Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 13

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Well then, your wish is about to be granted,” The Mafia King said coldly.

  Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the Ghost sprang into action. With all his speed and strength, he lifted the humongous man up off the ground, and hurled him against his team of thugs. They were all knocked to the ground, like human bowling pins, before any of them could fire a single shot a Vicky.

  With the armed thugs no longer blocking the door to the roof, Chief Smith opened the door and let a squad of his officers onto the roof, ready with their handcuffs and weapons to arrest the Mafia King and all his men.

  “You won’t get away with this!” the Mafia King shouted in anger; his face purple now with rage as officers linked three sets of handcuffs together to bind his wrists behind his back. “I know who you are now, Ghost! Your secret identity isn’t secret anymore!”

  The police officers lead the prisoners down the stairs, leaving the Chief alone with Vicky and Bryan.

  “He’s right, you know,” Chief Smith said gently, looking around the roof and wondering where the invisible man stood.

  Bryan deactivated the invisibility that made him the Ghost, and reappeared by Vicky’s side. She reached out to lovingly hold his hand.

  “I know,” Bryan admitted sadly. “I shouldn’t have gone invisible and turned into the Ghost in front of the Mafia King. I just couldn’t help it. I saw Vicky in trouble, and I got so upset, I lost control and couldn’t stop myself from disappearing. Now they all know who I am.”

  “We can put you into a police protection program,” the Chief offered. “You’d have to give up your mansion and your billions, but I’m sure you can put all that into a trust.”

  Bryan gazed into Vicky’s eyes and shook his head. “I don’t care about the mansion or the billions. I’d give all that up in a heartbeat. But I can’t live without Vicky.”

  The police chief frowned. “We could put her into the program too, if she were your wife.”

  Bryan’s face lit up. Taking Vicky by both her hands, he looked deep into her eyes and said softly “What do you say? I know we’ve only been dating for a few months, but I’ve loved you since we were kids and I’ve never been happier since we’ve been together. I know you’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with; you make me a better man. Victoria Elaine Campbell, will you marry me?”

  Tears of love and joy sprang into Vicky’s eyes at the heartfelt proposal, and she desperately wanted to say yes, but slowly she shook her head no. “I love you too,” she said softly. “Too much to just slip away with you into hiding. I know how miserable you would be in a protection program. You’re not that weak kid who needs to hide from bullies anymore. The reason you’ve been so happy lately is because you’ve found the strength and the courage to fight the bullies of Colossal City and bring them to justice. I see how much it means to you to be able to protect the city you love. Who cares if the Mafia King knows that Ghost is really Bryan Hillman? You don’t need to hide behind a secret identity anymore. Stand proud in your mansion and let them know that Colossal City is protected by a new hero.”

  Bryan took Vicky into his arms and kissed her passionately. She was right, and he loved her so much for knowing him so well. “Okay.” He agreed. “But I still want you to be my wife. Will you marry me and live with me in my mansion?”

  Vicky pretended to debate her answer, then grinning widely, she said simply, “Yes!”

  They decided to have a quiet ceremony in front of the Justice of the Peace, and avoid the frenzy an elaborate and expensive wedding would create.

  Afterward, Bryan took her back home to his mansion, gallantly carrying her over the threshold of his bedroom suite and laying her on the king sized canopy bed that stood in the center, surrounded by elegant curtains of fine silk.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have our honeymoon on some exotic tropical island?” Bryan asked her with concern, as he climbed onto the bed to lie beside her. “I could buy one for you if you want.”

  “All I want is you,” Vicky said, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips. When they paused for air, she said, “I don’t need a fancy honeymoon any more than I need an elaborate wedding. I just want to be with the man I love.”

  “I just want to be with you, too,” Bryan said, and she could see all the love in his eyes. He began to unbutton her dress, and as he did, he said, “This is the only present I want to unwrap.”

