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Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta

Page 7

by Scarlett Starkleigh

  “Because we need to have a conversation.”

  “We can have a conversation after we fuck. We’ll have all sorts of time after I fuck you.” He wasn’t even out of breath. He was on a mission.

  “No. No fuh-fucking. We need to talk about not fucking.”

  “Why on Earth would we do that?” he demanded, still making tracks.

  “Because this is all happening out of my control and I hate it. I think I should be in control of when I get fucked. And by who.”

  “No need to fight for control. You’ve got me. It’s now my job to do that. I fought for it and now it’s mine. Fucking you is the last step in making you mine. You’ll never have to fight for a thing again in your life, baby; I’ll make sure you have everything you need.”

  “Uh…” I was at a loss for words. Holy wow. No one had ever made that sort of offer before. How weird. And then I found some words, “This is moving too fast, Daxx. And it sounds like you have a girlfriend.”

  “No, it isn’t. It’s completely necessary. Believe me. And she’s released. It’s all you now. It’ll only be you from now on.”

  “It is way too fast. I just met you. I know you guys are anxious to have, uh, sex, since you’ve been deprived for a while but uh…this is making my brains feel scrambled. And wait. Since you have a girlfriend, you probably aren’t even deprived like the others. And if you haven’t told her that it’s over, it isn’t over. You aren’t broken up if she doesn’t know it.”

  “You may have just met me but I’ve been watching you for a month. We all have. But not as much as I have. I want you. I know you want me, too. And the minute I have you, no one else can. And I haven’t been with her that way.”

  “You what?”

  “I haven’t bedded her.”

  “No one else can have me once you have?”

  “I need to have you immediately. Not to mention it has been four years and 5 months since I’ve had anyone and I might not last long but I’m very much looking forward to ending this drought.”

  “Uh…” There was a lot to cover here not the least of which was the fact that he had a girlfriend that he was willing to dump like she was yesterday’s donuts but hadn’t had sex in four and a half years. But I started with the one thing that was the most surprising, “You’ve been watching me for a month?”

  “I saw you fight. I saw your spirit. I saw your kindness to those other girls. I saw your body. I couldn’t wait to get it under me. I got a translator implant put in so I could understand you. Once I understood your words I was even more in your thrall. I wasn’t coming down here today, I didn’t even know when you’d arrive this week, didn’t allow myself to know, but then fate brought you to my feet and now I’ll spend my life at yours.”

  Before I could let that permeate, I saw what looked like a miniature version of the castle-like main building. It was more like it was out of a storybook surrounded by trees in about half a dozen pastel colors. It was lovely.

  I was a little bit flabbergasted at his words. A little bit out of my league. Understatement.

  He ran the rest of the way and then we got to the door. His foot came up and he kicked it and the force that came from his boot made it fall, hinges still attached.

  His chest was rising rapidly and I was tweaked. Seriously tweaked.

  Uh oh.

  “That probably wasn’t my best idea. They may try to rush the house,” he said, more to himself than me, I think.

  He walked us through an alcove and there was another door. He had the sense to stop and open that door properly. He closed it behind us and put a golden bar across it.

  “Um, listen, you need to put me down and we need to have a conversation.”

  “I felt it. I felt how much you wanted me, too, when you were in my arms. When your lips opened and you let me taste your mouth. You want this.”

  “No. N-no. Wait. Talk first. Talk.” I was quivering. My body was responding of its own accord, though, despite my protests.

  “They’ve given you all a very mild aphrodisiac, just enough to lower inhibitions and to trigger ovulation. I smell that you want this,” he said, his mouth moving over my earlobe.

  Oh wow. No. Still no.

  “Not okay. Not okay to s-say that.” I was breathing heavily.

  “But it’s true,” he said, putting his lips against my throat. My arms and neck broke out in goosebumps.

  “Especially if it’s true,” I breathed.

  His mouth twitched and then broke out into a beautiful smile. He moved further into a large foyer and I was too fucked up to even take in the surroundings as he ascended a staircase with me in his arms.

  I snapped out of the fog, “How dare they give us an aphrodisiac and what the fuck with triggering an egg drop? These fucking guys,” I complained. It wasn’t a surprise. It was what we were here for but I was outraged.

  “It was a very mild one. There are much stronger ones, believe me. It’s not creating any false sensations or urges. It’s only lowering your inhibitions. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to finally have you alone. And with all the ways I plan to explore your body…” he shook his head and bit down on his lower lip.

  I shook off the chills that was giving me.

  “Let’s get your pretty little pink stone to turn color, shall we?”

  The way he said that was so loaded with innuendos I felt my pussy clench.

  He opened one of three doors at the top of the stairs and led us into a large oblong room with furniture that looked very classic and luxurious. One wall consisted of a pale blond wooden armoire with drawers and doors, fancy gemstone fittings. One rounded very large wall was almost totally window, looking out into the colorful woods. The other area was cream stucco, and the corner of the room was an alcove that led to the biggest bed I’d ever seen. It was like the bed was in a cubby, a nook, in the turret of the house. It was a semi-circular shape that jutted out and it was filled with soft looking pillows in jewel tones that surrounded the perimeter. The white sheets looked like they were satin. To the side was a sitting area with two dark moss green wooden armchairs with ivory silky cushions and a small dining table.

