Book Read Free

The Favorite Son

Page 11

by Tiffany L. Warren

  “Well, you know Ivy sings with Spirited. You’ve met her.”

  Camden nodded. “Does your wife sing with the group too?”

  “She used to. Now she prefers to stay here and take care of the home front.”

  Camden thought that was a little strange because Royce and Kita didn’t have any children. They didn’t even have a dog.

  “Cool. I’ve definitely heard Ivy’s vocals. Her range is ridiculous. I can write a lot of songs for her.”

  “Her voice is crazy,” Royce agreed. “For many years, she was my muse. She would sing a few notes and it would spawn an entire record. She’s gifted.”

  Camden didn’t miss the passion in Royce’s voice when he talked about Ivy, but he absolutely understood. As a songwriter, there were certain voices that inspired greatness in Camden’s songwriting abilities. So far, Amber and Blaine did it for him, but he was ready to be inspired by others.

  A tap on the studio’s glass door caused Camden and Royce to turn around. Ivy stood there with a big smile on her face. She wore a snug red miniskirt and a tight T-shirt along with high heels. Royce waved her in and she opened the door.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt the geniuses at work,” Ivy said as she entered the studio.

  She hugged and kissed Royce on the cheek, slightly bending over to do so. Camden had to turn away from the view of her behind and thighs. Ivy also hugged Camden but didn’t kiss him too.

  She pulled up one of the chairs and sat down next to Royce. “So what are y’all doing?” she asked.

  “We’re listening to some of the stuff we’ve already done on the project. I want Camden to get a feel for what we’re doing.”

  She nodded. “I hope you’re not going to hog Camden while he’s here. We could use him on my project too.”

  Royce poked out his bottom lip and lowered his eyebrows into a thinking pose. “We’ve only got, like, three songs done on your project.”

  “But doesn’t the record label want a single from me?” Ivy asked.

  “Not just from you. From us, and also from Camden’s group that we just signed. We’re going to be taking over gospel radio this summer and fall.”

  “So let Camden write me a single. I need something hot so I can get back out on the circuit.”

  Camden said, “I’ll write you a song. Royce, I can do it on my own time. Your project won’t suffer. I can multitask.”

  Royce smiled. “I don’t own him, Ivy. Feel free. As long as he’s available for my project, I’m good.”

  Ivy clapped her hands. “Great! I want a call and response worship song.”

  “Are you going to debut it at your church, First Lady?” Royce asked.

  Camden chuckled at Ivy’s reaction. She rolled her eyes and dismissed Royce with a wave of the hand.

  “Of course. But stop calling me first lady,” Ivy said.

  “You don’t like that?” Camden asked. “My mother loves being called first lady.”

  “I tried not to marry a pastor so that I’d never have to carry that title. It comes with too much judgment, so I hate it,” Ivy said.

  “Judgment? The congregation loves the first lady just like they love the pastor,” Camden said.

  He did not expect Ivy’s response. She laughed so hard she started choking. Royce had to give her a tissue and a bottle of water to help with her choking.

  “Why is that so hilarious?” Camden asked.

  “It is funny because it’s a big, fat lie. First of all, I am public enemy number one to half of the women in my church. The ones who think they should be married to my husband. Then the old mothers, don’t let me get started on them. They harass me day in and day out because I haven’t given my husband a son to carry on his legacy. They have taken to calling me ‘Barren Woman’ behind my back.”

  Even Camden had to laugh at her nickname. That was funny. He wondered if his mother had the same kinds of issues at their church. There was at least one woman after Pastor Wilson, so maybe she and Ivy did have some things in common.

  “Okay, Ivy. I will be in prayer and supplication for you,” Camden said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to write a song about God preparing a table in the presence of your enemies?”

  Now they all laughed out loud. Camden could imagine Ivy working the pulpit in a tight first lady suit, singing to all the groupies after her husband. He’d want to be in the front row for that.

