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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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by Hart, Melissa F.

Rachel frowned, trying to remember when she’d told him her name.

  “It’s written on your nametag on your lab coat.” Lynxar explained easily, but Rachel only frowned deeper. How did he know she was wondering that? Are you reading my mind?, she thought, staring at him intently.

  Lynxar turned away from her gaze to look casually around her lab. “So what are you researching here, doctor? What is all this equipment and piles of paperwork for?”

  The distraction worked, and Rachel talked animatedly about her life’s passion. “I’m studying Regmaglypts particles. They can only be found on objects that have passed through the Earth’s atmosphere from outer space. I think I’ve figured out a way to detect them more easily with this handheld RPD. I’ve been working on it for months here in my lab.”

  “Does it work, doctor?” Lynxar asked with curiosity.

  “I’m afraid not.” Rachel shook her head sadly. “I thought that it did. It’s what I was doing in that alleyway this evening. I’d put the detector in the backseat of my car and while I was driving it suddenly became activated. Since I can only test it with objects that have actually passed through the Earth’s atmosphere, I had hoped it meant there was a meteorite nearby. I knew I had to follow the RPD where it was leading me, or miss the opportunity to discover something great. I really thought it was working, but then it just led me to that abandoned alley with nothing in it but a couple of thugs, and fortunately for me, a true hero.”

  “I’m no hero.” Lynxar blushed. “I just did what I thought was right. Anyone in that situation would have done the same.”

  Suddenly Lynxar approached the door in a crouch, like and animal sensing danger. He whispered to Rachel, “Are you expecting someone?”

  “No. It’s the middle of the night. No one is here but us.” Rachel said dismissively. Suddenly, the door the lab exploded open as small detonators blew apart the locks on it. A stream of soldiers lead by Sergeant Morris burst into the room, all wearing uniforms with a K emblazoned on the left shoulder.

  Rachel screamed in terror as the men quickly surrounded her with guns drawn. “Come with us, Dr. Deering, and bring your device.” Morris said, “Do as you’re told, and you won’t be harmed.”

  Two of the soldiers kept their guns trained on Rachel and two others locked their sites on Lynxar. The remaining men started throwing all of her research into large sacks that they had brought with them.

  “Who are you? What do you want with me?” Rachel cried out, keeping her hands raised in the position of surrender.

  Lynxar must have recognized these soldiers, for he said knowingly, “They think you can use your research to create some kind of super soldier.”

  “That’s crazy! I can’t do that! My work is only in particle detection.” Rachel cried.

  “Not all your work!” Morris said, training his assault rifle on her. “Do you remember a paper you published earlier on how Regmaglypts particles can be used to alter matter? Well, General Kriptoff saw the greater potential for your research. He understood how Regmaglypts particles could be used to alter human beings, giving them superior abilities. He intends to make an army of super soldiers and he needs you to help him do it.”

  “Why does he need me? It sounds like he’s already figured out how to misuse and abuse my research all on his own.”

  Morris refused to answer, but Lynxar already knew. Looking at Rachel, he said assuredly “Because all of the test subjects have died within months of being altered. He needs you to find the formula that will make viable super soldiers without killing them.”

  “How do you know all that?” Morris asked, clearly ruffled by his inside knowledge. When Lynxar remained silent, Morris turned his assault rifle from Rachel to Lynxar. It was the opening Lynxar had been waiting for.

  Suddenly, Lynxar crouched low to the ground, and then sprang up into the air, leaping all the way to the top of the high vaulted ceiling. He landed on the other side of the room, where he ripped the door off the bulletproof safe and sent it flying through the air, toward Rachel. She screamed and threw herself to the ground, just as the safe door inexplicably stopped right in front of her.

  “Use it as a shield!” Lynxar shouted to her, and leaped back across the room, drawing the fire of all the soldiers. Rachel crawled into a corner, holding the door in front of her for protection, as a battle raged around her. Bullet holes dotted the walls as Lynxar rebounded from wall to wall with incredible speed. The soldiers began to fire their weapons. Morris tried to lead them, but their weapons began to malfunction in strange and unbelievable ways. Gun barrels became bent and unable to fire and ammo clips kept falling out of place. Meanwhile, the lab furniture began flying through the air, battering the soldiers, until finally they were forced to drop their weapons and flee the building.

