Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 12

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Really!” Vicky said, giggling as she stripped of her clothes to stand before him, wearing nothing but a pink lace bra and matching silk panties.

  “You’ll have to find me first!” Bryan said, and spontaneously made himself disappear right before her eyes. Vicky lunged forward, but all she grasped was thin air.

  “I’ll find you!” Vicky laughed like a giddy school girl. “And when I do, you have to give me as many orgasms as I want.”

  “Deal!” Bryan agreed to the terms of game. The apartment was very tiny, and hearing his voice allowed Vicky to zero in on his location. He was somewhere in the northwest corner of the room. She stalked stealthily toward that area. Suddenly, the rocking chair began to move, and she guessed correctly that Bryan had accidentally bumped against it. Lunging forward, she caught hold of him in her arms, causing him to lose his balance and fall backward into the chair, with her landing on his lap.

  “I won!” Vicky cried out victoriously, feeling her prize under her hands, even though she couldn’t see him. She liked the feel of his muscular chest and firm biceps. Although he had spent much of his youth being sick, once cured of his illness by Lynxar’s wife Dr. Rachel Deering, Bryan had continued to improve his health by working out in the gym inside his mansion. The results made for an impressive physique that Vicky couldn’t help but enjoy.

  “And I lost,” Bryan said, deactivating his transparency to reappear before her. She could see from his wide grin that he didn’t mind having lost.

  “So, you’d better pay up,” Vicky demanded playfully. She turned around on Bryan’s lap so they were facing each other, and she was effectively straddling him on the rocking chair. With her breasts so tantalizing near his face, Bryan bent his head to gently kiss her cleavage. Vicky leaned her head back and sighed with pleasure, twisting her hands behind her to unclasp her bra.

  “No, let me do it,” Bryan said chivalrously, causing Vicky to smile. With deliberate movements, Bryan slowly unhooked and removed her bra, delighting in the treasure he found when her naked breasts were finally revealed. Caressing them with his firm hands, he fondled them sensuously. As Vicky arched her back toward him, he took her nipples one by one into his hot mouth, first suckling her left nipple and then moving onto her right. He could feel Vicky’s panties growing wet with the juices of her arousal as she ground her hips against him, and allowed his right hand to slide inside the waistband of her silky underwear.

  Vicky gasped out loud as Bryan’s fingers found her most sensitive folds and began to massage her there while continuing to suckle her breasts in just the right way. Her breathing quickly grew rapid, and she moaned loudly, “I’m going to climax!”

  “Do it! Let me feel you orgasm!” Bryan said, quickening the pace of his expert fingers. Covering his teeth with his lips, he bit gently upon her nipples, pushing her over the edge and bringing her to climax. Vicky cried out noisily as the waves of her pleasure surged through her every nerve.

  When her muscles finally went slack, she fell limply against Bryan’s shoulder, utterly happy, but he wasn’t finished giving her pleasure yet. With loving arms, he lifted her up and carried her across the tiny apartment to her bed, nuzzling her neck with his lips all the while.

  “What’s this?” Vicky asked happily as he laid her on the bed and began to strip off her panties.

  “I believe you said I would have to give you orgasms if I lost; as in plural.”

  “You’re right. I did,” Vicky agreed with a naughty grin and watched as he removed all his clothes so they were both completely naked.

  Bryan took Vicky’s feet into his hands and began to massage them. Vicky lay back and enjoyed the feel of firm hands, sighing contentedly as he then worked his way over her calves and up to her thighs, kissing and rubbing her muscles. When at last he worked his way to her most private area, she spread her thighs for him, inviting him in. She could see his manhood was throbbing and ready for her, but instead of indulging himself, he began to lick her there instead, choosing to draw out her pleasure.

  Every lap of his tongue elicited a moan pleasure from her lips, and urged him to continue on. He loved knowing that he could make her orgasm with just his mouth and tongue if he wanted to, and liked feeling her writhe beneath him in sure pleasure.

