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Big Bad Cowboy: A Billionaire and a Virgin Romance

Page 6

by Tia Siren

  “I have three brothers,” she said, holding up three fingers. “Scotty is eighteen and the twins are four.”

  “And you’re raising them?”

  She eyed me for a moment, maybe wondering if that was going to be an issue with me. She said, “Yes. When my dad and stepmom died, I became their legal guardian.”

  “That must be hard,” I said. “Young woman, just starting outing out in life, suddenly burdened with three kids to raise.”

  “It’s not a burden,” she said defensively. “I love my brothers and would do anything in the world for them.” She took a sip of wine and watched me from over the top of the glass. “Tell me about your family.”

  I shrugged. “There’s not much to tell. My mom died when I was six. My old man died a few years ago.”

  “Do you have brothers and sisters?”

  “No,” I said quickly, and then I gave her a shrug. “Well, I’m told I have a younger half brother, but I’ve never met him, so…”

  “How old is he?”

  I picked up the beer bottle and started peeling the label with my thumbnail. This wasn’t a topic I wanted to pursue with her, at least not now. I had other things on my mind. Still, I knew I had to play along if I was going to spend the rest of the evening exploring her magnificent body with my tongue.

  I said, “He’s four or five, I think.”

  “You think?” She was frowning at me. “How can you not know how old your little brother is?”

  I bit my tongue and fought the urge to tell her to go fuck herself because it was none of her business. Instead I said, “I told you. I’ve never met him.”

  “Where does he live?”


  “With his mom?”

  I forced myself to breath normally. “No. She died a few months ago.”

  “Is he coming to live with you then? I mean, he is your brother and he’s only four. Surely you’re not going to let someone else raise him?”

  “Why are we even talking about this?” I asked, no longer able to keep the anger out of my voice. I slammed the beer bottle down onto the table. “We’re not here to talk about our fucking families, for Christ’s sake!”

  She set the wine glass on the table and sat eyeing me with her jaw set. “Then why are we here, Mr. Blackstone?”

  “I’m really not sure anymore,” I huffed, pushing myself up from the table and knocking over my chair in the process. For some reason, I didn’t want to have sex with her anymore. I didn’t even want to be around her. I just wanted to be left the fuck alone.

  “Come on,” I said, moving toward the door. “It’s getting dark. We need to get back.”


  I wasn’t sure why it set Conner off, but the talk of his little brother seemed to throw a switch in his head, and he went from smiling and happy to frowning and pissed off in the blink of an eye.

  He slammed his beer bottle onto the table and headed for the door. I took a deep breath and followed close behind.

  It had gotten dark out, but when I looked up at the night sky, I didn’t see stars. The sky was black as pitch. Low clouds rolled above us. Just off to the west the sky was suddenly ablaze with lightning, and a second later, a boom of thunder hit so loudly that our horses jerked away from the hitching post and hightailed it back toward the stables, as they had become programmed to do.

  “Goddamn you, old man!” Conner yelled as a hard rain began to fall. He held up his fists like he was cursing God himself. I stood on the covered porch, watching him for a moment. I didn’t know why, but something inside me ached for him. I knew at that moment that a lot of his bravado and alpha male bullshit was just the wall he’d built to protect his true feelings. As he stood there getting drenched in the pouring rain, my heart went out to him.

  Conner sank to his knees on the wet ground and covered his face with his hands. Without thinking, I ran across the yard and wrapped my arms around his head and let him sob into my breasts as the rain came down hard on us both.

  I put my hands on his cheeks and forced him to look up at me. As the rain drenched us, I lowered my lips to his and realized that this man needed me as much as I needed him.


  The feel of Miranda’s lips on mine seemed to wash away the anger I was feeling toward my father and a child I had never even met.

  The image of the photograph Wesley had shown me, the one of my old man holding the little boy and looking happier than he ever looked when holding me, melted from my mind.

  I somehow knew, as Miranda’s arms went around my neck, that everything was going to be all right.

  I got to my feet and scooped her up into my arms. Our kiss continued as I carried her into the cabin and kicked the door closed with my foot.

  We stood in the center of the room, peeling off each other’s wet clothes and dropping them onto the plank flooring. Once we were naked, I guided her to a cot that was set up in the back corner of the room.

  Rather than commanding her to do so, I gently laid her back on the cot and put my hands on her knees to spread her legs so I could see my prize.

  Her pussy was beautiful. The blond curls above her clit were trimmed short. The lips were pink and glistening with moisture as if they were dying to be kissed.

  It was all I could do not to hammer my cock into her. It was already as hard as a rock and ready to go, but I wasn’t ready to do that just yet.

  I was still the alpha male, the king stud to her queen bitch, but sometimes being the alpha meant knowing when to hammer it home and when to take your time and just enjoy the spoils of the conquest.

  I wanted to take this slowly.

  I wanted to make it last.

  I wanted to burn every touch and smell and taste of her into my memory for all time.

  And that was exactly what I did.