  “I like you, Camden Wilson,” Ivy said. “I didn’t think I would, you being a preacher’s kid and all. But you are all right.”

  “Thank you, I think,” Camden said. “I like you too, Ivy.”

  Royce gave Ivy a look that Camden couldn’t comprehend, but it didn’t look positive.

  “Okay, now that we all like each other, let’s do some music. I saw a new Rolls-Royce that I need in my collection.”

  Camden smiled. He wasn’t used to thinking of his music in terms of dollars and cents. Perhaps that was because he hadn’t made any dollars yet. Maybe Pastor Wilson’s prophecy about a supernatural transference of wealth was all about Camden and So G.I.F.T.E.D.


  Blaine showed Pastor Wilson the YouTube video of So G.I.F.T.E.D’s performance in Houston, in his study. Pastor Wilson watched it all the way through, nodded, and then watched it again.

  “What do you think, Dad?”

  “Y’all are good, but you already knew that. If you keep your nose clean, this could propel your ministry into the stratosphere.”

  “What do you mean keep my nose clean?”

  “I got a report of you and Akil keeping company with some young women in Houston.”

  Blaine blinked and stared at his father. He and Akil were very careful with those girls in Houston.

  “Did Regina tell you something? If she did …”

  “It wasn’t Regina, and you should be glad that it wasn’t her. She has no idea about this indiscretion.”

  Blaine tilted his head to one side. “So you got someone spying on us?”

  “Not spying at all. I just have people all over the country who care about me and this ministry. It’s a close network, and they’re at almost every major gospel event.”

  “Well, it wasn’t really a big deal. Akil wanted to fellowship with some young ladies he met….”

  Pastor Wilson slammed his fist down on his desk. “Don’t lie to me, Blaine. It’s not necessary, and it’s in your best interest to tell me the truth if you don’t tell anyone else.”

  Blaine waited a few moments before he spoke. “We both fellowshipped with the girls.”

  “If you’re going to insist on womanizing, at least be smart about it. Don’t follow women anywhere. Get an address, use your GPS, and meet them there. Stay away from the daughters of other pastors. They talk.”

  Blaine was so in shock that he stared past his father and looked at the giant portrait of his grandfather, Pastor B. C. Wilson Senior, that hung on the wall in his father’s study. Was his father actually telling him how to get women? And he was too intimate with his instructions, like he used them himself.

  “Dad, I don’t really feel comfortable with this conversation. I’m trying to get used to Regina being my girl, and so I’m done skirt chasing. Houston was my last hurrah.”

  Pastor Wilson snickered, and that grew into a full-fledged laugh. When he was done laughing he said, “Okay, okay. But when you’re done turning over a new leaf, remember what I said.”

  Blaine ignored that and said, “Dad, we’re getting a lot of invitations to other churches. I think it would be a good way to build a network for the Oklahoma City church. I might even preach a little bit when we visit. Introduce them to future Pastor Blaine Wilson. What do you think?”

  “Good strategy. Talk it over with Regina and see what she thinks. Also, give me your tour dates and invitations. I’m going to have guest gospel artists on those Sundays.”

  “We could pull some of the choir members and have Amber teach them some songs.”

  Pastor Wilson shook his he
ad. “No. We always go higher and move forward. Remember that too.”

  Blaine’s head was spinning with all of the ministry tidbits that he was supposed to remember. He was happy that the Oklahoma City church was still a ways off, because he had so much to learn. Some of it, he had no idea he didn’t know.

  He didn’t know what Pastor Wilson saw when he looked at the YouTube video, but Blaine knew what he saw. He envisioned himself on top and walking in his destiny. He was glad that Camden was in Atlanta too, so no one could say that the “sensible and wise” twin was responsible for this.

  When he got on the stage, Blaine became one with the music and the microphone. It wasn’t even about the rest of the group. He didn’t need them. But soon everyone would be clamoring for Pastor Blaine Wilson. They’d say his name in the same sentence as Pastor Marvin Sapp.

