Book Read Free

The Favorite Son

Page 21

by Tiffany L. Warren

  “Why does someone need to know other than us, sweetie? We’re the only ones that need to know.”

  “If you’d told someone else, then I’d believe what you tell me about us being together someday.”

  “Do you think I’d lie to you, make you angry and destroy So G.I.F.T.E.D? We just had another number one record. I mean it when I say we’re going to be together.”


  “My youngest children are six months old. I don’t want to split up with Dawn while she has babies to care for. That would be cruel, and I can’t have my congregation thinking I’m cruel. It’s better if she leaves me anyway.”

  “Please. Why would she do that? She’s living in a mansion. She’s the first lady. She’s not gonna leave.”

  “She knows she’ll always be well taken care of as long as she has my children. But she’s not very happy right now. She might just get fed up.”

  Kenya kicked her feet out in front of her and pouted. “I don’t like the odds of that. I want something more definite.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. It’s the best I can do right now. But it doesn’t change how much I love you.”

  Blaine wasn’t lying when he said he loved Kenya. She was everything he wished Dawn was. He’d fallen in love with her soon after she’d joined the group, although she ignored his flirting due to his being married to Dawn. The more his church grew, the more Kenya received his advances. He’d bought her cars, and a house, and would give her more if Dawn would just leave.

  It seemed no matter how badly he treated Dawn, she wouldn’t budge. She just took it all like a dog took kicks from its master. He couldn’t divorce her, not if he didn’t want his church to go bananas, but she seemed to have no intention of leaving.

  “I love you too, Blaine. I love you so much,” Kenya said. “I just hope you don’t take too long to make me your wife.”

  Blaine knew who he needed to talk to about this. The one man he knew who’d had a mistress for his entire life and had managed to keep everyone in line. Pastor Wilson. He’d know exactly what to do.


  “Bring my handsome grandson over here!” Pastor Wilson said as B. J. ran across his study and scrambled into his lap.

  Blaine was always amazed to see how his father doted on his grandson. He couldn’t ever remember him being so hands on when he and Camden were little. He didn’t deal with them at all until they were almost teenagers. He acted like young children were women’s work.

  “Grandpoppy, I can count to one hundred! You wanna hear me?”

  “I do, but I think your daddy wants to talk to me first. Want to go and see Grandma? Somebody told me that she was making cookies!”


  B. J. scrambled out of Pastor Wilson’s lap and Stephen led him out of the study.

  “Sit down, son. To what do I owe this visit? Where are Dawn and the babies?”

  Blaine sat down in front of his father’s desk. “Dawn’s at home. I wanted to come and talk to you by myself. I need your advice about something.”

  “Is it the ministry? I watched your broadcast last Sunday. Son, you just may be a better preacher than me.”

  “What did you say?”

  Pastor Wilson laughed. “There’s no way I’m ever repeating that. It was a one and done.”

  Blaine laughed with his father, although he wasn’t in a joking mood.

  “Dad, remember what you told me to do when I married Dawn? You told me to divorce her quietly after a few years.”

  Pastor Wilson sat up in his chair. “Things bad between the two of you?”

  “I just don’t want to be with her. I love someone else.”

  “Your mistress, Kenya. You’ve fallen in love with the side-piece. You know that’s against the rules.”

  “What rules? I can’t control what my heart does, or Dawn’s either. She’s never loved me like she loved Camden. I feel like we’re both miserable.”

  “Well, a divorce is out of the question right now. Your ministry is exploding and a divorce would halt your forward progress.”

  Blaine sighed. “But what about Kenya? She’ll leave me if I don’t get a divorce soon. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

  Pastor Wilson shook his head. “More powerful men have been destroyed by what’s between a woman’s legs than anything else.”

  “Kenya doesn’t want to destroy me.”

  “Look, you need to teach Kenya her place. She can accept the fact that she’s not your wife, or she can move on. But she can’t move into the top spot, not now. The group almost didn’t recover from your marriage to Dawn. It definitely wouldn’t weather your divorce from her.”

  There had been an uproar when Dawn and Blaine had gotten married. Camden never responded in the media, but the gay rumors rose again. The only thing that had quieted the rumors was the birth of their first child. It gave people something else to talk about.

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “Does Dawn complain about the time you spend with Kenya?”

  Blaine shook his head. “I only spend time with Kenya when I’m away on travel for ministry. Dawn doesn’t know about her.”

  “Well, you think she doesn’t. She may not know it’s Kenya specifically, but she knows it’s someone. They always know.”

  “Does Mom know?”

  Pastor Wilson sighed. “She knows and she tolerates it. She’s never accepted it, but I don’t flaunt it in her face.”

  “So, you’re saying if I am stern with Kenya about her place, she’ll accept it?”

  Pastor Wilson said, “Don’t be stern with her. Reiterate her position, and give her a gift while you do it. The mistress does have some leverage when the wife doesn’t know she exists. My mistress has no leverage when it comes to my wife. That’s the best way.”

  “You think I should tell Dawn?”

  “No. Absolutely not, but if she happened to find out and stayed anyway, you’d have the best of both worlds.”

