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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

Page 14

by Hart, Melissa F.

  The next day, when they went back to Lynxonna and Mike’s house to pick up Lynxiennia, they found she had two guests seated on her couch.

  “I thought it was time we met the new superhero in town.” Lynxonna explained to Lynxar, who looked more annoyed than surprised to fine Bryan Hillman and his new bride, Vicky Campbell, smiling at him.

  “Pleased to meet you.” Bryan extended his hand to Lynxar, who rudely turned away, pretending not to notice it.

  “Well, you have a lot to do, defending my city entirely by yourself. It’s no wonder you had your girlfriend suggest that I leave town to protect my family, that way the city was yours for the taking,” Lynxar said petulantly.

  “Lynxar! How can you say that?” Rachel was mortified by her husband’s jealous behavior. “We had decided together to take a trip to Flonar. Bryan has been my friend for years; I highly doubt he made up the story about the Mafia King trying to find us just he could take over the city.”

  “Oh really?” Lynxar said. “Then why am I picking up such a strong sense of greed and evil?”

  “I sense it, too,” Lynxonna said. “But it’s not coming from Bryan. It’s coming from right there!”

  Lynxonna pointed to the center of the room where suddenly the Mafia King appeared out of thin air. Smiling evilly, he said “That sense of greed is coming from me. I’m the one who is going to take control of Colossal City, especially now that I have the ability to get rid of all of you!”

  “How did you gain the power of invisibility?” Bryan asked in surprise.

  Suddenly a new figure appeared in the room, standing right next to the Mafia King. The dark, evil man was none other than General Kriptoff himself. Lynxar recognized him immediately as the man he had captured who had escaped from prison and Bryan recognized him also as the man who had murdered Fremingina.

  General Kriptoff said with a snakelike hiss, “He got it from me. I stole the powers from that alien Fremingina and gave them to myself; just as I had stolen Lynxonna’s powers long ago. Now, I have shared them with my new friend the Mafia King, in exchange for his leading me here to you.”

  “You couldn’t take over Colossal City before, and you won’t be able to now!” Lynxar said to General Kriptoff.

  “Oh, I don’t want Colossal City. I’m giving that as a gift to the Mafia King. He can rule the city however he likes. I only want one thing; revenge against you, Lynxar!”

  Suddenly, General Kriptoff began to rip the support beams out of the walls of the house and the Mafia King did the same. As the roof began to collapse upon them all, Lynxar realized he didn’t have time to save both Rachel and their child. He would have to choose between them!

  Bryan looked at Vicky and Lynxonna looked at Mike; each of them torn between saving the one they loved and going after the evil super villains who were tearing down the house around them.

  Bryan suddenly had an idea of what they could do. He didn’t have the mind powers that Lynxar and Lynxonna had, but he knew that they would both be able to read his thoughts and sent them an urgent message.

  Lynxar saw the wisdom of his plan and nodded his silent agreement. Lynxonna did, too. Kriptoff and the Mafia King laughed as they thought they had the upper hand, not realizing they had just started the super battle of a lifetime and that either side could win.

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK SIX: Triumph of the Ghost - Volume 6

  Triumph of the Ghost

  Chapter One

  “Lynxar is back,” General Kriptoff said, appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the Mafia King’s office. The fat gangster jumped from his chair, startled by the sudden appearance of the super villain.

  “How do you know?” the Mafia King asked, trying to mask his surprise at seeing the General again so unexpectedly. When Lynxar left Earth, he thought he would never see Kriptoff again.

  “I was able to sense him.” General Kriptoff hissed, in his snake-like voice. “Then he put up his mind shield to block me; which is why I must turn to you for assistance again. My offer still stands. If you can bring me Lynxar; I’ll give you this.”

  The Mafia King’s eyes grew wide with desire as he saw the small device that General Kriptoff held in his hand. It was the Power Transfer Ray that Kriptoff used to steal the powers from aliens and transfer them unto himself. The Mafia King wanted it more than he’d ever wanted anything. With it, he could become invincible, and everyone in Colossal City would live in fear of him.

