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Azar's Prize

Page 10

by Reese Gabriel

  How good she felt against him. So natural. His hand on her back, fingers fanned, was a perfect fit. So were her breasts, squashed against him. Her little nipples were tight and hard.

  And so was his cock. He wanted to do things to her, to touch and squeeze and have his way with her incredible body. Again. And then again after that.

  Never had he dreamed of finding a woman who could keep up with him, who could take the sting of his hand and the force of his cock and come back wanting more with barely a breath in between.

  Refusing her offer of sex—correction, her self-surrender for sexual possession—had been maddeningly difficult. He could easily have jumped on her and ridden her for hours.

  But there was more to sexual play than the act itself. Especially when you were a primale like Azar. Half the thrill was in the conquest, and with a female like Theryssa, primale herself, you could hardly expect to achieve that conquest in one session.

  He would be lying if he didn’t admit to some amusement, even a little sadistic delight in seeing her so angry with him. Her frustration turned him on, too. It was going to be worth it, though. She would be red-hot when he finally had her again—eager and desperate. And he would be feeling strong, like he was truly making her his own.

  Azar told himself this would lead to nothing new or different for him. Once the objective was reached and he was bored with her, he would move on to someone new, just as he always did. Naturally, he would make sure to glean what intelligence he could first.

  The whole process should last a few days at most. Then she would be gone, and he would forget soon enough. He always did. And she would be fine, too, going back to her life on Earth.

  A life, by her own admission, without much male appreciation.

  Azar’s stomach tightened into a thick knot. He couldn’t picture her alone. She needed to shine for a man. A man strong enough and compassionate enough to handle her complicated nature. A man who would be her partner.

  And what about him? What did he deserve? A woman he could really sleep beside at night, like this one, and not just a fresh sex partner?

  After sex-making, Solania had tried to stay awake like a primale, but she had always fallen asleep, much to her chagrin. Azar greedily enjoyed the times of total possession over her physical form, deep in the dead of night.

  Azar stilled his breath for a moment. Theryssa was stirring. Keeping his eyes closed, maintaining himself in a primale trance, he observed her with his inner vision.

  It was an ancient technique among primales, one which involved utilizing the subconscious mind, tapping it into the deeper recesses of sensation. The entire area around him was clear to him. He could even perceive through walls.

  After a while he detected her eyes popping open—lovely, green and curious. She blinked several times, her eyebrows shifting rapidly. He knew that mind of hers was working overtime, he could almost guess her thoughts, reliving events up to now and calculating her current situation and future possibilities.

  Good girl, he thought, admiring her ability to stay perfectly still, not panicking despite being caught up in such a potentially unnerving situation. She had been through quite a lot and yet she was cool, calm and collected.

  He swelled with a strange pride.

  Few people he had known, male and female alike possessed such qualities. The fine tension in her limbs indicated she intended to make a move. It was an interesting situation. She had promised to stay in bed. Would she openly defy him? Her other instances of disobedience had been rather unavoidable, having come in the heat of the moment. In truth, he had set her up to fail, just to see how she would handle punishment.

  But now she would have to choose between keeping her word and taking her chance at freedom. Assuming freedom was what she really wanted.

  The freedom to spy on him and learn what she needed to know.

  Theryssa was already putting her plan into action, delicately lifting his arm off of her body. He remained motionless, giving no indication that he was fully aware of what was transpiring. She had no trouble wriggling free and in seconds flat she was padding around his cabin. A naked, prying little minx.

  She went to his communication logs first. She would not find anything, at least not anything she was looking for. For a while she stooped over the log machine, reading the entries, her pert breasts hanging down, her tight ass wiggling very slightly as she shifted her eyes.

  He fought back a smile as he noted the little habit she had of moving her lips as she read. Before too long he would have those lips back where they belonged. Caressing his burning shaft.

  Theryssa frowned, indicating her frustration. Abandoning the log machine, she took out her displeasure on her collar. Quite impressively, she ripped it off with a single tug. No doubt she thought herself above being fettered, but as it just so happened, he had some special chains, made of a material so dense, even a full-grown, fully male, primale could not break them.

  “You don’t like your collar, Theryssa?”

  Theryssa turned to face him. “It’s not my style.”

  Azar was sitting up in bed, his cock poking straight out at her. “Maybe not, but you weren’t given permission to remove it. Nor were you told you could get out of bed.”

  “Remind me to give myself a good spanking later,” she quipped.

  Azar inclined his head toward the door. “I assume you intend to escape?”

  “It depends. You plan on trying to stop me?”

  “I’ll admit, I’d rather not see our time together end so quickly,” he conceded.

  “Of course not,” she noted sardonically. “You were having a blast. Beating me, abusing me.”

  “Did I do anything you didn’t ask for, Theryssa? Beg for, even?”

  “That’s not the point and you know it. You had me under duress.”

  “In that case, you know where the door is.”

  “And how far do you think a naked woman would get on a ship full of pirates?”

  “You’re not just any naked woman. You’re a superwoman.”

  “Right now I’m just super pissed.” She reached behind her for the Zeerian lance on the wall, part of his display of captured primitive weapons.

