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Ranger: A Phoenix Warrior Romance (Phoenix in Flames Book 10)

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by Catty Diva

  Her mouth watered, but she didn’t follow through quickly enough. He had her on the bed, flat on her back with her legs spread. His face was there between her legs. Hot breath hit her center making her break out in goose bumps. Gods, he was unbelievable. She almost sat up as his tongue licked her nether lips catching her off-guard. Moaning, he sent vibrations through her body.

  When her head went back her body arched toward him. Joy rushed through her as his tongue pleasured her until she erupted into her release. Her hands dug into his hair as she pulled his head closer to her center. Once she let go, he slid up her sensitive body his rock hard cock finding its way deep inside her. Her cry of pleasure rang in the room. Hesitating for a moment, he then began to move.

  Each stroke delivered joy that filled her with wanting more. He began to hammer into her hitting her sweet spots. Passion swelled growing with each stroke until she was out of control needing more. Finally, she exploded around him squeezing his shaft until he exploded as well.

  Falling back onto the bed she tried to catch her breath. He fell beside her and held her in his arms. In moments they were asleep and she was dreaming of a happy ever after. Ranger was all she wanted and needed, that and for now her career. Someday they could build a house on land her family owned and raise a family, but not now.

  Hours later they woke and made love again. This was something she would never tire of, never. For now, they would grow their relationship and in time she hoped Ranger would want to mate in the ways of her people. Eventually, she would have to explain to him exactly what that was. This would be at some point. That time wasn’t now.

  “I guess we were tired.” Ranger said.

  “I guess. We only have a couple hours before we have to go to work.” She pointed out.

  “Come over here and let’s sleep some more.” Ranger said as he held open his arms.

  She moved into them and settled into a comfortable position. It wasn’t long before she heard his breathing even out. At some point, she also fell asleep not waking until the alarm went off. “Ranger, it’s time to get up.”

  “I’m up, Sweetheart and ready to go.” Ranger said.

  “You silly guy. I mean we have to get ready for work.” She explained.

  “Oh, um, I thought you meant something else.” Ranger explained.

  “Yeah, I figured that out. We just don’t have the time. How about after work?” She offered.

  “Anytime, Darling. I can’t get enough of you.” Ranger admitted.

  They showered and got ready. “Do you think we’ll be leaving this ship soon?” She asked.

  “In a day maybe two. I think we all got in a suggestion for who replaces us. If accepted, we’ll be going right after that.” Ranger guessed.

  The two of them headed to the meeting room where they would get the latest word on the upcoming mission and if they were lucky, eat breakfast. When they arrived, the others were filtering in as well. “I’m glad to see everyone here, now.” Teresa greeted.

  “I’ll start things off.” Flicker began. “We have selected all your temporary replacements and our own. We need everyone to get packed and meet in engineering. I will meet you there while Teresa goes to the other ship to get things set up. Go ahead, eat breakfast then get with it.”

  Their commanders left and now it was just them. “Do we need to know something about you and Ranger, Maple?” Oak asked.

  “What do you mean, Oak?” Maple asked.

  “Is something going on?” Elm wondered.

  “Did I asked you about your love life?” Maple asked.

  “Love life?” Ash asked.

  “I’m grown and can make my own decisions.” Maple insisted.

  “Our innocent sister?” Ash asked.

  “Your sister is not innocent.” Maple said.

  “Don’t say that. We don’t want to hear it. You’ll always be innocent to us. We’ll shelve this discussion until we get on the ship.” Oak decreed.

  She just shook her head. Brothers! Can’t live with them, can’t get rid of them. Honestly, she loved them a lot, but she was an adult. These decisions were hers to make. If she made mistakes she’d learn just as her brothers had. Ranger was no mistake and the sooner her three interfering brothers learned that, the better things would be for all of them.

  They all ate their fill and then they each went their own way. She had her go bag ready so she just had to grab it. When she got to engineering, she was the first but the others arrived soon after. In moments after they all arrived, they were flashed to the Night Dream. The ship was nice although a tad smaller than their own ship.

  This one was faster, it would get them there faster than any other ship in their fleet. That was part of the reason they were taking it. The other reason? Their own ship was protecting Oison and couldn’t leave without being noticed. This situation hadn’t changed, but the need to perform missions was getting stronger.

  For now they would take on two, they would rescue this Mazlan female then they would complete their current deal with Earth. The planet lay in tatters with the population spread between possibly as many as eight population centers. Those living outside the protective barriers of those centers had either died or mutated into something no longer human.

  It seemed primitive, trading females for resources, but only those willing to go were being taken. Razar had also agreed to take the families of the mates regardless of sex or health. With Mazlan medicine being so much further along than Earth’s, he would return many to their full health and ease the pain of those that were dying.

  It might seem at first glance that the Mazlans were ruthless in their attempts to get mates for all their people, but actually they were doing it with kindness. Razar tried to help his own people, but he was willing to help others as well. Their ship hold was full of medical supplies, food, and other necessities those of Earth had no other way to get. These items were worth far more than a bunch of willing brides, half of whom would need medical care for themselves and their families.

