from Italy. Money changes things. My name is different. No one is looking for me. I’m clean, Shae. And I don’t belong to the Camorra anymore.”

  “You faked your death? You ran away from Giovanni Battaglia, how is that safe?”

  Carlo chuckled. “I don’t run away from anything or anyone. I walked away. And I don’t give a fuck about Carlo. He should have died a long time ago. I’m free. I’m an American Italian citizen,” he grinned. “The name’s Lucio.”

  Shae laughed. “You’re an American named Lucio?”

  “It’s what it says on my passport.”

  Shae shook her head smiling. “And this place? You want to live here?”

  “I thought it looked like you.” Carlo said.

  Shae laughed even louder. “It’s huuuuuuuge.”

  “We have a big family,” Carlo pulled her closer. “Me, you, my boy and girl, our daughter Jenny?”

  “Jilly,” Shae chuckled.

  “Ah, yes, Jilly. And my son Rolando.”

  “Rolando? Son?”

  “Long story. That means six of us. This is the place for six? No?”

  “It’s perfect Carlo, eh Lucio. You must come with me tonight. To see the kids.”

  “I’ve seen them.”

  “You have not—” Shae paused. “How?”

  “I’ve been here a few weeks. Getting settled. I followed you and the kids to the store, playground, just watched to make sure you were safe, and.... ready.”

  “You shouldn’t have made me wait weeks.”

  “I know. I shouldn’t have made you wait at all. You were right, Shae. I can’t let you and our family go. I won’t. We start again. Together.”

  She kissed him. “Together.”

  “PAPA?” Eve said.

  Giovanni groaned. He opened his eyes.

  “Come, it’s time,” she grinned.

  “Evie?” He leaned over and kissed her brow. “Time for what?”

  “Come!” she said.

  Giovanni sat up in bed. Eve was bouncing at the side of the bed and Gino was grinning too. “We have a surprise for you, Papa,” Gino said.

  “You do?”

  Gino nodded.

  “Don’t tell him,” Eve warned. She whispered in Gino’s ear. His son nodded. Eve gave her father the brightest smile. “We’re waiting! Get dressed!”

  Both kids ran from the room laughing. And it was enough to fully wake him. The sounds of laughter. Eve had made the most progress in the family. It was as if her world didn’t burn to ashes ten months ago. There were times he worried over his daughter’s recovery. Where did the trauma go? If she was like him at the age of six, the trauma was there underneath. When he was her age he saw his father kill a man. When he was her age he knew death. And now his precious firefly knew it, as well.

  That worry was for another day. Giovanni got out of the bed and let go a deep yawn. He stretched his arms above his head and went left then right to loosen his muscles. He found his boxers and pulled them on. They were back in Bagheria. Mondello was too chilly this time of year. Even now he felt the morning frost in his room. So, he cleaned up and brushed his teeth then fully dressed in a hurry. He pulled on a cardigan and a pair of jeans. He put on his runners, and his watch. Then he left the room in search of the family.

  The house was unusually silent. Bagheria is where all the family gathered. And his land had at least twenty family members as residents. But the house was empty. Giovanni walked toward the terrace. He stopped when he heard music playing from the TV room. It wasn’t a radio. It was the piano. And whomever played was pretty good.

  It was then he remembered the day. It was New Year’s Day. It was his anniversary and Lorenzo’s birthday. It was a date that always meant a lot in the family. He smiled and went directly into the family room. He found all the kids gathered. Even his baby girl, Leeza was in her walker next to her cousin Lorenza who stood with the twins while Eve played the piano.

  Mirabella sat in the chair smiling at the children. “Come, Gio. This is for us. Eve arranged it.”

  Giovanni brows lifted in surprise. He walked over to Mirabella and kissed her forehead. He sat next to her. Lorenza ran over to Giovanni and he picked her up and sat her on his knee. She wasn’t ready to perform. The twins were. And Eve played a song that he had heard her practicing with her Aunt. She sang along with the twins. Leeza was too busy playing with the lights on her walker to join in.

  On Eve’s hand was the rhinestone glove that she wore to cover the scarring from her burns. Mirabella made it for her. And his daughter had taken to the fashion statement. Never was she seen without it.

