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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

Page 33

by JK Ensley

  Jenevier felt a sudden pang in her heart as she made to follow the regal man.

  So… it is true then, she thought.

  Naga, are you well?

  Yes… I think so. She snorted out a laugh in her mind. I always thought this would be the case. So why does it bother me?

  When someone goes from vowing their heart to acting little more than a stranger, of course it will hurt. Such a thing would hurt any creature, Naga.

  But why? I mean, I never wanted Suou’s attention in the first place. So… why does it bother me? Why does my heart feel like it’s shriveling up inside my chest?

  Aww, little Naga. It is not because of the Prince, tiny Guardian. It is because of the implication. Your heart does not shrivel… it quakes.

  From what?

  Fear, the Dragon said. Your lovely heart quakes with fear of the unknown. Tell me this. Will you be so hasty as to unbind anyone else?

  What do you mean, Dragon? I have unbound many people.

  Not so, Kagi Naga. You unbound two on Val Hal. Yet, it did not fully work, did it?

  She didn’t answer.

  You had not the power to unbind Daichi. Such a thing is not possible. Yet, the humans, you can most certainly unbind them now.

  Now? What’s so different about now? How am I any different than when I walked upon Val Hal?

  Because, Naga, Nilakanta said. You were yet a woman on Val Hal, sweet Empress. Duhrias changed that. Like the sell-sword said… you are all Angel now.

  All… Angel…

  Yes, Kagi Naga. Your powers are complete. You are finally the creature you were always meant to be. Sadly, you are not as awesome as a Dragon. He chuckled softly. But you are only Angel now. Do you understand? You are only Kagi Naga. As it should be.

  Jenevier fell silent inside. She didn’t have the words to sum up the vast array of emotions now coursing through her. She was Angel. And suddenly… that was terrifying.

  Calm your heart, Little Fire, Nilakanta continued. You always manage to take things way too far.

  But I—

  Hush now, and listen. Varick loved you from birth, minus all that you now are. Your handsome Viking loved you wholly when you did not claim a single thing that makes you who you are now. You owned not these eyes, not this voice, nothing that marks you Angel. You were but a blank slate, Kagi Naga, and that valiant young man freely gave you his whole world. Nilakanta’s tone grew harder. You have been loved by all who are important. Do not be selfish in this, Little Fire. Do not start spiraling out of control. You have a tendency to be over dramatic, he scolded. A rather unattractive quality, I should say.

  Jenevier clamped her hand over her mouth, trying to restrain her giggles.

  Suou glanced over his shoulder at her, before pushing open the large door and motioning for her to enter before him.

  “Gratitude, Prince Suou.” She bowed slightly.

  “Not at all, Empress,” he said, showing nothing but grace and royal courtesy. “Will you be staying for dinner this evening? I would be honored if you and your party chose to dine with me.”

  “That is kind and gracious of you, Your Highness. Alas, I must decline.” She gave him a warm smile. “I have been absent my people for far too long. I have much to see to.”

  “Very good, Your Majesty.” He took her hand and lightly kissed it. “The whole of Gokula owes you a great debt. If ever you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”

  She bowed slightly and turned, just as Tenshi stood.

  “Come, my beautiful son,” she said with a sad smile. “I’m ready to go home now.”

  She held her hand out, reaching for him as he approached.

  “Are you sure, Mama?” Tenshi glanced from the Prince back down to his mother. “Is everything all right? Did something happen?”

  She didn’t answer. She didn’t have to. The beautiful sapphire Angel could read her thoughts as clearly as if they were his own. He saw well the unbinding, the sudden change in Suou, and how her feelings were all jumbled up about it.

  “Very well, Mama,” he whispered. “We will leave now. But let’s not rush back to the palace just yet.” He squeezed her hand. I don’t think tea with Jophiel would be the best thing for you right now, he thought.

  Or Uriel, for that matter, she added.


  Prince Suou watched from the window as his ethereal company gathered beneath the cherry trees. His smile came unbidden as he watched Jenevier’s flawless sapphire son’s eyes sparkle when his mother laughed.

