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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

Page 4

by JK Ensley

  “What?” She looked right at the young Shinobi. “What did he just do? Why are you laughing?” She tried to look her Dragon in the face from where she still sat. “What? Tell me. Did he roll his eyes at me?” She tried to turn his head toward her, pulling on one of his great whiskers. “Look at me, Nilakanta. Did you roll your eyes at me?”

  If you did not see it, then no, I did not roll my eyes at you, Little Fire.

  Goemon’s laugh huffed out between his clenched fingers.

  She sighed and slumped back down across his shoulders, pouting. “Fine. Whatever. I do not care anyway.”

  Kin Ryu, Nilakanta continued. I did not request your presence for Kagi Naga’s sake. I called you over to meet this intriguing young Son of Munenori. He tilted his head toward Goemon. He has been blessed with a Dragon tongue.

  Yes, I can see that, Kin Ryu said. I have never met a man with such ability. I am honored.

  The golden Dragon bowed toward the mesmerized Shinobi. Goemon reached his hand out, desperately wanting to touch those shiny scales.

  “Careful, little brother,” Jenevier warned. “Sometimes… that first touch can pack quite a punch.”

  She and her Dragon chuckled together.

  Kin Ryu was nothing like Nilakanta. The golden Dragon was huge, yes, but not nearly the size of the giant sapphire one she sat atop. Also, he was more serpentine in appearance than was her magnificent friend and bonded brother.

  Jenevier patted Nilakanta’s neck and hugged him. “My baby wouldn’t even fit in a barn.” She tenderly stroked his scales. “There is not another who could compare to my Dragon. None are as glorious as the one I claim.”

  He purred under her, vibrating her very soul. Nilakanta half closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sheer ecstasy that was her gentle touch.

  She glanced over just as Goemon’s fingertips came into contact with Kin Ryu’s ethereal golden scales. His whole arm glowed, and his reddish black locks lifted into the air.

  “Here we go,” she whispered, smiling.

  Chapter 3



  Yui half fell, half jumped off the golden Dragon’s back… while Goemon remained mounted atop his new bonded brother.

  Those two—Shinobi and Dragon—they will be inseparable ‘til death, she thought.

  As it should be, Nilakanta said.

  Her tiptoes had barely touched the ground when Yui reached her. Wrapping his arms around her, he swept her up in the air and spun her around.

  “Empress Naga, I was so worried.” His relieved words were muffled against her neck. “When I heard the horror story Uriel recounted of your summons, my heart felt like it would explode.”

  “He told you the whole of it?”

  “No, Milady. Daichi was questioning him concerning your whereabouts. I overheard him say you were injured, unconscious for three days.”

  “I am fine now, good Yui. Do not fret over me so.”

  “How can you say thus to me, Empress? You are my life. If anything ever happened to you or one of the boys… my spirit would flee this wretched bag of bones.”

  She giggled as he set her down. “Those boys you speak of are giant Angels now, powerful beyond our knowing.”

  Pride sparkled in his lovely purple eyes. “Yes, they are.” Yui sighed and rested his forehead against hers. “We did good by them, did we not?”

  “You were the father they never knew,” she whispered. “You have helped me more than any other human, Yui. And I took it all for granted. Forgive me.”

  “Shhh, now. You are speaking nonsense, Milady. Do not let your frazzled nerves get the better of you.”

  “No. You shush, Yui. I only speak what is true, and you know it. Not only was it thanks to you they came into this world free of harm. You selflessly stood as their father and my only strength until they were grown.” Tears trickled down her cheeks. “And I never even said thank you.”

  “You thanked me every day just by loving me and letting me be near them.” He squeezed her tighter. “And I never said thank you for that.” He lightly kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Kagi Naga. Thank you for blessing me with not only a huge chunk of your life, but a huge chunk of your heart as well.”

  She gently circled the tip of his nose with hers. Yui couldn’t help but smile. Jenevier knew he loved when she did that.