  “Good choice,” he approved as she leveled the long silver weapon—saw-toothed and tipped with long hooked bear claws.

  “Thank you.” She smiled grimly. “Now unless you would like to become intimately acquainted with it, I suggest you start marching to my tune for a change.”

  “You make a persuasive case.”

  “Get off the bed.” she waved the lance.

  Azar stood, quite interested to see what she would do with her presumed power.

  “I will admit,” she said, “you have me wondering how you knew about my primale blood. I have been racking my brain, and the more I think about it, the more I think maybe you’re primale yourself.”

  “But of course that’s impossible.”

  “It is,” she agreed. “Then again it isn’t. The only real way to know is to test you.”

  “Like I tested you? With a thrown knife, you mean?”

  She licked her lips. She was looking right at his cock. “Actually, you’ve given me the idea to do something a little more interesting.”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as me giving you some commands. Some submissive commands. If you really are primale, you’ll break down at some point and show yourself.”

  He arched a brow. “That doesn’t sound overly wise.” He arched a brow. “You might provoke me too much.”

  “I can handle myself.” She waved the lance. “Enough talking. I want you to put your hand on your cock. Start masturbating.”

  Azar wrapped his fingers around his thick erection. He was more than happy to show Theryssa his arousal. “Like this?”

  His fingers pressed casually, but authoritatively. He moved them up and down, with purpose and command. There was no mistaking his intentions. This was his dick to play with, the way he wanted. Nothing submissive her

  Her breathing was a little shallow. Her eyes looked a little glazed. “Yeah…like that.”

  Azar allowed himself a small smirk. She would never hold up against him. Not in a head-to-head battle for sexual primacy.

  It pleased him to look at her like a predatory cat, and use her image in front of his eyes for his pleasure. He was in control not her.

  He made sure to shift his fingers a little as he moved them over the vein underneath. When the first drop of pre-come appeared at the tip, he gave her a wink.

  “Pinch your nipple,” she ordered, sounding peeved over her backfiring experiment. “Give yourself some pain.”

  Azar complied, sending surges of white-hot energy through the tip of his cock as he did so. “Is this what you had in mind?” he queried, his voice a raspy whisper, full of seeming innocence.

  He let her see as he twisted the nipple, how it tightened, how inviting it looked.

  “Harder. Make it hurt.”

  “Already does.” He grinned. Azar sucked in his belly just a little, emphasizing the muscles all along his hairless torso, a direct contrast to the succulent nipples.

  “Harder, then.” She thrust out the spear, menacingly.

  Azar did so, absorbing the sensation, and building on it. “You’re going to be punished after this, Theryssa,” he turned the tables. “You’ve been a very bad girl.”

  “Fuck you,” she snarled. “And get down on your fucking knees.”

  Azar knelt, though the stance in no way diminished his power. “I’m going to use the flogger, Theryssa. I will chain your hands over your head and flog every part of your disobedient flesh.”

  She was doing her best to ignore him, though he could sense the confusion and torment in her body. “Shut up and keep jerking off, you bastard. I want you to come in your hand and show it to me.”

  “If I do, Theryssa, I am going to feed it to you.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Like hell you will.”

  “Don’t fight it,” he pumped his cock in long, languid strokes, from the base all the way to the tip, the motions designed to drive her wild. “You went to bed as my slave, Theryssa. Do you think you woke up something different?”

  She thrust the lance forward and down, to within an inch of his chest. “Does this look like the act of a slave?”

  “One whose Master has been toying with her—yes.”

  “You’re not toying with me, you pirate scum. I am in charge of myself.”

  “Put the lance down, Theryssa. And go back to bed.”

  She smiled, half devil, half angel. “Make me,” her eyes burned hot.

  Azar did not flinch, despite the repositioning of the weapon directly at the level of his crotch. “I won’t ask you again. This is your last chance to obey.”

  “And this is your last chance to beg for mercy before I cut your balls off.”

  Azar did not give her a chance to carry through with her threat. Before she could draw her next breath he was on the offensive. Pivoting himself on one hip, he swept out with his left leg, upending Theryssa. She was tossed into the air along with the lance. By the time gravity kicked in, he was standing over her, pointing the blade at her throat.

  She was breathing heavily, but she was mad, not beaten. Anticipating some super move of her own, Azar snapped the blade over his knee and collapsed on top of her, pinning her.

  “Get the fuck off me.” There was no acquiescence this time. Theryssa was bucking underneath him, using her full strength. She could probably have dislodged a full-grown bull or a work droid, but Azar held fast.

  He let her exhaust herself without saying a word.

  She glared at him at last. “You’re a fucking primale. I knew it!”

  “Guilty as charged.”

  Theryssa’s eyes were speaking volumes. He could only imagine what was going through her mind.

  “I’m your prisoner for real,” she acknowledged. “I demand the rights of universal capture.”

  Azar had expected as much. Fortunately, he was a step ahead. “You have no rights, Theryssa. I have already claimed you as a slave.”

  “No fucking way,” she squirmed.

  “When and where I want,” he reminded.

