Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 7

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “I’ve got it!” Lynxar said. “I’ll go the old warehouse where they used to store the toxic chemical barrels. The layers of shielding in the walls helped hide me before, they’ll hide me again. While I’m there, do what you can to find Lynxonna!”

  Lynxar gave Rachel a quick kiss goodbye, then disappeared with incredible speed to the warehouse. Rachel knew the instant he had entered the industrially shielded building, because her RPD immediately lost his signal. She held her breath, waiting for it to pick up on any other source of particles within Colossal City. Since Regmaglypts particles only came from objects from outer space, it should pinpoint Lynxonna’s exact location.

  “Nothing!” she sighed with disappointment and felt overwhelmed by guilt. Rachel had distrusted the beautiful alien woman with the violet eyes and lavender hair, especially when she learned that Lynxonna had been betrothed to Lynxar. Even when Lynxonna stopped pursuing Lynxar and fell in love with Colossal City’s Mayor, Mike McIntyre, Rachel still felt apprehensive about her, until Lynxonna saved Lynxar’s life. Now Rachel felt indebted to return the favor, but how could they save her when they didn’t even know where she was?

  Rachel amplified the power to the RPD, increasing its range to the maximum levels; desperate to save the woman who had saved her husband, but still her sensors detected nothing. As smoke began to pour from the overloaded machine, Rachel quickly shut it down, but not before it burst into flame.

  Suddenly, Lynxar appeared at the door, just in time to put out the fire. Smiling at Rachel, he said, “Looks like I got here just in time. Did you find her?”

  Rachel shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. They must not be within the range of the city. Maybe they’ve taken her further than we thought.”

  “No, when I first heard Lynxonna’s cry for help in my mind, I could tell she was within the city and that she was surrounded by an army of super soldiers. A group that large couldn’t have gotten out of the city undetected.”

  “Then why haven’t my sensors been able to pick up on anything?” Rachel asked, feeling frustrated.

  “Maybe they were able to find shielding, like I had,” Lynxar said.

  Rachel nodded in agreement. Her eyes sparkling with excitement. “The combination of alloys needed to create a shield against RP emissions is very rare and the structure would need to be large enough to house an entire army of super soldiers. Where could that be?”

  “I’ve got it!” Lynxar grinned triumphantly, thinking of the warehouse where he had safely hidden. “The warehouse was shielded against leaks from toxic chemical barrels, but it’s been empty for years. So how did they safely empty it and transport the barrels to a destruction site?”

  “The city used a specially-lined cargo ship!” Rachel cried out, remembering the protestors standing by the harbor. “It was called the S.S. Titan.”

  “And where is that ship now?” Lynxar asked.

  Rachel thought hard. It had all happened so many years ago. Suddenly, she remembered seeing a news report about the Titan. “It was decommissioned years ago and sent to the junkyards by the harbor! Kriptoff’s been hiding right under our noses this entire time in the remains of the Titan!”

  “I’m going there now! I love you.” Lynxar said, kissing Rachel goodbye passionately on the lips.

  “Just promise me you’ll come back to me!” Rachel whispered, clinging to him. Something told her that this might be the last time she ever got to hold him in her arms, and she wanted to treasure the feel of him one last time.

  Lynxar heard her thoughts in his mind, and it echoed the feelings he himself had been trying to repress, but now he couldn’t ignore them. If this was going to be the last time he and Rachel were ever together, he wanted to make love to her with all the love and passion he held in his heart, so she could carry it with her forever.

  With sudden unhindered sensuality, Lynxar swept the clothes from both their bodies, so they stood naked before one another. He wanted to kiss every inch of Rachel’s body; her neck, the hollow of her throat, her arms, her hands. Lynxar kissed and sucked each individual finger, as if he couldn’t get enough of her, making her pant with pleasure.

  When he took her breasts into his hands, and needed and fondled their round fullness, Rachel held his head in her hands and guided his face to her body, encouraging him to take her breasts into his mouth. He complied happily, suckling first one hard pink nipple and then the other. Rachel reached down with her hands and stroked his manhood as he did so. He was hard and throbbing under her touch, and she moved him toward her most sacred folds, inviting him to enter her.

