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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

Page 8

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Rachel quickly discovered that the locks and keys for the steel bands were made of the same alloys that created the ship’s shielding, making them immune to Lynxonna’s powers. With a few turns of key, the ex-soldiers had her free in no time. Gratefully, Lynxonna gave Rachel a hug, and she felt in her mind all the words of friendship and love that she was too emotional to say aloud. Hugging her back tightly, Rachel let Lynxonna know she felt the same way. Suddenly, she remembered Lynxar and his mission to stop Kriptoff.

  “We’ve got to get out of here and help Lynxar!” Rachel said urgently, but Lynxonna shook her head.

  “No, Mike is still being held here. I won’t go without him.”

  One of the soldiers said, “I know where he is. He’s in a cell at the far end of the ship.”

  “I’ll go rescue Mike, you help Lynxar in any way you can!” Lynxonna said to Rachel and the ex-soldiers.

  “Good luck,” Rachel said to her somberly, and took off running with the three soldiers at her side. Just then, Kriptoff ordered his men to assemble in marching formation in the center of the hull of ship. Not wanting to reveal her disguise amidst so many enemies, Rachel and the three ex-soldiers joined the formation, blending in with the hundreds of men awaiting Kriptoff’s order to march on the city.

  Lynxar, where are you? She thought fearfully. Little did she know, he was already running ahead to Colossal City, trying to think of way to stop Kriptoff’s evil plan.

  Armed with bottles of water, Lynxonna made her way through the ship, using her mind powers to find Mike.

  Two soldiers stood out front of his cell, lazily guarding him. Lynxonna levitated two bottles of water over their heads, opened the tops, and spilled the water over them. The transformation was almost instant, as they regained their senses.

  “Mayor! You’ve got to get out of here! The whole city’s in danger!” one of them said, unlocking his cell.

  Lynxonna stepped around the corner, smiled and said “That’s why he’ll need good men like you to head up the new city defense force.”

  “Lynxonna!” Mike cried out happily. The ex-soldiers stepped out of the way as Mike ran to Lynxonna and took her into his arms. He kissed her repeatedly and said, “You shouldn’t have come for me! We have to get you somewhere safe.”

  Suddenly, the ship began to vibrate with the feel of a hundreds of soldiers marching. Kriptoff was leading his army out of the Titan, through the junkyard, and into the streets of Colossal City.

  Horrified, Lynxonna looked at Mike and said, “We’re too late. There’s no place that’s safe now.”

  She told Mike everything she knew about Kriptoff’s plans and how to stop him. The Mayor immediately took control of his surroundings. Looking at the two men next to him he said, “Get to the police headquarters. Tell them that I said to get Kriptoff’s army wet. Water is the only way to break them from Kriptoff’s command. Have the fire department open every hydrant and use their hoses.”

  “Yes, sir!” the two ex-soldiers ran out of the ship as fast as they could, leaving Lynxonna and Mike alone in the now empty vessel.

  “I hope they get there in time.” Lynxonna said, hugging Mike’s strong chest for emotional support, although physically she was much stronger than he was. She found a comfort in his arms that she thought she’d never found with a man on Flonar.

  Mike stroked Lynxonna’s long lavender hair and said “They’ll be fine. I’m sure of it. I’m just glad you’re okay. I was so worried about you. I never thought I’d see you again.”

  “I know, I felt the same way about you.” Lynxonna said, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. “All I kept thinking was that I wished we had been able to make love one more time.”

  “Maybe we should do something about that right now,” Mike said, kissing her neck passionately and nibbling her ear and down her neck.

  “We are alone here.” Lynxonna smiled, and craned her neck to give him better access. Wanting him desperately since she’d almost lost him; she stripped away her clothing with the powers of her mind and stood naked before him. Mike ran his hands up and down her gorgeous body, savoring the look and feel of her every curve, as if trying to memorize her. She was positively exquisite and he wanted to kiss, suckle, and fondle every inch of her.

  As he did, Lynxonna used the powers of her mind to strip away his clothes, too. Once he was naked, he felt a sensation, as if she were stroking his organ, and felt himself harden with desire. Then he realized with a start that her hands were not touching him, and that the sensation he felt was her stroking him with the powers of her mind. It was incredible, and he wanted her more than he thought possible.