  I lay back with my eyes closed and my breath held. I had never been with a man before. Heck, no man had ever even seen me naked. That was why I was a little surprised that I had no inhibitions where Conner was concerned. I was willingly opening my legs to him, inviting him to do as he pleased, knowing he would be the one to take my virginity at last.

  I had no schoolgirl notions about being a virgin. I had not been saving myself for marriage, but I had been saving myself for the right man. And I knew that I would know who that man was when the time came. Now, as I felt Conner’s fingers and tongue teasing my pussy, there was no doubt in my mind that he was the man I’d been waiting for.

  I reached down and pulled back the hood of my clit so he could swirl his tongue around the nub. Shockwaves shuddered through my body. I felt myself gushing juices onto his face and into his mouth. I watched in utter fascination as Conner swept his tongue from my asshole, up my pussy lips, around my clit, and back again. I felt myself coming, the first orgasm I’d ever had that didn’t come from a dream or my own hand.

  Conner put his hands on my ass and lifted me up to his mouth. He buried his tongue deep inside me and pressed his lips to my pussy like a French kiss. His thumb toyed with my wet asshole and his tongue worked its magic on my pussy hole. It didn’t take long for me to come again. Conner moaned as he sucked the juices from me, as if he were savoring a wonderful meal.

  I reached for him, pulling him until he was straddling me with his balls resting on my breasts and his giant cock looming in front of my face. I reached around to clamp my hands on his ass and took the head of his cock into my mouth.

  I was about to make my dream come true.


  I almost blew my load the moment Miranda slid my cock into her beautiful mouth. She held on to my ass as she bobbed her head back and forth, taking nearly the whole ten inches down her throat. I reached behind me and found her drenched pussy with my fingertips. I rubbed her clit as she sucked my cock. She spread her legs wide and bucked her ass so my fingers could slip inside her.

  “Christ, you bea
utiful bitch,” I heard myself say. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. “I love your wet pussy. I love the way you suck my big hard cock. I want to fuck your pussy. I want to fuck your ass. I want to pound my cock into your beautiful pussy until you come like a motherfucking tidal wave.”

  She stopped sucking my cock. Fuck, what had I done? I opened my eyes and looked down to find her smiling up at me. She said, “Do you want to pop my cherry?”

  My mouth must had dropped open, because she grinned up at me and teased the tip of my cock with her tongue.

  “Your…cherry…” I said the words slowly, wondering if they meant what I thought they did.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said, her right hand around my cock, slowly sliding her fingers up and down the veiny shaft. “I want you to fuck my pussy so hard with your big cock that you pop my cherry and send me screaming over the moon. Will you do that for me, Conner? Pop my cherry with this big wonderful cock of yours?”

  I looked deeply into her beautiful eyes and said, “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” she said with tears in her eyes. She let go of my cock and rested her hands on my chest. “Please, Conner. I’ve been waiting for you for so long. Please, take me and make me your own.”


  Conner stared down at me with eyes not only filled with lust, but with true compassion and caring. He braced himself on his palms and moved from straddling me to positioning himself between my legs. I could feel the head of his stiff cock rubbing against my pussy, lubricating himself for the journey inside. He pressed the head of his cock to my pussy hole and paused for a moment.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  “I’m positive,” I said, wrapping my legs around his ass. “Just go slowly until I say otherwise.”

  He smiled and leaned down to give me a slow kiss. His tongue wet my lips for me and I felt the head of his cock slide into my pussy. My breath caught in my throat.

  He pressed his lips to mine and I felt him slide in a little more. The walls of my pussy stretched to accommodate this wonderful, new thing it had never felt before.

  Then both of us felt the tip of his cock press against the little wall of tissue protecting my cherry. He asked if I was ready. I held my breath and gave him a nod.

  “Yeeow!” I screamed as he impaled me fully onto his cock. My eyes filled with tears and I choked back a sob, but I took another deep breath and told him to keep going.

  Conner proceeded slowly. He pulled his cock almost all the way out and then slowly slid it back in. Quickly, the pain was replaced by the most amazing pleasure I could have imagined. With each thrust, little sparks shot through my body like the Fourth of freakin’ July. My nipples were hard as thimbles. Conner lowered his lips to my right nipple as he continued to slide his cock in and out of my sopping pussy.

  I put my hands on his cheeks and brought his ear to my lips. “I love your fucking cock,” I said, my breath gusting in his ear. “Tell me what you love, Conner. Talk to me, stud. Tell me what you’re going to do to my tight little pussy.”

  Conner’s eyes swept across mine for a moment, as if he was making sure he’d heard the words correctly. Then he kissed me again and said, “Do you love having my big cock in your tight little pussy?”

  “I do,” I sighed. “Fuck me with your big cock.”

  “I’ll fuck you with my big cock all I want,” Conner said, the pace quickening. “You’re my bitch and I’m your stud. I’ll do whatever I want to you with this big cock and you’ll love it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Fuck me, Conner, faster…harder…”

  “You love it when I fuck you fast, don’t you?” he said. He started pulling his cock almost all the way out of my pussy and then ramming it back in. Each time he did, the breath rushed from my lungs and I seemed to discover new nerve endings that spread shocks of ecstasy throughout my entire body.

