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Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta

Page 24

by Scarlett Starkleigh

  He could watch her in that kitchen all day long. He couldn’t wait to watch her teach his kids to cook. He wanted to fill the house with kids.

  He wanted to take her into his arms and fuck her on that kitchen countertop and put a baby in her.

  She set the countertop up with plates and cutlery and ordered four lit and unscented candles from the bathroom supply and put them out on the counter between their wine glasses. He was about to tell her there were other larger candles for dining but left her to do her thing. Evidently, she’d come across the bathroom candles and so felt familiar enough to do that. The sky was getting dark but she turned the lights off and the sight of her illuminated by the glow from those candles made Daxx’s mouth water and emotion bloom in his chest.


  “That was sensational, little beauty,” he told her as he finished.

  “Carb coma,” she moaned and rubbed her tummy, “Oh shit. I should have made dessert.” Her knee brushed his as she got down from the stool beside his stool.

  He smiled, “We can have the machine make it.”

  “I wanted to do all of it for you,” she pouted.

  His heart warmed at her wanting to do something specifically for him.

  “Do you have room for dessert?” she asked.

  “No,” he put his hand to his own belly.

  “Maybe later,” she shrugged. And then she blushed at the innuendo.

  He eyed her from head to toes while she cleared their plates.

  “As much fun as it was to use your kitchen, I am so glad that this kitchen is self-cleaning,” she said as she put the dishes onto the nourishment station.

  “Let’s walk off this potential carb coma,” Jetta suggested.

  “Sounds good.”

  Daxx blew out the candles.

  Banshee dropped a stick at Jetta’s feet. She’d played that game with him earlier outside where he would bring her a stick and she would throw it and he’d bring it back. The dog had driven him half crazy earlier that day with that game.

  “No fetch in the house, Banshee,” Jetta admonished and carried the stick outside and placed it on the ground as he put Banshee on a leash. He took her hand as they took a walk down the road, past Strom’s house, down to a clearing that led down to a beach at a mild incline but it was still a walkable angle.

  “It’s a nice night,” Jetta said.

  Daxx took Banshee’s leash off and he started tearing around, burning off energy. It didn’t take long for Banshee to find a large stick and drop it at their feet. Jetta bent and grabbed it and tossed it away. The dog chased after it.

  “It’s a perfect night,” he faced her and looked into her eyes.

  She smiled up at him.

  He caressed her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Dinner was delicious.”

  “Thanks. The company was good, too,” she told him.

  He wanted to kiss her.

  She looked at him like she wanted to be kissed.

  Backing off had probably brought her closer and he didn’t want to fuck it up.

  He wanted her to make a move.

  She, clearly, wanted him to make a move.

  “Let’s head back,” he suggested.


  Daxx was closing the house down for the night, locking all the patio doors, (the security systems were automated but he always felt better double-checking) checking on a few business things in his office. He’d told Jetta he’d be in soon so that they could watch her third movie choice together and he promised that he’d have popcorn for her in a few more days, told her that a delivery was expected by boat. A friend who was traveling was making a stop to pick up a few cases of wine and had agreed to pick some up on the way. Daxx didn’t know when he’d arrive but hoped it would be soon.

  He joined her in the bedroom when she’d expressed it was her preferential spot for watching the movie.

  She looked perplexed.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “I love the movie The Color Purple but it’s a very very emotional movie for me and I’m not sure I want that kind of emotion tonight. Can I switch that to a fourth choice and The Wizard of Oz to the fifth?”

  “Of course, you can. What movie are we watching tonight, then?”

  “The Notebook. It’s also emotional. But in a different way.”

  “The Notebook? Okay.”

  “Unless you hate the idea. It’s a chick flick. A girl movie. I don’t know how you’ll feel about it but I really want you to see it. It’s an amazing love story. A lot of guys tease one another when their girl makes them watch it and---”

  “Put it on.” He got comfortable on the bed, liking that she’d referred to herself as his girl. Daxx liked that a lot.



  He watched the whole movie and once again didn’t even tease me when I got all teary. He didn’t roll his eyes or complain about it. He didn’t sit and scroll on his phone (although I guess Phallyx didn’t have Facebook or Twitter or Instagram). He seemed legitimately interested in watching it because I loved it and that was enough of a reason for him to give it a chance.

  And it was him passing a test that I guess I’d known I was giving him.

  I’d tried to have other guys watch this movie. One pretended to love it and then the next day I overheard him tell his buddy he watched it for the blowjob he knew he’d get afterwards. Another one who watched it didn’t even give it a chance. He scrolled his phone the whole time. My last serious boyfriend refused to watch it outright. Okay fine, if you don’t like chick flicks I get it, but if I tell you it’s important to me that you watch it and give me your honest opinion, I expect some effort at least. I can’t even count how many times I’d watched some guy flick or a sports event that I had no interest in because it made my guy (at the time) happy.

  Daxx was genuinely interested in learning about my world, where I came from. And that included the things that I liked. He’d downloaded 400,000 books for me as well as all the movies and tv shows he could get. He was getting popcorn delivered by boat tomorrow.