  He carried me toward the bed and I panicked.

  “I need to freshen up. And then we need to talk.”

  “Freshen up?” he looked confused, “You seem very fresh.”

  “It’s a code phrase. It means I need the bathroom.”

  “Ah,” he set me down in front of the wall of armoire and opened one of many doors and this led into a very normal-looking, if luxurious, bathroom.

  He closed the door. And the air whooshed out of me. I tried to catch my breath.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect but other than the toilet being lower so that my knees would be slightly higher than my hips and the seat looking much more comfortable, it was very similar.

  The room had a round porthole-like window. I got close to it. The glass was gorgeous. It had texture and shimmered. I wasn’t sure how to open it at first but then spied a golden latch and fiddled with it and pushed the window open a bit. It was round and hinged on one end so I applied a bit of pressure, pushed outwards, and peered down. The window was big enough that I could probably get out but I was on the second story.

  But where would I go? Hide in the woods? The house was surrounded with them and since I saw walls on two sides of the property it was probable that there were walls that boxed it all in.

  Beside this house was a smaller building that might have been a garage. What if someone else found me? This guy was ready to ravish me. And as horny as he was making me, I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

  But then again, I had three days to get that antibody to avoid that flu bug that would kill me.

  Fucking Daxx in order to not die? Could I justify being a floozy if it’d save my life? It must be the aphrodisiac talking, looking for justification.

  I had tried a lot of guys on for size at age sixteen and seventeen in my crazy teen craze when I was mad at the world and especiall
y my Mom and Dad, but it’d been emotionless. None had done much for me as they didn’t know what to do at that age with me so it barely counted. After I finished high school, after my Mom died, I decided to be choosier and had only been with three guys since then. Two of them were pretty good lovers.

  But I’d been dry for more than six months because I’d been focused on trying to better myself rather than getting lost in another relationship. I could use a non-self-induced orgasm. And the way Daxx kissed and dirty talked? He was sounding qualified for the job of making it fun to make sure I didn’t die.

  I looked into a full-length mirror. My hair and make-up game were still strong. My lipstick was holding up, even after that kiss. I would definitely buy more of this. The ruby red shade kind of rocked, too.

  Wait. Was I wearing Earth makeup or was this Phallyx makeup? Did they even have makeup if they didn’t have many women? What would I do without my make-up? And my brows. I had to stay on top of my brow grooming game because they got like out of control caterpillars damn fast.

  Oh shit, I had so many questions. And apparently when they’d knocked me out for a few days I missed out on some information about the culture and lifestyle here. Like, did they have coffee? Did they have… gasp… pizza? Bacon? Coca Cola? Deodorant and tampons? Uh oh. My heart started to race.

  Tanya told me the gist of the sessions I’d missed, said it was very similar to Earth. There were books and movies and the world was connected to an internet, like home, and that they had entertainment and news stations. She said there were screens throughout households to access automation systems for the home. Most areas had highly automated homes that were practically self-cleaning with robotic devices to make life easier. Arts and culture and nightlife had gone to a dull hum since there were barely any women, but the planet had sports venues and teams and restaurants and people travelled to various regions. There was diverse culture depending on where you went, much like Earth, but apparently the entire planet’s population spoke one language. She said people worked and played and that there weren’t a lot of complicated laws, just a handful. She said that the planet had been very peaceful until women died off. She said that we’d have to be cautious while the re-population plan got started because while the vast majority of the men on Phallyx would respect that they had to wait their turn on a waiting list, there were rebel and rogue groups. We’d been told we should trust our new husbands to be protectors because our safety would be their priority. Protectiveness was supposedly an inherent Phallyxian trait.

  I wondered how Tanya and Lacey and Lauralee and even Tiffany were faring. Tanya had been hauled over that dimpled brute’s shoulder and I didn’t know how long Lacey would last under cover of the refreshment table before getting noticed.

  I lifted my dress, dropped my panties to my knees and sat on the fancy toilet and did my business in more of a squat than I was used to but it actually kind of made sense, based on some reading I’d been doing about how modern toilets promoted constipation. An advanced and better-looking species? Maybe so.

  As I looked around for toilet paper I realized there wasn’t any. Um… what?

  Great; just great.

  When I stopped peeing I sat a moment, trying to figure out what to do about the lack of tissue but then I heard a whoosh under me. Okay, sensor toilet. Not so odd. But then something soft was on my bottom. And my lady parts. Ummm…it felt like a big powder puff. I opened my legs and looked between them and there was no liquid in the bowl. This wasn’t a bidet. There was a damp powder puff crossed with a feather-duster looking thingy and it started spinning and cleaning me. I brought my knees back together and just sat there, wide-eyed while it finished up what it was doing. Then I heard a sound and then I was being dried off with a whoosh of air like a powerful Dyson hand dryer. My nether regions were clean and dry.

  I got to my feet and stared at it. It looked like a normal, yet fancy, toilet bowl again.

