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Texas Orchids (The Devil's Horn Ranch Series)

Page 26

by Samantha Christy

  “He still has a thing for you.”

  “He never had a thing for me, Maddox. It was all about sex.”

  “Mind if we don’t talk about Bobby right now?” I pull her closer and smell her hair. I feel her body against mine. This is the closest we’ve ever been to being on a date, with the huge exception of her ex also being here. “This is nice.”

  She gazes at me sweetly. “Yeah.”

  She settles her head against my shoulder. Her thumb tickles the nape of my neck when she moves it back and forth. I quid pro quo by circling my finger in the small strip of skin showing between her skirt and top. Her chest heaves, and I smile. Part of me wonders if Dr. Bobby is watching, and part of me doesn’t care, because the way this feels right now is indescribable. She’s in my arms. She fits against me like every curve of her body was made to match every curve of mine. I might be enjoying dancing with Andie as much as I enjoy sex with her. It’s a feeling I’ve never had with any other woman.

  The song ends, and I curse in my head as we go back to the table and him. I order more shots. I sit and listen to Andie and Bobby reminisce about vet school. I drink and order more.

  I wait as long as I can before excusing myself to use the bathroom, because quite frankly, I question my ability to walk in a straight line. “I’ll be right back.”

  Before I go down the hallway, I take a look at our table. Bobby scoots closer to her. I hope the line isn’t long. I dart into the bathroom, do my thing, barely wash up, and hurry back. But they’re not at the table anymore. Christina points to the dance floor, and there he is, his hands on her, dancing slow like she belongs to him. “Fuck that,” I say, running into a chair on my way to them. I tap his shoulder. “I’ll take it from here.”

  “Song’s almost over,” he says. “We’re good.”

  I stand and stare, wanting to punch him in the nose, but as I’m seeing two of him, I wouldn’t know which one to aim for. Couples whirl around me, and I almost lose my balance.

  “Whoa, cowboy,” Andie says, running over. “I think it’s time we got you home.”

  “Now that’s the best thing you’ve said all night.” I pull out my wallet and throw money at the table as we go past, then get out my keys.

  Andie takes them. “I’m driving.”

  We quickly say goodbye to everyone. Bobby follows us out. “You want help?”

  “We don’t need your help,” I say.

  “I was asking Andie.”

  “I’m fine,” she says. “We’ll be fine. We drove together anyway. It was nice seeing you again, Bobby.”

  “I can’t see you tomorrow?”

  “I have work and then Granddad is coming for supper.”

  “I’d like to meet Gerald.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” We get to my truck, and she hugs him. “If you’re ever back down here, look me up.”

  He kisses her cheek. “You know I will.” He leans in and thinks I can’t hear him when he whispers, “I missed you.”

  We get in the truck, and he moves back, looking defeated. I try not to gloat, but as we pull away, I lean over and wipe her cheek.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Because I don’t want anyone’s lips on you but mine.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Most definitely,” I slur. “Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

  The next thing I know, she’s helping me out of the truck at the ranch. Once inside, I grab her. “Dance with me.”

  “I think we need to get you to bed, cowboy.”

  “I like that idea even better.”

  She swats my arm. “I mean so you don’t fall down or puke all over.”

  She leads me to the bedroom, and I barely make it to the bed before I collapse. I pull her down. “Stay with me.”

  She doesn’t answer, but the last thing I see before I pass out are her baby blue eyes, and I wonder if she ever looked at him the way she’s looking at me.

  Chapter Thirty-two


  Every time he moves, I look at him. I can see him clearly in the moonlight coming through the window. I didn’t dare go back to my place. He got so drunk, I didn’t want him to get up and chance falling down the stairs. I took off his clothes. Left him in nothing but boxer briefs. He’s sleeping so soundly, I contemplate laying my head on his chest. This is the closest we’ve come to sleeping together, but I know it’s not real. Even though he asked me to stay, he didn’t mean it. Staying the night is definitely not casual. I inch closer so I can smell him, then drift to sleep.