  To be blessed with such a son… all mothers deserve such unconditional love, such divine admiration, he thought. I loved my mother thusly. Tears burned the backs of his eyes. I pray she is never removed from his life. The pain from such a loss… a boy never truly recovers from such as that.

  Lost in bitter, precious memories, Suou jumped slightly when someone cleared their throat. Turning, he looked upon the stern features of their head butler, his father’s ever-loyal servant.

  “Will the young master be entertaining guests for this evening’s meal? I need to see to the seating arrangements.”

  “No, Alan. That won’t be necessary. I will be dining alone.”

  Suou turned back to the window just as Jenevier and the black-winged Angel walked off together, disappearing into the nearby forest.

  The elderly butler cleared his throat again.

  “Yes, Alan?” Suou said without turning.

  “I see Your Highness has decided to change his hair. Might I be so bold as to ask why?”

  At the man’s question, Suou absently reached up, touching the neatly woven center braid.

  “Yes… I like it better this way.”

  “Your Grace, pardon me for being so blunt.” He approached the Prince as he spoke.

  “What do you wish to know?”

  “I ask out of curiosity only, Your Highness.” He paused.

  “Go on, Alan.”

  “Why did you let the lady think… I mean… Why did you act as if your heart was changed in her regard?”

  Prince Suou smiled softly and then slowly closed his eyes.

  “Because, Alan… she wanted me to,” he whispered, wiping away his silent tears.


  “So… this man is your sheath and only sworn Knight,” Tenshi said, staring at Duhrias as they stood beneath the cherry trees. “And why is that, Mama? Why in the world do you need another man to walk alongside you?”

  “All is well, my son. As I told you, the man saved my life. I may walk with Angels throughout the universe, but during this trial of war… I walked alone. He was my strength, Prince Tenshi. We owe him our gratitude.”

  Duhrias knelt before the skeptical blue Angel. “Son of my Empress, my life belongs to your mother… as long as she will have it.”

  “Umm hmm.” Tenshi snorted as he glanced her way. “You have no idea how miserable a vow you have sworn, sell-sword. Did she tell you about life at her court?” He chuckled. “You will be hated beyond measure. This day will be the last you shall know peace… if you uphold that noble vow.”

  “Tenshi,” she softly scolded.

  “What?” He half chuckled. “Mama, is there not something you need to say to this valiant Knight you have so easily claimed?”

  Tenshi motioned with a nod of his head toward the silver treasure wrapped around her left bicep.

  Jenevier shook her head and took a step back, balling her tattooed hand into a white-knuckled fist.

  “Are you certain there isn’t something extremely important you need to say to him?” Tenshi prodded.

  She shook her head again, her wide gaze locked with her son’s.

  “Forgive me,” Ahriman said. “I hate to interrupt your family disagreement and all, but I need a moment alone with your mother, Prince Tenshi. We have a small matter yet to attend. Do you mind if I speak with her in private?”

  “Vybius.” Tenshi’s soft voice turned cold and icy when he addressed the soul-eater. “If you lay even one deceitful fing
er upon this noble woman, Father will rip your wings off… and I will help him, gladly will I help him. You know and understand my words, do you not?”

  Ahriman smiled as he took her hand in his. “Then you best not look, baby Prince. You cannot run and tell Daddy what you did not see. I promise you this; she will feel no pain. I have no intention of harming the only creature I could possibly love.”

  “All is well, Tenshi,” Jenevier said, ceasing his growls. “We have some unfinished business to attend, ‘tis true. Trust me. Vybius means me no ill will.” She glanced at the gorgeous soul-eater. “Well… not anymore. His words are crass, meant to rile tempers. This we have always known.”

  “Yes, my actions are most definitely unpolished.”

  Jenevier chuckled. “Not bloody likely. Your extreme grace and unmatched elegance are part of your damnable talent. It’s that wicked mouth of yours that could do with a bit of polishing.”