  “What if instead of bringing Lynxar to you; I bring you to him?” the Mafia King offered, smacking his lips as he spoke.

  “Agreed,” General Kriptoff said simply.

  The Mafia King picked up the remote control on his desk and used it to turn on the large television set in his office. An image of anchor woman Vicky Campbell, on the show Wake Up Colossal City, filled the screen. Her perky and bubbly voice was rambling on about the new super hero known as The Ghost, and how he was keeping the streets of Colossal City safe.

  Hitting the mute button to silence her annoying banter, the Mafia King looked at General Kriptoff with an evil grin and said, “All we have to do is follow her. She led me to the Ghost, and I’m certain she can lead us to Lynxar, too.”

  “How do you know?” Kriptoff asked skeptically. “I don’t have time to waste.”

  “Trust me,” the Mafia King said confidentially. “My gut is never wrong. She has a knack for knowing things about Lynxar that no other reporter knows; like that exclusive interview she had with him moments before he left Earth. She’s dating the Ghost and I’d be willing to bet anything that she’s got some connection with Lynxar too.”

  “Take me to her then,” Kriptoff said, striding toward the door with his eyes gleaming.

  “Not so fast.” The Mafia King held out his hand, stopping Kriptoff. “Like I said, she’s dating the Ghost. We can’t just show up at her door. If we want her to lead us to Lynxar, we’ve got to be just as invisible as her boyfriend can be.”

  “I can take care of that.” Kriptoff pointed his PTR at himself and pushed the button. Wincing with pain, he turned off the device after just a few seconds. Then, he aimed it at his new ally and pressed the button.

  The Mafia King gritted his teeth as he felt a great burst of power surge through his body.

  “Why did you do that?” The Mafia King yelled out angrily, gripping Kriptoff by the throat with his chubby hands.

  Laughing, Kriptoff said to him, “You’d better calm down. You’re starting to lose yourself.”

  The Mafia King looked down and saw that his entire massive body was beginning to disappear. The realization startled him, and the rush of fear made him turn completely invisible. Shrieking, he cried out, “What have you done to me?”

  Kriptoff couldn’t stop laughing, a cruel and ugly sound, as he explained to the Mafia King that he had used the PTR to transfer half of his super abilities onto him, so they could both become invisible in order to follow Vicky and find Lynxar.

  “Not only do you now have the ability to turn invisible that I stole from Fremingina, but you also have the abilities that I stole from Lynxonna, including her super strength and speed.”

  “This is incredible!” the Mafia King said with hearty enthusiasm. He sampled his new powers, testing them out and learning how to use them. It didn’t take long, however, before Kriptoff’s impatience returned.

  “Enough playing around!” Kriptoff hissed. “We are wasting time. Take me to the reporter. Once she leads to me Lynxar, I will give you the PTR and you can use it to rule Colossal City.”

  “Good. Then let’s go,” the Mafia King said, already plotting how he would make the citizens fear him. Soon, he wouldn’t just be the Mafia King; he would be the King of Colossal City and then the World!

  Chapter Two

  “You’re not going to film this, are you?” Vicky Campbell asked playfully of her husband Bryan Hillman, talking through the curtain that blocked his view of her as he sat on the edge of their bed and waited patiently for her to emerge.

nbsp; “No, of course not. Why, do you want me to?” Bryan teased. Despite being a billionaire, he had always been crippled by shyness. Vicky was the one person with whom he felt comfortable enough to truly be himself and show his silly side. It felt really good to have someone he could joke and have fun with. Best of all, she was now his wife, and he would never have to be lonely or feel like an outcast ever again. Grinning mischievously, he shouted out, “What’s taking so long? Where’s the show?”

  “Okay. I’m ready; here I come!” Vicky said, and immerged from behind the curtain, looking fabulously sexy. Bryan’s jaw dropped as he stared at her from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head and back down again. She was wearing black stiletto heels and black thigh-high stockings that made her long, supple legs appear even longer. The stockings were held up by black lace garters over matching black lace panties. Next, she wore a corseted bodice, made entirely of black silk and lace. It fit her body perfectly, accentuating her narrow waist and firm, round breasts. The effect was absolutely stunning, and Bryan could hardly speak, he was so filled with desire for her.

