Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 11

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Wouldn’t the police have put that together?” Bryan asked, looking more worried now than before.

  “Maybe they already have.” Vicky said. “Or, then again, maybe they haven’t. The connection isn’t obvious in most cases. Like no one would immediately connect you to Lynxar just because you threw that reception party for him. All of the other robbery victims have a connection that is similarly subtle and vague. I’m convinced, though, that these robbers are all connected to the same source, and the goal isn’t to steal anything but to catch Lynxar.”

  “So what are you going to do with this lead of yours? You can’t report it on television!” Bryan cried out, truly concerned for her safety now. “If it turns out to be true, they’ll come after you just to shut you up.”

  “That’s precisely why I have to report it.” Vicky said firmly. “If these guys are doing what I think they are, the public has to know about it, for the protection of Lynxar and all his friends.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” Bryan said. “You’re the one I care about.”

  He kissed Vicky passionately then and she kissed him back with all the love she felt in her heart for him. She felt his organ grow hard against her naked thigh as the water from the shower cascaded over them, and reached her hand down to caress him.

  Moaning with pleasure, he suckled her nipples until they were hard, flicking them with his tongue playfully as she gasped with pleasure. Turning her around, he ran his finger against her most delicate folds and found she was wet and ready for him. He entered her from behind in one solid thrust, and pumped slowly within her, drawing out her pleasure as he continued to caress her most sensitive nub with his finger.

  “Faster!” she panted, pressing herself back against him to drive him deeper inside her.

  “Not yet. Not until you’re really ready.” Bryan said, continuing the sweet torture of moving slowly within her while his fingers worked their magic. The combination quickly brought her orgasm. As her moans and screams of pleasure echoed off the tiles of the shower, Bryan knew it was finally time.

  He quickened his pace, driving deeper and harder into her with increasing power. The increased stimulation drew out her climax, making it begin again when normally it would have ended. As Bryan spilled his seed within her, she orgasmed so powerfully, that she would have collapsed if his arms hadn’t been around her, to support her and hold her up. Finally the powerful waves of pleasure subsided and Vicky was able to catch her breath and slowly regain her composure.

  “That was incredible; but I’m still doing this story.” Vicky smiled at Bryan, as she exited the shower and began to towel herself dry.

  “Okay, but at least let me come with you, so I can protect you in case anything happens.”

  “No.” Vicky shook her head firmly as she put on her clothes for the day. “I don’t want anybody knowing we’re dating until after I get the anchor position. Otherwise people will say I slept my way to the top and I don’t want that reputation. You know how important my career is.”

  “No one will see me. I promise.” Bryan said, and instantly disappeared before her eyes just like a ghost.

  Vicky laughed and said “I suppose even if I forbid you from following me, you could just as easily make yourself invisible and come anyway. Okay, you can come along; but if anybody sees you and it ruins my career, I won’t sleep with you for at least ….”

  Vicky thought hard about how long she could possibly stand to be away from Bryan and she realized that in truth, she couldn’t stand to be away from him for long. He was the love of her life and she knew that he felt the same way about her.

  “…at least an hour!” Vicky finally concluded her threat and they both laughed.

  Bryan made himself reappear, and took her into his arms. Kissing her lovingly, he said, “Well, an entire hour is way too long to go without being able to make love to you. Don’t worry; I promise no one will see me.”

  Chapter Five

  Vicky tried to look casual as she walked into the lobby of the office building for Wake Up Colossal City. The security guard couldn’t help but notice that she held the door open an extra long time, as if someone else were walking in behind her, but there was no one there.

  “Is everything okay, Miss Campbell?” the guard asked.

  “Oh, yes. I just thought you might like some fresh air.” Vicky said awkwardly.

  “No thanks. I’m fine” the guard said. “I’m afraid I need to check your bag, though.”

  “Why is that?” Vicky asked with surprise.

  “Just a new security protocol, to make sure no one is smuggling in anything they shouldn’t be.”