  Sunlight wakes me. Maddox is still dead to the world. Snoring even. I get out of bed and smell booze. It’s all over my clothes. I should go home and shower. I glance in the bathroom and decide to use his instead. I go in his closet and pick out a T-shirt and sweatpants I know will be ginormously big on me, but I don’t want to put on my clothes from last night.

  I use his shampoo and realize I’m going to smell like him all day. I might like the thought of that a little too much. My hair is full of suds when the shower door opens, startling me. “Maddox!”

  He slips in behind me. “If you’re going to use my shower, you’d better be prepared for company.”

  He works his hands through my hair, massaging in the shampoo. My eyes close at how good it feels, and I tilt my head back, giving him better access. He takes his time rinsing my hair, making sure every strand is clean. I don’t think I’ve ever had a more thorough hair washing. “Now you.”

  I squirt shampoo in my hand and stand on my tiptoes to reach the top of his head. He kind of half squats so I don’t slip and fall. As I watch the suds run down his body, I can’t help but see his erection standing at full attention. I look into his eyes and smile deviously as I drop to my knees. He knows exactly what I’m doing, and is ecstatic.

  “Wait,” he says.

  “I thought you wanted—”

  “I do.” He reaches out of the shower for a towel. “But I’ll enjoy it more knowing you won’t hurt your knees.” He folds the towel several times and puts it on the shower floor. I kneel on it.

  I put my mouth on him. I’ve never been a huge fan of giving blow jobs, but right now there’s nothing I want to do more. I run my tongue along each side. When I lick the sensitive skin under the glans, he draws in a breath. I rim the tip and then take him in fully. He grips my head just enough to let me know how much he likes what I’m doing.

  I go fast, then slow. Then I stop and use my hand. With him in my mouth again, I play with his balls. He groans and moves his hips faster. When he lets go of my head and braces himself against the shower wall, I know he’s close. His penis jerks, he grunts, and I pull away, finishing him off with my hand.

  “Dang,” he says, breathless and still recovering from his orgasm. “That was…” He helps me up and wipes a piece of wet hair off my face. “Thank you.”

  I blush, never before having been thanked for that act.

  He squirts body wash in his palm and turns me around so I’m facing the wall. His soapy hands travel over my shoulders, down my arms, and across my back. He hasn’t even touched me where it counts, yet this is already the most erotic shower I’ve ever taken. He reaches around and soaps my breasts, pinching my stiff nipples. I let my head fall back against his shoulder. Fingers blaze a trail down my stomach, and I arch into him, needing his touch. He leans over and lifts my right foot up on the shower seat, then runs a finger around my clit several times before inserting it inside me.

  My moans echo off the tile walls. He kisses my neck and turns me around. He aims the shower in the other direction and sits me down on the seat in the corner. He moves the wet towel into position and drops to his knees in front of me, then opens my legs so I’m shamelessly on display in all my natural glory.

  “Jesus,” he says, appraising me like I’m a priceless piece of art.

  I’ve never been so turned on and emotionally charged before. Does this man have any idea how much I want him? Not just for this. For everything.
Does he understand how devastated I’ll be when he leaves?

  His mouth is all over me—my thighs, my stomach, my breasts. I’m about to detonate even before he puts it there. When I can’t take it anymore, I guide his head between my legs. He chuckles and devours me in the most pleasurable way. Fondling my breast with one hand and working fingers inside me with the other, his tongue lashes my clit, bringing me to an explosive orgasm.

  I sink against the wall and breathe through my recovery as he stands and aims the warm water towards us.

  He takes a melodramatic bow and mimics Elvis. “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

  I swat his thigh. “Shut up.” He pulls me up for a kiss. I can taste myself on his lips. The guys I’ve been with don’t like to kiss after sex. When they’re finished, that’s it.

  The water becomes tepid. He turns it off and reaches for a dry towel. He dries me off before drying himself.

  The doorbell rings. “Who the hell around here rings a doorbell?” He grabs a dry towel and wraps it around his waist.

