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Song of Smoke: A Dragon Shifter Romance (The King's Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Jillian James

  “We have all suffered. He deserves it no more and no less than anyone else. But I do think he ought to know the agony of losing a female before he chastises those who have lived with it for decades and are ready for action.”

  My heart cracked and realization of the kind of loss that Moris has suffered dawned on me. His expression was heavy with anger and sadness and heartbreak, and I lost some of my own steel towards him.

  “Your mate?” I asked gently.

  His face stayed wooden and he didn’t soften his stance in the slightest.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know how I would cope with the kind of loss that you’ve suffered.”

  He weighed my words silently for a moment before nodding gravely.

  “And now you never will.” Moris slid a piece of paper and ink my way. “Write the note, Hector’s man will deliver it as soon as he’s up in the morning. I’ll hold him off as long as possible after that, but you’ll still only have a day’s head start at best.”

  “What will he do to you for your part in all this?” I asked.

  “You let me worry about that. Just do what you need to do on your end.”

  I nodded and met his blue-eyed gaze before writing out my note to Dederic.

  When I reach the end of the sand and begin hiking over firmer earth and grass, I hear his wings pick up the breeze and sail quietly away, back out over the water. I sigh deeply as my last tether to safety and Ruarden and Dederic finally leaves.

  I am alone with nothing, not even a weapon for security, as I march on through the pink and purple glow of sunrise.

  Thirty minutes or so into my hike, the forest has sprung up around me and I struggle to know if I’m moving in the right direction. I push forward, climbing through thickets, wading across small streams, and keeping my ears attuned for any unusual sounds.

  Unease starts to churn in my stomach, and I become aware of the feeling that I am not alone. I stop and turn in a slow circle, looking and listening for anything out of place. Everything is still and calm, but I cannot shake the sense of dread.

  I take a few more steps when I hear the loud snap of a branch close by. I freeze and turn my head slowly to the left. My magic starts simmering in my blood as a man steps out from behind a tree near me. I scan him from head to toe but I cannot determine which army he’s with.

  I suddenly become aware of another set of footsteps behind me, but before I can move, something huge and hard slams into my back and pins me to the ground. I flail and fight, tearing at what I can reach with my nails and teeth and kicking with my legs, but the air was knocked out of my chest and I struggle to focus my attack. The man from the trees comes to help the other assailant hold me face down in the dirt, and I cry out at the sharp pain of a heavy knee in my spine.

  A pair of muddy, black boots come into my line of sight and someone crouches down beside me. I pull my gaze up to find Alderon’s scarred face peering down at me. Fear and revulsion roll through my body. He uses the back of his hand and brushes blonde hair off my face, tilting his head slightly as though studying an injured animal.

  “Hello, traitor,” he says.

  I close my eyes and swallow hard.

  “Let me up,” I command.

  A small smile lifts his misshapen mouth, and a shiver runs down my spine.

  “You are looking well, bride. A little banged-up at present, though I suppose you were not expecting to encounter me quite so soon, considering the camp is still a few miles east.”

  The pressure is removed from my back and legs and Alderon yanks on my arm to pull me upright. I stumble but quickly regain my balance and suck in huge lungfuls of air.

  I stay silent and watch as his black and white mount trots calmly over. One of the men moves to hold my arms behind my back while the other walks a short way away to untie the other horses from a hidden spot in the brush.

  “Out of curiosity, what exactly was your plan once you made it to the camp?” Alderon asks and pulls a heavy metal chain from the saddle bag on his horse. There is amusement in his heavy voice as he approaches me with the shackles. My throat goes dry and I try for truth.

  “I wanted to return to Illburn,” I say.

  He grins widely, flashing dirty yellow teeth.

  “Ah. Well, lucky for you that’s exactly where we’re headed.” He locks my wrists behind me and hoists me roughly up onto the saddle. I struggle to keep my balance.

  Alderon mounts behind me and wraps one arm tightly across my front before urging his horse into a run. The other two men follow closely behind.