  “Wow!” he breathed, when at last he found his voice. “I can’t believe I was lucky enough to get you to marry me.”

  “Well, hold on. You’re about to get even luckier,” Vicky teased. She pushed him back onto the mattress and straddled him at his waist, stroking his most sensitive organ. His excitement for her caused him to become invisible, but this time Vicky was prepared for it.

  “Not so fast,” she admonished playfully. She picked up a jar of color-tinted body oil, and began to massage his chest with it. She loved the feel of his muscular torso under her delicate hands. Quickly, the outline of his body began to appear because of the color and she continued to cover every inch of him with the colorful lubricant. Bryan moaned loudly with pleasure under her expert touch, especially when she came to his manhood, which was already throbbing with need.

  “Now it’s my turn to massage you,” Bryan said. He gently peeled away Vicky’s sexy clothes, savoring the process, as if unwrapping a treasure. Her naked body was even more gorgeous and sexy than she had been in the bodice and stockings.

  With hands that were firm and yet tender, he massaged her with the body oil, making her sigh with pleasure as he worked his hands over every inch of her; the soles of her feet, the muscles of her calves and thighs, her shoulders, arms, and fingers. She moaned as he came to her breasts and massaged her protruding nipples, and finally brought his fingers to rub the wet folds of her female sex.

  “I want you inside me,” Vicky panted, breathing hard with desire.

  Bryan satisfied her need by sliding deep inside her with a satisfying thrust. They moved slowly in rhythm with each other, letting their passion build as the speed of their gyrations gradually increased. Finally, their passion reached a crescendo greater than either of them could withstand, and they both exploded into orgasms, crying out loudly as they both shuddered with the intensity of their pleasure.

  “I didn’t think it was possible, but making love with you keeps getting better every time,” Bryan said, as their heartbeats slowed and his invisibility deactivated.

  “That’s because I have such a super husband,” Vicky said, giggling at the play on words. They took a shower together then, to wash off the tinted massage oil, and ended up making love one more time under the hot spray of the water.

  “I love you,” Bryan said to Vicky as he was toweling himself dry afterwards.

  “I love you, too,” Vicky said, wrapping her wet hair into a towel and preparing to get dressed for the day. As they were both getting dressed, her cell phone suddenly rang. She talked on it for a few moments then turned excitedly to Bryan.

  “Guess what!” she said “That was the Mayor, Mike McIntyre! He and his wife Lynxonna want to invite us over to meet with Lynxar. Maybe you can form a superhero alliance.”

  “Wow!” Bryan breathed, feeling like a starry-eyed kid again. “I didn’t want to see the people of Colossal City in danger while Lynxar was gone, but somehow I never imagined what would happen when he came back. I always assumed I would go back to being plain, boring Bryan Hillman. I never imagined Lynxar would want me for a partner.”

  Vicky wrapped her arms lovingly around him and said, “There was never anything plain or boring about you. You’ve always been super to me. However, Mike warned me that Lynxar wasn’t exactly thrilled to learn about your powers. I guess he views you more as a threat to his ego than as a partner. The Mayor said he was pretty jealous of you.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t go then,” Bryan said, sounding nervous.

  “Of course we should,” Vicky insisted. “Lynxar’s jealousy is the ultimate compliment. It means you’re not just a superhero now, but one that other superheroes respect and look up to. Meet with Lynxar as equals and show him that you want to work together with him, and not in competition with him, to keep Colossal City safe.”

  “Okay,” Bryan agreed hesitantly. They finished getting dressed and headed straight toward the Mayor's house, but Bryan had an uneasy feeling and looked tense.

  “What’s wrong?” Vicky asked, rubbing his arm lovingly.

  “I don’t know,” Bryan said, honestly. “I just can’t shake the feeling that we’re being watched or followed, but there’s no one else around.”

  “I know exactly what you mean!” Vicky said. “I’ve felt that same way all day. It’s creepy; like there’s always someone else in the room or right behind us, but when I look, there’s no one there. I’m probably just becoming paranoid. Come on, the Mayor's house is the one with the blue trim.”

