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Turning Night

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  “I know. But tomorrow, we need to address a little matter of someone who was prodding Robert along.” She looked up at him, and he kissed her quickly.

  “Tomorrow, Max. Today, we have an entire herd of the living, and they need you to defend their honour.”

  Max nodded and headed to her changing room. Her dress was on a dummy, and Raven and Hellebore were already halfway into theirs. They both smiled with huge grins when she entered the room set aside for them.

  Max peeled out of her clothing, down to the skin. The dress went up and over her head and then came the tugging to get it down around her hips. It was always easier with Galfor there, but since she was down with the rest of the party, Max was on her own.

  The moment she got her hands free, it became easier. The corset bodice almost snapped in place when she got it into position. She expertly laced the corset with pulls from top to bottom and back again. When it was cinched, her breasts were supported and on display, her stomach was flat and the curve of her waist was exaggerated. Perfect.

  She sat at the dressing table, cleared her skin with the waiting wipes and applied careful and precise makeup. Her hair was a lost cause, so she brushed it and left it loose.

  Raven and Hellebore were already joining the party.

  A knock at the door and Keeting delivered a box full of jewellery.

  He was eager and chipper, but she wasn’t up to altering her mood to accommodate him. She took the box and looked at it once she had closed the door.

  Gregori, did you just send me a box of gems?

  No. Why?

  Sigh. Never mind. That domestic matter may come sooner rather than later.

  Who betrayed you?

  Keeting. He actively encouraged Robert to attack me and just brought me a pile of cursed jewellery.

  I will rip him in two.

  Not before you tell Anthony. Elves deal with their own, just as we do.

  I will still rip him in two.

  You don’t need to. His clan leader is here tonight. Just tell Joffray, and he will take care of it. Once he knows that there will be a price on Keeting’s head, he will extract him, and you will never need to see him again.

  That is too civilized.

  Tough. The Abomination has spoken. Now, I am ready. I am coming down.

  I await your radiance eagerly.

  She would have been lying if her stomach didn’t do a little flip at the warmth in his mental tone. Max took a deep breath and left her changing room.

  Time to join her party already in progress.

  Chapter Eight

  Subtle music was playing as Max passed through the ranks of vampires and headed to the garden for her party.

  Gregori greeted her at the doors and kissed her cheek before taking her hand and leading her down into the party. “You look lovely.”

  “Galfor’s best work, I think.”

  “Possibly, but it is you that brings it to life.”


  “I have had practice. Now, come to the receiving line.”

  Max blinked, “But everyone is here.”

  “And they all have gifts for your turning night. You must receive them and thank them one by one.”

  Max paused, “This is going to be worse than what I did this afternoon.”

  He laughed, “But now, I can remain at your side.”

  There were two chairs at the far edge of the garden, and he led her through the smiling crowd until they were standing at the edge of the platform that held the chairs.

  Abby and Xander were the first to come to them. Four of her gnomes surrounded her and a flight of pixies alternately landed and took off from her shoulders and Xander’s head.

  Abby went up on her toes and pressed a kiss to Max’s cheek. “Well done, Max. You managed beautifully.”

  “Thanks, Abby. But, how did you know?”

  The Nexus turned and waved her hand. An orb rose out of the fountain and began replaying Max’s evening from the beginning. “Spectral television.”

  “That is a little bit embarrassing.”

  “Hey, you didn’t pick your nose or scratch your ass. Everything was done well. We even were able to see what you saw when you looked into Robert’s mind.”

  Max winced and looked at Gregori, “You knew about…”

  “He is already gone. Anthony beat the shit out of him and handed him over to the trolls until a transport could be arranged. Keeting was a little limp when he left.” The bloody satisfaction in Gregori’s features was unmistakable.

  Max sighed. “Thank you. Did the vampires watch the video?”

  Abby nodded. “They were peering down from the upper windows, cloaked in shadow.”

  Xander had a pixie dangling from his nose. “The gift, Abby. The line is growing. You two can talk later, after formalities have been observed.”

  Abby blinked and smiled. “Of course. Silly me. Apprentice and Abomination, I offer you blood of the Nexus.”

  A gasp rang through the assembled gathering as Abby lifted her forearm.

  Max felt Gregori’s hand at the base of her back, urging her to take the gift.

  As delicately as she could, she leaned down and took Abby’s arm in her teeth. The blood surged forward and a few drops landed in Max’s mouth, sweet and powerful like honey coated with acid.

  Gregori held her arm and stabilized her.

  She released Abby’s arm and licked the wound closed.

  Abby looked, “Huh, I have had worse paper cuts. Thank you for your care.”

  Max licked her lips. “Thank you for your gift.”

  Xander grabbed one of the pixies from the cloud around them and handed it over. “Here. Take this as well. Please.”

  Abby giggled and grabbed her husband’s hand. “He keeps trying to give them away; they keep coming back.”

  Max nodded. “I understand. Let me try something.”

  She extended her palm upward and used the Nexus’s blood to call a pixie. When she felt tiny feet on her palm, she lowered it and smiled. Dressed in black and covered in starlight, the dark-haired creature winked up at her with red eyes. “Hello, pretty one. Would you like to stay with me?”