  Okay, then. Panties up, dress back down, and I approached a large fountain-like sink in the center of the bathroom and at first couldn’t figure out how to make it turn on but then realized there was a light underneath. I moved and my foot passed through the light and that cued it to turn the water on. It was the perfect temperature and silky soap was dispensed with the water and then it ran clear without my intervention.

  A plush towel hung from a towel ring. It was warm. Below it was a hand dryer and a small panel sat beside that towel ring and there were buttons with symbols. I was tempted to fiddle with them but there was a rap on the door.

  “Jetta?” Daxx called.

  I looked at the open window. I didn’t know that I could get out but suddenly I was panicked. Suddenly, I had the inexplicable urge to flee.

  I can’t fuck an alien I just met who battled three other guys to win the right to make a baby with me!

  Fuck, no. I needed to think.

  If I backed out of that window without my shoes and dangled myself slowly, it wouldn’t likely be that bad of a fall if I hung by my hands and then dropped with soft knees. I was only on the second storey. I quickly got out of the shoes and tossed them out the window.

  Did I have the upper body strength for this or would I fall and break my legs or my tail bone? And was it safer in here? Was it better to get my vaccination and get it over with now so that I could maybe think clearly without worrying about catching the alien death flu? What to do?

  The large bathroom had a sit-down vanity area with a small embroidered stool in jewel tones. I shoved it over to the window and stepped up, lifted one leg behind me out the window and paused. This was gonna be tricky. I wasn’t a real sporty girl.

  The door opened and Daxx stepped in.

  “Jetta!” he exclaimed and rushed to me as I straddled the window. He got my waist and gently pulled me back in and set me on my feet.

  His brows were knit together, looking aggravated.

  I felt even smaller without my high heels on. He towered over me. His arms were folded across his chest. He stared down at me and the look on his face? I felt like I was about to be scolded like an errant child.



  He’d gotten a digital alert of activity outside the house but upon examination of the perimeter of the house only saw Jetta’s shoes on camera, lying in the grass. He knew she was about to do something stupid.

  “Do you think you’ll be safer out there?” Daxx gestured out the opened window.

  Her face turned a pretty shade of pink as her cheeks rose with heat.

  “You want to endure another round of men fighting over you? Do you like that?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied and looked down at her dainty bare feet. Her nails were painted black. How odd. Yet cute. And she wore a tiny silver ring around the second toe on her left foot.

  “Come,” Daxx held his hand out.

  “I wanted to get away because you’re acting like a sex-crazed maniac and I’m just a little bit flipped. I wigged out.”

  Daxx smiled. He’d already decided to gain control over his emotions when she’d gone into the bathroom. He wanted to be calm and rational so that he could put her at ease. He also wanted to savor every moment of what was to come.

  “Let’s sit. I’ll pour us a drink. We’ll talk. And then I’ll fuck you.”

  “What?” she asked, “I think I should decide who fucks me.”

  She looked angry. And he found that cute, as well.

  “No need to be wigged out, whatever that means. I can guess,” he waved a hand, “Come. Sit.”

  She hesitated and then said “I don’t trust being alone with you, sorry. I think we should have a chaperone.”

  Laughter burst forth from him; he couldn’t hide it. She was more than he’d even hoped for.

  “A chaperone? You’re adorable, little beauty.”

  “Yes, a chaperone. One of my friends, maybe.” He could see her mind working. She was likely trying to get one of her friends here so that friend could get away from whoever was pursuing
her and then the two could put their heads together and try to finagle a way to gain control of the situation.

  “I’m fairly certain they’re all busy.” He couldn’t stop a smirk.

  “Or your dad, perhaps?” Her face got redder.

  “He has a lot to do today, with hosting this event, moderating at some of the challenges.”

  “Well, I…” She was reaching for words, looking for an excuse.

  He scooped her up into his arms, “Let’s go sit. Have a drink.”

  She looked at him disapprovingly, but didn’t struggle, so he set her on the bed.

  “Not the bed,” she jumped to her feet, “Is there a sitting room downstairs, maybe?”

  “Are you afraid of a piece of furniture, baby? I don’t need a bed in the room to fuck you and I can fuck you quite thoroughly in any room of this house.”

  She huffed.

  He ordered wine for them. He’d brought a few bottles from home.

  “Is that? Is that?” She was pointing at the nourishment station.

  He looked over his shoulder at her.

  “A food replicator?”

  “A food what?” he asked.

  “A food replicator? Like on Star Trek?” she asked.

  He had no clue what she was talking about.

  “What is that?” She pointed.

  “It’s a nourishment station. For food and beverages.”

  “And it replicates beverages and food from thin air? With technology?”

  “Not…it’s a machine. But it doesn’t replicate anything. It can’t create from… thin air?”

  She approached it, “Explain, please?”

  “There are stations throughout the house. The kitchen prepares the food or beverage based on provisions stocked in the house and prepares, then delivers the requested item to one of the stations. There’s an inventory of items to eat or drink. You see what’s available and it will prepare and deliver the food or beverage.”

  “So, like a conveyor belt system?” she asked.

  “Similar,” he replied.

  “Not Beam Me Up Scotty teleporting or anything like that?”

  He had no idea what that meant. His face must’ve expressed that.


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