  “Not yet,” Lynxar moaned, forcing himself to wait, even though he wanted it now more than he ever had before.

  With the powers of his mind, he levitated Rachel into the air, positioning her loins in front of his face, so he could make love to her there with his mouth. It was the most incredible sensation she had ever felt and she moaned loudly, writhing in the air with pleasure as he brought her to orgasm. As her climax came to an end, he floated to be even with her waist and entered her with his manhood, powerfully thrusting into her wet and eager folds. Rachel cried out in orgasm again, floating weightlessly in the air as every nerve in her body pulsated with pleasure.

  Finally, Lynxar could resist no longer, and he climaxed deep inside her, with a series of powerful thrusts that made her muscles ripple with ecstasy. As his climax ended, he could still feel Rachel’s body pulsating with the power of her continued orgasm.

  “Keep going!” Rachel cried out, unable to stop the incredible reaction of her body as wave upon wave of pleasure shook through her.

  Lynxar used his ability to regenerate himself to instantly bring his manhood to a state of readiness again. Turning Rachel over while she still floated in the air, he entered her from behind, gripping her by the breasts as he thrust into her with fresh vigor.

  “I’m climaxing again!” Rachel cried out, hardly able to speak from the intensity of her pleasure. Lynxar realized this was her third orgasm. He opened his mind to hers and let himself be flooded with the pleasure she was feeling. It was the most incredible sensation to feel her orgasm in his mind while still feeling the physical pleasure of his own climax at the same time.

  Finally, the two of them collapsed onto the ground, utterly spent from the exertions of their incredible love-making.

  “We make an excellent team.” Rachel sighed contentedly.

  “We sure do.” Lynxar smiled.

  “It’s agreed then,” Rachel said with an air of finality. She got up and started getting dressed in dark pants, boots, and a dark jacket.

  Lynxar sat up and looked at her with a puzzled arch of his eyebrows. “What’s agreed? Where are you going?”

  “Well, I’m going with you, of course.” Rachel said, as if the answer were obvious. “You just said we make a great team, and you know you can’t take on Kriptoff and his entire army alone and find Lynxonna. You’re going to need someone to watch your back and I’m in.”

  “Forget it! It’s too dangerous,” Lynxar said, shaking his head.

  Rachel ignored him as she zipped up her jacket. Looking him in the eye she said, “If you fail to stop Kriptoff, there’s no place in this city that I’d be safe. Let me help you; Lynxonna is my friend, too.”

  Chapter Two

  Lynxonna awoke slowly and tried to figure out where she was. She had been unconscious for a week now and her body felt weak and exhausted. How did I get here? she wondered. The memories came back to her gradually, as if emerging from a fog.

  She had been with her boyfriend, Colossal City’s Mayor, Mike McIntyre. They had been discussing ways to make Colossal City more defensible. A series of recent attacks from the notorious General Kriptoff had made it clear that he was preparing to mount an assault against the city.

  “I’m just grateful the city now has two super-heroes to defend us, thanks to you and Lynxar,” Mike had said to Lynxonna.

  “That’s sweet of you to say.” Lynxonna blushed at the compliment
, “But it may not be enough. Lynxar and I both had our hands full defending the city against that flood from the breaking dam the other day. If Kriptoff had attacked then, there would have been nothing we could have done to stop him. You need to train your officers to fight soldiers who have been artificially enhanced. Kriptoff’s men are going to be faster and stronger than any of your men could ever be, and they’ll need to be prepared for that.”

  “You’re right,” Mike had said, but a third voice suddenly came from behind them.

  “She is more right than either of you know!” the strange voice had hissed. Lynxonna and Mike had turned to see Kriptoff himself pointing Lynxonna’s stasis inducer at her. Within an instant, everything had gone dark. Now Lynxonna found herself bound to a lab table by steel bands which rendered her completely unable to move. The room was full of strange lab equipment, most of which she didn’t understand. She sensed that someone was in there with her, and craned her head, looking to see who it was.