  “Thank you, Dad! I know exactly what I need to do now.”

  Blaine stepped around the desk to hug his father. He felt tremendously close to him now.

  “You’re welcome, son. Now, go bring me my grandson so I can hear him count to one hundred.”

  Blaine went into the kitchen to find his mother and B. J. She had indeed baked cookies, just like she used to do when he and Camden were little.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “He looks just like Camden,” First Lady Rita said, ignoring her son’s greeting.

  “He does.”

  “It’s too bad he’s never seen him.”

  “That’s his choice,” Blaine said. “No one is keeping him away from my children.”

  “Did you ever think that it’s too painful to be around you, Dawn, and your family?”

  “Maybe it is.”

  “So you should extend an apology, and an invitation,” First Lady Rita said.

  “Camden knows that I love him, and the only reason why this thing happened with Dawn is because she thought he was gay and pushed up on me.”

  “You’re never accountable, are you? It’s always someone else’s fault, but never yours.”

  “I wonder if you would be this hard on Camden if it was the other way around.”

  “Of course I would, but Camden isn’t the type of man who would do that to his brother. You are your father’s child through and through.”

  “I take that as a compliment,” Blaine said. “My father is one of the most anointed preachers in the country.”

  “And he’s the biggest whore. No matter what your father tells you, God doesn’t look away from his adultery. He won’t look away from yours either.”

  “You would curse me, Mom? I’m your son.”

  She shook her head. “This isn’t me cursing you. This is a law of the universe. Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.”

  “Tell me this. What did your precious son Camden do to reap everything that’s befallen him? Sometimes things jus
t happen, and we pick up the pieces and we move on.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he’s like Job. The devil just wants to attack him because he’s righteous.”

  Blaine’s anger level rose, and his skin turned red with fury. “Camden is not Job! He was selfish! He dated Dawn for ten years and then left to chase music! He’s no saint, and he ain’t righteous. But he can do no wrong in your eyes.”

  Blaine lifted B. J. into his arms and walked back toward his father’s study. That was a sanctuary for him, but his mother was on the constant attack.

  “You fix this!” First Lady Rita shouted at Blaine’s back. “You broke this family. You go and get my son!”

  Blaine shuddered with anger but maintained his composure. He’d given his mother a daughter-in-law and grandchildren. He’d maintained a successful church, but still it wasn’t enough—he wasn’t enough. He wasn’t Camden. Sweet, gentle, kind, self-serving, and ambitious Camden.

  Blaine gave up on trying to please his mother. As long as Pastor Wilson smiled on him, he was satisfied.


  Camden had practiced his approach over and over again, but he was still concerned he’d be a failure. As he listened to Amber tell him an animated story at dinner, all he could think of was how beautiful she was, had always been. Her copper brown skin seemed to glow from within—it was her internal joy. The thing that attracted him to her most.

  “And that child hit that high note! She hit it like it stole her last chicken nugget. She went all upside that note’s head. And after that I told her, ‘Don’t tell me you don’t have range, baby.’”

  Camden laughed. “You bring the best out of so many singers. That is a gift, you know. I can hear when something is right, but you inspire them to be great.”

  “I do? Well, I just love good singing, Cam. It makes my soul smile. Can a soul smile?”

  “Yours can. Yours does every day.”

  “Did you think over what I said about visiting home?” Amber asked. “Your father asked me to sing at his anniversary dinner next month.”

  “Yes, this marks forty years in ministry for him. Forty years of being a pastor. Forty years of hoing around on my mother, and almost six years of disowning his son. A milestone.”

  “He didn’t disown you, Camden. He felt like you abandoned Graceway for your music.”

  “Don’t defend him.”

  “I’m not! He’s definitely wrong for that, and that stuff with Delores is beyond shameful. But your daddy has done some good too. He’s done a lot of good.”

  Camden shook his head. “Do his good deeds cancel out his evil?”

  “No, but the blood of Jesus does. He can repent just like anybody else.”

  “In order to repent, you have to acknowledge wrongdoing. My father thinks he’s above God’s laws. My father thinks that he defines what is holy and righteous.”

  “Okay, Camden.” Amber took a bite of her salad and shook her head.

  “Why’d you bring them up? We were having a good time.”

  “Because I want you to get past this, Camden. It’s eating you up inside and you don’t even know it.”

  Camden softened. “If you really want me to go to Dallas with you, I will. But I’m not staying under his roof.”

  “You can’t stay under my roof,” Amber said with a giggle. “So, I guess you’ll be getting a hotel room.”

  “Why would I want to stay under your roof anyway?” Camden asked.

  Amber bit her bottom lip and grinned. “Camdeezy, I see the way you look at me. When you gonna man up and ask me out on a date?”

  Camden threw his head back and laughed. The speech was gone out the window now. Amber had kicked the door in, so he might as well walk through.

  “Will you be my date at my father’s anniversary celebration?”

  “I’d be honored. But before we start this thing, I want you to know that I’m celibate.”

  “Okay, I am too.”

  Amber gave him a blank stare. “No. I’m for real celibate. Not that, celibate-till-I-get-some-celibate. The next person I’m giving it up to is my husband.”

