Tales of the Feisty Druid Boxed (Books 1-3): Age Of Magic - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Tales of the Feisty Druid Boxed Set)
Page 74
I want to say thank you to everyone that has reviewed both books! Especially the last one because I actually gave a challenge to everyone! I wanted to hear everyone’s goofy kid stories—mostly the hilarious things they mispronounce or just funny things they say in general. I said I’d mention my favorite one!
Theresa Barber—thanks for leaving your story! It’s super cute, and you should head over to the reviews to check it out. <3 (I’ll leave the link: https://tinyurl.com/yaulfsgn)
I love reading reviews, and I love seeing who reads the author notes—so as I’m writing this, I’m trying to think of your next challenge, should you choose to accept it. Ha!
I’m set to begin outlining the next one today, and I have some things that have to happen, and they need to be epic. So, I’ll be paying close attention to those.
This experience has been so incredible. Through this, I’ve learned how to write in a much different way and with others. If I’m to be completely honest—I’m spoiled as hell. I have NO idea how I’m going to go back to the old way. Writing alone. No critique partner. Definitely gonna have to do something about that!
More than that, writing for all of you has given me a taste of what it’s like to have a massive audience. Something I hope to recreate with future series of mine. Thanks to all of you for all of it!
The Age of Magic is growing all the time, and I love that. We have so many active series now, and even a couple more to come. There are loads of different powers that the main characters have, and some of them are incredibly unique—like Justin Sloan’s lead. She uses shadows, and that’s just badass. I wish I’d thought of that!
Having read damn near all of these books (for those of you who are huge KGU readers/fans), if you were to have a super power (even if it hasn’t been mentioned in the books yet), what would you have? There is your challenge! I’m curious to know which fan favorites are out there—maybe even which ones you wish to see if they haven’t been seen yet.
I love hearing from you guys! As always, remember to keep an eye out on the Facebook Fan Page for the KGU as well as the Age of Magic. Both of those pages are updated daily (sometimes multiple times a day), and we always have new and awesome stuff coming!
Thanks again for reading. <3
Author Notes - Michael Anderle
September 14, 2017
Hello! Thank you for not only reading this story but ALSO reading all the way to the end (my stuff!)
Today is Candy’s third book. It is, in a way, a major accomplishment for any KGU author. The third book (and the fourth) represent two small milestones which fellow whale readers like myself respect.
I know, I know – we get this ‘qty vs. quality’ discussion all the time. However, the secret is if you are reading THIS note. You have already decided these sets of stories and characters are good enough for you.
Quality question solved.
Now, we see what Candy has in store as we take these characters and grow them. Book four is a tough book, and I think she now has it in her to pull it off.
I can tell you, when you fans review my books and tell me “I usually stop between books 6-8 because the story is repetitive, but I’M STILL HERE!” and I’m on book 18?
Damn, that makes me feel cool, I will admit. It means that the characters are still real, the story still puts them into situations that matter and we keep going on.
Now, I’ll loose between 4-10% between books, usually. BUT, I’ve got enough fans asking for the next Bethany Anne or Michael book that I feel I’m blessed.
Blessed with great fans, great reads, and great comments. Now, I get to share YOU with authors (and friends) such as Candy.
If you read her author note, you know that she is experiencing the fun of her author career right now.
And I couldn’t be more satisfied to share.
Ad Aeternitatem,
Candy Crum
For a chance to see ALL of Candy’s different Book Series
Check out her website below!
Website: http://www.candycrumbooks.com
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Books by Michael Anderle
For a complete list of Kurtherian Gambit Universe
books please click this link.
Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:
First Arc
Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)
Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)
Second Arc
We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)
Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)
Don’t Cross This Line (14)
Third Arc (2017)
Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)
Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)
Life Goes On (21)
The Second Dark Ages
The Dark Messiah (01)
The Darkest Night (02)
Darkest Before The Dawn (03)
*with Ell Leigh Clarke*
The Boris Chronicles
* With Paul C. Middleton *
Evacuation (01)
Retaliation (02)
Revelations (03)
Redemption (04)
Reclaiming Honor
Justice Is Calling (01)
Claimed By Honor (02)
Judgement Has Fallen (03)
Angel of Reckoning (04)
Born Into Flames (05)
Defending The Lost (06)
Saved By Valor (07)
Return of Victory (08)
The Etheric Academy
* With TS PAUL *
ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)
Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles
Nomad Found (01)
Nomad Redeemed (02)
Nomad Unleashed (03)
Nomad Supreme (04)
Nomad’s Fury (05)
Nomad’s Justice (06)
Nomad Avenged (07)
Nomad Mortis (08)
Nomad’s Force (09)
Nomad’s Galaxy (10)
Trials and Tribulations
* With Natalie Grey *
Risk Be Damned (01)
Damned to Hell (02)
The Age of Magic
The Rise of Magic
* With CM Raymond / LE Barbant *
Restriction (01)
Reawakening (02)
Rebellion (03)
Revolution (04)
Unlawful Passage (05)
Darkness Rises (06)
The Gods Beneath (07)
Reborn (08)
The Hidden Magic Chronicles
* With Justin Sloan *
Shades of Light (01)
Shades of Dark (02)
Shades of Glory (03)
Shades of Justice (04)
Storms of Magic
*With PT Hylton*
Storm Raiders (01)
Storm Callers (02)
Storm Breakers (03)
Storm Warrior (04)
Tales of the Feisty Druid
*With Candy Crum*
The Arcadian Druid (01)
The Undying Illusionist (02)
The Frozen Wasteland (03)
The Deceiver (04)
The Lost (05)
The Damned (06)
Path of Heroes
*With Brandon Barr*
Rogue Mage (01)
A New Dawn
*With Amy Hopkins*
Dawn of Destiny (01)
Dawn of Darkness (02)
Dawn of Deliverance (03)
Dawn o
f Days (04)
The Age of Expansion
The Ascension Myth
* With Ell Leigh Clarke *
Awakened (01)
Activated (02)
Called (03)
Sanctioned (04)
Rebirth (05)
Retribution (06)
Cloaked (07)
Bourne (08)
Confessions of a Space Anthropologist
* With Ell Leigh Clarke *
Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)
The Uprise Saga
* With Amy DuBoff *
Covert Talents (01)
Endless Advance (02)
Veiled Designs (03)
Degeneration (04)
Bad Company
* With Craig Martelle*
The Bad Company (01)
Blockade (02)
The Ghost Squadron
* With Sarah Noffke and J.N. Chaney*
Formation (01)
Exploration (02)
Evolution (03)
Valerie’s Elites
* With Justin Sloan and PT Hylton *
Valerie’s Elites (01)
Death Defied (02)
Etheric Adventures: Anne and Jinx
*With S.R. Russell*
Etheric Recruit
Etheric Researcher
Other Books
Gateway to the Universe
*With Craig Martelle & Justin Sloan*
The Revelations of Oriceran
The Leira Chronicles
*With Martha Carr*
Waking Magic (1)
Release of Magic (2)
Protection of Magic (3)
Rule of Magic (4)
Dealing in Magic (5)
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 01 (7.5)
You Don’t Touch John’s Cousin
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 02 (9.5)
Bitch’s Night Out
Bellatrix: Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 03 (13.25)
With Natalie Grey
Available at Audible.com and iTunes