  “We’ll be back!” Sergeant Morris vowed. “We will not rest until General Kriptoff holds his rightful place as ruler of Colossal City!”

  Rachel poked her head out from behind the safe door and whispered, “Are they gone?”

  Lynxar closed his eyes, appearing to listen, and said, “Yes, they’ve left. You’re no longer safe here. General Kriptoff is sure to send more men to abduct you and your research, only next time they won’t be run off so easily.”

  “How do you know all this? How could you move so quickly? What happened to their weapons and my lab furniture? What’s going on?” Rachel stammered, walking around the room and picking up the fallen chairs and tables in a fit of nervous energy.

  Lynxar looked at her gently and said simply, “Turn on your RPD.”

  “What?” Rachel looked dumbfounded. “How can you even be thinking about that broken thing at a time like this? I asked you serious questions and I demand answers.”

  “I know and you’ll get all the answers you want; but first, turn on the RPD.” Lynxar said gently, his violet eyes pleading.

  Frustrated, Rachel decided to comply. Her mind was too boggled to argue and she just wanted to find the quickest way to get the answers she needed. She picked up the device and flipped the switch. Immediately it came to life.

  “It’s detecting something!” Rachel said with surprise. It had only done that once before, when it lead her to the alley. She looked at the dials and saw that it was pointing directly at Lynxar.

  He leapt into the air and landed gracefully on the opposite side of the room. Rachel stared blankly as the detector now indicated the source of the particles was on that end of the room. Lynxar repeated the action, with the same miraculous results. The RPD indicated particles wherever Lynxar happened to go. Then he lifted his arms and all the furniture in the room, tables, chairs, filing cabinets, lamps and more lifted into the air. Lynxar lowered his arms and everything landed gently in its rightful place.

  Rachel’s brain understood what this meant, but her mind couldn’t accept it. She suddenly felt dizzy and needed to sit down. She fumbled for a chair, and one instantly slid underneath her just as she sat down. With her mind reeling, Rachel thought, Lynxar is the source of the particles. He’s come to earth from outer space. The superhuman speed, strength, ability to heal, and ability to move things with his mind are all because he is an alien from another world! He may be here to kill me or destroy the Earth!

  “Yes.” Lynxar said aloud. “I am an alien, but I will not harm you and I’m not here to destroy the earth.”

  He can read my mind! Rachel thought her eyes wide with shock and fear.

  “Yes, that’s true, too.” Lynxar said, reaching out to gently take her hand. “Do not fear me. It’s my mindreading abilities that alerted me to those approaching men and told me about their plans to kidnap you and force you to turn them into super soldiers for General Kriptoff.”

  “What else can you do?” Rachel asked, as her scientific curiosity began to overtake her shock.

  “Well, you’ve pretty much seen it all. I have greater speed and strength than what is normal for human beings, and I have the ability to move things with my mind and to heal wounds. You weren’t
wrong when you thought my injuries in the alley were greater than they are now.”

  “This can’t be real! This can’t be happening!” Rachel murmured, but she realized that it was. Her head was still swimming, and she knew she was going to pass out. She put her hand to her head, and there was blood on her fingertips.

  “You’ve been shot!” Lynxar realized, shouting out in surprise and fear. For the first time, Rachel noticed the blood gushing from her leg. She had felt pain, but thought she’d just bruised it diving for cover. Shock had kept her from noticing the injury was much more severe.

  Lynxar examined her leg. There was both an entry wound and an exit wound, which was good. He said, “The bullet has passed through, so there’s no need to remove it and there’s no chance that it will become infected. However, we need to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds.”

  “Get my first aid kit.” Rachel murmured, on the verge of losing consciousness. “Stop the bleeding and drive me to the hospital.”