  With caresses of his fingers, he felt that she was ready for him too and entered her with a single thrust of his throbbing manhood. He could feel Lynxonna’s hands running over the muscles of his back, arms, chest, and buttocks. It was like multiple pairs of hands were touching him all at once, and when he closed his eyes, he couldn’t tell which were actually hands and which were the sensations of her mind powers.

  “That feels so incredible! I only wish I could do the same for you!” he breathed in her ear.

  “You can touch me in more ways than you realize. Just use your imagine and you’ll see.” Lynxonna panted. Mike held her right breast in his hand and put her nipple in his mouth to suckle. As he mouth worked passionately on her hard pink nipple, he let his hand slide down her body to cup her buttock, and squeezed and massaged her there, making her hips buck and thrust with pleasure. Then his other hand slid down to caress the nub of her most delicate folds even while he thrust his manhood within her. The sensations drove Lynxonna wild with passion and she climaxed violently against him, thrashing and screaming with pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  Mike climaxed along with her, spilling his seed deep inside her as they moaned and cried out in ecstasy together. When at last they lay collapsed in each other’s arms and felt their pulses slowing back to normal, Lynxonna smiled brightly at him and said, “I love you so much, I want to stay on Earth with you, forever.”

  “Good!” Mike said, “Because as soon as Lynxar has finished saving the city, you and I are getting married.”

  Chapter Four

  Rachel marched in formation with Kriptoff’s army as they stomped down the street toward Colossal City’s main square. General Kriptoff commanded them safely from within a tank, yelling instructions through a speaker as his vehicle rolled ahead of them.

  “Knock down that building!” Kriptoff commanded, and the soldiers numbly obeyed, using their superior strength to push against the structure until it toppled. Suddenly Lynxar appeared, running with all his speed. He caught the building before it fell upon the terrified citizens running in the street and set it upright.

  Seeing him, Rachel thought hard, hoping he would hear her call, Lynxar! You can break Kriptoff’s command over the soldiers if you get them wet! Pour water on them, now!

  Lynxar heard Rachel’s thoughts in his mind and searched for a source of water. There was a fire hydrant across the street. He ran for it with his super speed, but moments before he reached it, he heard children screaming in terror.

  Kriptoff had ordered his men to pick up a school bus filled with frightened children. “Throw it into a wall!” Kriptoff commanded.

  Even though they didn’t want to, Kriptoff’s soldiers had no choice but to obey and flung the bus with all their combined strength. Lynxar forgot about the fire hydrant and raced to catch them. The children sobbed with relief, as moments before they smashed into a wall, Lynxar caught the bus and set it gently on the ground.

  Without taking a second to rest, Lynxar set his gaze on the hydrant again, only to find Kriptoff’s men causing another devastating disturbance. Lynxar had to rush to save more innocent citizens from harm, and just as soon as he’d finished, someone else was in danger. He was simply too outnumbered by Kriptoff’s soldiers. The only solution would be for Lynxar to let innocent people die, so he would have time to open the fire hydrant and let the wat
er hit Kriptoff’s soldiers, but Lynxar just couldn’t bring himself to turn his back on innocent lives.

  Rachel heard his thoughts and felt his despair. She broke from the ranks of soldiers and ran for the fire hydrant herself, but she lacked the tools and strength to open it. Desperately, she banged on the bolt on the top of the hydrant with a rock, but it was useless. All around her, Kriptoff’s men were causing massive amounts of destruction, and it was taking all of Lynxar’s efforts to save as many people as he could.

  With no way to stop them, Rachel realized this might well be the end for Colossal City. No sooner had she formed the thought, and then a fire truck pulled up, with one of Kriptoff’s ex-soldiers sitting the front seat. A team of fire fighters opened the hydrant, attached a hose and began spraying Kriptoff’s army with water. Almost instantly, the men were freed from following Kriptoff’s evil commands and ceased their attacks on the city.

  Gasping with surprise, Rachel asked one of the firemen, “How did you know to do this?”

