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Secrets (Swept Saga)

Page 15

by Nyx, Becca Lee

  “I was worried about you. I know how much you hate large crowds, and did you change your clothes.”

  “Yeah, I um got back to my dorm and put on something else. I told you I didn’t want to smell like beer and cum.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He says and kisses me. His kiss tastes like beer and I cringe a little. I’ve never liked how it tastes I prefer liquor over beer anyway. When we break apart the crowd cheers and I hear Nick’s voice over the speakers. A guitar squeals, and then I hear a few lines from the bass. Nick’s voice cuts in and I’m surprised at how good he sounds. The noise is so loud I can’t quite make out what he’s saying, but the beat and the music have me hooked. Ryan grabs my hand and pulls me into the depth of the crowd.


  I was people watching and sipping a beer. I was always careful about alcohol consumption, considering my father was addicted, and I only drank socially. I never had the stuff in my dorm; I didn’t need it to have a good time.

  The party was like a scene out of girls gone wild. Girls of all shapes and sizes were lifting their shirts, and showing their tits. I can’t say I’m disgusted by what I see; I mean who doesn’t like boobs? By the looks of the other guys in the crowd they were amused as well.

  Deep into the crowd I could see people grinding on each other to the beat of the music. They were so close and there was a lot of skin. It looked like a weird throbbing orgy; one that I had no desire to join. I believe my crazy sex days are gone and that’s okay with me. I’m perfectly happy to be with just Crystal and no one else. I look forward to the time we spend together even if we don’t have sex. I liked the fact that there was more to us as a couple then gratuitous humping and grunting. I liked getting to know Crystal as she is and seeing her for who she is. She’s always honest with me, and I feel so at ease when I’m with her.

  I was watching an interesting scene unfold between three girls and one guy. From what I could gather they each thought they were his girlfriend only for all three to show up, and an argument ensued. That’s when I heard Crystal yell. I’ve never heard her talk that way to anyone and I knew I had to find her. She wasn’t far from me. She was visibly angry, her hands were curled into tight fists and she was shaking.

  I intervened and carried her away. She looked rattled and I get the feeling that the crowd is too much for her. When she told me why she went off like she did I couldn’t blame her. She’s been carrying around this burden, and finally said something to me about it. I wish I had a time travel machine so I could go back in time and un-do the hurt that she’s had to endure.

  My heart broke for hers when she told me the story. Scumbags like that give every guy a bad name and wish the lot of them would be locked away all in a cell together where they can rape each other, until they understand the damage it causes. I wonder how people like that sleep at night knowing how badly they’ve fucked up other people. Evil such as this shouldn’t exist.

  I wasn’t surprised by the fact that Crystal blamed herself. A lot of people do, I was just surprised that she didn’t push any blame towards her rapist. She takes herself so seriously sometimes and it seems she puts a lot of pressure on herself. Maybe that’s why she never thought to blame him.

  I took her back to her dorm so she could change. Her room wasn’t in the normal precise state of clean she usually kept it. I didn’t ask her why, but I was glad when she put on the red blouse that she wore the first day I met her.

  I brought her back to the party and I was shocked when she told me that Ryan knew about us. I wasn’t sure what she meant about all of that, but when I saw him coming towards us I figured it was better that I go. There’s always time talk about it later. I get the feeling she doesn’t want me around anyway.


  I feel like a madman as time goes by. I’m running as much as I can and encompass the crowd. I need to find her and when I do I’m going to scoop her up into my arms and never let her go.

  I worry that some guy has kidnaped her and doing unspeakable things to her. I keep calling and texting. I even left her a few voicemails. I need to know she’s okay. Where the fuck is she? If she’s with Gabriel… I try to think of a threat and then I realize. Gabriel would be the least of my worries he would keep her safe.

  As I’m looking I begin to realize that Gabriel does make her happy. Maybe I’ve been looking at this all wrong. I’ve been selfish blinded by my own love for her. If I caused her to run off with him, then maybe I need to re-think some things. The words, “If you love her you will let her go,” run through my mind out of nowhere. I don’t even know where I heard that before, but it makes sense. But in the odd chance that Crystal is still here somewhere I want to find her. I scream her name into the crowd and look around for any response. The people who turn towards me aren’t her. Shit! I hope I can find her. I call her name again and look around. I think I see her and start walking towards her. I see someone next to her and I think it’s Gabriel, but I can’t be sure a person moves in front of me and blocks my view. I call her name again, and she’s looking right at me. It’s Crystal and I’m so happy I’ve found her. I don’t see Gabriel; maybe I was just imagining him.

  I hold Crystal in my arms and kiss her. I’m so happy I found her. I’m never going to let her out of my sight again. I hold her as Wreck Hock begins to play and we sway to the slow songs. I can tell she’s enjoying the music and I’m glad she’s not mad at me. I don’t know what I would do if she hated me. Crystal turns around and I turn with her. I see Tiffany. Oh yeah, the Emily revenge. I hope this plays out how I want it to. Crystal walks away from me eyes forward moving out of the crowd her path set. Tiffany follows her from a distance and I decided to pursue as well. I let Crystal escape me once. I’m not going to let that happen again.