  Silently, Lynxar placed his hands over the wound on both sides of her leg and closed his eyes. Beads of perspiration lined his brow and he looked like he were straining or possibly in pain. Rachel felt the pain leaving her body and her leg began to tingle and burn. The lightheadedness left her and she began to feel strong and vibrant, like she could run a marathon if she wanted to. With a shudder, Lynxar released his hold on her leg and opened his eyes, looking spent.

  Rachel looked at her leg. The wound was completely healed, with only the barest of scars to mark where the bullet holes had been. She rose to a standing position and found she could put weight on it, and even walk. She felt healthier and stronger than she ever had before.

  “Lynxar! That’s amazing! Thank you!” Rachel kissed him spontaneously on the lips. They were warm and soft and tasted delicious. Lingering, she yearned for him to kiss her back, and, reading her mind, he complied. She opened her mouth to him and let their tongues intertwine in a kiss of soft, sensuous passion that surprised them both with its intensity.

  “You may be injured in other ways.” Lynxar said, breaking away from their embrace and coughing slightly to hide the awkwardness of the moment. Rachel led him into an adjoining room where she kept a twin mattress for taking naps when she worked long hours in the lab. It seemed like the best possible substitute for a hospital gurney.

  “Examine me in here.” She said and lay down upon the bed. Lynxar looked at her luscious body and felt a stirring deep inside himself. She was so beautiful and her body was so sexy. It would be a struggle to control himself, but he needed to check her for further injuries. He could see none, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t internal damage.

  “Let me check your heartbeat,” Lynxar said gently. Rachel nodded her consent, so he put his hand on her left breast and closed his eyes, listening to the rhythm of her heart. The fabric of her dress muted his senses. He undid the top buttons without even using his hands, just the power of his mind, and delicately slipped his hand inside her dress to press his palm against her bare flesh. The chemistry between them sent ripples of electricity between them both. Rachel realized with surprise that she desperately wanted to make love to this man. She wasn’t normally that kind of girl, but it had been an amazing night. He’d saved her life, not once but twice, and he was kind and brave, handsome and good. Oh yes, she wanted to make love to him. She just wondered if he felt the same way.

  As his hand continued to rest on her breast, Rachel’s left nipple puckered and grew hard under his touch. It titillated and excited him. She was so beautiful and he could sense her desire for him. He’d wanted to take her into his arms from the moment he first saw her and felt honored that she wanted him too. He just didn’t know what Earth customs were and didn’t want to hurt her or offend her.

  “What should I do?” Lynxar asked, looking deep into her eyes, and feeling her hard nipple against his palm.

  “Kiss me there.” Rachel said passionately. She unbuttoned the top of her dress, exposing her naked breasts to him. They were full and firm, with bright pink nipples protruding from the centers. Lynxar could not resist; he took her left breast into his mouth, kissing, licking, and suckling her there while she arched her back, pressing him to her. A soft moan escaped Rachel’s lips and her breathing and heartbeat both accelerated, but Lynxar knew she was not in pain. His mind sensed all the arousal she was feeling and told him how to bring her the most pleasure.

  “I must examine the rest of you.” He whispered. Lynxar peeled away her dress with his mind, so that Rachel lay before him wearing nothing but a pair of black lace panties. Slowly, he kissed his way down her belly and across her thighs. Panting with pleasure, Rachel peeled of her panties and spread her legs for him, inviting her to kiss her most sensitive folds.

  “Kiss me here,” Rachel panted, but there was no need, for Lynxar had already read her thoughts and knew of her desire. He began tenderly, dotting her most private parts with gentle kisses, but her thoughts told him that she wanted more. Working with his tongue, he quickly learned how to pleasure her in just the right way, lapping and suckling while she writhed beneath his touch, clutching at the mattress beneath her.

  “I want you inside me! Now!” she whispered, anxiously stripping the jumpsuit from his body to reveal his muscular form. His urgent need for her was obvious and he plunged into her with one fluid motion. Rachel cried out in ecstasy as his throbbing member filled her just perfectly, as they were meant to fit together. With each stroke of his loins, she raised her own to meet him, drawing him deeper into her then she would have thought possible, and bringing her to greater and greater heights of pleasure than she’d ever known.