  Eve’s voice rang out over her brothers. Giovanni didn�
��t know his soon to be seven-year-old could sing with such inflection. The song ended and Giovanni and Mirabella made sure to celebrate. They clapped for the kids. It was the best way to bring in the New Year.

  He kissed Lorenza and passed her over to Mirabella. He got up and went to his daughter.

  “Felice anno nuovo, Papa!” Eve said. “And happy anniversary.”

  “Grazie, lucciola,” he said and picked her up from the piano bench. She wasn’t too big to hold. He kissed her and held her up above him so she could squeal. The boys rushed his legs and Leeza ran over in her walker nearly knocking them all aside. Giovanni laughed.

  He set Eve down and went to reach for the other kids when he heard a commotion not common to his house. It was his men shouting. And others shouting back.

  Giovanni froze. In fact, everyone in the room did. And before he could react the invaders charged in. It was the Carabinieri. They had their guns drawn.


  “Kids, come!” Mirabella said to their children. Giovanni tried to extract Gianni from his leg. Mirabella scooped Leeza from her walker and the children went to her and backed away from their father.

  He was ordered to his knees.

  Giovanni went down with his hands up. Three Carabinieri kept their guns trained on him as another walked around him and put cuffs on him. He was helped to stand. His rights were read to him and it was announced to his wife and kids, anyone else from the family that was able to force their way in, that he was under arrest and would be taken in immediately for crimes of murder, gun trafficking and narcotics distribution along with the kidnapping of Marietta Battaglia.

  Giovanni was able to give one final look to his wife of reassurance. She gave him a nod of understanding. His rock, his blue rose, she stood firm with their kids and showed no sign of weakness. He gave her a half-smile before he was forced from her and his kids into an armed police car and driven away.

  It was a new year, and a new beginning.

  It was the beginning of the end.

  The day he knew would come for him some eventually.

  Author’s Note

  Thanks for taking this journey with me. And, no, the journey isn’t quite over yet. The final book in the Battaglia series is named ‘Vita Mia’ and it promises to answer all questions as it transports you from the past (1996) to the future (2016).

  Also, many of you may be wondering about Eve and the fire that devastated the Battaglias only slightly mentioned in this book. The original draft of Omerta II included that tragedy. I, along with my Beta readers, decided to give that deep and sorrowful story to the last book. An attempt of mine to allow all that we have been through with the Battaglias to breathe on its own. I’m glad I did. The fate of Carlo, Shae, Adara, Lorenzo and Marietta deserved to be the focus.

  There are a few questions I anticipated for readers who have just finished this installment. Afterall you’ve been on this rollercoaster for 7 to 10 years, I owe you some answers. So here they are.

  1. Why did you decide AGAINST Lorenzo and Giovanni as brothers? To be honest it made no logical sense based on the characterization of Don Tomosino to make them brothers. It was clear that having a son was the most important thing to the Don. When his wife couldn’t give him one he took a mistress. If the young woman Rocco had taken from her family was suspected of carrying Tomosino’s son then he would have accepted the child without hesitation. A few of you saw through Rocco’s deception in the group chats and predicted this very outcome. I’m sorry to disappoint those who did not.

  2. Mirabella and Giovanni were cold and cruel in the past two books, was it overdone? The best thing about this series (to me) has been the enduring love story of my Don and his Donna. I think Mirabella pre-Bella Mafia had become lost in the story with all the side characters and rising drama taking center stage. Bella Mafia reminded the readers of the love between Gio and Mira. Omerta was never intended to be such a story. Omerta is the bridge to the end of the saga. And I explored heartbreak, lies and deception to the highest degree. If you were able to take the romantic lenses off, you might have discovered answers to questions you didn’t know you had for the series. The turmoil and conflict was not without purpose. Each character I believe showed you their very worst and gave you a glimpse of their human frailty. My hope is that the third and final book will cast away all doubts about my series and reward every couple you’ve invested in with the ending they deserve.

  3. Will Carlo and Shae live happily ever after? Of course, happily ever after Battaglia style! I’m excited with where they ended. I wanted the love to be earned not handed to them as an afterthought. Shae and Carlo are destiny. Their lives are so connected and passions for children so similar they are fascinating to write and read. In the future I should be inspired to write a standalone book separate from the saga to explore them further. In Vita Mia there is a glimpse of their future in Houston and it will surprise you. When I wrote their ending, there was one final piece needed.