  “Ah, I see you are finally awake,” a deep male voice hissed from behind her, sounding almost like a snake. It gave Lynxonna chills. A tall man in a highly decorated uniform walked around the lab table to face her. He said, “I was worried that perhaps I had drained too much of your DNA for you to be able to regenerate yourself, but I see that your healing abilities are everything I had heard they were and more. I will able to continue to use you as a source of creating more super soldiers indefinitely, without risk of killing you.”

  Lynxonna looked into the face of General Kriptoff himself; she could sense the evil in him and it made her feel sick. Kriptoff extracted another vial from the machine attached to her veins, and Lynxonna realized that the nausea was actually caused from having her body’s blood supply so depleted.

  “What use could you possibly have for my DNA?” she asked him in a hoarse whisper, too weak to even talk.

  “When I infuse your blood into ordinary soldiers, your DNA begins to replicate within their cells. This allows ordinary men to develop your superhuman abilities, without any negative side effects. Soon, I will have infused my entire army with your powers, and I will use them to lay siege upon Colossal City.”

  “Lynxar will stop you!” Lynxonna cried out defiantly, but in her weakened state, it sounded more like whisper.

  “He hasn’t been able to find me yet. The metal alloys lining this cargo ship shield me from his mind powers and Dr. Deering’s RPD scanners. Besides, the two of you as a team could barely stop a crack in the Vista Dam, how do you expect him to stop an entire army of super soldiers on his own?”

  Lynxonna closed her eyes in despair. She realized that Kriptoff was right, and a single tear rolled from the corner of her eye. In the short time she had been on Earth, she had come to truly care for the humans, especially Mayor Mike McIntyre. Suddenly, Lynxonna realized that Mike had been with her when Kriptoff had abducted her.

  Mike? Mike! Are you here? She thought, desperately searching for him with the powers of her mind. She was terrified that he may have been killed by Kriptoff.

  I’m here. I’m okay. They have me locked in a cell came Mike’s reply in her head, and tears of relief burst from Lynxonna’s eyes. Kriptoff mistook them for tears of hopelessness and laughed cruelly as he extracted another vial of blood from the machine attached to her veins.

  “Cry all you want, it won’t help change things.” Kriptoff taunted. “This is the last vile I need to enhance the final set of my soldiers. Within an hour, they’ll be ready and I will make my siege on Colossal City!”

  Kriptoff left the room, and Lynxonna searched desperately for some way to escape. Suddenly she sensed a presence of familiar friends, and it made her all the more anxious to get free; not for her sake, but for theirs.

  Chapter Three

  Lynxar and Rachel entered the harbor junkyard cautiously. The Titan had been mostly dissembled and turned into scrap metal, but a large section of hull remained fully intact. There was no doubt that this was where Kriptoff was now hiding.

  “Can you sense how many of Kriptoff’s men are in there?” Rachel whispered, but Lynxar shook his head.

  “My mind powers cannot penetrate the shielding of the hull. We’ll have to get inside the ship first. Once I’m on the other side of the shielding, I’ll be able to sense exactly where everyone is located, including Lynxonna and Kriptoff.”

  Just then, two soldiers wearing uniforms with an emblem bearing a large letter K entered the junkyard. They went to a secret door hidden by the riveted seams of the ship and entered. With his lightning fast speed, Lynxar followed them inside and knocked them unconscious.

  “Hurry, put on his uniform!” Lynxar waved to Rachel and she ran inside to join him. Quickly, they disguised themselves in the two guard’s uniforms, although they were a poor fit, especially on petite Rachel. Even so, she thought she blended in better than Lynxar.

  “Your purple hair sticks out like a sore thumb!” Rachel whispered with a giggle, tucking Lynxar’s wavy locks under his soldier’s cap and caressing his cheek with her hand.

  “What? How can hair be like a thumb?” Lynxar asked, completely baffled. He kissed her fingers as she drew her hand away.

  “It’s an earth expression. Never mind. Can you sense where they’re holding Lynxonna, yet?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes, I have clear contact with her now. Lynxonna says she’s alone in a laboratory cell. Kriptoff has gone to prepare his men. He plans to attack the city in less than an hour.”