  “You were but a boy when first you saved me. Now… I am held in the arms of a man. A truly beautiful man, inside and out.”

  His breath hitched when her lips touched his—a soft, tender, sweet kiss.

  When Jenevier made to withdraw, Yui slid his hand up her back and into her hair, clasping the back of her head, locking her to him.

  She gasped. “Yui…”

  Goemon’s recent words filled her mind, ceasing her protests. Instead, she relaxed and simply let one of her favorite people in the universe just hold her, hold her the way he wanted to.

  They were quiet for a long while, clinging to the love they would always hold for each other, clinging to the mutual respect they would always share. Eventually Yui began playing with her, teasing her, brushing her cheeks with his incredibly long lashes. When her giggles started, the merciless tickling began.

  Nilakanta lay down, resting his chin upon the ground, watching his enchanting Guardian and her fair Shinobi dart about like children at play.

  “So… Dragon,” Goemon said as he neared Nilakanta. “You seem to be enjoying this almost as much as they are.” He motioned with his head toward the giddy couple.

  The giant sapphire Dragon seemed to smile.

  I might even be enjoying it more.

  “I’m surprised,” Goemon said.

  And why is that, baby ninja?

  “It was only a few short hours ago you were ready to turn us all to ash because she but spoke to Kin Ryu. Now a man she loves with all her heart is making her laugh, touching her, kissing her even. Yet you say you are happy for her.”

  I have already explained this to you, baby hatchling. Why must you question me further on the matter?

  “Because I am failing to understand your explanation.” He shook his head. “She can do… you know… stuff with that beautiful man chasing her now. If I were going to be jealous, it would be of a rare man such as Yui. Not a Dragon.”

  Nilakanta slowly blinked his eyes. You are young and have only just met your Dragon. In time… you will understand. Until then, little one, there is simply no rushing such knowledge. Yet know this, odd ninja boy. Dragon’s hold great magic.

  Goemon huffed out a half laugh. “That’s it, huh?”

  No greater explanation can be given.

  The young Shinobi sat down between the two mighty Dragons, leaned back on his hands, and watched as his Empress and beloved Senpai shared a few rare moments of bliss.


  “That one looks like a butterfly,” she said.

  “Which one?” Yui pointed at a passing cloud. “That one?”

  “No.” Jenevier pointed further to her left. “That one.”

  “A butterfly? No way. A dog, perhaps. But definitely not a butterfly.”

  “What do you mean, a dog? Tell me. What in the world about it looks like a dog to you? Are you even looking at the right one?” She stabbed her finger in the air, pointing again.

  “Yes. That one, right there.” Yui copied her exaggerated motion and their hands barely grazed each other.

  Their gazes left the passing clouds and focused on where their flesh now touched. She smiled when he slowly ran his fingertips up the back of her hand, sliding his fingers between hers, interlocking them.

  She gave his hand a little squeeze. “Goemon told me you have no desire to find a mate. Is your mind set on this matter?”

  “It is.”

  She sighed. “But you are such an incredible person, Yui. Never have I met a man with a heart such as yours. It would be an unforgivable tragedy if you let such a gift go to waste. Do you not wish to have children of your own someday?”

; “I do,” he said as he laid his other hand upon her belly.

  Her eyes widened as she turned to look at him.

  “Daichi would kill us both.”

  “Yes, he would.”

  “And he will outlive us both as well.”

  Yui smiled. “Yes. More than likely, that is true.”

  “So what are you saying, Yui?”

  The beautiful ninja rolled onto his side and looked down at her.

  “I am saying that yes, I do long for a mate. And yes, I do want children. But only with you, Naga.”