  4. Can Catalina and Dominic really be the lovebirds they once were? I have Catalina and Dominic fans. I also have many (surprisingly) fans of Catalina and Armando. I always believed in Catalina and Dominic were an end game, but like Giovanni it didn’t seem natural that Catalina had no identity or existence outside of the princess role Dominic and Giovanni created for her. Giving her love of a different kind (though brief) freed her. I think Catalina and Dominic have bonded over a new purpose with being parents. It’s redefined the meaning of their relationship. No, they won’t be as they once were. Not at first. But time changes and heals people. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  5. Why did you release 2 books and not the promised 3. I struggled with this decision. I think because of my fans. They’ve been so patient and understanding that I couldn’t delay it for the third. I am pushing for the third to drop in January. The book is there. It just needs some reworking. I also want to see the response from the first two books. That often inspires me too.

  6. Who was it? Giovanni or Umberto that sent Shae away? Giovanni is omniscient. Always assume it’s him. It was him in Africa who made sure that Abedi seduced Carlo. It was him that reunited Adara and Carlo. In the end it was him that brought Shae back to Italy. So, yes, it was him in the end.

  As a rule, Capu’s are only loyal to the boss. There really isn’t that tight of a brotherhood shared between these men. In most criminal organizations being an underboss it’s a competitive role. So, with that understanding, yes, Giovanni knew. And yes, Umberto seized on the opportunity to make sure Carlo lost his mojo. I believe he pounced on the news that Shae had arrived to Italy and made a beeline to Giovanni to whisper conspiracy in his bosses ear. He would have never interfered with Shae and Carlo’s relationship without Giovanni’s approval. Oh, and Carlo killing Umberto should have cost him his life. I believe that Giovanni gambled one time too many and knew that he had lost Carlo. He had two options. Kill him, or free him. You saw what he chose.

  7. Why didn’t Giovanni kill Lorenzo? Was it his plan not too all along? It wasn’t the plan. Giovanni’s original plan was to kill Lorenzo on that beach. It was the best and safest way to keep his wife separated and exact his revenge. He knew very soon after that Carlo couldn’t do it. He tested him with Abedi and Carlo slipped into his own bad behaviors. So, he changed his plans with the Russians help. I believe (and Vita Mia will answer this question) that it was always Mirabella’s plan to push her husband in the direction he eventually took. She didn’t manipulate, debate, or try to change his decision. It was always big picture for her. In Vita Mia you will also discover that the Générale had a lot to do with Mirabella and Giovanni’s decisions and actions.

  8. Eve’s behavior in the book felt uncharacteristic. What happened to the sweet lovable child? Why make her this way? Eve is still very lovable. But think of it from her tiny perspective. All she knows is family. And one by one people she loves disappears. And slowly more kids move in to take her place. Add to it her introduction to the Mafia from an early age a
nd her changing would start at 6 or 7. I think when you read the story of the fire in Vita Mia and the affect it has on the family you will see her and all the children in a different way.

  8. How long before the last book and will there be future books? The last book is going to follow soon. As for future books. I will be taking a short break from the Battaglias to publish other books. I have so many ideas and stories to tell. But yes, there will be more after the saga ends. The future is bright!

  I will be answering more questions on my website: and my facebook group: SiennaMynx Fan Hub. Join in the fun!

  Works by Sienna Mynx

  Sweet Romances

  Before Sunrise

  Black Butterfly

  Out of Time

  This is Love

  The Promise

  The Accidental Mistress

  Me & Tia

  On the Wings of Love




  Erotic Romance

  Teach Me

  Love after War

  Don’t Leave Me This Way

  Dark Romance


  Aiden’s Game

  No Regrets

  The Heist

  For the Love of Chocolate

  The Golden Chalice

  Someone to Watch Over Me

  Illegal Affairs

  Bad Habits


  The Wedding


  Paper Dolls





  Queen Isra


  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 1 - Destino

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 2 - Ti Amo

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 3 - La Sposa

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 4 - La Famiglia

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 4.5 - Rallenti

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 5 - Amore

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 5.5 - Capu

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 6 - La Dolce Vita

  Battaglia Mafia Series Book 7 - Bella Mafia


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