  The dark Angel smiled as he ran a single bent knuckle down her scarred cheek. “Come. Walk with me, lovely Angel.”

  Holding hands, they strolled along in silence for quite some time before Ahriman stepped in front of her, ceasing her footsteps.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” he whispered. “I loved you before Apollyon even knew who you were. The day you were marked… you took my heart prisoner.”

  She started to speak, but he gently placed his finger to her open lips.

  “Shhh, Jenevier. There is no need for that rare trinket Vittorio gifted you,” he said with a smile. “It will not work on me. I loved you before your enticing scent first captivated me, and long before you were gifted with those most magical of eyes.”

  “My eyes? Are my eyes what cast the spell?”

  He slowly nodded, never losing his soft smile. “Yes, little one. They are the ethereal gifts that bind the heart of man. And your scent, ahh… that glorious aroma is what captures the will of the gifted ones, the ones not bound by humanity alone, the supernatural of this universe. So don’t go fretting over anyone’s true feelings for you ever again.”

  “But I—”

  “Lovely Jenevier, did you think I could not read your heart, that your true feelings could ever be hidden from me entirely? Forget not, my Angel. I have tasted your precious soul. I know you well, Milady. Now, remember this. Those who loved you before you blended with my dark Prince, and the ones who fell for you while you were minus these exquisite pink troublemakers… their feelings were born within their hearts, not their minds.”

  I knew Finnean loved you truly, Nilakanta said.

  As did I, Brother. As did I.

  “Now, erase your doubts and turn your thoughts toward me. I am the only man in your life that matters at the moment. The time has come to decide upon our unsettled business.”

  “Payment for your dark deed,” she softly said.

  “Well… I kept my promise, and I threw in a little extra surprise where your silver sister was concerned. I rectified my dark deeds, did I not?”

  She smiled. “A hundred fold.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Very good. Now then, no more talk of darkness and soul-eating.” He lightly tapped the tip of her nose. “I wish to tell you a story.”

  He laughed out loud when he saw the sparkle of excitement flash in her eyes.

  “Has anyone ever told you how dangerous a thing your wild curiosity can be, Princess?”

  “You know they have.” She giggled. “You have told me thus yourself, Vybius.” She wriggled free then grabbed his hand. “Come on, Brother. Tell me before I burst.”

  He smiled. “Very well, naïve little sister.”

  The exquisite dark Angel led her out into an open field full of wildflowers—dandelions, daisies, and black-eyed susans. When they had reached the very center, he lay back in the flowers and patted the spot beside him.

  “When you are ready, Milady,” he said, locking his fingers behind his head.

  Ahriman waited until she was curled up at his side, trembling with anticipation. He smiled.

  “Once upon a time, in a realm far far away.” He laughed when she pinched his side. “Very well. Once upon a time, there was an exquisitely handsome soul-eater. He went about doing what it was he did. And he was exceptionally good at his job.” He glanced down to see her lovely face before going on. “It all started many, many thousands of years ago. An enchanting young woman was doing her best to try and resist me. Of course, being the Angel I am, I was having none of it. Alas, this maid sought the aid of one extremely gifted witch. Claiming her lovely voice as payment, the witch gifted the maiden with a rare purple stone—the only one of its kind in existence. For you see, the stone was created from her sacrifice. Part of her voice was magically woven with a lock of her lovely fair hair, soaked for seven days in the blood of a lamb, and then tied as a ribbon around a bouquet of wild violets. Presto, change-o…”

  Jenevier giggled, causing Ahriman’s smile to grow with hers.

  “It took the form of a unique warding stone,” he said.

  “A warding stone?”

  “Yes, sweet Angel, a warding stone. A stone created from a concentration of protective magic.”

  She was softly rubbing his tummy as he spoke, smiling as she gazed upon his flawless profile.

  “Protection from what, Vybius?”

  “Protection from me, little one.” He absently twisted one of her curls around his finger. “And it worked, my love. Believe it or not, it actually worked. I felt physically ill any time I got within ten feet of the maid.”

  “You mean… you got a bellyache every time you saw her?”