  “Shhh…” He placed a finger to her lips. “Just listen to me, Mistress.” He smiled sweetly. “I already knew every maiden within our village before I met you. I was already of an age. I could have married, had it been my desire. Alas, I was not interested in them then, and my mind has not changed concerning the matter. I simply did not desire love or bonding or children. Not until I met you. When I held you in my arms, as you desperately fought to bring life forth from your weary body, I fell hopelessly in love with you. I know I was but sixteen and not a man in your eyes. But my soul literally crumbled when I thought you had died. I made a vow in my heart. I would raise your children as my own, love them as no one else possibly could. That was the only gift I could give you, and I freely did so.”

  She gently touched his cheek. “…Yui.”

  “Milady, I knew not what love was until that day. Not until I supported your tiny body, soothed your pain with my words. Not until I held your little Angels, watched them grow into men, trained them to be warriors in their own right. Naga, my heart feels as if I have been your mate since your very first day upon Jinn. What more can a husband and wife share in… than what we already have?” He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips. “I wish nothing more than for it to remain thus with us… always.”

  “I will always love you.” Tears burned the backs of her eyes. “Forgive me, Yui. I should feel shame at stealing your heart away while you were yet young and selfishly keeping it all to myself. Yes, I should feel great shame. Yet… I do not. My wicked heart smiles at your words, is made happy because of your pain. What kind of friend am I, Yui? What kind of person would take comfort in such a thing?”

  He leaned down closer to her, their noses nearly touching.

  “The kind that loves me as much as I love them.”

  She closed her eyes just as his lips gently touched hers. Yet this was not the tender peck he would normally place there. He kissed her the way any true lover would kiss his fair maid. It tingled all the way down to her toes.

  He smiled softly, gazing into her enchanting eyes. “One day, Milady… one day I will show you the true depths of my adoration for you. One day… I will have the courage to show you just how deep my feelings run.”


  “I got it. I got it,” Goemon said. “If anything is wrong, Kin Ryu will know it. Then, we will race to the palace and tell Yui.”

  “Correct.” Jenevier nodded approvingly. “That way, Nilakanta and I can do what it is I need to do, but no one will have to worry about me. And Goemon, it works both ways. Kin Ryu will let this gorgeous beast, here, know if there is trouble on Jinn.” She hugged the blue Dragon’s neck as she spoke. “We will come back, straight away, if you need us.”

  Goemon nodded his understanding. “I will let you know, Empress.”

  She smiled. “Very good, then.”

  He looked toward the forest that separated the Iga village from the Valley of Dragons. “So… tell me. Who is it you are running from?” He glanced back at her. “Or who is it you are running to?”

  Kin Ryu sort of made a coughing noise and Nilakanta growled.

  “What?” He held his hands up, palms out, shaking them back and forth. “Why are you both jumping on me? I just asked a simple question.”

  This is your royal Empress, and our celestial Guardian, Kin Ryu scolded. Do not be so casual and presumptuous with her.

  You sit not on her council, nor are you schooled in such, Nilakanta added. If she wanted you to know her business, she would have told you… minus your impudent questions.

  “Heed their wisdom, little brother,” she said with a smile. “A son is but a reflection of his father. Tell me. What would Hanzo say if he heard you speak thusly to me?”

  Goemon blushed. “Are you going to tell him?”

  Jenevier gave him a level glare, but was smiling on the inside.

  “That all depends.”

  The young ninja looked down at his feet. “On what?”

  “On whether wise counsel is taken to heart.”

  “Yes, Ma’am… I understand.”

  She stared at the curious Shinobi’s profile. “Tell me. What are your years now, Goemon? How many do they count? How old are you?”

  “I am in my twenty-fourth year.”

  She arched a single brow. “Hmm… I would have counted you much younger.”

  He did not respond.

  “Yui was but sixteen when I was brought here.” She smiled then, remembering all the precious time they had shared together. “But I never thought of him as such. I was in my thirties and counted him every bit my equal… even older in some regards,” she mumbled. “That enchanting fair man bears an old soul.”

  “He had no choice,” Goemon said softly. “Yui had to learn to take care of himself from an early age. Orochimaru is not like my father. He is… sterner. I have been sheltered, pampered. Some might even say I have been spoiled.”