  “Sure.” Vicky said, and handed him her purse. As he looked her in her bag, he accidentally set off her the little bottle of perfume she kept inside, making a small puff of floral scent fill the air.

  Unable to control himself, the invisible Bryan let out a loud sneeze.

  The security guard snapped shut Vicky’s purse, looked straight at her with a puzzled frown. Vicky rubbed at her nose, and said “Allergies.” Then she took her purse from the guard and walked quickly to the elevator before Bryan could sneeze again.

  Once she got to her private office, she locked the door behind her and sighed with relief “That was close!”

  “You handled it perfectly. He didn’t suspect a thing.” Bryan praised, reappearing now that they were safely in a room where no one could see them together.

  For the rest of the day, he sat by Vicky’s side as she poured over reports, interviews, video surveillance, photographs, and piles of research. By the time the sun had set, she leaned back in her chair, looking utterly exhausted.

  “Well, I don’t think there’s any denying it.” Vicky sighed, looking at Bryan with a grim expression. “These robbers are definitely trying to locate Lynxar. Just look at all this evidence. They work for the Mafia King, but I don’t know why he’d want to find Lynxar. He never cared about him before; in fact, he always tried to stay as far away from him as possible.”

  “Who’s the Mafia King?” Bryan asked. He’d always lived a sheltered life, but most people in Colossal City had heard of the name.

  Vicky rolled her eyes playfully and said, “He’s always been a small time thug, dealing in illegal gambling rings, drug trafficking, and prostitution. He likes to think of himself as being bigger than he is, and so he goes by the name Mafia King. Although, physically he’s pretty big already, weighing at least 350 pounds.”

  “Wow that is a big guy.” Bryan whistled. He couldn’t get over a lifetime of being afraid of bullies who were bigger and stronger than he was, and kept forgetting that he was the one with super abilities and strength now.

  “I think we need to go to Lynxar with this evidence. Warn him that the Mafia King has a team of thugs out trying to find him. Then I think we should tell the police, so they can take the proper steps to protect anyone who might be their next victim.”

  “I know just where to find him.” Bryan confessed.

  An odd expression crossed Vicky’s face, and she began packing her video equipment.

  “What does that look mean?” Bryan asked her suspiciously. They hadn’t known each other for long, but he knew when the wheels in her head were turning.

  Vicky smiled at him and said “I have an idea on how to protect everybody. I just hope Lynxar is as willing to grant an interview as you were.”


  The Mafia King sat in his leather chair, drumming his fingers unhappily against the armrest. His men still hadn’t succeeded in finding Lynxar and there had been no sign of the man with the device since that day he’d disappeared from his lair a month ago. Normally, when he wanted something he just sent his men out to get it for him. He wasn’t used to having to go without, and he didn’t like it. Indeed, he was becoming very short tempered about it.

  “Hey, Boss! Turn on channel seven; quick!” one of his men said, bursting into the room and flipping on the television.<
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  The Mafia King glared angrily as the image of a pretty, dark haired reporter filled the screen. “Hello, this is Vicky Campbell reporting to you live from the secret home of Lynxar and his wife Dr. Rachel Deering.”

  The camera pulled back to reveal an image of Lynxar standing next the reporter. His wife stood next to him, holding their baby girl in her arms. The Mafia King felt his blood boil to be looking at the one thing he’d been trying to find for so long. All he needed was to nab Lynxar, and he would give him the device that would allow him to become the most powerful man in Colossal City.

  The Mafia King grabbed the remote control to the television and turned up the volume, listening intently. The reporter said “So, Lynxar, since the birth of your baby, I understand you have been quite busy.”

  “Yes” Lynxar said “My planet Flonar belongs to the United Planetary Alliance, along with dozens of other worlds. Many dignitaries from those planets have come to Earth to welcome it into the UPA.”

  “I understand there was a tragedy and the ambassador Fremingina was killed.” Vicky said, holding the microphone back towards Lynxar for his response.