  “You’re mine now, Miranda,” Conner said, the words coming out in gusts. “You’re my bitch and I’m your stud. I will fuck you and suck you and do whatever I want to you and you’ll fucking love it!”


  “God, your pussy is so tight…. God, I’m coming, Miranda. Come with me, baby. Come with me…”

  And with that, Conner slammed his cock into my pussy a few more times and then threw his head back and howled like a wolf. I wrapped my legs tighter around him and pulled him closer until his cock was fully in my pussy, filing me with his hot cum. I felt the heat radiating through my body as my juices mixed with his and overflowed from my cunt.

  He collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him as we both struggled to catch our breath.

  After a moment, he leaned up and kissed me. Looking deeply into my eyes, he asked, “Are you all right?”

  “What do you think?” I said, giving him a dreamy smile. “Are you all right?”

  Conner didn’t say anything. He just kissed my lips softly and then lowered his head to rest on my chest.

  As I lay there cradling his head against my breast, listening to him breath, I wondered if we were thinking the same thoughts.

  I closed my eyes and prayed that we were.


  Conner and I made love several more times before the sun came shining through the dusty cabin window. Some of our lovemaking was rough and tumble, lewd and loud, but some was also soft and slow.

  I could tell that I had a lot to learn, and hopefully Conner would be a patient teacher. I reminded myself that one night of lust did not always lead to a lifetime of love.

  We’d just have to see how things progressed once we were back home, if Conner was so inclined.

  Conner built a fire and we hung our clothes on the backs of chairs to dry. We sat on the porch wrapped in old blankets and talked as the sun rose in the sky.

  I did not bring up the topic of his little brother again, though I knew we’d have to talk about it if we were going to see each other again.

  There was nothing more precious to me than my brothers, and nothing was more important than family. If Conner believed otherwise, I didn’t see us having much of a chance of a future together.

  When the horses went back to the stables during the storm, the stable master had called Conner’s cell phone to make sure we were all right. Conner had told him to send a Jeep at 8 a.m., and it showed up precisely on schedule.

  When we got back to the lodge, Conner told me he had to leave immediately for urgent business in Dallas. I asked if I’d ever see him again and he just looked at me and smiled.

  “Just try to avoid me,” he said, brushing his hand against my cheek. “I’ll call you later in the week to see how you’re doing here.”

  As I watched him go up the path to the chateau to pack, I prayed that the effect I seemed to have on him wouldn’t wear off.

  He seemed calmer now.

  Not as cocky.

  His smile seemed genuine rather than forced.

  Still, I knew how guys were.

  They had the best of intentions when they were sliding in and out of your pussy, but afterward, well, I knew I’d just have to wait and see how things went.


  Wanda Jean was right. I made more money during the four weeks I worked at Big Sky Ranch than I’d made at Red Lobster in the previous six months.

  It didn’t hurt that Conner had given me a ten-thousand-dollar tip for the time we’d spent together. I was a little offended at first, feeling like I’d been paid to fuck him, but then I let it go.

  I had tuition to pay and three brothers to care for, and Conner had money to burn. If he wanted to give me an insane tip for the best night of my life, so be it.

  I had only talked to Conner three or four times since the night we spent together. He was traveling a lot, he said, taking care of business all over the world. I asked about his little brother the last time we spoke, but he just changed the subject an
d moved on.

  Honestly, I was wondering if I’d ever see Conner again. I mean, maybe I should have forced myself to accept the fact that it was just a one-night stand and I needed to move on.

  Conner Blackstone was one of the richest, most-eligible men in the whole state of Texas, if not the world.

  What the heck would he want with a dirt-poor girl from Fort Worth who had three younger brothers to raise and who scraped by waitressing at Red Lobster?

  And yes, I kept my job at Red Lobster. The manager was a friend who held my spot for me. The money I made at Big Sky would pay for the online courses required to finish my physical therapy degree and help keep food on the table until I could find a good job, but that was about it.

  Scotty was pissed that he hadn’t gotten his cell phone yet.

  That was okay. He’d get over it.

  I had to get over things all the time.

  I hoped Conner Blackstone wasn’t one of them.


  I was in the kitchen, dumping two cans of ravioli into a pot, when Scotty came bolting through the front door in such a state that I thought someone was chasing him.

  The twins were sitting at the table coloring, waiting for their healthy dinner from Chef Boyardee.

  Scotty skidded to a stop and stood hunched over, trying to catch his breath. I grabbed a butcher knife out of the drawer and held it at the ready. “Scotty, what the fuck?”

  “You’re not gonna believe who’s here,” he said, struggling to catch his breath. He fell into a kitchen chair and pointed toward the front door. “Go…for you…”

  I put the knife back in the drawer and turned off the burner. “Watch the twins,” I said, picking up a dish towel and wiping my hands. I heard a knock at the front door. Scotty was still panting and pointing.


  When I saw Miranda through the screen door, I exhaled the long breath I had been holding since getting out of the car. She was wearing cutoff jeans and a tank top and no shoes. Her hair was down and messy, as if she hadn’t bothered to brush it that day. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.


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