  He chuckled. “No, not exactly. I had no problem looking at her, no. But when I would draw near, every cell in my body began to burn. It was excruciating.”

  “So… what did you do?”

  “I did the only thing I could do.” He gently kissed her forehead. “I stayed away from her.”

  They laid there in silence for several long heartbeats.

  “Is that the end of the story?”

  “No, my love,” he whispered. “That was only the beginning.”

  “Then, what happened? Did you find a way around the magic?”

  His distant gaze was haunted, tormented. “No, Jenevier. I never did.”

  The pain in his soft words nearly brought her to tears.

  “She was lucky, that one,” he said with a tiny smile. “Alas, she was only the first. This same bizarre magic was woven many times throughout the centuries.”

  She wrapped her arm around him and squeezed, comforting him, trying to hold this vicious dark Angel together, terrified he was crumbling within.

  Ahriman chuckled and looked down at her. “Are you hugging me, lovely girl? Are you trying to comfort me?”

  Jenevier met his tender gaze. “Is it working?”

  His beautiful eyes looked so sad, it hurt her heart. He wrapped his arms around her and returned the favor.

  “Yes,” he whispered into her curls. “I have never been hugged before. Not like this. Not by a dear friend, lending me support.” He held her in silence for a few more moments. “You are my very first friend, Jenevier. Did you know that?” He lovingly stroked her hair. “My very first friend gave me my very first hug.”

  “But you are countless years old, Vybius. How can I be your first friend?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Because… you are the first person I have allowed to be,” he whispered. “I am a soul-eater, my love. I do not go about making friends and falling in love. I intentionally destroy people. That is what I do. And I do it well. Many souls now writhe within the pit with my mark upon their forehead.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Why do you think I am the Hand of Hell, little one? Why do you think your dark husband counts me as his trusted right?”

  She didn’t answer. How could anyone answer such a thing?

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Still, she did not speak.

  “Perhaps… if every creatur
e felt what I now feel with you, if each one was blessed with but a single moment of feeling truly treasured… perhaps there would be no darkness at all.”

  His tender words warmed her cheek as his lips brushed her there. She sniffed.

  “I am proud to be your friend,” she whispered. “Your only friend.”

  “You are my only friend, yes. But that was not the only warding stone, little Angel. Let me share the rest with you.” He sweetly kissed her forehead again before continuing. “Throughout the millennia, there have been several of its like. I know not how or why, but when I find a particularity enchanting maiden, one I desire with a gnawing hunger… she somehow manages to obtain one such stone. Almost like… someone is watching me, helping the ones I want the most,” he whispered, mostly to himself. “Anyway, there have been fifteen such stones in all.”

  “Fifteen? So… you have counted them?”

  Ahriman smiled again. “Not only have I counted them, my love, I have collected them.” He lightly kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Collected them?” She studied his beautiful amethyst eyes closely. “But… how is it you collect them if you cannot go near them?”

  “I am not repelled by the stone, Jenevier. I am hindered by the magic it emits. A magic which is only given life while worn by the one I truly desire, the one who made the sacrifice. Alas, they were but women—mortal and fragile and fleeting. When nature ran its course and time ceased their fragile hearts, I would take the stone off her cold body while the reapers escorted her soul to a place I can never follow.”

  She tenderly ran her fingertips down his handsome face. “That is the saddest story I have ever heard.” Tears burned her eyes. “Fifteen times you have lost someone you truly loved.”

  “No, lovely Angel.” He gently kissed away one of her tears. “I did not love those maidens. I desired them, desired to look into their glorious eyes as I damned their pure souls to hell. How is it you can say such a thing as their very salvation, is a sorrowful thing? No, little one. I did not love them.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I first knew love when I first knew you.”

  Jenevier kissed him then—first his cheek, then his nose, and then softly upon his lips. Ahriman closed his eyes. She felt him trembling within her embrace. She kissed him again, and then just a little harder, just a little longer. She ran her fingers into his hair and held him to her until their kisses knew no end.


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