  He gave me a polar bear dog.

  He was giving me space. He was researching Earth so he’d understand me and where I came from.

  And I didn’t want that space any longer. I wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck his brains out. I wanted to be in a relationship with him. I knew it had only been a few days and I still didn’t know how it’d all work but I was ready to go for it.

  But he hadn’t even kissed me tonight. He had kissed me on the car ride here but he had kept a physical distance, for the most part, since then.

  “What did you think?” I asked when the movie was over.

  He said “Herbs grown here at Fjord’s Edge can reverse dementia.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Earth wants them. And other herbs that can reverse disease. We have very powerful plants growing right here.”

  And I felt something lift in my heart because there was definitely some good that could come from the Earth Phallyx association.

  “My grandfather has Alzheimer’s. Early stage but he has it.”

  “Plants grown right here would help him.”

  I was astounded.

  Daxx gave me a smile.

  “So, you wanted me to watch this movie specifically. Interesting.”

  “Interesting? Did you like it?”

  “It was nice. I’ve got something to check just quick in my office and then I’ll be back.” He left the room.

  I sat for a minute and then decided that I had to kick things up a notch.

  I went to the bathroom to get changed for bed and saw all that lingerie on the screen. There was a beautiful long red nightgown with loads of cleavage. Everything was sheer except the boobs which had a heavy lace design. It looked gorgeous. I had it sent with a pair of exquisite-looking French cut red lace panties.

  When these garments arrived, I knew they were perfect. If he didn’t melt for thes
e, I had blown it and would know I’d been downgraded from the wife zone to the friend I previously fucked to break my dry spell zone.

  I put them on and the gown only closed with a tiny gold toggle clasp between the boobs. It was completely open the rest of the way down and showed off my belly and my Bermuda triangle as well as making my boobs look fantastic, if I did say so myself.

  It was flowy and silky, and felt very sexy. I pushed my hair behind my ears and brushed my teeth and then re-applied some lip stain. The opposite end of the stain applicator had a clear gloss that I then applied, which seemed to seal it in. The stain shade was awesome red and didn’t transfer onto my fingertips when I tested it so I wouldn’t have to worry about it getting all over Dax. It was exactly the same red as my nightgown and my earring.

  And then I took a big breath and stepped out of the bathroom.

  The lights were off. They were off and he was under the blankets.

  Already sleeping?

  Shit, shit, fuck. Why me?

  I deflated. I deflated and got into the bed at the other side and felt my chin begin to tremble.

  I had to hold it together. I had to hold it together somehow.

  Shit. ShitbuggerDAMN.

  Okay. No big deal. Tomorrow was another day. Right?

  Shit. I should go change into something else so that I won’t be embarrassed in the morning that I dressed like this for nothing?

  No. Wait. I dressed like this for a reason. I wanted to be with him, to show him that I wanted to be with him after a great ‘date’ together. Maybe he didn’t know it was a date but it was a perfect date. Dinner and talking and walking and he passed the The Notebook test and then he missed his opportunity to get laid. It was going to be more than getting laid. It felt like it was going to be the start of us for me.


  Let him see this nightie in the morning. Let him see what he missed and give him the cold shoulder! More silent treatment. For real this time. I’d get up in the morning and he’d see what I was wearing. Maybe then he’d make a move. And I’d turn him down. Or he wouldn’t make a move at all and I’d know I was in the friend zone.

  God, I’m so stupid. I should’ve just kissed him at the beach on our walk.

  I should’ve kissed him when he wrapped me in the beach towel. I should’ve kissed him the thousand other times I’d thought about it that day.

  I saw the orange circle flashing on a panel by the window. Did that mean a storm was close? It did. He’d said last night that there would be storms for the upcoming few nights.

  I got comfortable. Or, I tried, at least. The bed was huge, bigger than a California king, and it made him seem a million miles away. I felt so alone. So sad.

  “How many points did I earn?” Daxx interrupted my misery, his voice barely above a whisper.


  “The dating game? Did I earn many points?”

  I felt a smile spread across my face and my heart lifted. He was trying to do things my way. God. All the points to Daxx. All of them.

  “You earned points,” I said into the dark.

  “I did? He turned onto his side and faced me.


  “How many?” he finally asked after what felt like an eternity.


  “How many, Jetta?”

  “All of them.”


  “But you lost them all, Daxx.”

  I felt his body jerk tight.

  “You had all the points and then you lost them.” I let out a big sigh for effect.

  “How did I lose them?” Daxx sounded a little bit pissed off.

  “You had them up until about ten minutes ago, actually.”

  “What did I do in the past ten minutes when I was just lying here doing nothing. Well, not nothing. I was doing something, believe me.”

  “What were you doing?” I asked.

  “I was working hard to control myself.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it.

  “You think it’s funny?” His voice was laced with warning.

  “It’s hilarious,” I confirmed.