  Razar never got the credit he deserved. Part of his willingness to help humans might result from the fact that he and all his brothers were mated to humans. Still, it was something he didn’t have to do. She thought about where they were headed and hoped she would be part of the group that left the ship. Her brothers would stop her if they could. Teresa on the other hand would point out that the females on board were also soldiers.

  She could feel the ship taking off even though it wouldn’t seem to move to most people. That was a gift most Phoenix had. They’d been travelers for thousands of years, not settling down until they’d become hunted by those they’d tried to help. It was sad, but history was full of such stories. For now, she would find her man and they would settle in for the day. Teresa had sent them all a message and they would meet in the morning, rested and ready for duty.

  Ranger wasn’t hard to find. His room was next door as the roster clearly stated. When she knocked, he opened the door immediately looking sexy as hell. No surprise there. “Hello, Beautiful.” He said as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “You want a romp first or should we just explore the ship?” His eyes gleamed with sexual desire.

  “Let’s explore first. Then we’ll settle in until morning.” She suggested.

  “Okay. That shouldn’t take long.”

  The ship was smaller than they were used to, but it took a while to check out all the rooms and it was lunch time by the time they were through. “The cafeteria is through here.” She said as she led the way.

  This crew was mostly Phoenix and Mazlans with only one or two humans thrown in. Both she and Ranger seemed to draw and equal amount of attention. His was because he was human hers because few crewmembers were female. No one showed an access of interest so they moved on and went through the line. The food was good, but not exceptional.

  It wasn’t long before they were joined by a couple of curious crewmembers. “Hello, my name is Omwatus. This is Lighter. You look like a Phoenix and your companion
looks human.” He said.

  “You are right. My boyfriend is human and I am Maple, a Phoenix. Have you been onboard this ship long?”

  “Only three years. We have few humans and no females onboard.” Omwatus said. “You can call me Om, everyone else does. My friend goes by Li.”

  “Thank you. We have no nicknames.” She answered. They all began to eat.

  “We would like to welcome you both onboard.” Om said.

  “Thank you. It looks like a nice ship.”

  “It’s one of the fastest in the fleet. Still there are others with more firepower or larger.” Li threw in. “Do you have three brothers?”

  “I certainly do. They are all onboard for this trip.” She smiled sweetly.

  “I know Elm. I served with him for a while.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you.” Not that she really was. It was the polite answer. Looking up, she saw all three brothers making their way to them. “Well look over there.” Everyone in the cafeteria did. That told her they were all listening in.

  Her brothers and their mates were all headed to them. Once they arrived, they sat at the table next to them. “Making friends?” Oak asked.

  “Of course. This is Li and Om.” She answered.

  “I know Li. We served together. Nice to see you again and glad to meet you Om.” Elm said. His brothers and all the mates echoed the sentiment.

  After they got their food, they all began to talk about mundane matters. The mission was never up for discussion with those outside the group. All of them knew that regardless of how much those outsiders tried to pump them for information and these guys were trying for all they were worth.

  Finally everyone was through and ready to make their escape. It was a relief to get away from all the questions both subtle and not so subtle. These guys would know where they were going when they got there. The mission would be revealed when it was being carried out. There were reasons for the secrecy and lives depended on it and not just theirs.

  Now they had only half a day left, but that would go fast in her bedroom. Ranger grabbed her hand as they walked that way. Her brothers each had their mates as they followed along. Apparently their rooms were nearby. That might take some of the fun out of it. Even on their ship where walls were thick some noises made it through.

  At her room, they made it in the door with her brothers’ eyes on them. If they hadn’t known before, they all knew about them sharing a room for the night. “What now?” Ranger asked.

  “Now they will just have to accept our relationship.” She suggested.

  The look on his face told her he didn’t agree. Time would tell, but she thought her brothers would back off once she told them he was her one. Once they hit puberty, all any Phoenix looked for was their one. Their whole life was focused on their one to find happiness. Once they understood, she was sure they would let them be.

  “Come on Baby. Let’s have some fun.” He suggested. Clothes went everywhere. They stood facing each other bare with everything showing.

  She stared at his amazingly buff body. Her mouth watered and her body developed a strong need for him. “Gods, you look amazing.” She whispered.

  He stepped up to her pulling her into his arms. It felt amazing to be skin to skin with him. “I want you so much right now.” He admitted.

  “As I want you. Take me my love.” She offered.

  They were touching with an energy running through them that lit her on fire. Soon, they would join, but her mate needed to ask first. Wasn’t that the way things were everywhere? She was ready, but he held back. Ranger lifted her carrying her to the bed and laying her down. Moving on top of her, he stared into her eyes as his hips settled between hers.

  She felt his hard cock lying on her belly, saw the drop of his pre-cum glistening on the tip. Her mouth watered with the need to lick it off as he moved lowering it to her center. A gasp left her as he thrust inside. Her legs wrapped around him as she arched up toward him. Ranger continued to drive into her bringing her great pleasure.