  She was powerless to prevent him exploring, reclaiming. At last, Azar pushed her legs apart with his knee and entered her, his cock pushing to the hilt in her silky softness. “You exist for my pleasure,” he said. “As evidenced by your constant wetness in my presence.”

  “You arrogant prick,” she tired to push him off. “You don’t have a clue.”

  Azar let her struggle, enjoying the feel of her breasts and belly rubbing against him. He decided to ejaculate, just as he was.

  Theryssa exclaimed in total frustration, realizing that her rebellion was turning him on. Too late, she tried to keep still, denying him.

  Azar sighed with satisfaction, releasing himself. Pure jets of come, nicely released, no sweat, no grunting. “Good girl,” he approved. “That is how you please your Master.”

  Theryssa had hoped to push him off now, but Azar was staying put, at least for the immediate future. His hard-on undiminished, he laid down the law.

  “I was quite serious about the flogger, Theryssa. You will be hung upright and marked. I have special chains, ones you will not be able to escape. That will be your punishment. And also your interrogation. You will tell me who you are and what you are doing on my ship.”

  “You can’t violate intergalactic law,” she warned. “If you insist on enslaving me, there will be a price to pay.”

  “The laws allow sentient beings to give themselves over in bondage,” he reminded.

  “But I haven’t given over squat.”

  “Really? Would you care to testify to that in court?”

  He waited for her to remember. The words she had uttered, about how she would do anything for release—even become his slave.

  “There’s no way you can count that,” she snorted.

  “Kiss me.” He decided to end the debate for now.

  Theryssa shut her mouth tightly. Vigorously, she shook her head no.

  Azar lowered his face to her, taking her lower lip between his teeth. He bit down, just the tiniest taste of pain. Theryssa moaned in immediate surrender. It was amazing how her primale genetics seemed to work against her. The more pressure was put on her sexually, the hornier and more yielding she became.

  Her eyes filled with desire and trepidation, she lifted her head, touching her lips to his. He made her do the work, molding her mouth and moving it in time to her rapid breathing. He kept his own lips perfectly still, measuring, biding his time.

  Second by second, she grew hotter and needier. He denied her as she sought access to his mouth with her tongue. It wasn’t enough for her now. It was too gentle, too pretty.

  She tried to seduce him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Nothing worked for her, not even when she ground her full, perfect breasts against his chest.

  He waited until she was completely overwrought, writhing like a snake. Pulling her by the back of the hair, he disengaged her. Cutting her off cold turkey.

  “Move your pussy muscles,” he ordered.

  Theryssa clenched and unclenched. She was showing her primale genetics, exhibiting a control impossible in a normal female.

  “Work it to climax.”

  Theryssa licked her lips. She was a study in concentration. Azar stifled a groan as she squeezed his cock. Such an incredible, pulsing tunnel—a perfect fit. It was so very tempting to come again, but he wanted her to climax alone, so he could fully appreciate the look on her face, the reactions of her body.

  It was part of the ownership process. Just as being forced to reveal one’s most intimate sexual responses on command was part of slavery. The control would be his. She would be the one to reveal herself, the one to dissolve into a puddle.

  “Azar,” she sighed. “Oh, god.”

  “That’s it. Move that little pussy,” he coached. “It’s punishment after this�
��no orgasms for a long time.”

  She started to spasm as soon as he spoke the words. Being dominated appeared to suit her, even more so talking about it.

  “You may thank me for the privilege of being able to come, slave girl.”

  “Thank you…thank you,” she cried. “Oh, stars, Azar. It’s so…”

  She clutched at his upper arms, digging into his flesh with her fingers. She was looking into his eyes, trying to convey what it felt like. To let go and give up everything. To be completely under the spell of another person. A strong, uncompromising lover.

  So strong, in fact, as to be able to hold himself back in the midst of a hurricane of desire.

  Azar enjoyed the crashing waves vicariously. Theryssa was transparent, a living radiator of the bucking, writhing pleasure she was experiencing. It was like being inside her, with her. His eyes began to burn. She wasn’t the only one who was grateful. It was a gift she shared, the most precious in the entire universe. A gift of trust…of truest passion.

  Not only was she giving over her body, but her eyes, and the expressions on her face. Azar was mightily humbled. He felt as though he had never truly seen a woman in the bloom of lust before.

  “Azar,” she called to him, as a fresh wave overtook her. “Come inside me. Come with me…together.”

  Only the cruelest and most stone-hearted of men could refuse such a plaintive request. So sweet and eager, and eminently female. He knew enough about the female body and heart to know she was reaching deep, risking much by showing so much vulnerability.

  If he were to reject her…

  Damn it, why did Theryssa have to be so sincere, so goddamn open, and so goddamn courageous?

  Compared to her, he was a coward. His prowess in battle meant nothing. Because he was incapable of reaching out to others.

  “Theryssa,” he said huskily. “We mustn’t…”

  She silenced him with a kiss, branding his lips with a bit of domination all her own. She was adept, he gave her that. Not to mention the most incredibly sexy creature in the universe.

  Wrapping her in his arms, he gave her what she wanted. What they both needed, though he was not ready to admit it.


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