  “And why is that?” It was dark but his body language and tone were such that I could tell that he was pissed right off.

  “Because I was about to reward you for your point accumulation and figured you were asleep so of course I couldn’t. And those points had an expiry date.”

  I heard him hit something and then the room was flooded with light.

  I pulled the covers up to my neck.

  “Oh?” His expression was making my body tingle. His eyes were half way between mad and intrigued. But they were heated. God, he was hot. All pissed and muscles flexing as he partly leaned over me, bare chested, his hair in his eyes.

  I tried to keep a straight face. I was failing.

  “Yes. And that prize was probably non-transferable. Probably. I might have to check the dating game rulebook.”

  “I want my prize,” he told me, eyes glittering. His lips were fighting a smile but he was also serious at the same time. My heart started to race.

  “I earned those points and I demand my prize.”

  “Are you ready to collect it?”

  “Tell me how and I’ll do it.”

  “You need to just take it, Daxx.”

  His eyebrows shot up.

  “Take it?”

  “Yes. It’s already yours, Daxx. You earned it. Take it.”

  “Where is it?” The look on his face? So heated. Wow.

  “Maybe it’s under these blankets. Why don’t you have a look?”

  His eyes swept over me. He reached over and yanked the big thick white blanket away.

  I cocked a leg as my red lace and sheer-clad body was revealed and threw my arms over my head and held onto the headboard.

  Daxx was in just a pair of grey boxer briefs. These were shorter than the others he’d worn. He looked like an underwear model in them. Delicious.

  He feasted on my body with his eyes. He raked his hand through his hair.

  “Well?” I asked, breathless. Suddenly, I felt like I’d run uphill for miles.

  “Well,” he replied softly.

  “Have you changed your mind? Want to trade me in for someone else?” I laughed but the fact that he hadn’t made a move was making me feel like a bit of a loser. No, a big loser.


  “What are you waiting for? Are you disappointed in the prize?” I started to wither. I suddenly wanted to cover up.

  “I’m waiting for you.”

  “Me?” I asked.

  “You need to make this move, precious gorgeous wife.”

  I stared at him. He said nothing.

  “Um, isn’t wearing this to bed making that move?” I asked.

  “What move are you making?” he asked.

  “Uh, what do you think?” I asked, my voice kind of going high-pitched.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

  I frowned, “Ready?”

  “Because I need you to be sure. If you aren’t ready, I can give you more time. As much as it’s killing me to do it, I’ll do it. Believe me, it’s not easy but this is how important it is to me that we move forward without you feeling like I’m continuing to take your choices away.”

  My heart. Oh Daxx.

  He kept going.

  “If you’re ready and you make this move, it’s nothing held back. I’ll claim you 100% and you’d better be ready because there won’t be any backpedaling. I’m giving you more time right here and right now if you want it. If you don’t, you’re telling me you’re ready to be my wife 100%. Think about this before you make your move because if you change your mind after that, it will be your fuck up and it won’t go well for either of us. I’m not promising I’m not dominant and I’m not promising I won’t make decisions for us based on what I feel is best. I know what’s best for us, knowing everything about where we are and what the threats around us are. I also promise to make every effort to
make you happy, to be the kind of husband that makes you never want to escape to a space ship to go back home. My goal is for you to feel like your home is with me. I’m stepping out to give you time to think about this but when I get back, give me your answer. Or turn out the light and cover yourself and we’ll continue playing your dating game until you’re ready to give me the prize for keeps.”

  Holy shit.

  He left.

  As he did, I saw that he had a very very prominent erection.

  I went into the bathroom and shut the door. My whole body was trembling.


  I leaned over the sink, staring at myself in the mirror. I blew out breath after breath thinking about how intense that was and how much it moved me. Full speed ahead or slow and steady? What do I do? I thought over all of it and let it all wash through me. It washed through like clear warm sparkling water.

  I needed to leap into that man’s arms and experience everything. I wanted it all. All his sweetness, sexiness and all the swoony emotions he gave me.

  I turned around and strolled back into the bedroom.

  As I did, I heard a big crashing sound and saw through the big window as blue and green streaks crackled from red clouds in the sky and orange pellets the size of pistachio nuts started to pound against the window.

  Banshee yelped. I went to his little doggie bed by the window and leaned over and petted him, “It’s okay. It’s no big deal, okay? You’re safe.”

  He put his head down and yawned and then closed his eyes, as if taking my word for it.

  I wondered if he’d jump in the bed again but he seemed completely fine. I turned around.

  Daxx was in the doorway, looking at me, and it looked like he was trying to read me.

  “The storm kind of interrupted the moment of truth,” I said.

  “I can see that,” he answered. The crackling sound happened again.

  “Um,” I made a face and then blew out a big breath, “Okay. Here’s the thing…”

  His expression dropped and he looked so disappointed that it pulled at my heart, my guts, my very soul.

  “There’s no thing. I’m fucking with you. I’m ready. This feels crazy fast and just plain crazy crazy but I’m trusting you with my heart here so yeah…it’s yours.”


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