  “That’s so soon!” Rachel’s eyes were wide with terror. Everyone she’d ever known lived in Colossal City. Her family and friends were all in terrible danger! She turned to Lynxar and said, “You go stop Kriptoff and his men. I can rescue Lynxonna.”

  “No.” Lynxar held her tightly to him. He’d never loved anybody as much as he loved Rachel and the thought of her being hurt or killed was more than he could bear. “We’ve got to stick together. It’s the only way I can protect you.”

  Rachel kissed him lovingly and said, “There isn’t enough time. You’ve got to stop Kriptoff. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  Lynxar still hesitated, so Rachel looked firmly in his violet eyes and said, “If I get in over my head or need you in any way, I promise to call for you. You can’t risk all the lives of the citizens of Colossal City just to protect me. They need you.”

  Lynxar saw the practicality of Rachel’s words; still, he hated to let her go. He gave her one last long kiss goodbye, and then they each headed in different directions within the Titan.

  Lynxonna, where are you? Rachel asked silently in her mind. Lynxonna responded, guiding Rachel carefully through the maze of hallways and corridors of the old ship, speaking to her as if she were right beside her.

  Stop! There are three men around the corner to your right. Lynxonna thought urgently, and Rachel brought herself to an abrupt halt just before she rounded the corner.

  I can hear them talking, Rachel thought to Lynxonna. They don’t sound like they’re moving anytime soon. Is there another path I can take?

  No, I’m on the other side of the door at the end of this hallway. It’s the only way in or out. Lynxonna’s thoughts came to Rachel’s mind and she knew she had to do whatever it took to get to her.

  I’m going to bluff my way past them, Rachel thought. Lynxonna could feel all the fear and doubt Rachel was feeling and admired her bravery at facing that fear head-on.

  With her heart pounding in her chest, Rachel strode around the corner, hoping she looked more confident than she felt.

  “Hold it, soldier. This area is restricted. Where do you think you’re going?” one of the three men stepped in front of her and the other two stood by his side. All three of the men had obviously been enhanced with Lynxonna’s DNA. Their muscles were much larger than normal, and Rachel correctly guessed that they also had superior speed and the ability to heal themselves. The only thing she had going for her was the fact that Kriptoff was not able to give his soldiers Lynxonna’s mindreading powers.<
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  Speaking with an air of confidence that she didn’t really feel, Rachel said “The General forgot something in here and ordered me to fetch it for him.”

  “What is it? I’ll get it for you,” the man in the middle said, glaring down at her.

  “That’s classified.” Rachel bluffed, but the men weren’t buying it. As they prepared to grab her, Lynxonna used the powers of her mind to levitate them into the air and began smashing things against their heads, trying to knock them unconscious. Boxes, food rations, bottles of water, all came crashing down upon them with no effect. They were just too strong now and able to instantly regenerate from any injury.

  Suddenly, one of the bottles of water broke as it hit one of the soldiers on the head. As the water ran over his face, he gained the expression of someone waking from a dream.

  “What’s going on? What’s happened to me? Let me go! I don’t want to be here! I don’t want to hurt anybody!” As the soldier began to cry out, Rachel realized that Kriptoff’s army was made up of victims being forced to follow his orders. Somehow, the water broke the spell.

  No sooner had Lynxonna heard Rachel’s thoughts, and then she used her mind powers to smash water bottles against the other soldiers’ heads, soaking them in water and releasing them from Kriptoff’s command. Rachel saw that they were just ordinary men, mutated against their will, and forced to attack the city they loved. Once free of Kriptoff’s control, they wanted to stop him just as much as she did.

  Okay, you can set them back on the ground now, Rachel told Lynxonna, who stopped her levitation and set them gently down.

  “I need to get into that room!” Rachel said to the men, indicating the door behind them where Lynxonna was being held captive. The one in the middle quickly used his key to unlock the door and there they saw Lynxonna, bound to a lab table by steel bands. She’d been able to regain most of her strength, but was still helpless to free herself. Something was blocking her mind powers from unlocking the steel bands. Rachel cried to the men, “Help me find a way to release her!”


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