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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

Page 16

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Lynxonna looked thoughtful for a moment then said, “How about the next time, it’s my turn to put the blindfold on you?”

  Mike kissed her passionately then said, “I think I might be ready for that new poll even sooner than I expected!”

  The merriment of Mike, Lynxonna, Rachel, and Lynxar permeated the air. Bryan picked up on all their thoughts and feelings and couldn’t help but smile about it.

  “What has you grinning like a fool?” Vicky asked her husband, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she spoke.

  “Oh, nothing,” Bryan said, his cheeks turning pink with embarrassment, knowing that his friends were all having sex with their spouses under his roof. “It’s just that I think you had an excellent idea when you suggested we all stay here in the beach house by the lake. So far, the Mafia King hasn’t thought to look for Lynxar and Lynxonna here yet.”

  “Well, not very many people know this is your property, since you put it under the name of a corporate pseudonym, and not Hillman Enterprises,” Vicky said proudly, then looking somber, she said, “Although the news reports I’ve been giving in the morning are full of stories of the Mafia King and his men tearing apart Colossal City searching for them, and for you, too. He knows one of you has the powers he wanted for himself, and I don’t think he’s going to stop until he finds you all and kills you.”

  “I know,” Bryan agreed. “I’ve been thinking hard about what I can do to stop him. He still has the powers of superior speed, strength, and invisibility given to him by Kriptoff. He also has the power to read minds and move things telekinetically, but Lynxar taught me how to block his ability to find us by reading our thoughts. I’ve decided, however, that the best way to capture him will be to turn off the mind block.”

  “You mean you’re going to let him read your mind and find us?” Vicky asked, utterly terrified for her husband’s safety, as well as that of their friends.

  “It’s the one way I can guarantee knowing where he’ll be.” Bryan said, sounding far more confident than he felt. “I can choose the location and time where I turn off the block. The Mafia King will be sure to arrive to kill us, and I’ll spring my trap.”

  “What trap?” Vicky cried out. “You said you didn’t know how you could possibly capture someone who possessed all your same powers.”

  “That’s the part I still haven’t figured out yet.” Bryan confessed, but something tells me I don’t have any more time to waste.”

  Bryan didn’t realize how right he was. The Mafia King laughed a cruel chuckle that came from deep in his belly. He said to his men, “The fool doesn’t realize that his mind block is already down, and I can hear his every thought. Prepare to go to Colossal Lake. I feel like dropping in on a few friends at the Lake House. They have something that should be mine; and I’m taking it back tonight!”

  Chapter Five

  The six friends sat around the dinner table, enjoying a delicious meal together. Lynxiennia had already been put to bed for the night, and was dreaming peacefully in her crib. Suddenly, the loud rumble of car engines disturbed the calm night air, as half a dozen cars pulled up onto the lawn of the Lake House, surrounding it. The fat, foreboding body of the Mafia King emerged from the lead car and stepped up the house while his gang of thugs formed a semi-circle around him.

  The gang of thugs began to pour gallon jugs of gasoline all around the house, dousing the paneling and soaking the wood in the flammable liquid. The Mafia King held a match high in the air for everyone to see and shouted out, “Give me the PTR and nobody gets hurt! You’ve got to the count of ten before I torch this place and everyone in it!”

  The Mafia King could see the silhouettes of the six people sitting at the dinner table through the lighted window. He was surprised to see they didn’t move at his words, but he wasn’t disappointed. He had hoped they would think he was bluffing and give him the chance to carry out his threat.

  Holding the match at arm’s length, he counted slowly down to ten, and then prepared to light the gasoline on fire. He struck the match, and instantly the flame was blown out. Thinking it was just the breeze, the Mafia King struck another match, but this time when the Ghost blew out the flame, the Mafia King heard the whistle of his breath.

  With reflexes faster than the human eye, the Mafia King shot out his arms and grabbed his invisible nemesis by the head. He cried out, “Gotcha!”

  The Ghost used his strength to flip the enormous man over his shoulder, and the Mafia King landed on the ground so hard, it dented the lawn. Twisting the Mafia King’s arm behind his back, the Ghost knelt down on his neck to keep him from escaping and said, “No, I’ve got you! Come on out, everybody!”

  Suddenly, fifty police cars came out of all the surrounding side streets, boxing in the group of thugs. With that many policemen aiming their guns at them, the thugs knew they were caught and surrendered readily. As they were being handcuffed and put into the backs of the police cars, Mayor Mike McIntyre came out of one of the neighboring houses to thank the police chief personally for his assistance in carrying out the Ghost’s plan.

  “No problem,” the police chief smiled. “The Ghost has certainly done a lot to help us out over these last few months. We’re happy to do any favor for him that we can.”

  The Ghost kept his tight grip on the Mafia King and said, “I could use some extra help searching him for the PTR.”

  “I’ll help you” Lynxar volunteered. He searched all of the Mafia King’s pockets until he finally pulled out a small device they all recognized as being the PTR.