  The pixie looked at her with a serious face before flying up and sitting on her shoulder, wrapping tendrils of hair around her and chirping happily.

  Xander was amazed; Abby was amused. “One down, Xander.”

  A guest behind them cleared his throat.

  Max kissed Abby on the cheek, took the small box that Xander promised was a curse-repelling charm and tucked it in her corset.

  Gregori whispered, “We have a table for that.”

  “If it is curse repellent, I want it on me.”

  He laughed, Abby and Xander laughed and the gnomes on guard duty hustled them away.

  The other inhabitants of Oak Point Way came in and offered their gifts, and after that, wave after wave of presents and well-wishers.

  Max was overwhelmed with the variety of species that wished her well. When the midnight elves contingent bowed before her, they offered her a tiara made of glittering moonlight-catching stones.

  “For your efforts on behalf of Hulorn and his offspring.” The midnight elf nodded briskly as if he couldn’t believe he was here at the vampire guild offering a precious gift to the Abomination.

  “Are they here?” Max was almost hoping that they were.

  “The child is deemed too frail for a gathering such as this.”

  Max sighed in acknowledgement and continued accepting gifts from strangers until the party was waiting for her.

  “Thank you all for coming. Five years ago tonight, something happened that changed the course of my life forever. My evening ended here but that was only the beginning of an adventure that has continued until this day. Thank you for coming here to help me celebrate it. I would like to begin the festivities by asking the Guild Master for a dance.”

  Gregori took her hand, and she found the handhold in her skirt that allowed her to lift it out of th
e way.

  Music began, and as he held her with one huge arm around her waist, his hand covered almost the entirety of her back. With him, she felt delicate, feminine and nearly normal. It was the greatest gift he could give her, and he gave it without knowing or planning. He wanted her for her and that was her favourite thing about him.

  Once their first dance was complete, it was the sign for the rest of the gathering to join in. Food, drink and laughter flowed freely as creatures who only got together once a year had another excuse to talk on friendly terms.

  Max was delighted to be the reason for the party and intended to enjoy every minute of it.

  Her feet throbbed in the elegant pumps, and her calves ached from all the dancing. Those trolls could really cut a rug when they were of a mind to.

  Max dropped into the chair set aside for her and held out her finger. The pixie was a little dizzy, but she was still hanging on.

  Abby wandered over and sat on the platform with a thud. “Melorabeth is her name. She likes you very much.”

  “Thanks so much for coming, Abby. I know you are busy with…everything.”

  Abby laughed. “This is exactly what days off should be used for, to be with friends and family.”

  Xander was off with Anthony, heads lowered and ears pointed. Gregori was talking with Terric the Black, and Tonho was introducing his mother to everyone.

  “You have it right, Abby. I guess that is what this day was for, to teach me where I finally fit.”

  Abby laughed. “You don’t have to look so appalled. It is the same for me. Stepping from the mundane to the supernatural was the final piece to the puzzle. I had the moment blooming inside me, but you came upon it and chewed your way into this world.”

  Max laughed. “That is poetic. I should embroider it on a cushion or something.”

  “I will have Mitsy do it. She has taken to needlework in the worst way.” Abby sighed.

  “Any new creations in the offing?” Max smiled. She knew the answer. There were two heartbeats in that body.

  Abby patted her belly. “I know that you knew. It was why you were so careful in biting me.”

  “I will have you know, I always eat neatly. Any idea what your gift will do?”

  Abby shrugged. “Not a clue. It just seemed like the strongest possible hint to the other guilds and races that I have your back.”

  Melorabeth sat tall and chirped.

  “And Melorabeth has your back as well. If you ever need us, tell her, and she will bring her family in a moment. We will be right behind.”

  Max sighed. “Just for one night I don’t want to think about politics, machinations or assassins. I want peace, harmony and a calm moment.”

  “Oh, you are chasing the dream there. I think I have had two of those since this whole thing began.”

  “I imagine that the gnomes cut down on peace and quiet.”

  “Rather, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Abby sighed and smiled. “This is nice.”

  They sat and watched the party.

  Raven and Hellebore joined them, both carrying drinks. Raven smiled when she handed one to Abby. “Fruit juice.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Occupational hazard.” Raven sat back. “I hope you will consult me when the time comes.”

  “You know I will. I was just waiting until Turning Night was over. I didn’t want to steal Max’s thunder.”

  Max laughed. “You needn’t have worried. I must say that this party feels more like a wedding than an anniversary.”

  Abby turned and blinked at her. “Didn’t Gregori tell you? Basically, you two are now bound for life or afterlife. Whatever it is that vampires have. This was the equivalent of a wedding.”

  Max narrowed her eyes. “I am going to kill him.”

  Hellebore laughed, “He didn’t tell you?”


  “It was one of the reasons for the elaborate Turning Night. You had to be sure of your past before you could begin your future.” Hellebore smiled. “It was very romantic.”

  Max snorted. “Very romantic. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to dance with Mr. Romance. He has some explaining to do.”