  “Yes. So, as a sign of respect and honor, I am taking my family to her home planet.”Lynxar said to the surprise of everybody. “While I am there, I will act as an ambassador to Earth, and offer our condolences. Afterward, I will journey to my own home planet of Flonar, to show my child where she comes from. Finally, I will end my journey with a trip to the planet Centeral, where I will enter negotiations for Earth to formally join the UPA. It will be a long journey that will take my family trillions of miles. I will miss Earth, but the benefits of the trip will make it worth it.”

  Lynxar then took Vicky outside where his space capsule awaited with Rachel and baby Lynxiennia already inside. After a heartfelt goodbye, Lynxar entered the capsule and Vicky was able to capture the exclusive video of him launching into space.

  Looking straight into the camera, as Bryan silently cheered her triumph, Vicky said. “There you have it. Lynxar and his family have gone on an interplanetary journey that will hopefully end with the Earth being inducted into the UPA. This is Vicky Campbell, having brought you this exclusive story on channel seven, Wake Up Colossal City.”

  The Mafia King clenched his fists and slammed them so hard against the arm of the chair that they broke. He grabbed the thug standing closest to him by the collar and said “Lynxar has escaped and now I will never get the power transfer device. It doesn’t matter, however, because with Lynxar gone, there won’t be anybody to stop me from taking over Colossal City. Everything in this city will belong to me!”


  “How was I?” Vicky Campbell asked nervously, her eyes glistening with excitement.

  “You were terrific!” Bryan beamed, sweeping her into his arms and twirling her around.

  “Now the Mafia King can tell his men to call off the search for Lynxar.” Vicky smiled with a sigh of relief. “Lynxar and his family will be safe, and so will all the citizens of Colossal City that he was assaulting in his search. I feel like a hero myself.”

  “You certainly saved me,” Bryan said, kissing her tenderly on the lips. “I would still be lonely and sad if you hadn’t come into my life.”

  “Well, you saved me from the exact same fate; so I guess we’re each other’s hero,” Vicky said, kissing him back. As their tongues intertwined, she ran her hands seductively over the muscles of his chest and pressed her breasts against him. Bryan felt himself instantly grow hard for her, and slid his hands up her blouse to fondle and caress her in just the way she liked.

  Suddenly, the sound of screaming from outside made them both stop. They ran to the window and looked outside. The Mafia King himself was striding boldly down the street, surrounded by scores of men dressed all in black.

  “I’ll take that jewelry,” the Mafia King directed, pointing his fat finger at a jewelry store as they walked past it. Immediately, a group of his men burst into the store with their guns blazing, scooping handfuls of precious necklaces, bracelets and diamond rings into sacks while the store’s owner and employees cowered in a corner.

  “You; make a withdrawal!” The Mafia King pointed at a man standing near a bank ATM. His men pointed their guns at him, forcing the terrified man to empty his bank account and hand them the cash.

  “That’s a nice car.” The Mafia King said ominously as he men surrounded a luxury sports car. They forced the driver out onto the street. The Mafia King climbed into the front seat and admired the leather interior. He said “I think I’ll take my new car for a spin. Now that Lynxar’s no longer in my way, I’m in the mood to have some fun. I like this part of town. I think I’ll make it a habit to come back here often.”

  With that, the Mafia King drove away and his men quickly followed, stealing whatever cars they desired and leaving the scared citizens stranded in the streets.

  Vicky looked at Bryan with wide eyes. “What have I done? When I met with Lynxar and encouraged him to take Rachel and the baby away to safety, I never imagined something like this would happen! This is entirely my fault.”

  Bryan took her into his arms and held her close. Comfortingly, he stroked her hair and said, “Evil like this isn’t your fault; you can’t blame yourself.”

  “Still, something has to be done to stop this. I’ve got to contact Lynxar and tell him to come back to Earth right away.”

  “Who knows how long that could take?” Bryan said. “If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that I’m not that helpless kid who got bullied; I can take care of myself now.”

  “So, what are you saying?” Vicky asked, looking worried yet hopeful.

  Bryan said, “I’m saying that Colossal City has a new hero and I’m going to do whatever it takes to stop the Mafia King and keep the city safe.”