  “That’s mine! All your powers belong to me!” the Mafia King cried out in such a rage, spittle flew from his puffy lips.

  The Ghost deactivated his power of invisibility. He looked at Lynxar, smiled and said, “Actually, I believe I have something that belongs to you and Lynxonna. Go ahead and take back what is rightfully yours.”

  “Are you sure?” Lynxar asked. He’d developed an enormous respect for Bryan Hillman as the Ghost and didn’t want to hurt him with the device.

  “I’m sure,” the Ghost said assuredly. “As much as I enjoy having all the powers of four heroes combined, I don’t want it at the expense of my friends. Take back what is yours, without waiting another second.”

  “Okay. If you insist, but before I do, I want to thank you my friend, for all that you did to save us. Even when I was rude to you, you proved yourself to be a true hero,” Lynxar said as Lynxonna came to stand beside him. She nodded in agreement, with tears of emotion welling in her eyes.

  Lynxar aimed the PTR at the Ghost, pushed the button and fired. After just a few moments, he turned the device off, not wanting to take more powers than were rightfully his. Then he aimed the device at Lynxonna and gave half the contents of the device to her. Finally, she aimed the PTR at Lynxar and gave the remaining powers stored in the device back to him.

  “How do you feel?” Vicky asked nervously.

  “I feel amazing; just like my old self again!” Lynxar said, testing his abilities and seeing that they were all there again.

  “Me too!” Lynxonna said, lifting a nearby car into the air and smiling at the Ghost. She said to him, “Thank you for returning our powers to us.”

  Suddenly, the Mafia King punched the Ghost square in the jaw, flipped him into the air and sent him crashing into the wall of the Lake House. As everyone stared in surprise, the Mafia King shouted out, “Thank you for weakening yourself enough to let me escape! I’ll get you all in the end. One day your powers will be mine again!”

  The Mafia King suddenly lit a match and tossed it onto the gasoline soaked house. Then he turned invisible and ran off with his super-human speed, where no one could ever find him.

  “Look out! With that much gasoline, the house will explode and hurt everyone for miles!” Vicky cried out.

  The Ghost quickly took control of the situation. He called out to Lynxar and Lynxonna, saying “Team, use the lake to put out this fire! You know how to do it!”

  Lynxar and
Lynxonna read the Ghost’s thoughts and saw that he had the perfect plan for putting out the fire. With their speed and strength, the three of them each picked up a vessel for carrying water. Lynxar grabbed a giant dump truck; Lynxonna picked up a nearby water tower, and the Ghost hoisted a swimming pool out of the ground. Working together in perfect harmony, the team of three used their vessels to take water from the nearby lake and pour it onto the house, quenching the fire before it had time to take hold and explode.

  Afterward, they collapsed onto the lawn of the house, exhausted. The Ghost returned to being visible as he lay by his friends and new allies.

  “Great job! That was amazing the way you just saved this city!” Mayor Mike McIntyre praised the Ghost, and all the surrounding police officers and spectators agreed.

  “Thank you, but I let the Mafia King escape,” the Ghost shook his head, disappointed in himself.

  Lynxar put his hand on the Ghost’s shoulder and said, “If anyone can catch him again, and keep Colossal City safe in the meant, it’s you.”

  Lynxonna agreed wholeheartedly. Putting her hand on the Ghost’s other shoulder, she said, “You’re a hero we can all look up to. I know you’ll guide us to find and capture any enemy who threatens Colossal City ever again.”

  “Do you both really mean that?” the Ghost asked humbly.

  Lynxar looked at him and said, “I’ve got a family now. I can’t keep risking the safety of Rachel and Lynxiennia. I’ve decided to take them back to Flonar. Lynxonna will stay here and be your assistant when you need one; but you’re the protector of Colossal City now. You’ve proven that you’re the best man for the challenge. The people love you and trust you, and with good reason. The Ghost will be the best hero Colossal City has ever had.”

  Bryan Hillman had never thought of himself in that way before. He was about to object, when Vicky came and put her arms around him. She kissed him passionately and said, “I knew from the first moment I met you when we were kids that you were destined for greatness. You’ve always been a hero to me.”

  Rachel smiled at him and said, “And I knew from the moment that you gave me my first research grant that you were a man with great vision. You’ve always been a hero to me, too.”

  The Mayor stepped forward and said, “The citizens of Colossal City have long admired and looked up to you for your great philanthropic work. The goodness of your heart has made you a superhero to this city for years; only now you finally have the speed and strength to match.”

  Bryan Hillman stood up and looked at the crowd of fans surrounding him. Smiling with a blend of humility and pride, he turned himself invisible as the Ghost and said, “Thank you. I accept the role as your protector and promise to do my best to never to let you down.”

  The crowd erupted into cheers, but none so loudly as Vicky. That night, she gave her husband a true hero’s welcome as she made love to him. She was happy that he finally saw himself as the hero she always knew he was.





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