  The two Dragons joined Jenevier in a knowing chuckle, causing the crimson on the young Shinobi’s cheeks to return.

  “I have been graciously blessed with kind and loving parents,” he continued. “Yui had neither.”

  “You love him too much, do you not?”

  He met her tender gaze. “He is my Senpai. Never will I surpass him… always will I love him.”

  As it should be, Nilakanta said.

  “One thing more.” Jenevier flew up and reclaimed her favorite spot atop her beloved Dragon. “Tell me. Why is it your raven locks burn?”

  Goemon furrowed his brow. “Excuse me?”

  “Your hair.” She motioned with her head toward him. “Every person upon this realm boasts hair the color of midnight, highlighted by a blue moon.” She gave him a crooked smile. “Why is it your black tresses seem to glow with shades of blood?”

  The blushing ninja half laughed. “Mother says it marks me a rare treasure. Father says it is because I have been blessed by fire.” He looked her straight in the eye. “What say you, Empress Naga?”

  “I’d say… they are both right.”

  She winked down at the smiling young man as her Dragon’s giant sapphire wings stretched forth, lifting her into the air.


  They burst through the clouds over layer four.

  “Ahh…” She smiled. “Ashgard, the land of my birth.”

  Nilakanta chuckled. The land of your first birth, perhaps.

  She laughed with him. “‘Tis true. Many other realms now claim that same miracle.”

  They hovered in the air, looking down upon the lush green fields and rolling plains.

  “Just look at it, Brother. It’s like time claims no hold over this fair land. Alas, I had not expected to see it again. When last I left, I swore never to return.”

  Naga, one day will you learn to stop using such words—never and always. With your lifespan, Little Fire, never is but a lie, and always… well, it doesn’t even exist.

  She pondered his wise words. They left an odd sense of sadness within her.

  “There you are, troublesome little sister. I have been searching for you everywhere.”

  Every muscle in her body tensed at the sound of that voice. She slowly closed her eyes.

  “And yet… you found me.” She sighed. “Good job, Uriel.”

  “Why are you here?” He snorted gruffly. “What more do you have to do in this place?”

  “Am I not free to go where
I choose? Have you now been given charge of my schedule, Brother?” She turned to look at him. “And as for what I am doing here… that’s really none of your concern.” She gazed longingly back down upon her homeland. “What is it you want, Angel?”

  “You have an important summons coming down very soon. You need to return to Daichi. Let him restore you before your departure.”

  She exhaled noisily and leaned forward, resting her forehead against the back of her Dragon’s neck.

  Uriel clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Kagi Naga? Are you even listening to me?”

  Without speaking, Jenevier and her bonded Dragon turned their backs to Ashgard and flew into the transporting cloud bank.


  Kias lightly touched Jezreel’s arm. “Did you feel that?”

  “I did,” she said. “But now it’s gone.”

  Dofarel burst into their home. “Did the Angel return?”

  Kias looked to his father. “If it was her, she left as suddenly as she appeared.”

  “It was definitely her,” Jezreel said softly.

  The charming Elvin Prince wrapped his arm around his wife’s trembling shoulders, whispering softly into her hair before he kissed her there.

  “Mi Sharna…”

  “Fret not, sweet Kias. I am well.”

  He gave her a little squeeze. “At least you know you are on her mind. Love pulled her back here. I felt that much.”

  Dofarel nodded. “Yes. Love pulled her here… yet duty turned her wings.”

  Jezreel smiled then. “My hope has been renewed.” She looked up to her doting husband. “She swore never to return. Yet when she did, happiness filled her.”

  Kias smiled down at his beautiful wife, stroking her long silky hair. “Yes, Mi Sharna. I felt that as well.”


  “So… where is she?” Daichi furrowed his brow. “Could you not find her?”

  “Of course I found her.” Uriel glanced back, and then turned in a full circle. “Bloody hell… She did it again.”

  Daichi rolled his eyes and sighed.


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