  We make our way closer and closer in until we can see Nick on stage dancing and singing, giving the performance of his life. I can see Kelly by the side of the stage swooning with a big smile on her face. Maybe the band members are disgusting and crude, and maybe Nick is old, but I can tell Kelly really likes him and that’s enough for me. I really want her to be happy. I enjoy the music, and Ryan holds me close I allow myself to really enjoy how he feels next to me and I appreciate all that he’s done for me. I do feel bad for being upset with him earlier and I feel bad for going behind his back with Gabriel. Maybe just maybe I can really make this work with Ryan and give him the full attention that he deserves.

  Ryan and I are swaying to a slow song and I feel a tap on a shoulder. I turn around and see Tiffany. It’s time for me to meet with Emily. I break away from Ryan, and walk out of the crowd. Tiffany arranged all of this and I know exactly where she will be. I think about what it is I have to do and grab the small bottle out of my purse. I’m supposed to pour it on a piece of cloth, sneak up behind her and put the cloth over her face. It should knock her out, and then Tiffany and the others will be able to carry her off and finish out the rest of the plan.

  As I get close to a crop of trees I slow my pace and walk as quietly as I can. Emily should be just inside near some benches. She thinks she’s meeting Gabriel, but instead she’s meeting me. Well maybe she won’t meet me if I can do my job right.

  As I get closer, a twig snaps under my foot and completely gives me away; so much for stealth. “Who’s there?” She calls out.

  I know I’m not going to fool her by trying to hide so I decide to reveal myself.

  “It’s just me.” I answer and walk under a light so she can see me.

  “Oh, you.” She says like she’s bored. “Let me guess Tiffany set this whole thing up.”

  My mouth pops open. What does Emily know? “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh you know what I talking about, the look on your face gives you away. Let me guess she wants revenge for all the terrible things I’ve done, is that correct?” She asks.

  I nod my head, unable to say anything.

  “Do you really believe Tiffany? I bet she
told you that I orchestrated her rape.”

  I look at Emily, stunned. “You did, didn’t you?”

  “That’s the story I heard. Isn’t she sweet? Crediting me with such cunning; I assume she’s told you that I’ve harmed other people, too.”

  My mouth drops open then shuts, “She did, and I believe her. After all you put those flyers out.”

  “Ah, yes the flyers. I wondered when this subject was going to come up,” Emily smiles. “That night, you fell asleep I went and took a shower. I was gone for a while; I ran into a friend and talked to her. Gabriel must have fallen asleep as well, and I’ll bet Tiffany took that picture of you in Gabriel’s arms.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would she do that?”

  “Tiffany Price has been after me for years. She fell in love with me and I didn’t return the favor. In fact, I blew her off.”

  “But you moved out, you had a fight with Gabriel, and he told me you sent him texts…”

  “Yes, I was angry that Gabriel chose you, but I wouldn’t have spread flyers all over campus. Think about it, Crystal. If I wanted to get back at you I wouldn’t have taken a picture of you that night. I didn’t even know how he felt about you until the next day.”

  I watched Emily’s face looking for any sign that would indicate she was lying, but there was nothing, she made sense. Did I believe her though? Is it possible that Tiffany did all of this? Is she really the one I should watch out for? My head is spinning and I look for a place to sit down. I find a bench to my right and sit, head down, my palms over my face. “I don’t understand, I don’t know where to begin, I don’t know if I believe you.” I say finally.

  “Tell me what Tiffany told you, all of it.” Emily says and sits down next to me.

  “Tiffany says you friended her in high school,” I begin and launch into the story that Tiffany told me.

  Emily waited patiently as I finished and shook her head. “That really is a doozy, some parts are true, we were friends and we did have sex. I like women and I like men, but I didn’t want to be in a relationship and Tiffany became infatuated with me. I didn’t tell anyone she was a lesbian; it wouldn’t have served any purpose. She did, however, tell someone at school that she was in love with me and the rumor spread like wildfire. I didn’t say a word about any of it. I don’t know if she was raped or how it happened, but I had nothing to do with it. I allowed Tiffany to be my friend because I wanted to keep tabs on her, but she still stalked me. She’s tapped my phone before, hacked my computer, placed ads on the internet for hookups and has made life difficult. She’s even used you to get to me.” Emily says.

  I stare at her, and I can see everything happening how she says it did. When I think about it Tiffany has talked about Emily every chance she gets. She has this vendetta against her and has dragged me into it. I believed her, how could I not? We’ve become close, best friends even and now I’m finding out that it’s all a lie? “I don’t know how, but I believe you, Emily. I was supposed to lure you into a trap, but now I want to warn you. Stay away, Tiffany is plotting against you and I don’t want to see you get hurt.” I say with desperation.

  I hear someone start clapping and I spin around, Tiffany is walking towards us and clapping her hands. “Bravo, bravo.” She says. “This deserves an award, would you like to thank the Academy, Emily?” She sneers. I look back and forth between Emily and Tiffany. “Crystal, dear sweet Crystal, you are such a trusting person, it doesn’t take much to win you over.” Tiffany says, in a voice that gives me the creeps.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask feeling more confused.