  “I’m going to climax again!” she cried out, reaching for his manhood with her hand and guiding him to enter her. The feel of him filling her up pushed her to new levels of excitement. Thrusting her pelvis frantically, Vicky orgasmed with almost violent power, thrashing against the bed as he pumped inside her.

  It happened so quickly, Bryan had barely begun. As her climax began to ebb, he lifted her legs high into the air, changing the angle of friction for her, and continued to thrust inside her. The new position excited them both, and Bryan lost control of himself.

  His invisibility activated and he disappeared from Vicky’s sight, but did not disengage from making love to her. If anything, he moved with even more passion and sensuality. Turned on by his incredible ability, Vicky orgasmed for the third time. Bryan felt her muscles rippling around his member, and climaxed along with her, spilling his seed deep inside her.

  Slowly, their breathing slowed to normal as Vicky and Bryan lay cuddling side by side in her bed, and Bryan’s invisibility deactivated. “You’re incredible.” Vicky sighed, tracing her fingernails delicately across his stomach.

  “That’s only because you’re so incredible,” Bryan said modestly. “Making love to you is like heaven. I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  Vicky drew in a breath of happy surprise; smiled and said “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Two

  The Mafia King angrily turned off his television set and glared at his men. His fat body bulged over the sides of his chair as he slammed his pudgy fist against his desk.

  “What the hell is this?” he yelled, making the stolen chandelier hanging from his office ceiling shake. “That news report should have been Mafia King takes over Colossal City in terrifying crime wave; not Ghost humiliates bad guys! We were supposed to have the citizens of Colossal City down on their knees with Lynxar gone! Instead, we’re the laughing stock of the city!”

  As the Mafia King turned his hardened glare on each of the men quivering before him, one of them dared to speak up. “What are we supposed to do, boss? This Ghost guy is invisible! We don’t even know he’s there until he’s captured us!”

  “Yeah!” another one of his thugs who’d just been released from jail agreed. “And he’s as fast as he is strong! The Ghost was able to lift me clean off my feet and run with me to the Police Station before I could even try to pull my gun on him! By the time I even put my hand on the trigger, we were surrounded by cops and I was being handcuffed!”

  The Mafia King rose from his chair to glare down on his men. The floor shook and creaked under his massive weight as he said, “He may seem like he comes out of thin air, but he’s got to have a weakness, just like anybody else. All we have to do is find it, and then we can use it to destroy him.”

  “Where do even start?” one of his men asked eagerly.

  The Mafia King had earned his status for his ruthless cunning, and it only took him a few moments thought before he had the answer. With an evil smile, he held up a picture of news reporter Vicky Campbell from the cover of Who’s Hot Now magazine. Tapping her portrait with his pudgy finger he said “Did you see the way her face lit up every time she talked about him? How is she getting the details that no other reporter seems to be able to get? This gal and the Ghost are connected in some way; I’m sure of it and I’m never wrong. Get her and you’ll be able to get the Ghost.”

  “What makes you so sure, boss?” one of the thugs asked from the back of the room.

  The Mafia King stared at Vicky’s smiling portrait and said, “He’ll come for her; no doubt about it. Now go get her, boys!”

  Vicky felt a strange tingling on the back of her neck, that usually only happened when she was about to uncover a big story. She rubbe
d it with her hand and continued pushing her shopping cart down the aisle. Normally she hated shopping for groceries, but this time she felt a secret delight in carefully selecting just the right ingredients. She wanted to cook a special romantic dinner for Bryan, and she wanted everything to be perfect.

  He’d been working so hard lately, spending every minute he could trying to protect the citizens of Colossal City. It was easy to see that he felt a huge responsibility and commitment about his newfound role.

  “I’ve always had so much privilege in my life, being the son of a millionaire and growing my inheritance to become a billionaire. I’ve always strived to use my privileges for good, giving grants to as many organizations as possible,” Bryan had confided to her in bed once. “Then I was given this tremendous gift of super-abilities from Fremingina. I can’t just squander it on selfish purposes. I have to use them for good, too.”