  “You’re going to the door like that?”

  He winks and runs out of the room. I towel dry my hair and find a comb, then finger-brush my teeth and throw on the clothes I borrowed. Downstairs, Maddox is in the kitchen, staring at two large bunches of flowers on the table.

  “They’re for you,” he says. “The delivery man tried your place, but there was no answer, so he brought them here.”

  “For me? Both of them?”

  “That’s what he said. Are you going to see who they’re from?”

  I pull the first card from a giant bunch of orchids, read it, and smile.

  “Let me guess. They’re from Dr. Wyoming.”

  “Yes.” I hold out the card. “Want to read it?”


  I read it to him. “It says: ‘I may have forgotten what a good dancer you are, but I could never forget your favorite flower.’”

  “If orchids are your favorite flower, why did he also send roses?”

  “I have no idea.” I pluck the card from the roses. “These aren’t from Bobby. They’re from Victor.”

  He snatches the card and reads it aloud. “‘I miss you, Andie. I’m ready to tell you everything if you’re ready to listen. I don’t want to go another minute without you. Am I too late?’” He looks worried. “I thought we’d heard the last of him.” The doorbell rings again. “I swear to God, if it’s more flowers, I’m going to shove them down the throat of the delivery guy.”

  I walk over and peek through the curtains. “It’s not. It’s Wyatt Jenkins.”

  “Hugh’s son?”

  “Go get dressed. I’ll see what he wants.” I let Wyatt in. He looks like death warmed over. “Are you okay?”

  “No, Andie, not really. My dad told me I needed to talk to Maddox. Is he here?”

  “He’ll be right down. Can I get you some coffee?”

  He shakes his head. “I’ve had enough coffee in the last twenty-four hours to last me a lifetime, but thanks.”

  Maddox bounds down the stairs. “I don’t think the two of you have officially met,” I say. “Maddox McBride, this is Wyatt Jenkins.”

  “Good to finally meet you,” Maddox says. “I hear you’ll be taking over your dad’s ranch when he and your mom move here.”

  Wyatt gestures to the couch. “Can we sit? I’ve been up all night, and I’m not sure I can get through this without collapsing.”

  “What’s going on, Wyatt?” I ask.

  We all sit. “My dad is in the hospital. He was in a bad accident yesterday.”

  “Oh no. Please tell me he’s going to be okay.”

  His eyes glaze over. “Eventually he might, but he’ll never be the same. He was trailering a new mare up from Austin and blew a tire.” His voice cracks. “The trailer jackknifed and buckled on top of his truck in a ditch. Both Dad’s legs are broken pretty badly, along with his back. He’ll be in the hospital for weeks, need multiple surgeries, and then he’ll be transferred to a rehab facility, where they hope he’ll be able to learn to walk again. The mare was so badly injured, she had to be put down.”

  Tears fall, and I take Wyatt’s hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  “He won’t be buying Devil’s Horn Ranch after all. He sent me over to give his apologies.”

  “He was in a terrible accident, and he’s apologizing to me?” Maddox stands and paces. “I should be asking what we can do for you. Please let us know if we can help.”

  “I’ve got it handled, or I will after I get some sleep.”

  “Tell him I’m praying for him,” I say. “And let me know when he’s ready for visitors. He’s always been one of my favorite clients.”

  Wyatt stands and shakes hands with Maddox. “I’m real sorry about this. I know you were hoping to sell quickly.”

  “Don’t give it another thought,” Maddox says. “Just make sure your dad is taken care of.”

  He leaves, and we stare after him.

  “What now?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I have to call my dad.”

  I go out on the porch, sit, and rock, trying to work off anxiety. “He’ll sell to Joel Thompson now, won’t he?”

  “I promise I’ll do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “But it’s not your decision to make, Maddox. Joel is an interested buyer. Word is Dillon Patlinger, the only other half-decent potential buyer, has moved on to other opportunities. Not many people are in the market for a ten-thousand-acre ranch.”