  “Did you bother to ask me what my major is? Did you bother to check around about me, check my story? Talk to Emily? You didn’t, you believed me hook line and sinker, and guess what, Crystal, it’s too late to spare Emily now. I wish I had videotaped the whole ordeal, really, I must have given the best performance of my life, to convince you.”

  “Tiffany, please tell me. What’s going on? I don’t even know what the truth is.”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, you know the truth now, and guess what? You’ve played perfectly into all of this. I knew you wouldn’t be able to lure Emily into the trap. I knew you would give Emily a chance to talk and you would be told the truth. I counted on that and it worked out perfectly. You’ve done your part and now you can watch as I finally settle this, Emily, issue.”

  I look into Tiffany’s eyes and they’re black and cold. I want to run, but I don’t know what will happen if I do. I don’t know what Tiffany is planning and I don’t want to find out. I can’t believe I didn’t see all of this sooner. Am I really that gullible? The question I now faced is what am I going to do to save Emily? I can’t stand here and watch. I must act. Tiffany pulls out a gun, the same gun that Ryan gave her earlier, and points it at Emily.

  “Why are you doing this?” Emily asks, tears stream down her face, ruining her makeup.

  “Because I can’t have you, because you threw me away like a piece of trash. I love you Emily and you couldn’t return my love. You left me broken, shattered, and alone when I needed you the most. You didn’t stand up for me or set the rumors straight, and you didn’t care when you found out I was raped. I want you to pay for all of that, Emily. I want you to know what it feels like to have everything taken from you.” Tiffany says and cocks the gun.

  “Tiffany, don’t” I say hoping she’ll stop

  “STAY OUT OF THIS!” She yells at me, with her hands held up near her face shaking her head. Emily stands up, and Tiffany points the gun at her, I see her finger twitch on the trigger.


  As soon as Wreck Hock took the stage I knew I had to leave. Their sound hasn’t changed since the last time I heard them. In fact I think they’re worse now. I don’t know how anyone could consider what they play music. They’re unoriginal, and they lack true talent. I do however have to give them some props for not giving up though. But after fifteen years of trying and failing perhaps it was time to find a new hobby.

  I worked my way through the crowd and to my motorcycle I started it up and putted out of the parking lot. Suddenly I had a really bad feeling. Something wasn’t right and I didn’t know what it was. I made it to the end of the parking lot and I had a strong urge to turn the opposite way from where I was intending to go. I decided to follow my gut, and turned. I went down the road just a little ways and up to a path. As soon as I saw it I knew I should park my bike and walk down it.


  Ryan was walking towards Crystal, too far away to hear what was happening. He could see Crystal standing close to Emily and he was walking up behind Tiffany. Crystal looked scared, but he didn’t know why something must have gone wrong with the plan. Before he could take another step or say anything. The gun went off and Crystal jumped in front of Emily and knocked her to the ground. Tiffany turned the gun on herself and pulled the trigger, falling to the ground just as fast. Ryan froze he didn’t know what to do; he didn’t know how to comprehend what just happened.

  Gabriel ran to Crystal’s side. He saw part of the scene unfold and wanted to help however he could. Finally, Ryan found his feet as time caught up with him and ran to Crystal’s side, too. It didn’t seem like Crystal saw either of them. Her body was trembling and blood was pooling on her shirt. She put her hand on her shoulder and withdrew her blood drenched hand. Her vision was blurry and everything was looking darker and darker.

  Ryan and Gabriel shared concerned looks and Emily stood to her feet shaking and crying. Gabriel started to yell at Ryan and Emily to call 911 and tried to keep Crystal conscious; Tiffany forgotten in her own pool of blood. Crystal lost all sense of time, sight, and sound. Her last thoughts were of Ryan. Where was he? She needed him. In fact she knew then that she loved him. The last word that Ryan and Gabriel heard Crystal say was a word that brought excitement to Ryan and sadness to Gabriel. That one word was a name. The name was Ryan.

  To be continued…

  The Story continues in
r />   Starless

  Coming 2014

  A Native American from Oklahoma, Becca Lee Nyx has been obsessed with writing since she was a child. Becca is married to her long lost childhood friend from England after meeting back up with him when they were both in high school. Now with two children, a boy of 5 and a girl of 2, Becca has decided to retire from running a home day care to do the thing she loves; writing. Her first two books "Swept” and “Secrets” are two of a Saga; with the next two books coming soon. When she is not writing, Becca is studying her college subject, crocheting, working out at the gym, cruising the internet, or reading a good book.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One Girlfriend

  Chapter Two Roommate

  Chapter Three Hike

  Chapter Four Class

  Chapter Five Stuck

  Chapter Six Drama

  Chapter Seven Shower

  Chapter Eight Finals

  Chapter Nine Plans

  Chapter Ten Progress

  Chapter Eleven Grades

  Chapter Twelve Party




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