  “You shouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself,” Vicky had told him. “No one expects you to singlehandedly defend all of the evil in Colossal City. You deserve to take some time off for yourself and relax.”

  “How could I ever relax, knowing that someone could be getting hurt or mugged right at that moment?” Bryan had argued and Vicky saw the concern in his eyes.

  She loved and admired him for his caring heart and dedication, but she alone could see the terrible toll it was taking on him. He hardly slept anymore and he looked exhausted all the time, although he tried to hide it.

  “Tonight, I’m going to force him to relax,” Vicky said with determination as she paid for her groceries and proceeded to carry them out to her car. She opened the trunk of her car to put the bags inside when suddenly she felt a painful shock on her ankle and was instantly paralyzed.

  One of the Mafia King’s thugs was hiding underneath her car. He zapped her with an electric stun-gun, rendering her unable to move. Two more thugs jumped out of a nearby van and pushed her prone body into the trunk of her own car and shut the lid.

  “Got her! Let’s go!” one of them yelled. He picked up Vicky’s car keys, which she had dropped when she was stunned, and used them to drive her car to the Mafia King’s secret lair, the van following close behind.

  Bryan Hillman was just dropping off the latest round of thugs at the Colossal City Police Station, depositing two drug dealers, along with their supply of dope, into the hands of the officers working at the front desk.

  “Ghost, please stay and tell us who you really are!” one of the cops shouted out, looking all over the room, hoping to see the vigilante hero for himself

  Bryan smiled and shook his head, even though he was still invisible and no one could see the gesture. He glanced at the clock on the wall and said, “Sorry, but I don’t have time today.”

  With his lightening quick speed he rushed through the city streets until he came to Vicky’s shabby apartment building. His mansion was far more luxurious, but it felt more like a museum than a home, not to mention all the paparazzi that were always camped outside hoping to catch a photograph of the billionaire. Vicky’s apartment, on the other hand, felt intimate and cozy. When they were cuddled together in its tiny space, the both felt like they were truly home.

  Bryan used the key Vicky had given him to let himself in through the front door, but was surprised to find the apartment empty. Relieved to have beaten her home, he used the time to get himself cleaned up; crime fighting could be very messy work and he was covered in dirt and grime. Fresh from a shower, and wearing the clean suit he kept at Vicky’s, Bryan then spent some time cleaning the place up, then sat on the couch reading a book. By the time several hours had passed, he knew something was terribly wrong. Vicky would never be this late.

  Calls to her cell phone just went straight to her voicemail. He called all her family of friends, but each of them said they hadn’t heard from her all afternoon. Frustrated and worried, Bryan clicked on the television, and found her coworker Sam Sandwater filling the screen. Bryan turned up the volume, as his heart filled with dread.

  “We bring you this special news report, live, to say that one of our own here at Wake Up Colossal City, Vicky Campbell, has been taken hostage by a man calling himself the Mafia King. She has been submerged in a giant tank of water on the roof of the Hillman Executive Building, with a thin breathing tube supplying her air.”

  The camera panned back to show Vicky in a glass tank high on the roof of Colossal City’s tallest office building. She looked unharmed for now, but how long would she be able to survive in this state?

  As if answering his question, Sam Sandwater said to the television audience, “The Mafia King has said Miss Campbell will run out of air from her breathing tube in less than one hour. Then, with the lid to the tank sealed tightly shut and filled to the top with water, Miss Campbell will surely drown. His only ransom demand is the capture of Ghost. He says once he has the superhero in captivity, he will release Miss Campbell in trade.”

  Bryan had heard everything he needed to know. Without even bothering to shut off the television, he ran with all his might to the Grand Building. Reporters, police officers, and spectators flooded the street below. Bryan tried to maneuver through the crowd, but his anxiety had activated his invisibility, so no one knew to move out of his way. Frustrated, he forced himself to become calm until he reappeared.

  “Bryan Hillman! I didn’t see you there!” the Chief of Police, Darren Smith said with surprise to suddenly find the billionaire standing beside him.