  Vicky giggled and sighed with delight as Bryan slowly removed her clothes, kissing her tender flesh as it became exposed, inch by inch. He lavished his attention on every part of her, as if he had never tasted her before and Vicky luxuriated in the feel of his lips, mouth, tongue, and hands has he moved up and down the length of her. No part of her was left ignored, from the tips of her fingers, to the hollow of her throat, to the bend of her knee, all the way to the soles of her feet.

  “I want to feel you inside me!” Vicky breathed, her breath coming in rapid pants, and her entire body tingling with arousal.

  She reached out and started to caress Bryan, strengthening his arousal. The stimulation activated his chameleon properties and he disappeared before her eyes.

  “Sorry,” he said with embarrassment.

  “It’s okay. I like it,” Vicky said with a mischievous grin. “I alone get to make love with the infamous Ghost. Lie down and let me find you with my hands.”

  Turned on even more by the knowledge that she found his condition arousing, Bryan happily complied, lying down in the center of the giant bed. Vicky groped the bedspread with her hands for a moment, but found him quickly. Her brow furrowed into a cute expression of concentration as she tried to determine what body part she had found.

  Bryan groaned with pleasure as she enjoyed the process of rubbing her hands over his every muscle, determining the shape and position of his body on the bed. She could hear his rapid breathing and feel his tight muscles, even though she could not see him. At last, she straddled him at his pelvis and slid his aching manhood deep into the most sacred part of her. She was wet and ready, and he entered her easily, making them both gasp with pleasure.

  Slowly, she began to slide herself up and down the length of him. He thrust his pelvis to match her movements, driving himself even deeper into her. They moved together in perfect rhythm, as if they were made for each other; slowly at first, then quickly gaining in speed and momentum.

  “I’m going to climax!” Vicky cried out, gasping for breath as her body spasmed in ecstasy. As her pleasure began to ebb, Bryan rolled her onto her back, still moving deep inside her, and continued to thrust. As he did, he took her left nipple into his hot mouth, and suckled it. The stimulation heightened her pleasure and brought her to the brink of climax yet again. Bryan used his teeth to ever so gently nip at her hard nipple, and the pleasure of it pushed Vicky over the edge and she cried out loudly as another orgasm shook her body.

  Bryan gripped her hips and buttocks as he too lost control, and they climaxed together with a passion more intense than either of them had ever felt before. Finally, they collapsed side by side onto the bed, gasping for breath and both grinning with absolute love and satisfaction.

  “That was amazing, Mrs. Hillman,” Bryan sighed.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hillman; but I hope you realize I’m keeping my own name.”

  “What?” Bryan asked with genuine surprise. His chameleon ability faded away and she could see the shocked and slightly hurt look on his face.

  “I’m sorry,” Vicky said “But I’ve worked so hard to make Vicky Campbell a name that people associate with hard news stories. If I take your name, then I’ll just be thought of as the billionaire’s wife. I will have lost everything I’ve worked for. You understand, don’t you?”

  Vicky looked at him plaintively. Bryan pushed aside his own feelings of disappointment, took her by the hand and said, “Of course I understand. Maybe I should change my name to Campbell. Then I’ll be considered the husband of the famous news anchor.”

Vicky breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at his joke. Grinning happily, she said, “That might be a better idea than you think. The Mafia King and his goons are spreading the word all over the jailhouse that the Ghost responsible for putting them all there is really you. When they get released from jail, they’re sure to start plotting some revenge.”

  “I believe it was my brilliant wife who said that I have nothing to hide from them,” Bryan said, with an air of confidence. “So, let them try! They’ll just wind up in jail again!”

  Vicky grinned at his bravado, but deep inside she began to worry. The Ghost had so many enemies now. Individually, they were no threat to him and his abilities, but what if they banded together? Maybe she should have advised him to hide after all.

  Chapter Four

  Lynxar was filled with anxiety as he exited his shuttle craft and once again stepped onto Earth, the planet he’d come to love as his home.

  “I hope everything has been okay while I was gone,” Lynxar said to his wife, Rachel, as he helped her exit the craft.