  We ride at breakneck speed for a long while, too long for us to be headed towards the camp. My heart starts to pound and my pulse races as confusion and panic set in. I turn my face back and yell into the wind.

  “The others?” I shout loud enough for him to hear over the horse’s heavy hoof beats. I feel the laughter rumble through his chest, but he doesn’t answer otherwise.

  “Are we not going to the camp? They can’t stay there…” I try again.

  Because, while I am eager to get back to Illburn before Dederic realizes what has happened, it seems foolish not to tell the rest of your party that the task is accomplished and to retreat.

  I jolt back as a sinking feeling hits my gut. He notices my surprise and laughs again.

  “Correct,” he says.

  I feel sick. My stomach sours and I break out into a cold sweat at the realization of what he’s done. He has left them there on purpose ̶ sitting on their commander’s orders as bait for Dederic’s wrath. I knew Dederic would find out what I had done, but I assumed that by the time he came for me that we would be long gone from that camp and back at Illburn, hidden and secure.

  I did not anticipate that Alderon would have set up his own distraction to buy time, leaving his men stationary and vulnerable.

  “They will be killed!” I shriek and jerk wildly in his grip.

  He tightens his hold and leans his mouth close to my ear.

  “Your. Fault.” That rough voice delivers the punch that leaves me breathless - my worst fears realized. I exhale on a sob as I mourn the losses that will be felt because of my choice to return here. All I wanted was to heal the wounds that have been festering for so long ̶ instead I’m fairly certain that all I’m doing is creating new, raw ones.

  We ride for hours, until my legs and back are achingly numb, stopping only briefly to relieve the horses and ourselves. Neither of the other soldiers speak to me or each other. Alderon ignores every single attempt to engage about anything, so I channel all my energy into simply surviving the ride back to Illburn.

  The sun is already setting low over the horizon when I begin to become familiar with my surroundings. The darkness overwhelms the landscape before I can get my bearings well about me, but even at night, the feel and the smell of the forest around us is familiar. That instinctive awareness of being home tickles the edges of my consciousness, and I wait to see the silhouette of the mountain in front of the bright night sky.

  A while later we crest another hill and clearing, and I see it. Illburn stands before me, foreboding and sad in the way it pierces the sky while burying the life bustling around inside of it. Alderon steers us to the stable and dismounts quickly before hauling me off as well. My legs are numb and useless and collapse under me the instant my feet hit the ground. My head cracks on the dusty earth and Alderon squats down next to me.

  “Get up, you filthy wench. Or I will drag you by the hair all the way through the tunnels and down into The Pit,” he growls and stands as the other two men skid to a stop near us.

  I struggle to rise up on my knees and then to standing, but I do it and stay still, waiting for the next move.

  “Cool him out for me. We’ll meet you inside.” Alderon tosses the horse’s reins to the taller of the two men who nods. “Have the guards on post seal the entrance once you’re in.”

  He grips my arm behind my back and pulls me towards the hidden mouth of the cave. Darkness swallows us whole before flickering
firelight becomes visible and we pass inside the iron gate.

  Three soldiers jump in surprise when we walk inside, and I try and fight a tiny smile at the idea that my own escape would be the reason Raimund has tripled the watch out here. I recognize one of the younger guards and meet his eyes briefly before Alderon shoves me down the hall. The smell of sweat and cold and damp tighten around my lungs like a familiar bitter poison. We wind around through the great hall where many citizens sit, relaxing at the tables in the firelight. A few gasp and point as I am hauled through, and the sound of the commotion trails behind us.

  We finally pass my father’s study, and I realize we are headed to the prison. My heartbeat kicks up and a cold, clammy sweat breaks out over my body. All my hopes for salvaging my purpose here are quickly shattered. I begin to resist, but Alderon wraps a scarred, stinking arm around my shoulders and hauls me roughly down the pitch-black hallway. I screech and flail, but he throws me into a stone cell where I land hard on my knees, arms still chained behind me.