  Cloaked with their invisibility power, Kriptoff and the Mafia King struggled to remain perfectly silent. They were about to get what they wanted. Vicky was about to lead them right to a meeting with Lynxar.

  Chapter Three

  “Welcome to our home,” Mayor Mike McIntyre greeted Vicky and Bryan with a warm smile as he let them into his house. An odd breeze followed behind them, as if somehow else had entered the room too, but Mike figured it must be his imagination.

  Vicky and Bryan admired the Mayor’s fine house, as they looked at the tasteful décor. A beautiful woman with exotic lavender hair and sparkling violet eyes was sitting on the couch, holding a beautiful toddler on her lap. They sat next to her on the couch, and she shook hands with them. Mike said, “This is my wife, Lynxonna, retired superhero. We’re babysitting Lynxiennia for Lynxar and Dr. Deering. They should be arriving any minute to pick her up, and we thought it would be the perfect time for you all to meet each other and discuss building an alliance of superheroes.”

  Vicky smiled and said, “Bryan already knows Rachel from his past. He funds all her research grants through the Hillman Enterprise. She introduced him to Lynxar at the UPA reception where Bryan got his powers.” Vicky shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She could feel a surge of anger in the air the moment she mentioned Lynxar’s name, but she couldn’t figure out where the hostility was coming from. Her hosts seemed friendly and kind.

  “Perhaps that explains why Lynxar feels a little jealous of you,” Lynxonna said to Bryan. She was always one to tell things as she saw them. She looked around the room nervously, unable to escape the odd feeling that someone was glaring at her for mentioning Lynxar’s name. Mike noticed it too and went to the kitchen to make everyone some hot tea to ease the palpable tension in the air.

  Just then, there was a knock on the door. Lynxonna rose to open it. Lynxar and Rachel entered the room, both smiling happily until they caught sight of Bryan and Vicky sitting on the couch and stopped short in surprise.

  “I thought it was time we had a meeting of the superheroes,” Lynxonna explained casually to Lynxar, who was clearly not happy to see them there.

  “Pleased to see you again. It’s been a long time,” Bryan extended his hand to Lynxar, who rudely turned away, pretending not to notice the offered hand.

  “Well, you have had a lot to do, defending my city entirely by yourself. It’s no wonder you h
ad your girlfriend suggest that I leave town to protect my family, that way the city was yours for the taking,” Lynxar said angrily.

  “Lynxar! How can you say that?” Rachel cried out, mortified by her husband’s jealous behavior. “We had decided together to take a trip to Flonar. Bryan has been my friend for years; I highly doubt he made up the story about the Mafia King trying to find us just he could take over the city.”

  “Oh really?” Lynxar said. “Then why am I picking up such a strong sense of greed and evil?”

  “I sense it, too,” Lynxonna said. “But it’s not coming from Bryan. It’s coming from right there!”

  Lynxonna pointed to the center of the room where suddenly the Mafia King appeared out of thin air. Smiling evilly, he said, “That sense of greed is coming from me. I’m the one who is going to take control of Colossal City, especially now that I have the ability to get rid of all of you!”

  “How did you gain the power of invisibility?” Bryan asked in surprise, staring at his nemesis who had tried to kill Vicky by drowning her in a water tank.

  Suddenly a new figure appeared in the room, standing right next to the Mafia King. The dark, evil man was none other than General Kriptoff himself. Lynxar recognized him immediately as the man he had captured who had escaped from prison, and Bryan recognized him also as the man who had murdered Fremingina.

  General Kriptoff said with a snakelike hiss, “He got it from me. I stole the powers from that alien Fremingina and gave them to myself; just as I had stolen Lynxonna’s powers long ago. Now, I have shared them my new friend the Mafia King, in exchange for his leading me here to you.”

  “You couldn’t take over Colossal City before and you won’t be able to now!” Lynxar said to General Kriptoff.

  “Oh, I don’t want Colossal City. The Mafia King can have it if he wants and rule the city however he likes. I only want one thing; revenge against you, Lynxar!”


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