  The fireman cocked his head toward the ex-soldier in the fire truck and said, “That guy said the Mayor instructed everyone in the fire department and police department to spray water on Kriptoff’s army. I thought he was joking, but it sure worked. Look! They’re all just standing there now, like regular guys!”

  Rachel saw that the firefighter was right. Dripping wet, the ex-soldiers were no longer hostile, but looking for their loved ones. They still had they physical attributes they gained from being infused with Lynxonna’s DNA, but Rachel knew that she could cure them of that with a reversed treatment and they’d be able to live normal lives again.

  Kriptoff, still rolling down the street in his tank, was shouting through his speaker in a rage. “Attack! I said, attack!”

  His army ignored his screams and Kriptoff became even more enraged. “Fine, I will destroy Colossal City on my own!”

  He pointed the gun barrel of his tank at the Capital Building right in the center of the main square. Lynxar saw that Rachel, along with thousands of other innocent citizens, would be caught in the falling debris of the collapsing building if Kriptoff fired at it. He couldn’t let that happen!

  As Kriptoff pushed the fire button within the tank and the missile burst forth from the barrel, Lynxar leapt into action. He covered the distance to the tank within a fraction of a second, grabbing the projectile and turning it on the tank itself. Kriptoff was blown from the tank by the explosive blast, landing on the ground, battered and bleeding.

  The crowd cheered, grateful that Kriptoff had been stopped. Lynxar scooped him up, holding him by the collar and said “General Kriptoff, I believe Mayor McIntyre’s police force will be taking you into custody now. Be prepared to spend the rest of your life in prison.”

  A police car pulled up then, and Mike McIntyre and Lynxonna climbed out of the backseat, while a team of police officers alongside with ex-soldiers handcuffed Kriptoff with cuffs made of shielding alloys.

  “You did it!” Rachel cried out, running into Lynxar’s arms and kissing him.

  “No, we all did it. You, me, Lynxonna, the Mayor, the police, the fire department, and all the brave citizens of Colossal City, working together. I may have extraordinary speed and strength, but I’m not the one who saved the city today. Everyone had a part in it.”

  Chapter Five

  “Sit still!” Rachel chided, as Lynxar tried to stroke her long blonde hair.

  “Sorry, I can’t help it. I just want to touch you and caress you.” Lynxar apologized with a playful leer.

  “I need to examine you to make sure you don’t have any lasting injuries.” Rachel insisted, firmly placing his hand on his side and continuing her examination.

  “I already told you. My ability to heal injuries is fully intact. I am perfectly healthy without even a scratch or a bruise. Besides, you’re not a medical doctor; your PhD. is in theoretical studies.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t still bandage a wound,” Rachel said.

  Lynxar grinned at her playfully and pulled her to him with the powers of his mind. He said “I think you’re just looking to play a little game of doctor.”

  Rachel gave in to his sexy smile and began to kiss him. With a sexy and playful purr, she said, “Well, maybe I am. Take off your clothes, patient.”

  “Yes, doctor,” Lynxar said, enjoying the game. He stripped himself naked with one swipe of his mind powers and stood before her, with his tan muscles glistening.

  “Now lay on the examination table,” Rachel commanded, indicating their king sized bed in their apartment. Willing, Lynxar lay on the bed. Rachel smiled and said, “Now lay perfectly still while I examine you.”

  Starting with his neck, Rachel began to kiss her way down Lynxar’s body. She luxuriated in rubbing her hands over his chest, massaging his muscles and scratching at his nipples. Lynxar arched his back under the wonderful sensation as she kissed her way down his chest, over his stomach and teasingly stopped at his groin.

  With deliberately slow movements of her lips, mouth, and tongue, Rachel pleasured him there, taking his hard, throbbing organ into her mouth and making love to him that way.

  “Oh, you’re so amazing! You’re driving me wild!” Lynxar moaned, gasping with pleasure.

  Rachel could feel the moisture between her legs and realized she wanted him now more than ever before. She began to take off her clothes, but seeing his eyes grow wide with excitement, she couldn’t help herself and stripped as slowly as possible. The erotic dance made him want her even more and he begged her to make love to him.

  “It’s almost time,” Rachel teased, rubbing his organ in her hands to keep him stimulated, although he was obviously aroused. “You have to be patient when you’re the patient.”