  She pulled herself upright and strode through the crowd, power fluttering around her. Abby had given her a precious gift, you could only drink from a Nexus with permission, without permission, her blood was toxic and you would die as it burned from the inside out. The gift had spread through her bloodstream, and it was energizing her with every step.

  She put her hand on the arm of the oldest dragon and inclined her head. “Excuse me, Terric. I need to speak with the Guild Master.”

  Gregori turned toward her, “Is anything wrong?”

  “Dance with me.”

  He led her to the floor, and they started to move together.

  “What is it, Max, is something wrong?”

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  “Tell you what, dearest?”

  She sighed and looked up into his dark eyes. “When were you going to tell me that this was less of an anniversary and more of a reception?”

  He grinned. “The moment that you figured it out. You are mine for all eternity or as long as we wish.”

  She opened her mouth to give him a scathing retort, but he kissed her on the middle of the dance floor and being irritated became second place to enjoying his touch and swaying to the music.

  Why was I so mad again?

  Chapter Nine

  After the big party, there was the small matter of getting the vampires to swear loyalty to her. It was the hardest part of the night.

  The vampires stood in front of her and offered her a drop of blood. Max wasn’t a big fan of tasting strangers, but it bound them all to her so that she could hold sway over them and their offspring. It was very ghoulish.

  At the end of the night, she was queasy from the blood and her mind was dealing with the memories that weren’t hers. Blood magic was some of the oldest in the world, and it had not lost any of its power over the eons.

  When dawn approached, Anthony offered their cellars to those who could not make it home or those who did not wish to use the services of the transporter. Vampires were distrustful of living magic.

  “And so, dearest Apprentice, your Turning Night is over and you are now viceroy of the vampire guild. Shall we retire?”

  She slipped her hand in his, and they passed the exhausted Anthony as they went.

  “Good night, Anthony.”

  “Good night, Viceroy.” He inclined his head and smiled. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Anthony.” So, Max now had a new name to go with Apprentice, Abomination and Max. Viceroy was on the list, and she had to admit, it sounded impressive.

  Gregori had his arm around her, and she leaned against him. With a sweeping move, he lifted her in his arms, and he carried her up the stairs at a speed so rapid, it blew the pixie out of her hair.

  Inside their bedroom, he slowly lowered her to the bed. The sweet scent of flowers spilled outward.

  Rose petals and honeysuckle blossoms filled the room. Sprigs of mint were in vases with roses on every flat surface.

  “Viceroy, will you be mine, gladly and freely?” Gregori had her pinned between his hands and was looming over her.

  “Guild Master, I will be yours, gladly and freely. Will you be mine?”

  “I have always been yours.” He kissed her and crushed her back into the rose petals.

  She twined her limbs around him and held on as he proved his devotion over and over.

  Around their third coupling, he unlaced her corset, and without the threat of blackout, the morning took on a very pleasurable note. By mid-morning, they were tangled in each other’s arms and sleeping as the sun climbed high.

  Max felt a tapping on her nose, and when she flipped up the clock, it was five P.M.. “Hello, Melorabeth. I am guessing it is time to get up?”

  The pixie nodded and pulled on Max’s hair.

The room was filled with flower petals, swaths of fabric and the brisk smell of mint. Vampires used it to mask the smell of blood.

  Max touched her neck and stroked her hands down her body, every place that Gregori had nibbled and gnawed the morning before. The mint was a sound precaution.

  A shower took care of the streaks of blood that Gregori had missed and refreshed her considerably.

  Max got dressed in a fitted shirt, jeans and some more high-heeled wedges. Her pixie parked on her head and hung on while Max headed downstairs for something to eat.

  Hellebore was waiting at the dining room table.

  Max was surprised. “Good afternoon. How are you doing today?”

  Hellebore scowled. “One of the trolls sat on my bike. It is in the shop, so I am stuck here.”

  “A transporter could send you home.”

  “Without my bike I am stuck. So, if you don’t mind, I am going to wait for it.”

  “Of course. I am delighted to have you.” Max grinned.

  “I feel like I am intruding on your honeymoon.”

  Max snorted. “It is more like a blood moon.”


  “I guess you had to be there.”

  Anthony arrived with his hair only slightly dishevelled. “Ladies, I apologize for my absence, but the party took it out of me.”

  Max grinned, “It is fine, Anthony. I will take Hellebore for some takeout.”

  Anthony looked scandalized.

  Hellebore grinned, “That sounds wonderful. We can even eat out somewhere if you like.”

  Max laughed. “Lovely. I just have to run up and dig out my wallet. I don’t use money much anymore.”

  “I will wait here.”

  Anthony looked befuddled by the goings on. “This is most unexpected.”

  Max clapped him on the shoulder. “Unexpected is what keeps us getting up in the morning or afternoon or evening. We will be back in a few hours, oh, and Anthony?”

  “Yes, Viceroy?”

  “Can you keep an eye on my pixie for me? I don’t think she is up for public appearances.”

  Melorabeth flittered over to Anthony’s shoulder, and Max zipped upstairs to get her wallet. Everything was getting back to as normal as it ever was.


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