  “Release me! Where is Raimund? I want to see him,” I growl.

  Alderon laughs gleefully and quickly locks my iron leash to an anchor in the stone floor. He slides out into the hallway and closes the cell door behind him. Even as my eyes adjust to the darkness, it’s difficult to see anything.

  I realize then that not a single torch is lit tonight.

  “I’m shocked to find you still so snappy,” Alderon says with a huge, ugly smile on his bearded face. “Those Dragon fucks put up with your mouth? I suppose you put it to good use whoring for their lizard dicks.” He tsks and laughs again.

  “You’re disgusting.” I spit and he shrugs.

  “I’m not disappointed. Once we’re done here, perhaps I’ll cut out your teeth one by one just to make sure when I use that mouth there’s no chance of that snap landing where it shouldn’t.”

  “That’s enough, my lord. She’s not yours yet,” a musical voice says.

  Celestra appears in front of my cell, her black hair and dress making her blend into the darkness almost completely.

  “Hello, darling,” Celestra chimes and for the briefest moment I feel a surge of hope. Surely she will be a voice in my corner; however small. She waves a hand at Alderon to shoo him away and he strokes a hand through his thick beard before smiling at me again.

  “Apparently my work tonight is done. I look forward to our next meeting, Seda,” he says and sinks back into the shadows before moving away down the hall. Celestra’s gaze lands back on me and I am taken aback at the cold look in her dark eyes.

  “I suppose a ‘welcome back’ is in order,” she murmurs but I don’t respond.

  “You know, I was so upset to learn that you had, indeed, been hiding a magical gift from me. I suspected for years and offered time and time again to help you - but you chose to lie and conceal your talent. Once we knew that you had left with the Dragon, it was very apparent what had happened. And really, it was quite impressive - melting iron that thick. So, I’m sure you can understand why we have taken precautions tonight, not allowing any fire for you to draw from,” she says and opens the cell door to approach me. I clench my teeth and try and rein in my seething anger.

  “So you are back from the Dragon lair, come to expose us all as evil villains I suppose?” she asks mockingly.

  “You can’t possibly see yourself as anything else,” I whisper.

  “Dragons have been pushing us out for centuries. Collecting masses of humans to toil away in their castles and bear their children while the rest of humanity was tossed aside to live in small cramped hovels. The High King was the one to finally change our fate. We stopped being pliant doormats. Stopped bowing and scraping and learned to fight back intelligently.”

  “And burying ourselves in caves and cities below ground is better? Fearing for our lives and locking ourselves away for weeks at a time when it was absolutely unnecessary?” I spit.

  “We have been biding our time and slowly but efficiently, taking them out one by one where it hurts most.”

  “So it was you? Setting that trap to lure their females away from their home?” Celestra smiles and shrugs a bony shoulder.

  “Yes. And now I have you to thank for the ability to finally release myself from the horrid burden I have been carrying for all these years. It’s quite liberating.”

  An oily, heavy weight seeps into my mind and settles there like a stone. I shake my head to clear it, but it sinks in deeper to the corners of my consciousness and locks itself in place. My arms won’t move. My legs are frozen still. I flick my eyes up to Celestra who is watching me with amusement.

  “For the past ten years, I have been nearly crippled by the energy it has taken to shield our cities and maintain the magic needed to confuse and lure their females onto our lands. I have poured every ounce of myself into this task - where I could have been making small moves for personal gain, I have elected instead to aim high and do what needs to be done to ensure our power and survival moving forward.”

  The weight lifts and I jolt backwards as Celestra releases me from her magic. She smiles but all I can focus on is the news that she has removed magic from that place and dissolved the trap ̶ at least for now.

  “You’re insane.” I spit.

  “And you are a fool. Those females are the key to the one thing we need to secure our safety, our survival,” she hisses.