  He sits in the chair next to me. “I’m sorry, Andie. I don’t know what to say.”

  My phone rings. Bobby’s face appears, and I hesitate.

  “Are you going to answer it?”

  I pick it up. “Hello?”

  “Did you get the flowers?”

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  “I was up all night thinking about you. I didn’t know how I’d feel seeing you after all this time, but the truth is I haven’t stopped thinking about you since graduation.”

  I’m sure Maddox can hear Bobby talking. He gets up and goes in the house, slamming the screen door loudly behind him.

  “What are you saying, Bobby?”

  “Come back to Wyoming with me.”

  “Wh-what?” I shove my foot against the porch floor, stilling the rocker. Beau walks over and puts his head in my lap.

  “You heard me. I want you, Andie. I’ve always wanted you. I was stupid to let you think you were the only one who had feelings back then. But I know what I want now, and I’m not afraid of it anymore.”

  “I, uh… my job is here, Bobby. My granddad.”

  “Bring him, and I’ll get you a job. A good one. We could even go into practice together.”

  Maddox is staring at me from the other side of the screen door. I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry. Three months ago I was single with no prospects in sight, and I‘d been perfectly fine with that. But now there are three men in my life. Two of them are all but declaring their love for me while the one I want is about to pack his bags and move two thousand miles away.


  “I don’t know what to say, Bobby.”

  “Don’t say anything. Just think about it. I couldn’t leave town without telling you how I feel. You don’t have to decide today or even this week. I’m not going anywhere. I want you. I… I love you.” Someone says something to him in the background. “I have to go. Promise me you’ll think about it.”


  The phone goes dead and I drop it in my lap.

  “I knew it,” Maddox says from inside. “He swooping in like a knight in shining armor?”

  I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it. “Kind of. He wants me to go to Wyoming with him. Even offered to go into practice with me. He said I should bring Granddad too.”

  He shoves his hands in his pockets and sighs. “Sounds like a hard thing to pass up. With Jenkins pulling out of the sale, you don’t know if your job is secure. Lo
oks like he’s offering you everything you ever wanted.” He walks away.


  I want to run after him, tell him maybe that used to be what I wanted, but now I’m not so sure.

  “Andie!” Merle yells from the stable. “We need you. Old Man Kingsley fed his mare too many apples again.”

  Jerimiah Kingsley boards his horse here and this is the third time this month I’ve had to deal with this same issue. I think he’s got dementia or something. “Be right there.”

  I peer through the screen into Maddox’s house, but he’s gone, so I head home to change before going to the stables.

  I’m on my way to the guesthouse to get ready to pick up Granddad when he gets out of the back of a car in front of the barn. “I was coming to pick you up in thirty minutes.”

  “There’s this thing called Uber,” he says, showing me his phone. “They know right where you are, you input the address you’re goin’ to, and you don’t even need any cash. It’s genius.”

  “I know, but you shouldn’t waste your money.”

  “You don’t need to be drivin’ me around everywhere. You have enough on your plate. Besides, I wanted to come early and see this new gelding of yours.”

  “He’s in the south stable.” We make our way back. “Granddad, meet Connecticut.”

  He looks at me with crazy eyes. “You named him Connecticut? That’s a strange name for a horse, if you ask me.”

  Maddox exits the tack room. I haven’t laid eyes on him since this morning. He obviously knows I’m here, but he ignores me and leaves the stable. “I think it suits him. Come on. I know you like to eat early, so I put a roast in the Crock-Pot. Should be about done.”

  We pass the arena on our way to the guesthouse. Maddox is watching Mickey train Shawshank or Doc or whatever he decided to call him. I’m glad he bought him; from the looks of it, he’s going to make a fine horse. Mickey’s lunging him, and he appears to be an old pro.

  Granddad stops. “Maddox, join us for supper?”

  Maddox avoids all eye contact with me. “Thanks, but I’m going to stay here with Doc. I’ll grab something later.”


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