  And then he wouldn’t need any of his father’s rules. He’d make his own.


  Ivy had invited Camden to dinner to talk about the direction of her music. She chose a French restaurant that was one of her favorites, called Babette’s Café. As soon as he had his car valet parked and stepped inside, Camden immediately felt uncomfortable.

  The restaurant was very intimate and romantic, with low lighting and tables for two. It was nearly empty, which was not surprising since it was a Wednesday night. Ivy waved to him from a table near the rear of the restaurant.

  As Camden approached, he noticed that Ivy had taken great care with her makeup and hair. They were both flawless. He imagined what Dawn might think if she walked into the restaurant and saw them sitting across from each other. He was glad she was in Dallas and wouldn’t have to answer that question.

  Ivy didn’t stand but she held her arms out for a hug. Camden obliged, and in the process caught a whiff of her very sexy perfume. Forget about Dawn. What would Ivy’s husband think? Camden looked over both shoulders before he sat, almost afraid that he might end up at the business end of Ivy’s husband’s pistol.

  “Don’t you just love this place?” Ivy asked as Camden sat.

  He nodded. “Yes. It’s somewhere I’d take my girlfriend if I wanted to propose.”

  “It is very romantic, isn’t it? I love it for the food, though.”

  A waiter came by with a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Your wine, madame.”

  The waiter poured a small amount in each glass. Camden followed Ivy’s lead and took a small sip, swished it in his mouth, and swallowed it. He had no problem drinking wine, but he just kept wondering what someone might think if they happened upon the two of them. A single musician and a very married and very gorgeous first lady sharing a glass of wine.

  Ivy nodded her approval to the waiter and he filled both glasses halfway and left the bottle on the table.

  “Do you like halibut?” Ivy asked.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never had it.”

  “Well, you’ll be trying it tonight. I took the liberty of ordering for us.”

  Camden was no farm boy, but he felt unsophisticated next to Ivy. He was nervous at this meeting even though it was about music—his favorite topic.

  “So, you want to do a call and response? I have one that I’ve been working on.”

  “Sing it to me.”

  Camden laughed. “Right here?”

  “Why not? It’s not like we’ll be interrupting anyone.”

  Camden took a sip of the water on the table and cleared his throat. “Okay. It’s very simple. It goes, ‘When God is in the midst of two or three, when God is in the midst of two or three, when God is in the midst of two or three, chains are broken, souls redeemed.”

  “Sing it again.”

  Camden sang the few lines once again, and Ivy harmonized on the last part. It was beautiful. Their voices blended perfectly.

  “Why aren’t you singing with your group? Did you already tell me why?” Ivy asked. “Your voice is beautiful.”

  “I’m not a performer. I’m a worshipper. Every now and then I chime in, but my brother is so much better at it than I am. I walk in my gift and he walks in his.”

  “Well, singing is a gift that you have too. I’d like you to sing this song with me if we do it for my record.”

  “Really? You want me on your record?”

  “Yep. It’ll be featuring Camden Wilson. What do you think?”

  “I’m honored, of course. Thank you for asking me.”

  Ivy gave Camden a huge smile. “When am I going to get to meet the rest of your group? Are they coming to Atlanta?”

  “Soon, I think, but Royce has them doing lots of shows to promote our single. He wants his record label to really believe in our project so that we’ll have a budget.”

  “And you don’t mind being away from your girlfriend all this time?” Ivy asked.

  Camden lifted one eyebrow. “I do, but it’s only temporary.”

  “I’m sure she misses you too.”

  “She does. We talk every night, though.”

  “That’s so sweet. I always wonder how men can go long periods of time away from their women. Women aren’t wired the way you are, so we don’t need that physical contact as much as you do.”

  Camden was sure that Ivy had crossed the line now. She’d probably crossed it a few questions back, but she was so far past the line now that it was a nonexistent blur.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “You know what I mean. You’re a grown man.”

  “I’m a grown and Christian man.”