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK FIVE: The Ghost Rises - Volume 5

  The Ghost Rises

  Chapter One

  Vicky Campbell took one last look in the mirror. Her hair and makeup looked perfect, but she couldn’t shake the nervous feeling roiling in her stomach. She’d been waiting for this moment for so long, but now that it was finally here, she didn’t know if she could do it.

  “Don’t worry; you’ll be great,” her boyfriend Bryan Hillman said comfortingly, giving her a kiss on the cheek so as not to ruin her makeup.

  “Thanks,” Vicky sighed, trying to remember to breathe as she took her spot behind the anchor desk of the television show Wake Up Colossal City. She’d been a field reporter on the show for years, hoping to work her way up to the anchor position. Thanks to exclusive interviews with Bryan at the UPA reception and superhero Lynxar on the day he left earth, her dream had come true. All she had to do now was not screw it up.

  “Okay everybody, clear the set. We’re live in thirty seconds,” the producer shouted through his megaphone, pushing Bryan off the studio set.

  “But I’m a billionaire!” Bryan said, with a pretend pout. “I probably own this studio. Doesn’t this mean I can stand wherever I want?”

  “Not when we’re live on the air!” the producer said. “Clear the set. We’re live in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven…”

  With a smile, Bryan willingly stepped out of the way, to lovingly watch Vicky from one of the monitors. She looked terrific. Her long hair hung gracefully over her shoulders. The new suit he’d bought her as a gift to celebrate her first anchor broadcast fit her perfectly, accenting every curve of her athletic body, making her look classy and chic. Her eyes gazed straight into the camera, displaying a confidence he knew belied her nervous feelings. Best of all, her radiant smile filled the monitor screen and was sure to charm all the show’s viewers, just as it had him.

  As Bryan watched the broadcast, however, her smile quickly turned to a serious frown of concern as she reported one violent crime after another. Stories of robberies, arson, and even assaults on innocent citizens seemed to go on forever, but they all ended well, with the criminals having been captured and sent to jail.
r />   “What has sparked this vicious crime spree upon our city?” Vicky asked rhetorically into the camera. “Many citizens are blaming the absence of Lynxar, our city’s superhero and protector, who has left on a journey to his home planet of Flonar. It seems, however, that a new hero has taken his place. Possessing the same superhuman strength and speed as Lynxar, this new hero also has the ability to become invisible. Because of this, citizens of Colossal City have taken to calling him ‘the Ghost’. Wherever or whoever you are, Ghost, many people, including this reporter, would like to give you our thanks.”

  Watching the monitor, Bryan Hillman felt himself blush. He hadn’t known that Vicky was going to include him in her report, and his embarrassment made his heart beat faster. He realized with alarm that this would trigger the defense mechanism that made his body turn invisible. Bryan concentrated all his might on keeping himself calm so he wouldn’t disappear right in the middle of the television studio and reveal that he was the superhero everyone was talking about. He had received the power as a gift from the alien Fremingina just moments before she died. Sometimes the gift felt more like a curse, but he was determined to use it for good and protect the innocent citizens of Colossal City until Lynxar returned.

  “I did it!” Vicky Campbell squealed happily, as she flung herself into Bryan’s arms the moment the broadcast was finished.

  “You sure did,” he said, proudly before kissing her gently on the lips. He took her out for a celebratory lunch and then back home to her apartment.

  “Wait, don’t go,” she said, as he turned to leave after seeing her safely inside. She shut the door and leaned against it, looking seductive. Playing with the buttons of her blouse, she said, “There’s still one more thing I want to do to celebrate.”

  “Oh really?” Bryan said, playfully. He’d spent a lifetime being crippled by shyness, but something about Vicky allowed him to feel comfortable, like he could truly be himself. She made him feel alive, happy, confident, and free. Best of all, he was able to do the same thing for her. Vicky never would have had the guts to follow her dreams before Bryan. He brought out the best in her and she loved him for it.


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