  Lynxar could feel the intense pleasure Rachel was feeling as she neared orgasm and it only served to increase his own physical pleasure. It was the most incredible experience he’d ever had. Sex with women on his own planet was never like this. As Rachel reached her climax, it pushed Lynxar over the edge and he orgasmed with her, spilling his seed deep inside her.

  After they regained their composure, the reality of the situation they were in dawned on them both anew.

  “We need to get all my research out of here and take it someplace safe!” Rachel said. “But I don’t know where I can go that they won’t think to look for me.”

  Lynxar held her hand and said, “I know just the place. It’s where I’ve been hiding since the crash. It’s shielded from your known forms of technology. We should be safely hidden there.”

  “I hope so,” Rachel said. “If General Kriptoff succeeds in creating a super soldier, he’ll be unstoppable with our level of technology. He’ll be able to rule all of the Earth.

  “I won’t let that happen,” Lynxar vowed.

  “You’ve got bigger problems.” Rachel said, noticing that the wound on his side hadn’t fully healed, and indeed look worse than before. “You won’t be able to survive on Earth forever. We’ve got to find a way to get you home!”

  Chapter Three

  “What is this place?” Rachel asked, looking around in awe at Lynxar’s secret lair deep in the basement of the abandoned warehouse that was backed by the alley where they first met.

  “This building used to store toxic chemical barrels.” Lynxar explained. “It’s lined with multiple layers of defensive shielding intended to prevent exposure to the public in the event that the barrels weren’t properly sealed. It’s been abandoned for over a decade, and no chemical residues remain, but the shielding is all still intact. No one should be able to detect us here.”

  “This is amazing! So, this is your space craft?”

  “Yes.” Lynxar led her to the flight pod in the center of the warehouse and letting her examine it. It was just big enough for a man to lie down in, and not much more. All the controls and insulators were flat against the inner wall. To repair the navigation, communication, and life support systems, one had to actually disassemble the walls of the pod. Although remarkably thin, the systems were incredibly complex and surprisingly strong.

xar opened the hatch with his mind and let Rachel lay inside it as if she were the pilot.

  “How could you stand being confined in such a small space for prolonged space flights?” Rachel marveled, feeling claustrophobic after just a matter of moments. She quickly exited the tiny pod to enjoy the wide open spaces of the warehouse once more.

  “Pilots are put into a stasis during travel. When I woke up, I discovered that I’d been diverted from my original flight path and had crashed landed on Earth. My communication systems and launching systems were damaged, as well as navigation. I’m stranded here with no way to leave and no way to call my people for help.”

  “That’s horrible! You must be so lonely and frightened.” Rachel said, stroking his arms sympathetically.

  “I was at first.” Lynxar said. “My mindreading abilities have allowed me protect myself from being discovered and adequately blend in with your society. I knew I would be safe as long as I kept my abilities a secret, but when I sensed your fear in the alleyway behind me, I couldn’t ignore it. I had to help, even if it meant revealing myself as an alien. I’m glad I did. Now, for the first time, I don’t feel alone.”

  “We’ll find a way to get you home again.” Rachel vowed. “This ship is too technologically advanced for me to repair, but I bet we could use it to find a way to signal your people for help. Is there a simple message you could send asking them to come pick you up, if we could get the communications system working?”

  “Yes, we have a distress code that would alert them to send a rescue pod. Do you really think you could help me get home again?” Lynxar asked, looking so hopeful that Rachel’s heart went out to him. She couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to be stranded on a strange world, thinking he might never see his people again. He had saved her life; the least she could do now was help him get back home.

  Rachel and Lynxar worked side by side for weeks, living in the warehouse. Rachel didn’t dare return to her lab or her apartment for any of her things. They pawned pieces of gold that were part of the flight pod and used that money to buy food, cases of bottled water, changes of clothes, and any other supplies they needed. Soon, they’d turned a small section of the warehouse into a cozy apartment where they lived together, working on repairing the communicator by day, and making love by night.


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