  “And that means that you don’t have the same needs as any other man?” Ivy asked.

  “It means that I go about fulfilling those needs in accordance with God’s laws.”

  Ivy chuckled. “Okay, I’ll give you that, man of God. But what about when you step outside God’s laws? We all fall short of His glory.”

  Camden smiled. “If and when I do something displeasing to God, I don’t make it dinner conversation with a married first lady.”

  “Have I offended you?”

  “No. I was just wondering how we went from singing a worship song to discussing my potential backsliding.”

  Ivy pouted. “I have offended you.”

  “I’m very hard to offend, Ivy. I promise you haven’t. But can we change the subject? It does make me a little uncomfortable.”

  “Understood. Let’s talk about my project. I have to get as much time with you as I can while Royce has you in town. You’re lucky that he’s not on a work spree right now. You wouldn’t get a moment’s rest. He’s tying up some loose ends, but once he gets ready to work it’s nonstop.”

  “I welcome that.”

  “So let’s try to record the song we just sang sometime next week. Do you have the entire thing? Vamp and all?”

  Camden said, “It is a complete song.”

  “Great. At least I’ll have one song down before Royce goes to hogging you.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “So, let me ask you something. This is something I ask everyone in Royce’s circle. What did you think of him when you first met him?”

  “I … um …”

  Ivy covered her mouth to hold her laughter in. Then she said, “Okay, let me tell you what I thought when I first met him. I first thought he was gay. Then I thought he was just strange.”

  “I didn’t think he was gay,” Camden said. “I definitely didn’t get that vibe. But I noticed his makeup. And his blouse.”

  Tears rolled down Ivy’s face as she laughed. “His blouses! Oh man. He is hilarious with those blouses. He says he’s a trendsetter. I tell him it’s a trend only if other people do it too.”

  “Yeah, he’s all by himself with those blouses.”

  Ivy caught her breath and exhaled. “His makeup is a necessity, though. He has very bad acne, or he used to. He’s got scars all over his face. Since someone always has a camera in his face, he started wearing the makeup because he was self-conscious.”

  “I’m actually glad to hear that’s the reason,” Ca
mden said. “It makes sense and isn’t feminine at all.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t think he was gay.”

  “I didn’t, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t find that makeup womanly.”

  Ivy said, “Please don’t tell him I asked you that question.”

  “As long as you don’t tell him what I thought about his blouse.”


  Camden felt himself relax with Ivy, and he was glad that he’d finally made a friend in Atlanta besides Royce. Especially one who was the first lady of a megachurch. She could be very instrumental in helping to make his dreams come true. It didn’t hurt that she was beautiful and funny. He almost regretted that she was married, but immediately chided himself. He was taken, even if he didn’t have a ring on his finger. Camden just had to make sure that he and everyone else remembered that fact.


  Pastor Wilson never called special meetings of the church board unless there was some scandal that needed fixing or he had some special announcement that he wanted to share. Blaine hoped that it was the latter and not the former since he and Regina were in attendance. His father’s lecture about his fun in Houston was still fresh, and he definitely didn’t want the entire church board to know about it.

  Blaine looked around the table. Every member of the church board was one hundred percent on his father’s team. Delores, Stephen, Assistant Pastor Brennan, his mother, and several of the deacons. These meetings were almost a joke because there was never a vote that wasn’t unanimous.

  “Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me. I don’t typically call these meetings in the middle of the week unless I have something crucial to share with you. And this time is no different.”

  Pastor Wilson paused and looked at every person in the room. Blaine guessed he was giving them the opportunity to speak up before he went on a long tangent. Kind of like when a person goes to the bathroom before a movie starts. There’d be no interruptions once Pastor Wilson got going.

  “I’m sure you have heard about the great feedback Blaine and the rest of our praise team has been getting on their new single, ‘Born to Worship.’ I believe that we should strike while the iron is hot and get Blaine launched into ministry at this Oklahoma City location.”


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