  The play on words made Lynxar grin or perhaps he was gritting his teeth with desire as Rachel removed her bra to reveal her luscious breasts, full and round. Finally, she removed the last piece of clothing she was wearing, her panties, which were soaked with her own juices.

  “Keep laying perfectly still, doctor’s orders,” Rachel said to Lynxar. “I have to test the patient’s endurance.”

  “Yes, doctor,” Lynxar said, grinning widely. Rachel straddled him, and slowly drew him into her most sensitive folds, which were wet and ready. She moved herself along his length with slow, solid strokes, throwing back her head in pleasure at the feel of him deep inside her.

  Suddenly, she felt his hands on her breasts, fondling them sensuously, and gently flicking and pinching her nipples.

  “I said no using your hands!” Rachel admonished playfully, and then noticed with a start that Lynxar’s hands were folded behind his head. Wagging her finger at him, she said, “Are you using your mind powers to make me feel like you’re touching me?”

  “You mean like this?” Lynxar teased and Rachel suddenly felt a sensation, like he was squeezing her buttocks, although she saw his hands were still folded behind his head.

  “Yes, exactly like that!” Rachel squealed with pleasure. Suddenly, she felt like Lynxar was massaging all her most sensitive body parts and it drove her wild. Her breathing became rapid and she couldn’t stop herself from panting, gasping, and moaning in delirious delight.

  Lynxar levitated above the bed as Rachel continued to thrust on top of him while feeling the erotic pleasure of his mind powers stimulating her nervous system. It quickly drove her to climax, and she screamed out in ecstasy. Lynxar didn’t stop his stimulation of her body however, and kept driving her to greater heights. As her next orgasm crashed over her like a wave, she climaxed even more powerfully then before, her entire body undulating with pleasure.

  “One more!” Rachel panted, loving the incredible abilities Lynxar possessed and the way he could make her feel. He was truly the most amazing man she had ever known and she loved him more than she ever would have thought it was possible to love anyone. Best of all, she could tell that he felt the same way about her. When they made love like this, he opened his mind powers to her and she could
sense the intensity of his feeling for her and it made her want to weep for joy, if only she weren’t so submerged in pleasure.

  “Okay, one more, but I think you’re testing my abilities to regenerate myself after climax,” Lynxar panted, giving himself the ability to harden his male organ for a third time. He lost the ability to levitate as he concentrated on regenerating himself, and they slowly sunk back down to the mattress. Rachel climbed off of him, where she had been straddling his groin, and knelt in the middle of the bed. She panted, “Take me from behind.”

  Kneeling on the bed behind her, Lynxar entered her from behind, sinking his throbbing manhood deep inside her with a single stroke. He felt like he was able to go even deeper inside her from this position and groaned in ecstasy at the sensation.

  “Harder!” Rachel moaned, pushing herself back against him with every stroke and crying out in pleasure. Lynxar gripped her by the waist and poured all his energy into her, thrusting with passion as she undulated and panted. When her third orgasm ripped through her body, he could feel the power of it within his mind and his body and he climaxed with her. It was the most incredibly powerful orgasm either of them had ever felt and when it finally ended, they both collapsed in each other’s arms, utterly exhausted and satisfied.

  “So doctor, what is your diagnosis?” Lynxar panted, grinning at Rachel as he held her in his arms.

  “I say the patient is in perfect health,” Rachel said, then with a giggle said, “However, further tests may be necessary later.”


  All the citizens of Colossal City showed up at the main square to witness the wedding of their beloved Mayor, Mike McIntyre, to their super-hero protector, Lynxonna. Mike looked debonair and dashing in a black tuxedo with a lavender rose in the lapel. Lynxonna looked even more ravishing in the customary wedding gown of Flonar culture that seamstresses had sewn under her specific instructions. The flowing gown of gossamer and glass beads accentuated Lynxonna’s tall, athletic figure and large breasts, making her look like a goddess from another world, which in some ways, she almost was. Mike certainly seemed to worship and adore her. Lynxonna’s long lavender-colored hair flowed freely down her back and her violet eyes sparkled with joy and love.


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