  “Gods, I’m so close.” She whispered.

  “Come with me.” He demanded and he felt her channel squeeze him as her orgasm hit. His followed quickly.

  Once he was through, he rolled off her and lay on the bed wracked with heavy breathing. She also had trouble catching her breath and her heart beat like crazy. “By the gods, that was incredible.” She said later as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  Saving a Captive

  They were touching with an energy running through them that lit her on fire. Soon, they would join, but her mate needed to ask first. Wasn’t that the way things were everywhere? She was ready, but he held back. Ranger lifted her carrying her to the bed and laying her down. Moving on top of her, he stared into her eyes as his hips settled between hers.

  She felt his hard cock lying on her belly, saw the drop of his pre-cum glistening on the tip. Her mouth watered with the need to lick it off as he moved lowering it to her center. A gasp left her as he thrust inside. Her legs wrapped around him as she arched up toward him. Ranger continued to drive into her bringing her great pleasure.

  “Gods, I’m so close.” She whispered.

  “Come with me.” He demanded and he felt her channel squeeze him as her orgasm hit. His followed quickly.

  Once he was through, he rolled off her and lay on the bed wracked with heavy breathing. She also had trouble catching her breath and her heart beat like crazy. “By the gods, that was incredible.” She said later as she drifted off to sleep. He’d like to say she passed out from an abundance of passion. But he couldn’t since she’d fallen asleep a few moments after the release of passion. Maybe he’d achieve that perfection next time. If not, he could just keep trying. A smile threatened to break out as he watched his sweet Maple. He wanted to marry her, but he didn’t know what her kind did. Should he ask her? What if he scared her off?

  This was the female he wanted for the rest of his life. Children, a white picket fence, hell even a dog, the whole nine yards was what he wanted with her. Soon, he would just do it. He felt like time was running out and she would give up either way. Lack of confidence was what he suffered from. It only affected him where she was concerned.

  When he saw her he just melted. He had from the first time he’d seen her when she’d come aboard their ship. She’d not even noticed him at first. It had taken a while to get her attention, but once he had she’d taken a good long look at him. They’d been together ever since. Pulling her into his arms, he wrapped himself around her and joined her in sweet sleep. When they woke, it would be time to work.

  The alarm went off and he woke immediately. Maple moved restlessly not familiar with his alarm. “Come on, Sweetheart. We have to get ready.” He whispered.

  “You gonna fuck me?” Maple asked.

  “No, Baby. We don’t have the time. It’s a workday.”

  Maple moaned unhappily. “I don’t wanna go.”

  “We gotta.”

  She sat up suddenly than ran for the bathroom. He’d never seen her act like this in the morning before. When she came out, she was clean and dressed. Now he went in and got ready too. They were on their way to the meeting earlier than usual. That was alright because he was hungry and the food would be there and hopefully it was good.

  The room was empty except for the food and their leaders. Teresa and Flicker sat next to each other caught up in quiet conversation. Rather than disturb them, they grabbed their plates, loaded them, and then sat down a distance from them. He was sure those two had always known the extent of their relationship and they didn’t even spare them a glance. Others started to come in before they were even done eating. A few members of this ship’s crew had also been included. None of them were people he knew, but Maple greeted a few.

  It was a bit later that Teresa called the meeting to order. People continued to eat, but no further talking among themselves was allowed. “I’m glad to see you all made it. We will now discuss the upcoming miss
ion. Part one will take place in a week. Once that is concluded, we will discuss part two. Jessee, a Mazlan princess presumed dead has been spotted on space station D. Those who got the permission statement are probably confused. Originally, we thought the female to be Phoenix. Part of the message got mixed up. Her child was half Phoenix, but she is full blooded Mazlan. We will also search for additional children and any prisoners will be released.”

  “What kind of station is this?” Ranger asked.

  “It’s the usual kind, but it had a hidden area used for illegal genetic research. Expect anyone found in that area to be psychologically affected. You’ll need to treat them carefully.” Teresa explained.

  “Let’s go over the rules on these meetings since we’ve included others. I don’t know what rules apply to your usual meetings, but these are the rules of ours. Everything is top secret and can’t be discussed with anyone. The punishment for sharing this information will be harsh. I hope everyone understands. Now let’s get back to work. Stay and eat if you haven’t finished then go to your duties. My people go to the gym for training.” Flicker directed.

  Everyone began to disburse and their team headed to the gym. A good workout was just what they all needed. Doing it as a group would be something new since normally they were divided by skill. He liked the idea of training with his mate. They all headed into the dressing rooms designated according to sex to change.

  They all made it back out in just a few minutes with Teresa and Flicker in the front. “Everyone ready to begin?” Flicker asked.

  “Yeah!” They all shouted.

  First they did warm up stretches following what Flicker and Teresa did. She and all their ladies were flexible. Once they were warmed up, Flicker began to show them basic moves. These were moves most of them, if not all had already learned.


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