  “Me too,” Rachel confessed. She held out her hand to help Lynxiennia toddle her way down the steps leading from the craft to the ground. It never ceased to amaze her how quickly the child advanced and grew. She looked human, but clearly the Flonarian DNA the baby had inherited from her father had accelerated her growth.

  Lynxiennia picked up on the anxiety she sensed coming from both her parents and began to fuss, although she didn’t understand the source of their worries. Both Lynxar and Rachel understood that while humans were good people, the ones who were not would seek to cause trouble when opportunity presented itself. Lynxar had proved to be a strong deterrent to evil with his superhuman abilities and it was easy to forget how much peril Colossal City used to be in before his arrival. It was only after Lynxar and Rachel had left the Earth that it occurred to them that the villains of Earth might take advantage of his absence to put the good citizens of Colossal City in jeopardy again.

  “What do you sense?” Rachel asked her husband, as she picked up Lynxiennia in her arms and comforted the child with a motherly caress.

  “Nothing,” Lynxar said with a puzzled frown.

  Rachel’s eyes grew wide with alarm. “You mean no one is left to protect? They’re all gone?”

  “No,” Lynxar said comfortingly, seeing the fear in her eyes. “I mean, there is nothing bad; all I sense is peace.”

  “How could that be?” Rachel said with surprise. “We’ve been gone for months. I thought the crime rate would have gone up dramatically.”

  “Me too,” Lynxar said, sounding a little disappointed that it hadn’t; even though he knew he ought to feel relieved.

  They went straight to the home of their friends Lynxonna and Mike to let them know they’d arrived back on Earth and to find out how things had gone while they were away. Lynxonna was from Lynxar’s home planet of Flonar. She had married the Mayor of Colossal City, Mike McIntyre.

  “We’re so glad you made it home safe and sound!” Mike greeted them with a hearty handshake and Lynxonna followed with a hug, squeezing her friends tightly.

  “It feels good to be home,” Lynxar said with a grin. “But I have to be honest; I thought I’d be coming home to a big mess, with criminals running rampant.”

  “You almost did,” Mike said. “After you left, a man calling himself the Mafia King tried to start a crime wave with his gang of thugs. They had half the city terrorized, until the Ghost saved us.”

  “Who?” Lynxar and Rachel both said together.

  Mike started to explain, but Lynxonna eagerly cut him off, saying excitedly, “The Ghost is the invisible hero who took over protecting Colossal City after you left! He has the same speed and strength that you and I have, except he can make himself as invisible as if he were a Ghost! Criminals are absolutely terrified of him, because they never know if he’s there, or where he’ll stop them next!”

  “Where did he come from?” Lynxar asked curiously.

  “That’s the best part!” Lynxonna gushed, “It’s Rachel’s friend, the billionaire! That night at the party, just before Fremingina died, she gave him the gift of her powers. Now he not only has billions of dollars, but he can do basically anything you can do!”

  “Can he sense things with his mind or move them like we can?” Lynxar asked, clearly jealous.

  “No, but his powers of invisibility are just as impressive,” Lynxonna said. “I haven’t had to come out of retirement to help him at all. He’s been able to keep the city safe entirely on his own. The people of Colossal City are absolutely in love with him.”

  Lynxar was about to make a snide comment, when Rachel said, “I can understand why they’d feel that way.”

  “Why? What’s so great about this guy?” Lynxar asked, feeling more than a little jealous now.

  Rachel looked thoughtful for a moment, then said “Bryan Hillman was already a hero for all his charitable and philanthropic work. Half the buildings in Colossal City are named after him. However, he was always shy and had a history of childhood illness. To see someone so sweet and good-hearted be cured of his weaknesses and elevated to a superhero would have a powerful effect on people.”

  “It sounds like you’re falling in love with him, too.” Lynxar glared at Rachel. Accusingly, he said, “Unless you already were in love with him before!”

  Rachel was taken aback by Lynxar’s temper tantrum, and was embarrassed that he was acting this way in front of their friends. “What’s wrong with you? I told you, I helped find a cure for Bryan’s illness and he funds my research. There’s nothing more between us than that. You’re acting more like a spoiled child than Lynxiennia does!”