  “Our survival depends on theirs. Wiping them out will only send us spinning faster into famine, drought, disease and the Mother knows what else.”

  “I have no intention of exterminating the Dragon race,” she says calmly.

  “Well that’s what’s happening. You are murdering those women for no reason! You are putting our own people in danger ̶ getting them killed - for nothing. They have no desire to conquer or control us.”

  “Is that what they told you?” She tsks.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Well. Regardless of what they want, I mean to ensure that we are never again in a position of such vulnerability. You see, it’s not really about killing them at all. All these years, we have been capturing Dragon females to study and understand their magic. I have no use for weak women ̶ but the ability to connect to and control their males… that is the real prize,” she says, and horror sends my stomach sinking.

  Celestra slides a thin hand towards me and I shudder when her cold skin touches mine. She slips her fingers gently beneath the collar of my shirt and pulls it aside so that the newly formed marks on my skin are visible.

  “Each and every person we have lost has been a necessary sacrifice in discovering how best to wield control and power over the Dragon warriors. For if someone is to conquer this land and others, they will need the most powerful army in the world. We will not be their pawns any longer. We will wield the whip. I have tasted their blood. I have cast spells to learn their secrets. I have dug out their bones and held their beating hearts in my hands. And now, my darling Seda, I will take their army. And you will help me.”

  “Go to hell,” I seethe and that weight filters through my mind again and leaves me frozen while Celestra cups my cheek.

  “You will help me. You will be the bait to get those savages right where I want them. The timing of your return is rather poor, to be honest; I would have liked to have more time to ensure my grasp on the magic. But it’s the only chance we have and so I will do what needs to be done.” She loosens her mental hold and I gasp and jerk away.

  “Whatever value you think I have, you are sorely mistaken,” I say on a shaky breath.

  Celestra’s laugh is light and glittery and she tugs at the end of my ragged hair.

  “Don’t play coy. I know what those markings are. You managed to secure a Dragon’s bond magic. And when he comes looking for his captured treasure, I intend to meet him with open arms and transfer that bond to me.” She smiles widely.

  “No one is coming,” I whisper and pray desperately to the Mother that my words are true.

  Celestra t
sks and shakes her head.

  “They always come. Every single time. The difference is that before they could not find us. This time we will meet them in the open, dangling their pet on a string. It will be marvelous.”

  “What makes you think they won’t kill you on the spot for harming me?” I ask.

  “Because Alderon and the rest of our troops will be there to slit your throat if he so much as breathes wrong before the transfer is complete. Now. Enough questions. Let’s get you cleaned up and presentable for tomorrow.”

  Her magic squeezes my mind and my mouth clamps shut while my limbs go pliable and relaxed. Celestra cuts the clothes from my body and takes my boots, dressing me in a thin, white nightgown and brushing out my hair.

  “Perfect. You almost look like a lady again,” she says and walks out of the cell.

  “Where is my father? Does he know about your scheme?” I ask, and Celestra smiles coolly as she locks the door behind her.

  “He’s dead. I had Alderon kill him and help me hunt you down in exchange for control of Illburn and your life after the deal is done. Much the same way that I killed your mother in exchange for a seat at the table in this disgusting pit you call home.”

  She blows a kiss and releases my mind again, moving away down the hall. My vision swims and my knees turn to mush as I sink down to the cold floor.

  “Sweet dreams, darling. I hope it was all worth it.”

  A few hours later, I am roused from uncomfortable sleep by a soft whisper near the door of my cell. I open my eyes and strain to make out the sight of a young, brown-haired beauty who is sliding me a cup of water through the bars of my cell.

  “Rosamel? You shouldn’t be down here-”

  “You have done the same for me many times before. So let me offer you a small bit of care now,” she says.

  I see the determined look on her face as she waves the cup in front of me in offering. I crawl as close as I can and slurp it down quickly while she holds it.

  “I saw Alderon bring you in this evening. Is it true, what they’re saying?” she asks and fills the cup again, passing it back.


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