  “Yes, Chief Smith. I came to see if there’s any way I can help with this hostage situation. Perhaps I could offer a significant financial reward; one the Mafia King couldn’t refuse.”

  “He seems pretty bent on capturing the Ghost, but it couldn’t hurt to offer,” Police Chief Smith said. He chaperoned Bryan through the crowds into the building, which had been evacuated. Then the two men took the elevator up to the top floor and onto the roof. A line of armed thugs met them at the entrance to the roof and frisked them both, forcing Smith to surrender his weapons.

  “What’s going on?” a fat man standing in the center of the roof asked his men.

  “These guys want to try and make a bargain for the girl.” One of the thugs called back to him. The Mafia King recognized who his guests were at once. So, his hostage stunt had attracted some powerful people if the billionaire and the Chief of Police were willing to come, but they weren’t the one he wanted. Still, he might be able to use them to his advantage.

  Waving his wide arms, the Mafia King said, “Let them through. Let me hear their offer.”

  The Chief Smith nodded at Bryan. His confidence faded away as he was forced to be his old shy self, and no longer the invisible super-hero. Still, one look at Vicky trapped in the tank, her wide eyes staring at him full of fear, and he found his courage. Stepping right up to the Mafia King, Bryan said, “I would like to offer you a cash reward to release the girl. No amount is too large. Name your price and it’s all yours; even my entire fortune.”

  Bryan saw how his adversary’s eyes lit up at the proposition and for a brief moment he thought he would take the offer, but then his eyes grew hard again. Shaking his head, the Mafia King walked over to the tank that imprisoned Vicky. He tapped the glass as if she were a pet goldfish and said, “No. It’s not money I want; it’s power. I want control over the people of Colossal City, to make them fear me and cave to my will. This will never happen as long as the Ghost is out there, interfering with my plans. If I don’t get the Ghost, then I will kill everyone who I think he might care about in this world, starting with her!”

  The Mafia King ended his speech by pinching the breathing tube that was keeping Vicky alive, cutting off her air supply. He looked back over at his guests to find that the Chief Smith was standing alone. Somehow, Bryan Hillman had disappeared.

  The Mafia King smiled as he realized Bryan Hillman was actually the Ghost. Now he had what he wanted!

  With his super-human strength, the Ghost ripped the lid off the water tank and threw it acros
s the roof. For a brief instant the outline of his arms could be seen in the water as he reached in to pull Vicky out of the water.

  The outline was all the Mafia King needed to know where his enemy was. His plan had worked to perfection, just as he knew it would. With an evil smile, he aimed his gun at the Ghost’s outline and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Three

  Vicky recognized the familiar feel of Bryan’s arms around her waist as she was lifted out of the dreadful tank of water. Just as her head broke the surface of the water, she saw the Mafia King aim his gun and start firing.

  The sound of her scream blended with the noise of the firing gun. Ghost used his lightening quick reflexes to dodge the bullets micro seconds before they would have hit him. They hit the water tank instead, shattering it into a million pieces, sending shards of glass everywhere along with a flood of water.

  “Nice try, but you missed!” the Ghost’s ethereal voice could be heard. “Give up; it’s over.”

  The Mafia King’s face turned red with rage. He’d found a way to beat Ghost’s invisibility; but he’d forgotten about his super-speed. Still, he wasn’t ready to surrender yet.

  Vicky sat in the middle of a puddle, surrounded by shards of glass where the water tank used to be. The Mafia King turned his gun to her and commanded all his thugs to do the same.

  Speaking to Ghost, he said “You may be able to dodge a bullet aimed at yourself, and you can probably stop one being aimed at Miss Campbell. But can you stop a dozen? Surely one of us can hit her if we all try. You’re the one who needs to surrender. Otherwise, we will find a way to kill her.”

  Vicky got to her feet on shaky knees, her eyes wide with fear. Lifting her chin defiantly, she said to Ghost, “Don’t worry about me. I’d rather die than see a villain like him rule Colossal City.”


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