  “Well, how would you feel if suddenly you’d been replaced?” Lynxar shouted. The power of his voice shook the walls and made little Lynxiennia cry. Realizing what he’d done, Lynxar turned pale with shame, and sat down hard on the nearest chair. Overwhelmed with remorse, he apologized to his friends and especially to his family. “I’m sorry. I just expected the Earth to have been lost without me, and to come home and finding it thriving under the protection of the Ghost; well, I guess I felt jealous that I wasn’t really needed after all.”

  Rachel could feel how truly sorry Lynxar was, and she forgave him instantly for his burst of temper. Caressing his arm, she said lovingly, “I know one person who still needs you.”

  Lynxonna picked up their baby and said, “You guys just got back from a long trip. Let me and Mike babysit for the night and you two go home and enjoy spending some time alone together.”

  Lynxar and Rachel’s faces both lit up with delight at the notion. Rachel looked at Lynxonna holding her child, and said, “Are you sure?”

  The chubby toddler yanked on Lynxonna’s long purple hair happily, but the alien woman didn’t feel any pain from it. “I’m absolutely positive. It will give Mike a chance to see why Earth deserves to have another couple give birth to its second bi-species baby.”

  Lynxar and Rachel left their friends home, holding hands like two teenagers. It was such a lovely night, and they had missed Earth so much, they decided to walk home through the park.

  “I hear what you’re thinking.” Lynxar grinned at Rachel, arching his eyebrow at her mischievously.

  “You’re not supposed to read my mind; that’s naughty!” Rachel admonished playfully, and sauntered behind a cluster of bushes to lean against her favorite tree.

  “Not as naughty as what’s on my mind!” Lynxar teased. He kissed her passionately on the mouth, and she eagerly parted her lips for him, letting their tongues intertwine. Since the baby had been born, they hadn’t had many chances to make love freely like they had before, and they were both hungry for each other.

  Lynxar slid his hands up Rachel’s blouse to cup her breasts in his hands. They were full and round and she moaned quietly under his touch. Suddenly, she felt the sensation of him caressing her sex between her thighs, even though both his hands were still occupied, and she knew it was the effect of his mi
nd powers. Not only could he read her thoughts and move objects with mind, but he could also simulate the feeling of rubbing her with his fingers. Instantly, she grew wet for him and her breathing quickened into rapid panting.

  I want you, she thought, knowing he would hear her words. She caressed his manhood through his pants and felt how much he wanted her, too. Then she realized they were in a public park and wondered what the risk would be in getting caught.

  Don’t worry, she heard Lynxar send his thoughts to her mind. I will keep track of the area with my telepathic senses. If anyone comes near, we’ll be able to stop before we get caught.

  It was all the reassurance Rachel needed. Wild with lust, she stripped quickly and lay in the soft grass under the tree. Lynxar thought she had never looked more desirable and entered her quickly. The couple was well hidden by the thick shrubs, a protection further aided by Lynxar’s mind powers, but the taboo of making love in the park still felt deliciously naughty and increased their passion for each other.

  Faster! Harder! Rachel sent the words to Lynxar with her thoughts, trying to keep as silent as possible so they didn’t alert anyone to their presence.

  Lynxar complied with her wishes, sensing that she was close to orgasm. As he thrust deeply into her, he continued to stimulate her most sensitive areas with his mind too, driving her into uncontrollable ecstasy. Unable to stop herself, Rachel cried out in pleasure and Lynxar kissed her hard on the mouth in an effort to silence her. However, he was quickly driven to orgasm too, and then his own moans of pleasure blended with hers, and echoed through the empty park.

  When at last they finished, Rachel and Lynxar got dressed quickly, and stumbled out from behind the bushes with satisfied smiles on their faces and a naughty gleam sparkling in their eyes.

  “I can’t believe we just did that!” Rachel beamed. “I’ve always wanted to, but I never dared to before tonight.”

  “Looks like I’m still able to help a damsel in distress after all,” Lynxar said with a grin.


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