  “Was this required information before the first date?”

  She laughed. “Yes. Y’all Wilson men are quite randy. I need you to know what you ain’t gone get.”

  “I got you. Oh, before you manhandled me into asking you out on a date, I kind of had a speech planned.”

  “A speech?” Amber asked. “What kind of speech?”

  Camden cleared his throat. “Amber, you have always been there for me. You’ve been my best friend, you’ve prayed for me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today had it not been for you constantly being in my corner. I love you so much.”

  Amber’s eyes filled with tears. “I love you too, Cam.”

  “These last five years, working with you, I’ve just come to see a whole new side of you. You’re sexy—”

  “I’ve always been sexy.”

  Camden laughed. “Stop interrupting.”


  “You’re sexy, funny, can cook your butt off, and you’re fine. You are everything I want and need in a woman.”

  “Aw shoot! Did I say I was celibate? Lord help.”

  Camden cracked up laughing. “I can’t get through this if you keep making me laugh.”


  Camden reached in his pocket and took out a box. He placed it in front of Amber.

  “We haven’t even gone out on a date yet, Camdeezy. Isn’t this putting the cart before the horse?”

  “Open it!”

  Amber opened the box and removed a beautiful charm bracelet that had several charms attached.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful! Put it on me!”

  Amber thrust her wrist out and Camden put the bracelet on.

  Camden said, “The music note charm is pretty obvious, and the cross is because you love God with every part of your being. The flip-flop is because you love the beach.”

  “And the heart key is ’cause you love me,” Amber said.

  “I do. But the heart key is because you have my heart. It’s yours. I’ve known it for a long time, but I didn’t know if you’d want me.”

  “What? Boy, stop.”

  “No, I always thought you had a crush on Blaine all those years. I actually thought y’all would end up together.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Blaine was good-looking and a serious flirt. But I like my men tall, dark, and brooding.”

  Camden laughed. “Well, that’s me. Especially the brooding part.”

  “I can’t wait to show up in Dallas with you on my arm! Chocolate arm candy. Yes, sir!”

  “Do you think everyone will be surprised?”

  “Not at all,” Amber said with a giggle. “I think they’ll say, ‘It’s about time.’”


  Blaine inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. Kenya had just prepared him a wonderful dinner—lasagna, one of his favorite meals. The best part about her cooking for him was that she liked to do it in lingerie and heels. She was a fantasy come to life.

  But Blaine was nervous. He was about to do what his father told him to do, inform Kenya of her place. He couldn’t lose her. Wouldn’t lose her. But she had to be patient.

  Kenya carried the tray of lasagna to the table in her sheer teddy, and Blaine’s mouth watered. Her body was perfection. She worked out every day, so there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her. She sat down at the table and smiled.

  “You hungry, babe?” she asked.

  He was hungry. In more ways than one. But he had to stay focused. He couldn’t let her distract him with sex. Not tonight.

  “You know I love your lasagna, babe.”

  “You could have it all the time, and every other thing you love.”

  Blaine was silent while she put food onto both of their plates. She poured wine into their glasses, and Blaine took a sip.

  “We need to talk,” Blaine said.

  “That sounds official. Are we about to finally make thi
ngs official?”

  Blaine shook his head. “Kenya, you know I love you, right?”

  “Yes, I know you love me. I love you too.”

  “If things were different, I’d ask you to marry me today.”

  Kenya frowned. “I already don’t like where this is going.”

  “Well, you asked me about when I was going to divorce my wife.”


  “My father thinks it wouldn’t be good for the ministry for me to divorce my wife with two small babies.”

  “So you’re not going to leave her. You’ve been lying to me this entire time.”

  “I haven’t been lying. Don’t you like all of the expensive gifts I can buy you? Your cars, jewelry, shopping sprees?”

  Kenya perked up a little. “Yes. I do.”

  “Well, the ministry is what pays for all of that. I could never afford to keep you this well taken care of if it wasn’t for my church. So we have to protect that.”

  “But don’t you still … don’t you still sleep with Dawn? I don’t want to share my man.”

  “I hardly even touch her.”

  This was the truth. Kenya wasn’t sharing Blaine sexually. The sight of Dawn naked disgusted him, so she absolutely did not have to worry about that.

  “Will you ever leave her?”

  Blaine nodded slowly, even though he was unsure of this. “When the time is right, babe. I have to do it when the time is right.”

  “I’m not going to be your mistress forever.”

  Blaine pulled her into an embrace and buried his face in her hair. He loved the way she smelled. He loved the way she made him feel. He loved who he was when he was around her. He loved everything about her.

  If only he’d disobeyed his father long ago and never married Dawn to begin with. Maybe he would’ve been in a position to marry his queen when she finally came along. But now, no matter how he looked at it, he was stuck with a woman who was beneath him.

  Camden should be the one dealing with her overeating and stretch marks. He deserved more. He was Pastor Blaine Wilson of Graceway Oklahoma City. His destiny had led him to greatness. Why would God give him so much and then punish him to be stuck with someone like Dawn?


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